What’s to Become of Gen Z?
Bad news for recent college grads — your bosses aren’t fans. A survey found that 6 in 10 bosses gave Gen Z employees the boot this year — and 1 in 6 companies are now hesitant to hire Gen Z employees. Why are bosses so unimpressed with the latest generation to join the workforce? As you might expect, it’s complicated.
They Lack Initiative
As you might expect from a generation that grew up during a pandemic, many employers are finding that some Zoomers aren’t prioritizing work. While previous generations assumed they’d have to shine (and spend plenty of time) in the office to impress the boss, Gen Z has had a crash course in learning that life is short. But that lack of motivation or initiative is referenced as a problem by 50% of the employers surveyed.
Lack of Professionalism
Considering that many Gen Z employees had internships over Zoom and may lack extensive real-life office experience, this may not come as a surprise. Not surprisingly, colleges like Michigan State University are offering students classes on how to behave and even write a work-appropriate e-mail.
Poor Organizational Skills
Roughly 45% of bosses say organization is a problem for Gen Z hires, likely because so much of their time is spent on phones — a remarkable 7.2 hours per day.
Poor Communication Skills
Even Gen Z workers admit they have a hard time drumming up conversation with coworkers. A full 65% of them admit they aren’t great at communication, according to a recent Harris poll.