Newly radicalized liberals provide the foot-soldiers and useful idiots backing Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, and the Squad. Bloomberg thinks he can win simply by out-organizing and out-spending them. He is wrong.
Michael Bloomberg is selling the Democratic Party establishment on the idea he can solve the party’s problem with money. He is doing well so far in terms of buying ad time and endorsements, having the leadership bend rules for him, and hiring every Democrat campaign staffer across the country. But his lackluster performance in the Nevada primary debate did nothing to slow Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) momentum. Sanders is already showing that the leadership no longer calls the shots.
Millennial Democrats have turned socialist in the 21st century. They are identity-politics Marxists with a digital twist—the “woke.” Marxist promises to destroy the rich, followed by free everything for the masses are all there, relabeled as “social justice.” The ugly totalitarian underpinnings are given a virtue-signaling makeover and said to be fighting bigotry and saving the planet from global warming.
The future is theirs unless conservatives stop the progressive perversion of our educational system. We have made little discernible progress in the past three years. With the power of social media and the corruption of the old media, progressives have moved beyond our schools to mainstream their ideas among Democratic voters of all demographics.
Marxists such as Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who pressured House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to impeach the president with disastrous political results, are not the self-destructive fools they seem. They have the unified discipline, the energy, the numbers, and the money to dominate the Democratic Party.
They are succeeding with their long-term strategy, which is to discredit our republican institutions among Democrats. They have pushed mainstream liberals to the left. Not one single politician has dared confront them.