Watching Nancy Pelosi and her gang of insolent quislings, it was hard not to think of the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin.” Power, greed, deal-making, sacrifice of children, and petulant rage are a few of the themes of this fairy tale that aptly describe the current Democrat party.
The fairy tale relates that a young woman must spin straw into gold thread because her father, a miller, foolishly boasted to the greedy king that she can. Clearly, this is an impossible task until a “strange little man” saves the day — but at what cost? Constantly trying to keep up with the demands of the avaricious king, the miller’s daughter accepts a bargain that entails giving up her newborn baby son if she cannot identify the “little man’s” name. Through happenstance, she is able to counter the odious demand, and the now identified Rumpelstiltskin flies into a fit of rage. In fact, in “his anger he stamped with his right foot so hard that it went into the ground above his knee; then he seized his left foot with both his hands in such a fury that he split in two, and there was an end of him.”
So what does an ancient fairy tale have to do with Nancy Pelosi?
For far too long, the Democrats have wheedled their way into American’s lives with sly promises and sleight-of-hand maneuvers. Oh, a bone or two will be flung, but the depressed Baltimores, Detroits, and Clevelands never improve. A recreational center may be built, but illegals bearing deadly intentions and drugs will not be stopped as they destroy neighborhoods.