MAPPING THE MEGA LOANS: $1MM TO $10MM MADE TO “SMALL BUSINESSES” THROUGH THE PPP It’s time to follow to money! Adam Andrzejewski *****

Yesterday, the Small Business Administration released data on which businesses received forgivable loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in amounts between $150,000 and $10 million.

So, who received how much taxpayer money through the program? Our auditors at mapped the big loans – the nearly 83,000 loans between $1 million and $10 million. These businesses are located in 13,700 zip codes across the country.

Now, you can find out yourself, zip code by zip code, with an interactive tool we’ve built on our government transparency website.

This mapping tool allows users to quickly review every PPP transaction exceeding $1 million. Just click a pin (zip code) and scroll down to see the results that will appear in the chart beneath the map.

Coercive enemies of the Republic By Victor Sharpe

In 1776, a mere 244 years ago, the Declaration of Independence was signed by a new nation that arose with a divinely inspired document that challenged directly the assumed power of a king. It did so by abolishing the very status of royalty itself. The Constitution secured and protected the Natural Law Rights and sovereignty of each individual by limiting the authority and power of a centralized government.

For years that was our American Republic. But what of it now?

We have every reason to be tormented by what a far-left Democrat party wishes for the nation. Leftist politics are disinterring the corpses of Socialism and Marxism, along with the hate filled ideologies we had thought were blessedly gone from our world. Socialism is being embraced by students in our schools and colleges without any knowledge of the horrors it has produced. But there is a glimmer of hope, for as Arthur Herman writes in a recent article titled “Don’t underestimate Trump,” Democrats have to worry that when voters wake up in October, they’ll see a president who has managed not one, not two, but three heavy lifts, however imperfectly, while Democrats did their best to shutter the economy and let their radical offspring run wild in the streets.

We who love this United States of America and the Constitution are increasingly alarmed at the hate and violence prevailing in today’s Democrat party with its extreme leftism, globalism, coercive identity politics, and open borders that threaten our very future. What we are witnessing now is what George Orwell foresaw in his dystopian world to come.

Texas Doctor Reverses Coronavirus Symptoms in 100% of Cases With Inexpensive Treatment

Texas family doctor Dr. Richard Bartlett joins Debbie Georgatos on her show American Can We Talk to discuss a potential COVID CURE!

Dr. Bartlett describes how he has been treating Covid-19 patients with 100% success rate using an inexpensive safe treatment that is commonly used for people with asthma.

The treatment is enhaling a steroid called budesonide using a nebulizer. Dr. Bartlett says many patients experience rapid relief from Covid symptoms after the first treatment.

It’s the same treatment that worked in crowded countries like Taiwan, Singapore and Japan who’ve had very few deaths compared to countries that locked down. Therefore, Bartlett questions the effectiveness of mandatory masks, social distancing or a vaccine.

He explained that a vaccine is unnecessary because the mortality rate is so low and effective treatments already exist. And he emphasized that vaccines would be ineffective because of constant mutations to the coronavirus.

The Great Fireworks Rebellion of 2020 Julie Kelly

It could be that the Fireworks Rebellion of 2020 was the shot heard ‘round the country that signaled the defenders of America are paying attention—and unwilling to tolerate much more.

If Donald Trump’s Independence Eve address at Mount Rushmore was a battle cry for the republic, millions of Americans seemingly joined forces with the president the next evening with their own sort of ammunition: fireworks.

Lockdown orders and “social distancing” decrees canceled official Fourth of July fireworks displays across the country—the latest in a long list of cruelties inflicted on the public to suffocate freedom and joy—but fed-up patriots from sea to shining sea were having none of it. 

Families and friends gathered in defiance of government bans on well-attended gatherings to celebrate our nation’s founding. Then, as the sun set, Americans lit up the skies with red, white, and blue bursts of pride in a not-so-subtle rebuke of leftist mobs intent on destroying our nation’s past, present, and future.

A news helicopter in Los Angeles captured one spectacular sight. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of pyrotechnics exploded above the city’s skyline in a loud, colorful middle finger to Mayor Eric Garcetti, who had closed public beaches and prohibited the use of fireworks as well as instructed his 4 million constituents not to congregate with anyone outside of their household in the futile fight to “stop” the spread of coronavirus. Angelenos responded by launching an “overwhelming” number, one reporter observed, of contraband fireworks; residents were warned not to call 911 to report the illegal celebrations because police couldn’t keep up.

Americans across the country acted similarly as social media accounts noted an uptick in fireworks activity from previous years. 

Is The Pandemic Coming To An End At Last?

The media and many politicians inside the Democratic Party continue to shriek over the recent jump in the number of recorded coronavirus cases, seeking to keep the economy closed at all costs — and we mean that literally. Don’t fall for the argument. The data show that, in fact, our pandemic nightmare might well be coming to an end.

OK, you say, Issues & Insights, how can you say such a thing with so little to back it up?

Well, firstly, it’s not actually us saying this. It’s the Centers for Disease Control, which reported that the death rate has fallen so far it’s now roughly equal to the threshold for even qualifying as an epidemic, which isn’t as severe as a pandemic.

“Based on death certificate data, the percentage of (total U.S.) deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26,” the CDC noted, adding that this was the 10th-straight week of declining deaths.

While the “percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold,” additional data in coming weeks could change that, says the CDC.

As a piece on the informative Just The News web site explains, “That threshold for (deaths per week for) pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 fluctuates slightly depending on the time of year, ranging from around 7% at the height of flu season to around 5% during less virulent months.”

Trump-Endorsing Black Official: “This Cannot, Will Not and Should Not be Allowed to Continue.” Daniel Greenfield

Vernon Jones had endorsed Trump and he’s taking a stand here.

State Representative Vernon Jones held a press conference Monday morning at the Georgia Department of Public Safety (DPS) headquarters. He was joined by Colonel Gary Vowell, commissioner of DPS.

Jones issued the following statement on the weekend:

“Atlanta is not Minneapolis, Seattle or St. Louis. Atlanta and Georgia, we are better than this. We will not tolerate killing innocent children, vandalizing the Georgia Department of Public Safety facilities, mob behavior in neighborhoods or endangering any life, whether Black, white or police officers. I stand with Colonel Vowell, DPS employees and the family of Secoriea Turner in demanding these types of criminal acts stop and stop now. My prayers go out to the Turner family. I respect people’s constitutional rights of freedom of speech and to assemble peacefully. However, the constitution does not give the right to kill innocent children, vandalize public safety facilities or deny other citizens their constitutional rights. I am calling on all responsible Atlantans, Georgians and organizations to join me in condemning these kinds of criminal activities. This cannot, will not and should not be allowed to continue.”

It ought to go without saying that the right to assembly does not cover denying other people access to facilities, harassing them, let alone shooting them. Blocking traffic is not a constitutional form of protest. A town hall meeting is. Once you threaten or endanger other people, it’s not a protest.

Just Say ‘No’ to the Revolution It’s our turn to #Resist.Mark Tapson *****

As the militantly ignorant shock troops of a new Cultural Revolution rampage across the United States of America in an orgy of statue-toppling, cop-killing, and flag-burning, they continue to be met with a stunning lack of resistance. President Trump’s stirring Independence Day speech aside, the country’s leaders are worse than useless: Democrat politicians support the chaos, and Republican politicians generally are too feckless to take action. Conservative citizens are too law-abiding to fight fire with fire, and so the mob, stoked by the activist news media and facing no consequences for their anarchy, tears down America unopposed.

Instead of resistance, a wave of self-flagellating public apologies and corporate appeasement has swept through guilt-ridden, white America, which has simply rolled over for the violent revolutionaries of the Black Lives Matter racial extortion racket. One notable recent example of Americans embracing their own humiliation before the rabid mob: the country music band Lady Antebellum has chosen to rename itself “Lady A,” because the band members found themselves “regretful and embarrassed” by the word antebellum and its purported “associations” with the Civil War and slavery. Of course, the band didn’t pick the original name to honor slavery, but simply as a nod to the Southern antebellum-style home “where we took our first photos.” But innocuous explanations aren’t sufficient anymore, because the totalitarian left has booby-trapped the cultural landscape into a minefield of ultra-heightened racial sensitivity.

Killing Free Speech in Austria by Judith Bergman

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) ignores that there may be a context and a reason for “portraying newcomers as a threat to security”. It does not consider the proliferation of Islamic terrorism in Europe or research showing that terrorists have migrated into Europe disguised as asylum seekers, who have gone on to perpetrate deadly terrorist attacks.

“According to the study, six of the 16 mosque associations examined (37.5%) pursue ‘a policy that actively impedes integration into society and to some extent exhibits fundamentalist tendencies.’ Half of the 16 mosques examined ‘preach a dichotomous worldview, the pivotal tenet of which is the division of the world into Muslims on one side, and everyone else on the other.’ Six of the mosques were found to practice ‘explicit denigration of Western society’.”

None of this context exists for ECRI, which appears to operate in a vacuum, unencumbered by real world facts.

Instead, ECRI commends Austria for having “several measures in place… which aim to combat hate speech by developing a counter-narrative.”

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recently published its sixth monitoring report on Austria.

ECRI, which describes itself as “independent”, is the human rights monitoring body of the Council of Europe — not to be confused with the European Union. The Council of Europe is composed of 47 member states, including all of the 27 European Union member states.

ECRI is an unelected body with members designated by their governments (one for each member state) who are supposed to have “in-depth knowledge in the field of combating intolerance…. and recognised expertise in dealing with racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance”. It was founded in 1994 by the heads of state of the Council of Europe with the mandate, among other things, to “review member States’ legislation, policies and other measures to combat racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance, and their effectiveness”.

Thanks in large part to the efforts of ECRI and the Council of Europe, Europe now has a huge web of hate speech laws and policies. Gatestone has previously reported on ECRI’s monitoring of Germany and of Switzerland.

In its sixth monitoring report on Austria, ECRI wrote that “progress has been made and good practices have been developed in a number of fields”.

“Austria has taken several initiatives to thwart hate speech by developing a counter-narrative. The authorities have worked with civil society to improve the detection and recording of online hate and to provide support to victims of such incidents… in… 2018, the authorities concluded an agreement with social network providers to remove hate speech within 24 hours”.

Nuclear Policy: Whatever Happened to Common Sense? by Peter Huessy

William Perry’s proposals, in his new book, The Button, (1) ignore the current Russian and Chinese nuclear threats, (2) widely exaggerate the costs of US nuclear modernization and (3) would actually so upset the nuclear balance as to make a nuclear attack on the US more likely.

For some strange reason, Perry does not ask for cuts from Russia or China, perhaps heralding a new faith-based arms control strategy? Both countries are completing massive nuclear modernization build-ups. Putin’s defense minister announced Russia’s nuclear modernization would be nearly 90% complete by the end of 2020, while China is on pace to double its nuclear forces by 2030.

At its peak, then, the complete nuclear enterprise would amount to 6-7% of the defense budget to modernize, operate and maintain, while modernization alone would be 3%. This still is some one-third of what it was at the height of the Cold War, when the US economy was far smaller and the defense budget a fraction of what it is today.

As soon as the US eliminates its ICBM force, Russia and China will get back in the business of seeking to disarm the United States, one top admiral reminded Gatestone.

In the new defense bill, the administration and Congress are building better missile defenses, including space-based sensors, and advanced national and regional systems. Combined with the newly initiated discussions in Geneva with the Russians on arms control measures, the US is on the right path.

Dr. William Perry is considered one of the fathers of stealth aircraft; he started directing research on the B2 program when a senior official in the DOD back in the 1970s.

He later became secretary of defense from 1994-1997 during the Clinton administration and was often seen in Ukraine at photo-ops where Soviet-era ICBM silos were eliminated, both between Russia and the USA, as part of the 1992 Nunn-Lugar and 1991 Start treaty.

Perry has a new book, The Button, about US nuclear policy and his support for global nuclear disarmament. He makes numerous proposals that he claims will lessen nuclear dangers and bring us closer to global zero, the end state when presumably all nuclear weapons have been destroyed.

China floods threaten collapse of world’s largest dam By Chriss Street

The China Meteorological Administration issued “No. 1 Flood” warning as a second month of rain and earthquakes risk collapse of Three Gorges Dam and the safety of 400 million.  

Southern China in June suffered its worst flooding since 1940 with the overflowing of 250 rivers impacting 15 million residents and causing at least 121 people dead or missing. The world’s largest hydroelectric dam, the 1.4 miles wide and 630 feet high Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtse River with a 5 trillion gallon capacity, fully opened its seven massive outlets to begin discharging a record 28-acre feet per second.

But after thirty-one days of rain, a record 16.8 inches falling between Sunday and Monday morning, and inflows running at 40-acre feet per second after, CMA on July 4 issued an 80 percent risk of thundershowers for each of the next 11 days.

China’s Paramount Leader Xi Jinping in his first public statement on the crisis, called on the country to “put people first and value people’s lives most in the fight against the floods”, according to Xinhua official state news agency.

Human rights advocates complained as a record 1.2 million people from 13 cities, 140 towns, and 1,350 villages were displaced as Three Gorges Dam’s reservoir filled. But some Chinese geologists also warned that impoundment water weight could create severe earthquakes risk due to amplification of the region’s historically low seismicity.