GOP challenger outraises Michigan’s Sen. Peters in first quarter By Tal Axelrod

Republican John James outraised Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) in the first quarter of 2020 in Michigan’s Senate race.

James’s campaign announced Tuesday he raised $4.8 million in the first three months of 2020 while Peters raked in $4 million. James has outraised Peters for three consecutive quarters.

“This is a difficult time for Michigan. We are grateful for the support of our grassroots, across Michigan and the country, especially during these past few challenging months,” said James campaign spokesperson Abby Walls. “Our focus has been on serving Michiganders in need. That is the leadership voters are looking for—a proven leader who has shown he will get results for Michigan, even in the toughest of environments.”

Despite James’s fundraising strength, Peters has outraised James overall in the 2020 cycle so far, raking in $13.4 million compared to just under $13 million for James. The incumbent senator also boasted a hefty war chest of $8 million heading into 2020, a record-setting cash-on-hand for a Senate race in Michigan heading into an election year.

How the Wuhan Virus Will Change the World Order By Charles Lipson –

The horrific spread of COVID-19 has filled hospitals and graveyards, shut down the global economy, and exposed deep fissures among nations. The international problems, such China’s rising threat and reliance on foreign sources for critical supplies, are not new. But the contagion puts them in sharp relief and will surely affect relationships going forward.

Most changes won’t come until the crisis passes. Right now, policymakers are preoccupied with life-and-death decisions. They don’t want to challenge Beijing while they need its medical supplies and data. They also want to see if it will fulfill its promises in the Phase I trade deal or cheat, again. But make no mistake, changes are coming.

The biggest will involve China. The pandemic not only originated there, it spread because of how China is governed. The Chinese Communist Party, like all dictatorships, maintains tight control over information. It gives out only what helps the regime, hides whatever hurts it, spews propaganda, and cracks down on anyone who speaks out of turn. The Wuhan doctors who first sounded the alarm bells were immediately silenced. Science labs, which decoded the viral structure, were shut down and their data destroyed. China still won’t share vital information about how the virus works and how it affects different populations. Reporters, both professional and amateur, who mentioned the pandemic were suppressed. Some international reporters were expelled. Some locals have not been seen again.

3 Killed and 1 Wounded in Tennessee Truck Stop Stabbing Spree
Law enforcement officials investigated a multivictim stabbing at a Pilot truck stop near Knoxville, Tenn., on Tuesday.Credit…Calvin Mattheis/Knoxville News Sentinel, via Associated Press

A truck driver went on a stabbing spree Tuesday morning at a highway truck stop in eastern Tennessee, killing three employees and wounding a customer before he was fatally shot by a law enforcement officer, the authorities said.

The attack happened just before 7 a.m. at a Pilot Travel Center off Interstate 40 in Knox County, according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, which did not immediately offer a motive for the stabbings.

The suspect, Idris Abdus-Salaam, 33, of Durham, N.C., was holding a knife and refused to drop it when law enforcement officers confronted him in the truck stop’s parking lot, the bureau said. One of the officers fired several shots at Mr. Abdus-Salaam, who died at the scene, according to the bureau. It did not say how many rounds hit Mr. Abdus-Salaam.

The three truck stop employees who were killed were Joyce Whaley, 57; Patricia Denise Nibbe, 51; and Nettie R. Spencer, 41, investigators said. All three women died at the scene. The condition of the fourth victim, who the authorities said was hospitalized and was a customer, was not released.


Tonight is the first night of Passover and unlike all previous years my family is celebrating it with high tech. I hate it. I miss the hugs, the arms around my shoulder, the political bickering and the faces of my kids and grand kids in vivo.

However, life has its twists and turns. For decades the youngest of my grand-children has always asked the traditional four questions regarding the history and mandates of Passover. In breaking with that tradition, I, the oldest member of our family has a fifth and sixth very serious question:

How is it that on this day in history which commemorates freedom and justice the world is rife with hypocritical and virulent anti-Semitism, sometimes in overt attacks and more often disguised as academic and media hatred of Israel?

How is it that the Democrat party whose past leaders and staunch convention resolutions of support for Israel and the rights of the Jewish people to live in peace, which gave me confidence as a Jewish American, now tolerates and even promotes this ancient hatred in the corridors of power?

To all who observe, my best wishes for a happy and sweet Passover.  rsk

Rumors of the Death of Hungarian Democracy Are Vastly Overstated Zoltán Szalai and Miklós SzánthóBy Zoltán Szalai and Miklós Szánthó

Since COVID-19 affects the entire globe, from China through the Ivory Coast to Argentina, governments all over the world have implemented emergency rules to save as many lives as possible. No one, not even members of parliaments, governments, royal families, football teams, or celebrities are immune to the spread of the Chinese coronavirus. News about new infections and quarantining public figures pop up frequently on the internet. This is the first pandemic for a considerable period of time and it is certainly the cause of the biggest change in our way of life our generation can recall. 

The coronavirus crisis an enormous challenge—physically, mentally, emotionally, and economically. Fortunately, constitutions include clauses for such crises—and it should no surprise that those clauses should be invoked.

The United States, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom—and several other EU member states—just to mention a few democratic countries, all passed emergency decrees and legislation. Hungary followed in line with a number of these measures: or, to be clear, Hungary was one of the few countries that introduced countermeasures at the right time, fast and effective enough to slow down the spread of the virus.

In Great Britain, legislation will see parliament close for four weeks this month. It also guarantees extraordinary competences to the British government’s cabinet ministers, bypassing parliament, deviating from normal procedure. The government has never passed such measures during peacetime before, and they could be in effect for up to two years.

The leftist fever swamps are accusing Trump of killing African-Americans By Andrea Widburg

In January, impeachment-mad Democrats weren’t paying much attention to events in Wuhan, China. The Chinese government said everything was under control, and the World Health Organization told the world “it is not yet a global health emergency.” When Trump reacted to events in China, he was called a xenophobe.

Since then, no matter what Trump has done, Democrats claim he’s in the wrong. The accusations have run the gamut from xenophobia, to stupidity, to trying to profit from the disease. Now, though, the hardcore Trump haters have a new insult: He’s committing genocide against African-Americans.

The first hint that genocide was in the air came with the deluded claim from the Palmer Report that Trump was intentionally killing blue state voters. That line of thinking garnered 19,200 likes, even though the governors of two of the states hardest hit, Gavin Newsom of California and Andrew Cuomo of New York, expressed gratitude for Trump’s help.

The standby for leftists, though, is always that Trump is a racist. The genesis for this round of racism claims is the sad statistical truth that African-Americans are more likely to succumb to COVID-19 than other races. One of the first attacks, of course, came from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who claimed that black coronavirus deaths should be a springboard for reparations:

Coronavirus and elderly death rates By Sally Zelikovsky

Amid this week’s dire predictions of a Chinese Flu bloodbath, Julie Kelly at American Greatness details her skepticism about the accuracy of reported deaths to date:  “[T]here is little information available as to what qualifies as a coronavirus fatality for official counts. And there is good reason to approach such tallies with skepticism since reporting from states like New York is suspiciously vague.”  She explains that deaths in patients with co-morbidities “are always attributed to coronavirus as the main cause of death instead of just noting it as a contributing factor.”

My father had a catastrophic fall when he was 86, as well as a cornucopia of additional medical conditions including dementia.  The fall most certainly precipitated his decline, but was it the fall or his body’s inability to deal with the fall that caused it to shut down?  Would he have died at that time but for the fall?  Did it simply hasten his inevitable demise from something else going amiss in his body?  Do people with an interest in dementia research throw his death into the tally of “elders dying from dementia” even though it is more likely the dementia did not cause his death and was probably only a contributing factor?    

That said, and in deference to doctors and medical examiners, the cause of death is not always crystal clear.  Moreover, except in limited cases, Jews generally do not perform autopsies and, frankly, I don’t believe autopsies are generally performed unless there is a reason for it or the family demands it. Thus,  how many autopsies are actually being performed on suspected COVID-19 victims that confirm it as the cause of death, let alone tests that confirm the infection?  Determining a cause of death with absolute certitude is not always the no-brainer we have come to expect from television shows, and could be further muddled by an absence of autopsies and inconsistencies in administering tests.

Ilhan’s ‘Hijabi Slip’ Confessions of deep longings for Sharia. Darrell Pack

A Freudian slip is embarrassing because for an instant something we hide is revealed to others. Maybe it’s suppressing bigoted and prejudiced feelings that we know are unacceptable in the wider society, but in a moment of stress and thoughtlessness, this dark side of who we are pops out.

Recently, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (MN-D) had her own Freudian slip. I’m calling it her “Hijabi Slip,” because it relates to her confessions of deep Islamic religious piety. The slip appeared on her Twitter feed reacting to one from a Retawa Agnihotri, who quoted from the Qur’an.

Agnihotri tweeted, “Nor come nigh to fornication/adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).” (Quran 17: 32)

She was apparently alluding to accusations of marital and sexual improprieties against Congresswoman Omar that she had denied.  This is the history. In October, 2019, Omar filed for divorce from Ahmed Hirsi, the father of her three children. They had been separated since 2008. While separated, she married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, but got a divorce later through their Islamic traditions. There were allegations that Omar married Elmi, “her brother,” in order to grant him an immigration status.

The Coming War Between the Generations When dangers and discomforts of the present trump the greater ones of the future. Bruce Thornton

Short-term thinking has been the bane of democracies since ancient Athens. Regularly scheduled elections and term-limits make it politically expedient, if not mandatory, for politicians to gratify the people’s desires, or assuage their present fears, even if the action or policy creates greater risks later. As Tocqueville wrote, “A clear perception of the future founded on judgment and experience” is “frequently wanting in democracies.” The dangers and discomforts of the present will trump the greater ones of the future.

The current pandemic crisis illustrates this perennial flaw, which hasn’t been mitigated by our greater knowledge of diseases and remedies for them. In the case of the Wuhan virus, we don’t have the requisite data to establish its mortality rate among the infected, or even the number of infected. The various models that project a mortality rate have exaggerated the toll: At this point the number of dead is a few hundred more than the 7400 of Americans who die every day, and much less than the 24,000 to 64,000 who died of the flu this season. Yet most states, seconded by the president’s recommendations, have imposed a radical social-distancing policy, which the president has extended to the end of April.

As a consequence, our economy has taken a historic hit, with 10 million employees laid off and thousands of businesses both big and small (the latter comprise nearly half the private workforce) shuttered. Goldman-Sachs projects GDP to shrink 35% this summer, and others estimate unemployment may reach the 25% recorded during the Great Depression. A booming economy has been stalled as a matter of policy, with consequences such as a significant recession or even a depression, the malign effects of which––depression, divorce, addiction, suicide–– will continue to seriously damage the lives of millions for the foreseeable future.

Coronavirus Patients Should Be Able to Try Any Potential Cure By Katherine Timpf

We still have a lot to learn about hydroxychloroquine, but we know that restrictions on personal liberty are unwise.

There’s a raging debate over the use of hydroxychloroquine to fight the novel coronavirus. Amid the controversy, it may seem like there is absolutely nothing we can agree on.

To be fair, the fact that there has been debate on this issue isn’t surprising, nor is it unhealthy. Although the Food and Drug Administration has granted an emergency-use authorization for hydroxychloroquine (and I believe rightly so; more on that later) as a coronavirus treatment, we still know quite little about its efficacy for this usage.

What is unhealthy, though, is the kind of debate we’ve been having. As my colleague Jim Geraghty pointed out on Monday, most of the conversation about the drug has been two politically motivated sides shouting at each other, framing their arguments as if any of this is a clear-cut, black-and-white issue. President Trump and his supporters tout it as a sort of medical marvel, while his detractors cry that it’s dangerous quackery. This, Geraghty explains, is the wrong approach — there are “many factors” at play when it comes to determining how a drug will or will not work. The results will vary from person to person; “nuance” is necessary. Partisan politics already play an outsized role in our conversation. When it comes to matters of life versus death, it is especially disgusting.