Dear friends,
I am delighted to launch HJS’ latest work on the scourge of anti-Semitism in the UK, authored by Dr Rakib Ehsan. We have focussed specifically on anti-Semitism within the Muslim community. Sadly, the results are by no means reassuring.
The research finds that 44% of British Muslims admit to believing that British Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the UK – a common form of anti-Semitism. Just 13% could bring themselves to say that Jews were more loyal to the UK than Israel.
These shocking findings are not limited to so-called ‘dual loyalty’. More British Muslims believe that Jews have too much control over the global banking system (34%) than do not (23%). The same is true for politics, entertainment, the arms industry, and the media.
There is no category of enterprise, that we polled, in which more British Muslims disagreed with the statement that Jews had too much control than agreed with it. Similar polling of the public at large reveals that these levels of belief are far in excess of the wider population’s views.