The Democrats and Republicans approached their virus-era conventions in different ways. The Democrats opted for a dark, barren, and claustrophobic convention, bounded by the size of a computer monitor. The Republicans, however, chose a magnificent convention, one with a sense of spaciousness and color. After three dynamic days, it was hard to know if they could keep that momentum for the fourth day — but they did.
On Thursday, Republicans again used the vast and splendid Andrew Mellon auditorium as a backdrop for many of the speeches. And then, for Ivanka’s and the President’s addresses, the setting moved to the White House’s South Lawn. Behind the speakers was the beauty of the White House; behind the audience was the symbolism of the Washington monument. It was a wonderful culmination to a powerful convention conducted under challenging circumstances.
Before I even get to the substance of the speeches, compare how Biden and Trump appeared:
Trump’s setting was open, brilliant, and powerful. Biden’s looked like a high school student council election. It’s true that Trump benefitted from the symbolism of the White House, but the Democrats could easily have found an equally beautiful and powerfully symbolic site . . . if they’d wanted to. They didn’t even try, though, both because their goal was to make the point that America is a grim and dark place, and because Joe would have been overwhelmed if taken off that high school auditorium stage.