Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the annual forum of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. In his speech from Jerusalem (due to Covid-19, worldwide leaders delivered their speeches via videos, not in person in New York City), he devoted the lion’s share of the time to the threat Iran poses to the international community and especially in the Middle East. He said that, “Iran is the greatest enemy of peace.” He also pointed out on a large map, the location in Beirut where Iran and Hezbollah placed their missile depot in the middle of a civilian neighborhood, next to gas works. Thus, using Lebanese civilians as “human shields.” He warned the Lebanese civilians of another impending tragedy as a result of Hezbollah’s actions, and urged them to demand that the Hezbollah remove the missiles from civilian homes and neighborhoods throughout Lebanon. Netanyahu added, “To the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does.”
Reflecting on the recently concluded peace treaties between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain, Netanyahu said that, “Israel and the states across the Arab world not only stand together in advancing peace, we stand together in confronting the greatest enemy of peace in the Middle East – Iran. Iran wantonly and repeatedly attacks its neighbors, and its terror proxies are directly involved in violence throughout the Middle East, including in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Gaza, and of course Lebanon.”
Netanyahu reminded the leaders of the UNGA member states that in 2015, he stood alone among world leaders opposing the nuclear deal with Iran, arguing that the nuclear deal doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb, it actually paved its way to it. He stressed that the restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program were only temporary and were not tied to Iran’s change of behavior. He then proclaimed that, “Iran has violated even those temporary restrictions.” Netanyahu warned that Iran will have enough enriched uranium in a few months for two nuclear bombs. He proceeded to call on all the members of the UN Security Council (UNSC), to stand with the U.S. against Iran’s aggression.