I know that there is a lot of information available to the observers of the historical perspectives, and as I am sure that many of you know, much of it is based on disinformation and on outright lies. Therefore, in order to be able to promote honorable causes it is important to clarify the facts.
Before addressing a few issues specifically, I would like to make some very important clarifying points:
1. The state of Israel is one of the strongest and most reliable allies of the USA in the Middle East and in the UN.
2. We do not want to weaken Israel and put her at risk of failure, giving way to Radical Terror Organizations like Hamas, Fatah and Hezbollah etc. and Terror Supporting States like Iran and Lebanon, etc.
3. A failure of Israel will definitively cause irreparable damage to the USA, and to the free world, by losing the mutually crucial security benefits and the tremendous mutually important general benefits, from the Israeli innovations, as they relate also to research and development.
4. The land in the West Bank of the Jordan River, which is being discussed, was known for generations as Judea and Samaria, the heartland of the Jewish people, since Biblical times.
5. The Jewish people had a longstanding claim to the land, which was under the management of the British Mandate following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in 1917. The Jewish claim was recognized by the Balfour declaration and by the subsequent legally-binding decision by the League of Nations in the San Remo conference. This decision was accepted also by the nascent United Nations. Therefore, it is very clear from the international law point of view, that the presence of the state of Israel in this area is totally legal!!