Vladimir Putin relishes using Russia’s political and economic power to destabilize and disrupt nations. One example of such activity is in Venezuela, where Russia has been propping up Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro through billions in loans and buying oil with the Russian company Rosneft.
Maduro is one of the most brutal dictators of our time, and the Trump administration is actively working to oust Maduro from power. Millions of citizens have fled Venezuela. The country is overrun with violent drug cartels and Russian and Cuban military units operate freely within the country. Maduro’s government now runs on illegal sources of income such as gold mining, which destroys Venezuela’s environment and widespread drug trafficking, which has brought in many bad players, including Hezbollah, further destabilizing the nation. Venezuela’s legitimate economy and social structure have almost completely collapsed.
In a new effort to get tough on Maduro, the president’s team recently imposed economic sanctions on Rosneft Oil to thwart Russia’s efforts to help Maduro. It’s a smart move.