The Trump Boom 2.0: Jobs for American Strivers The United States will continue to pursue economic nationalism in a second Trump term. By Steve Cortes

This Labor Day, as we celebrate the dignity of work across our land, we can justly take solace that our economy recovers quickly from the ravages of the China virus, and the economic data points increasingly reveal a country roaring back to life, especially in job creation. We know much work still lies ahead. 

We also realize that we cannot reverse time and undo the incredible damage wrought upon the world by the Chinese Communist Party. The duplicity and malfeasance of China’s rulers quite literally infected the world and crashed the global economy, inflicting an artificial halt upon an American economic boom that flourished in our nation, with particular benefits to working-class labor, the American strivers. 

But we can decide, from here, how we approach this great national economic revival and we can—and will—determine that the path forward for jobs must include re-electing President Trump. We will rehire the man responsible for the conditions that led to the first Trump Boom, fully aware that the Trump Boom 2.0 already commences, and can accelerate in a second term. 

On Friday, the Labor Department issued another blockbuster payrolls report. As our country renews our economic vigor, historic records for job gains have been set in each of the last four months, with over 10 million total jobs created. In addition, the breakout report for August detailed a staggering drop in the jobless rate, falling almost two percentage points in a single month to 8.4 percent. In addition, these 1.4 million new hires in August represent quality jobs, as the pace of wage gains vaulted higher to 4.7 percent, year over year. 

Pre-Election Dirty Tricks: Ignore, Refute, or Pivot? Julie Kelly

Democratic campaign operatives disguised as very serious journalists are promising new bombshells over the coming weeks.

It sounds unlikely but the most appalling instance of journalistic malpractice last week was not when The Atlantic published anonymous allegations that President Trump disparaged American troops behind closed doors—it was Joe Biden’s so-called press conference following another shaky, rambling, and dishonest speech disguised as a “campaign event.”

Rather than jump at the chance to grill the Democratic nominee for president after weeks of his refusing to take questions with no objection from the press, reporters delicately pitched one softball after another to the frail candidate. Biden opened the event with a direct reference to The Atlantic article. (We will not link to the piece.) “If what is written in The Atlantic is true, it’s disgusting,” Biden fumed. “It affirms what most of us believe to be true, that Donald Trump is not fit to do the job of president, to be the commander in chief.”

The gaggle in attendance eagerly took his cue. The first “question”—well, it wasn’t a legitimate question so much as the rhetorical equivalent of foreplay—went to a scribe from none other than The Atlantic, who prompted Biden to opine about the “president’s soul and the life he leads.”

Follow-up teasers opened the door for Biden to rant about QAnon, face coverings, Attorney General William Barr, and mail-in voting. A CBS correspondent marveled at how Biden could “restrain” himself in the fight against the Bad Orange Man and wondered aloud why he isn’t “angrier” about Trump’s alleged remarks, triggering a response something along the lines of  Biden wanting to beat up the president behind a barn.

In stark contrast to the media’s angry, subversive handling of Donald Trump, reporters were obsequious to the point of nauseating. Flashbacks of how the media coddled Barack Obama came fast and furious; the national press corps, building on its 13-year history of covering for The Chosen One and everyone around him, took another one for the team.

The Marxist Virus is Still Lethal Is the ground being laid for the final demolition of the Constitutional order? Bruce Thornton

At the start of the fifth month of urban rioting, it’s obvious that the deaths of black men resisting arrest are not causing the disorder, any more than imaginary “systemic racism.” But these excuses are mere pretexts. What we are really witnessing is the manifestation of a Marxist ideology and methodology over 150 years old. This intellectual virus has waxed and waned over that time, but has survived for one reason: The liberal democracies have adopted policies that accept and legitimize the technocratic, redistributionist, centralized Leviathan state.

Such endorsement of basically collectivist economic and social policies has created in the body politic the potential space in which Marxism can slumber until it erupts into an epidemic.

Many of us are puzzled by the endorsement of socialism on the part of the richest, freest, best- nourished people who ever existed. We point out socialism’s failures, from the failed revolutions of 1848 to the outbreak of World War I, when socialist political parties across Europe voted to finance a war in which millions of men fought, suffered, and died for the flags of their countries–– nations that Marxist doctrine claimed were transitory, parochial epiphenomena destined to disappear when communism triumphed and the red “heaven on earth” joined mankind in one global, collectivist identity.

But Marxist theory had been proven false decades before the Great War. As the great historian of the Soviet Union Robert Conquest pointed out, by the late 19th century “the Marxist predictions of a capitalist failure to expand production, of a fall in the rate of profit, a decrease in wages, of increasing proletarian impoverishment and the resulting approach of revolutionary crisis in the industrial countries had all proved false.” The proletariat didn’t get poorer, it became middle class consumers.

Are We on the Brink of a New Dark Ages? By Lev Stesin *****

The foreign policy of a progressive US administration could entail a fanatical pursuit of race-based “intersectionality” policies, similar to the proletarian internationalism of yesteryear. If US foreign policy were in fact composed of such policies, many countries would consider China the lesser of two evils. A world dominated by a progressive US on the one hand and communist China on the other could devolve into a new Dark Ages.

America is in turmoil. Some believe it is in decline. Few argue whether the decline is temporary or permanent. Almost everyone agrees that Pax Americana, the post-WWII order, and the unipolar world created by the collapse of the Soviet Union are gone forever.

Naturally, everyone wants to know the contours of the world order ahead of us. Students of history look for answers in the not so distant past. The Cold War, which went on for over four decades, contained many periods that can be called upon to justify almost any historical parallel, but the US-USSR confrontation was not unique. History offers many other relatively recent examples of global conflict, though they were not generally cast as polar battles between good and evil in the manner of the Cold War.

The world order prior to WWI was not black and white. It was gray. Several empires, real and artificial, were jockeying for world supremacy: Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Austro-Hungary, and a few smaller ones. None was particularly peace-loving. However, all were at some stage of development as a liberal democracy. Some, like Britain, were well advanced, while others, like Russia, were far behind. None was purely evil and genocidal. This state of affairs more or less defined European history from the Middle Ages through the Treaty of Westphalia.

Shy Trump Voters Are Real, And They Could Decide The Election

A recent IBD/TIPP poll found something that appears to confirm the idea that there are lots of Trump supporters out there who won’t admit it to pollsters.

“Overall, 20% of registered voters say they’re uncomfortable revealing their preferred candidate, but that rises to 28% among independents,” it found.

That’s a shockingly high number and one that should worry anybody who expects Trump to get trounced in November.

Think about it: Which candidate are people likely to be uncomfortable revealing their preference for? The candidate who is being heralded as Mr. Empathy and the savior of the nation? Or the candidate who is universally described – in the press anyway – as a racist, xenophobic, dictatorial, dangerous lunatic?

Biden’s supporters have no reason to fear revealing their preference because they don’t have to fear being shamed or hounded or booed or yelled at.

It also found that among registered independents, “24% say they agree with Trump on some issues but are reluctant to admit that in public.”

So, it stands to reason that a large portion of that 28% of independents are secret Trump supporters.

Atlantic Editor Admits Key Detail of Anti-Trump Hit Piece May Be Untrue By Matt Margolis

Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, admitted that a key detail of his article about Trump could be wrong during an interview with CNN on Sunday.

“When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed the rain for the last-minute decision, saying ‘the helicopter couldn’t fly’ and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true,” Goldberg wrote in his piece published last week. According to Goldberg, President Trump was overheard saying he wanted to cancel the trip to the cemetery because “it’s filled with losers.”

At least fifteen Trump administration officials who were with Trump on that trip have now disputed the Atlantic report, including former national security adviser John Bolton.

FOIA documents have also definitively proved that Trump’s visit to the cemetery was canceled due to weather. When Goldberg was asked about evidence that the cancelation was due to inclement weather, he admitted that it was likely true.

“I’m sure all of those things are true,” he told CNN.This admission by Goldberg completely undermines his entire story. Goldberg claimed the trip wasn’t canceled because of weather. Evidence proves this claim is false. Goldberg now admits that weather causing the cancellation is true. Why should we believe anything else in the story when the foundation of it is admitted to be incorrect?

I Hope American Soldiers Read Stars and Stripes Forever The independent-minded military newspaper has patriotically told GIs’ stories for 150 years. Seth Lipsky


It’s nice to see that tweet from President Trump that “America will NOT be cutting funding” for the GI daily Stars and Stripes. He was responding to reports that Pentagon budgeteers were going to shut the paper down by the end of September for the lack of $15 million. Even Congress protested.

I’m not here to plump for subsidies for Stripes, even though it ranks among the greatest newspapers of all time. If the government doesn’t want to support the paper, my instinct would be to see if a private owner can make a go of it. Rather, my purpose is simply to savor Stars and Stripes.

During World War II, some wag supposedly quipped that Stripes was where the brass assigned those GIs who, if left to the regular Army, would contribute to the Allied defeat. It was a wry libel. Stripes was always plenty patriotic, but also independent, in the newspapermanly way.

The tradition that the paper would be reported and edited by enlisted men goes back, legend has it, to World War I. That’s when the sergeant who was its managing editor got arrested in an argument over a comma—or, one version has it, for getting scooped by the Paris Herald. The officer who precipitated that catastrophe quickly realized his error, and freed the sergeant to get the paper out.

Confiscating Books in Sweden by Judith Bergman

The confiscation of books and the upcoming case against author and comedian Aron Flam has ignited a debate in Sweden about the value of freedom of speech. As Flam has pointed out, a Swedish writer who happens to be Jewish having his books, critical of Swedish-Nazi collaboration during the war, seized by the Swedish state is a bit ironic.

Uppsala, once a picturesque and peaceful university town, is now the town in Sweden with the most shootings per capita. “The gangs have been allowed to grow” Manne Gerell, a criminologist at Malmö University told SVT Nyheter in December 2019, adding that the police had “woken up” a little too late.

Perhaps it is time for Sweden’s government to spend fewer resources on prosecuting the speech crimes of pensioners and comedians, and more on fighting violent crime.

In June, four armed Swedish police officers seized and confiscated the entire stock of the book Det här är en svensk tiger (“This is a Swedish Tiger”), written by Swedish author and standup comedian, Aron Flam. The book tells the story of how Sweden’s claim of neutrality during World War II covered up a reality of Swedish collaboration with the Nazi war effort and the profits that the Social Democratic government made from the war.

The title of the book is a play on the words of a 1941 wartime poster of a tiger drawn in the blue and yellow colors of the Swedish flag with the title “En svensk tiger” (“A Swedish Tiger”) and made by Swedish illustrator Bertil Almqvist. The word “tiger” in Swedish means tiger, but it also means to keep silent. The original poster was part of a Swedish government campaign to warn Swedes to keep silent, presumably not to rattle Sweden’s wartime relationship with Nazi Germany.

The UN and EU’s Silence on Iran’s “Shocking Human Rights Violations” by Majid Rafizadeh

Last week, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Court issued two death sentences to wrestling champion Navid Afkari, along with six-and-a-half years in prison and 74 lashes, according to Persian-language news broadcaster Iran International. His two brothers were also arrested; Vahid Afkari was given a prison sentence of 54 years and 74 lashes, and Habib Afkari received 27 years and 74 lashes.
“For around 50 days I had to endure the most horrendous physical and psychological tortures… They would place a plastic bag on my head and torture me until I suffocated to the very brink of death. They also poured alcohol into my nose.” — Navid Afkari, Iranian wrestling champion, in a letter.
You would think that the EU or the UN would at least condemn the ruling mullahs of Iran for this brutality. Instead, they reward the regime. On August 14, the UN Security Council voted to allow the 13-year arms embargo on the Iranian regime to expire in October 2020. The ruling means that the ruling mullahs of Iran will be permitted to buy, sell and export as many conventional weapons they wish.
The ruling mullahs now have enough enriched uranium to refine and build a nuclear bomb if they wish to do so. Approximately 1000 kg of uranium enriched at just 5% can be further refined to create one nuclear bomb.
The UN and the EU need to hold the Iranian leaders accountable, or be discarded for irrelevance, where they appear to belong.

The Iranian regime has significantly ratcheted up its human rights violations. The United Nations and the European Union, which preach about human rights, completely turn a blind eye to the regime’s abuses.

A pitifully ‘overworked’ FBI lovebird By Monica Showalter

Now here’s a fresh whopper from the bowels of the Deep State.  According to the Daily Caller:

Former FBI official Peter Strzok defended the bureau’s surveillance of former Trump aide Carter Page in an interview aired Sunday, attributing failures found in a government watchdog report to agents being “overworked.”

“I don’t think at all that it’s anything improper. You get people who are overworked, who make mistakes — and don’t get me wrong, inexcusable mistakes,” Strzok said in an interview with “CBS Sunday Morning.”

Strzok, the former FBI deputy chief of counterintelligence, was asked about a Justice Department inspector general’s report that blasted the FBI for a series of errors and omissions in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Carter Page.

The IG found 17 “significant” errors in the FISA applications, including omissions of exculpatory evidence and failure to investigating information in the infamous Steele dossier.

This is downright comical.