Legislation proposed by Sens. Romney and Murphy would do just that. It’s more political opportunism on the back of the pandemic.
Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) have introduced a “Global Health Security Act” creating “a new directorate” ostensibly “empowered to press the preventative levers that can protect the nation.” More accurately, the bill (not yet assigned a senate number at this writing) requires the U.S. to adopt and implement the World Health Organization’s “Global Health Security Agenda” (GHSA) across the government. The GHSA includes a detailed set of “International Health Regulations” (IHR) meant to ensure prompt and effective responses to international health incidents. The Murphy-Romney legislation will embed the IHR into U.S. health policy and ultimately into our lives and homes.
Unfortunately, those International Health Regulations have already failed in the case of COVID-19 (and to be clear, not through any fault or omission of the United States). The IHR procedures unequivocally and explicitly required China to report immediately the existence of the outbreak and to cooperate fully and transparently in its international investigation (emphasis added):
“Notification is now based on the identification within a State Party’s territory of an ‘event that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern’ (PHEIC). This non-disease specific definition of notifiable events expands the scope of the IHR (2005) to include any novel or evolving risk to international public health…”