The Shame of Shamima By Madeleine Kearns

She should live out the rest of her adulthood in jail — ideally a British one.

 L ast week, the British Court of Appeals ruled that Shamima Begum — one of three schoolgirls from east London who flew to Syria in 2015 to join ISIS — has the right to return to the United Kingdom, in order to appeal the government’s decision to revoke her citizenship.

The 20-year-old ISIS bride was discovered last year by Anthony Lloyd, the Times of London correspondent, who managed track her down to the Kurdish-run refugee camp in northeast Syria. Begum had left ISIS, was nine months pregnant (with a baby who would shortly die), and had lost two other children to malnutrition. She was informed by another journalist that the Home Office had revoked her citizenship.

The picture of Begum — young, mourning, exhausted, and far from home — would ordinarily have evoked pity. But she made the fatal mistake of opening her mouth.

In the course of the interview, Begum casually told Lloyd how “unfazed” she was upon finding the heads of captives in the bins. Sky News’s John Sparks asked what it was like to live with and under the Islamic State, to which she replied, “at first it was nice” and that things only “got harder” when “we lost Raqqa” to U.S.-backed troops (we being ISIS). As for second thoughts, she only had those towards “the end.”

Meet Navy Veteran Joe Collins-(R)-Running against Maxine Waters-California District 43

Republican Joe Collins is a Navy veteran running to unseat Maxine Waters for Congress in California’s 43rd district.

No candidate, not even the greatest Republican candidate in the world, could take on Maxine and the entire Democrat establishment alone. That is why Joe is counting on your help. Together, we will hold the Democrats accountable and restore a voice to the people.  

Yes America, there is voter fraud. These recent cases prove it. From Frank Sinatra’s hometown in Hoboken, N.J., to LA’s Skid Row, dozens of mail-in, absentee and ballot box fraud cases have emerged.By John Solomon

Many news media, political activists and social media giants have gotten on the bandwagon that voter fraud is fiction. It is not.

A review of court cases and recent indictments – including one this week in Philadelphia against a former congressman – finds there have been at least four dozen cases in criminal and civil court since the last presidential election in 2016 in which voter fraud has led to charges, convictions, lawsuits or plea deals.  

The schemes have ranged from old fashion ballot box stuffing to absentee and mail-in ballot fraud.

Here are a dozen of the more egregious examples.

Philly Fraud Case Expands

The U.S. Justice Department this past week charged former Democratic congressman Michael Myers with stuffing ballot boxes, bribing an elected official, falsifying records, obstructing justice and voting multiple times in federal elections in Philadelphia.

Myers was the second official charged in the scheme.

The Left Has Turned Into A Crazed Maoist Cult. It’s Time For The Sane To Exit. Francis Menton

If you have been paying any attention whatsoever, you have to have noticed the recent rapid transformation of the progressive left movement into a crazed Maoist cult. Yes, the phenomenon of “political correctness” — meaning a leftist orthodoxy enforced among willing participants who think themselves sophisticated — has been around for a long time. We even used that term back when I was in college 50 years ago.

But recent events take the phenomenon to a whole new level. Back in the 70s my friends and I could stand aside from the politically correct crowd and laugh at them as second raters lacking the ability for independent thought. Now if you are in the wrong place there is no more standing aside and no more laughing. Whole swaths of major institutions, most notably essentially all of academia and the media, plus many large corporate entities, no longer brook any dissent from progressive orthodoxy. One slip and the wrath of the mob gets called down upon you.

Consider Professor Alan Dershowitz of Harvard Law School. You would think that there could hardly be a better example of left-center Democratic normalism than this guy. But he does have a tendency to stray from the party line from time to time. It probably started close to twenty years ago, when he came out in favor of due process for males accused of sex-related misconduct. More recently he committed the unpardonable sin of participating the the defense of President Trump in his impeachment trial.

The perfidious among us, past and present Zahava Shapiro

Peter Beinart is moving fast and furiously to solidify his acceptance by his co-progressives, at a time when Jew-hatred permeates their politics.

Max Naumann was the founder of Verband nationaldeutscher Juden (League of National German Jews). In his efforts to resolve his brand of “the Jewish Question,” he called for the elimination of Jewish ethnic identity through Jewish assimilation. Naumann advocated total assimilation as an answer to Jew-hatred. With Hitler’s rise to power in 1933, while many German Jews were still very much in denial about their precarious future in Germany, Naumann’s league, a minority within a minority having only about 6,000 followers, took it further, pushing his skewed ideology.

During the Weimar Republic, Naumann was active with the German People’s Party. Advancing a delusional perspective, the League supported a Nazi-led national revolution, which was to realize the “rebirth of Germandom.” Nauman continued to be faithful to the “fatherland.” Detesting the Zionist Jews, he was noted as saying, “Unwilling to slough off their oriental traits, they are a disturbing factor to us who are bound to the soil.”

The Zionists were an embarrassment to the patriotic German Jews like Max Naumann, and went so far as to say that the Nazis were justified in putting a price on Albert Einstein’s head for speaking out against the Nazis and for being supportive of Zionism. But, like all patriotic German Jews, Max was in for a rude awakening.

With the rise of Hitler, the German People’s Party naturally did not want anything to do with Nauman’s group. His league was outlawed by the Nazis and dissolved by the Gestapo in 1935. Naumann was imprisoned and later released. Max Naumann was one of the lucky ones—he ended up dying from cancer in 1939.

The Democrats’ Cargo Cult Theodore Roosevelt Malloch

Cargo ritual, or cargo cult, is a religious practice whereby relatively primitive societies attempt to conjure up modern technology or lifestyle advancements through ritualistic behavior. Classic examples include the building of an airplane runway in the hopes of materializing the kind of cargo that airplanes bring, or building radios out of coconuts and straw.

The Democratic Party has been running a cargo cult for some decades. It is placing a bet that its latest savior figure, Sleepy Joe Biden, albeit an empty senile shell of a cult leader, can do it again and fool the people—one more time. As Biden is wont to say, “C’mon man.”

During World War II, Americans landed their huge aircraft, big bombers and fighters, all over the Pacific islands of Melanesia. The local natives came to love “Joe From,” (a.k.a. G. I. Joe from somewhere stateside). The planes would drop their goods, i.e., cargo, and the people got stuff like free soft drinks, canned Spam, chewing gum, and candy bars. They became totally addicted to it. 

But then the war ended, and the planes stopped arriving.

Ignorant as to why, the islanders built their own bamboo and wooden planes, many life-sized, beckoning the return of yet more cargo. It didn’t cause them to come.

It Doesn’t End Well Roger Kimball *****

The hooligans smashing up courthouses and police stations as they pursue indiscriminate carnage are fired by the same unholy “train of disorderly appetites” that Edmund Burke anatomized 230 years ago.

Denis Diderot, model of the French Enlightenment that he was, gave memorable expression to that movement’s inveterate anti-clericalism. “Man will never be free,” said the energetic Encyclopédiste, “until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”

They don’t talk much about kings and priests, but the civilization-hating anarchists of the Black Lives Matter movement would applaud Diderot’s sentiments. Although they sometimes wrap their destructive actions in fine-sounding rhetoric about justice and anti-racism, what they are really about is hate. 

Recapping Thursday’s madness, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany noted that “A federal agent’s hand was impaled by planted nails, another federal agent was shot with a pellet gun, leaving a wound deep to the bone, and tragically, three federal officers were likely left permanently blinded by the rioters using lasers pointed directly into their eyes.” 

No wonder Brooks Brothers, Nike, Uber, and practically every other wretched business you have ever dealt with are falling all over themselves to proclaim their solidarity with Black Lives Matter and committing to end “systemic racism” in the United States. 

How to explain the mind-boggling disjunction between the violent savagery of the BLM crusaders, on the one hand, and the nauseating spectacles of frightened though congratulatory self-abasement by the white elite, on the other? Are the latter pleased by the news emanating from Portland and similar enclaves of vicious woke sentimentality? 

Treating early saves lives: A tale of three COVID patients By Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D.

I have been treating those infected with COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. Our interventions have made it abundantly clear that early treatment is critical to preventing hospitalization and death, regardless of the underlying risk factors that may be involved.

The following stories deal with real patients, only their names have been changed for obvious reasons.

Jane is 77 years old and has significant ongoing health issues. She called me shortly after testing positive for COVID-19. She had no symptoms. Since she said she felt well, she was inclined to wait and watch and simply isolate herself in her house. I convinced her that because she was at a high risk for a troublesome outcome, waiting for symptoms was a bad idea. Instead, we started her on a treatment involving Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) + zinc + Vitamin D3 + Vitamin C.

It has now been more than two weeks and she continues to be symptom free. We will retest her weekly until she is no longer positive.

Were Christians Always So Left-Wing? By Eileen F. Toplansky

Those observing the cultural landscape in America attempt to understand why Jews vote for leftwing policies that run counter to their own safety and existence.  But many Catholic institutions are also active in disseminating radical left-wing ideology.  It was not always thus.

At this site, one can see the American Catholic pamphlet series on Communism that highlighted the dangers of this murderous ideology.  The following were published in 1947:

Communism and Fascism: two of a kind by Hermann Borchardt
Communism means slavery by Henry William Chamberlin
Enemy in our schools by Eugene Lyons

Regarding  Eugene Lyons, Harry Stein has written:

[I]n The Red Decade, Lyons was, in fact, describing the Communist-dominated American Left of the Depression-wracked 1930s and 1940s.  Lyons’ observations [are] even more meaningful, for it is sobering to be confronted with how little has been gained by hard experience.  The celebration of feelings over reason?  The certainty of moral virtue?  The disdain for tradition and the revising of history for ideological ends?  The embrace of the latest definition of correct thought?  Lyons was one of the most gifted reporters of his time, and among the bravest, and his story of the spell cast by Stalinist-tinged social-justice activism over that day’s purported best and brightest — literary titans, Hollywood celebrities, leading academics, religious leaders, media heavies — would be jaw-dropping if it weren’t so eerily familiar.

“Burned Alive”: Persecution of Christians, June 2020 by Raymond Ibrahim

A Christian teenager was sexually assaulted by his Muslim employer in early June. The boy’s father and brother were then beaten for trying to seek justice for him. —, June 19, 2020, Pakistan.

“These Muslim Fulani herdsmen have been attacking our communities because we are Christians. Their desire is to take over our lands, force us to become Muslims, and if we decline, they kill us….” — Ibrahim Agu Iliya, Morning Star News, June 3, 2020, Nigeria.

Police killed a man after he cited his Christian faith as reason not to falsify his testimony, as police were urging him to do….Police were trying to get Younas to recant his eyewitness testimony against a Muslim family accused of murder…. When beating him did not yield results, they tried to bribe him…. “During the attack, one of the officers shouted, ‘We will teach him a lesson for insulting us!'” —; June 25, 2020, Pakistan.

“Is it wrong to have another religion? Is Christianity wrong?” — Fitri Handayani, a woman who converted from Islam to Christianity, describing her ordeals at the hands of her family, YouTube; June 17, 2020, Indonesia.

“These are our houses. In ten years, none of you will be left here and then your homes will be ours anyway.” — Kurdish representative in Qamishli to Christian family; World Council of Arameans (Syriacs); June 17, 2020, Syria.