Rioters in Germany Shout “Allahu Akbar” Daniel Greenfield

Once upon a time, we lived in a world in which terrible things generally stayed  within certain borders, but with the magic of the internet, terrible ideas spread everywhere. Like, let’s riot, burn, smash, and loot. And so America’s riots became Europe’s riots.

Here’s the party scene in the German city of Stuttgart.

Sunday, midnight. The violence explodes. “Windows were demolished, the pavement torn open, the stones thrown at police officers,” said local resident Matthias Grohe. “It was a war-like situation.”

Rioters, masked with balaclavas and scarves, break shop windows, carry away what they can carry. Alarm systems howl, glass splinters.

 A man in a green vest throws in the rear window of a police car and pulls out equipment. The crowd cheers and applauds. When an officer wrestles a riot to the ground, a hooded man comes running and kicks the policeman off the suspect with full force.

Police deputy Thomas Berger said yesterday: Of the 24 detainees, 12 were Germans, three with a migration background. The other half comes from. a. from Bosnia, Portugal, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. They are “from the party scene”, which has been boasting of aggressive behavior against the police on social media for weeks.

A video shows how rioters shout “Allahu Akbar!” In the city center. 

The war continues. Sometimes it goes under various names such as mental illness, drug use, or riots, but it’s one war.

Video: Why Trump Will Smash the Left #1: Americans aren’t stupid.

In this new video, Damani Felder issues a message To The Rioting Thugs of America, making it clear that the riots stopped being about George Floyd a long time ago. In making his profound points, Damani makes it clear, in Frontpage’s perspective, Why Trump Will Smash the Left, since the evidence Damani presents clearly demonstrates that Americans aren’t stupid. Don’t miss it!

Nazi-U.S. Comparisons: A Moral Obscenity They’re back in the public domain – and they’re an unconscionable libel. Jay Bergman

Comparisons of the United States and Nazi Germany have a long pedigree, from the “fascist” New Deal in the 1930s to “(George W.) Bush-Hitler” after the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

More recently, Anne Applebaum, a columnist for The Washington Post, claimed in The Atlantic that, in their “apocalyptic thinking,” U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr and other members of President Trump’s administration are contemporary equivalents of the Nazi collaborators in charge of Vichy France, the puppet regime the Nazis established during World War II that assisted in the Holocaust, and some of whose leaders later were executed as traitors.

Now, revived by the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the comparison again is in the public domain.

But any analogy or comparison between the Nazi and American systems is invalid. A factual basis for it does not exist.

This certainly is true for the Floyd killing itself. By no rational standard of comparison can the actions of the Minneapolis police officers be characterized, as they recently were by Central Connecticut State University professor Aram Ayalon, as “reminiscent of Nazi Germany.” Nor can the indignation these same actions induced in Rep. Eric Swallwell, D-Calif., justify Swallwell’s subsequent description of Richard Grenell, former U.S. ambassador to Germany in the Trump administration, as “Goebbels with a Twitter account.”

Trump Denounces Wave of Statue Toppling By Bowen Xiao

Statues of American historical figures including two of its Founding Fathers, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, are being forcefully toppled across the country—a recent escalation President Donald Trump has explicitly denounced. 

Though it’s unclear who exactly is behind each monument’s desecration, Attorney General William Barr said recently that the Department of Justice has evidence that Antifa and other similar groups have “hijacked” initially peaceful protests triggered recently by the death of George Floyd.

At his first reelection campaign rally in months at Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trump linked the recent wave of statue toppling to an attempted communist-style revolution. 

“This cruel campaign of censorship and exclusion violates everything we hold dear as Americans,” the president said on June 20. “They want to demolish our heritage so they can impose their new oppressive regime in its place.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), meanwhile, called protesters tearing down a Christopher Columbus statue in Minnesota an “American Taliban.”

The president said at the rally that an “unhinged left-wing mob” is attempting “to vandalize our history … tear down our statues, and punish, cancel, and persecute anyone who does not conform to their demands for absolute and total control.” 

South Korea Says Bolton’s Memoir on Trump-Kim Summit Is Distorted

SEOUL—Accounts by former U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton of discussions between leaders of the United States and the two Koreas in his upcoming book are inaccurate and distorted, South Korea said on Monday.

Bolton gives details in the book of conversations before and after three meetings between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, including how their second summit in Vietnam fell apart.

The book, “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir,” is scheduled for publication on Tuesday but some media outlets have released excerpts.

Reports have cited Bolton as writing that Moon, who is keen to improve relations with North Korea, had raised unrealistic expectations with both Kim and Trump for his own “unification” agenda.

“It does not reflect accurate facts and substantially distorts facts,” South Korea’s national security adviser, Chung Eui-yong, said in a statement referring to Bolton’s description of top-level consultations.

Chung did not elaborate on specific areas South Korea saw as inaccurate but said the publication set a “dangerous precedent.”

In France, Police Tactics Are Less Lethal—but Still Stir Controversy Officers’ restraint in Dijon during recent violence draws praise as well as criticism By Matthew Dalton and Benoit Morenne

PARIS—When armed Chechens descended on the provincial city of Dijon this month and occupied a predominantly North African neighborhood, the French police broke up fighting with locals when they could and called in reinforcements—but kept their guns in their holsters.

Over several days, the armed men—seeking revenge for a Chechen teenager allegedly beaten in the area—fired their guns as they assaulted people and damaged businesses. When the violence subsided, police began to detain suspects, including Dijon residents and Chechens in cities across France.

The strategy outraged local officials, who accused the police of allowing ethnic groups to settle scores on the street.

“These are rival gangs, armed groups, that are taking justice into their own hands under the eyes of the state, with no reaction,” said Thierry Falconnet, mayor of a Dijon suburb hit by violence.

But French authorities and policing experts have defended the response as a textbook case of police restraint. No one died during the unrest. On Friday, Bernard Schmeltz, prefect in charge of the Dijon region, including police forces there, said officers faced “high-tension situations that could at any moment devolve into even more serious trouble.”

Three Dead in Terrorist Stabbing Attack By Libyan Man in a Park Near London By Rick Moran

British police are saying that a Libyan refugee, Khairi Saadallah, is responsible for the terrorist attack in a park in Reading about 40 miles outside of London. Three people were killed and 3 injured.

The attack occurred on Saturday night where people were mingling in Forbury Gardens after the government lifted lockdown provisions. The attacks were apparently random and brutal.


The attacker seemed to strike his victims at random, police and witnesses said. One witness, speaking to the BBC, described the man moving from group to group stabbing people who were talking and drinking with one another in the park.

The police say the attacks were not connected to the Black Lives Matter protests held earlier in the day in the park.

Neighbors of Saadallah say he was recently released from prison and that he had no known mental health issues. Sources told Sky News that he had been granted asylum.

Is this another “known wolf” attack?

Saadallah’s full background has still to be revealed, but early indications are that he did come to the attention of security services last year.

He was briefly assessed and deemed to be low risk and no formal investigation launched.

A bystander described the horror.

Laurence Wort, 20, who was visiting Reading for the day, told the BBC he was about 10m away when the attack started.

Teddy Roosevelt statue to be removed from Museum of Natural History By Ben Feuerherd

The Rough Rider will soon dismount.

The statue of President Teddy Roosevelt at the entrance to the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan will be removed amid widespread protests over racial inequality and police brutality in the United States, The New York Times reported Sunday.

The statue, depicting the former president on horseback while flanked by a Native-American man and a black man, has stood at the museum’s entrance since 1940.

The museum — which is privately run but sits on public land — requested the statue be moved and the city agreed, according to the report.

“Over the last few weeks, our museum community has been profoundly moved by the ever-widening movement for racial justice that has emerged after the killing of George Floyd,” the museum’s president, Ellen Futter, told the Times.

“We have watched as the attention of the world and the country has increasingly turned to statues as powerful and hurtful symbols of systemic racism,” she added. “Simply put, the time has come to move it.”

The Berman Resistance The grandstanding former U.S. Attorney is no political martyr.

So here’s the plan. We need to remove a U.S. Attorney because he’s investigating associates of the President. Let’s wait until four months before the election, and let’s do it on a Friday night so it looks suspicious and the guy can refuse to step down and make himself a martyr to the Resistance. Yeah, that’ll fool everybody.

That’s what the media and Democrats want everyone to believe about President Trump’s weekend dismissal of U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman. It’s more accurate to say this looks like a fiasco of bungled execution by the Administration and self-indulgence by Mr. Berman that is being overplayed as an abuse of power. In other words, it’s your average Trump melodrama.

Mr. Berman has been U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York for more than two years under a judicial appointment but was never nominated or confirmed by the Senate. Mr. Trump has every right to fire Mr. Berman as an inferior officer in the executive branch. Attorney General Bill Barr was negotiating with Mr. Berman over a transfer to another senior job on Friday when the Justice Department issued a statement that Mr. Berman is “stepping down,” which is standard Justice Department language in these cases.

The Agents and Instruments of Decadence Antony Carr

“Given the academic poison that has permeated and rotted so much in schools and universities in recent years, the waves of protesters parading their ignorance on our streets as hard-core revolutionaries smash windows and defile statues is no surprise. Far more shocking would be the existence of elected officials prepared to cry ‘Enough!'”

Right now, all around the world, people’s lives and livelihoods continue to be devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are young and healthy, the Wuhan flu’s impact is generally mild and recovery almost certain, the casualty numbers confirming it is the elderly and those already suffering from other medical conditions for whom it is a deadly threat. It is, however, highly contagious, and it is this characteristic, together with the modern revolution in globe-girdling travel, that has led to its rapid spread around the world — a spread driven first through Chinese deceit abetted by World Health Organisation’s connivance and subsequently boosted by incompetently administered, or non-existent, national border controls.

Recent events have brought to light another contagion, this one let loose by the killing of George Floyd  beneath the knee of a white policeman in Minneapolis on May 25. It spread rapidly — virally, as they say — around the world, thanks to the internet and revolution in communications.  That the circumstances in Minneapolis don’t necessarily apply elsewhere remains of no account. Facts don’t matter. Floyd’s death has been a pretext, the stated concern largely fraudulent, for blacks murdered by other blacks are of little concern and whites killed by blacks not worth mentioning at all.  The demonstrators believe social distancing rules are for others, not themselves.

Apart from the enjoyment of looting and destruction, what those in the rampaging crowds who actually have a serious social intent are really campaigning for is the destruction of Western civilisation, which they regard as primarily responsible for every evil known to man – racism, oppression, exploitation, misogyny, sexism, slavery, ‘catastrophic’ climate change. The list is endless. They believe that only by destruction  can  a new era of peace and enlightenment come about. Taking their cues from the French and Cambodian revolutions, they seek a societal re-set, starting from a new Year Zero.  Monuments must be destroyed, places and institutions renamed, books burned, films and TV programmes banned, historical figures forever condemned, history itself rewritten, anyone not fully with the programme “de-platformed” and a new power structure implemented.  It’s reminiscent of George Orwell’s dystopian 1984 in which the  all-powerful Party understands that “who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

The rioters are not just ignorant vandals; they are following an ideology, a venomous cult every bit as insane as that promoted by Mao Zedong which led to the trashing of Chinese history and culture by the Red Guards in 1966. In contrast to COVID-19, this contagion most seriously afflicts the young rather than the old and experienced.  It is a virus of the mind.