Joe Biden ups the ante in the woke sweepstakes with his latest about transgenderism By Andrea Widburg

Anybody who says Joe Biden isn’t a follower is a stone-cold liar. At the macro level, Biden’s been disavowing his 47-year history in Congress and the White House by moving as hard to the Left as he can. At the macro level, it’s all pander, pander, pander. His latest attempt to out-do his fellow Democrats is his push for peak woke with the all-important transgender lobby, a group that, in a comprehensive 2016 study, was estimated to make up 0.6% of the American population.

To be fair to Joe as he competes in the “most woke on transgender issues” category, he’s already said that one of his top legislative priorities would be to pass the Equality Act which, among other things, forces schools to let biological males compete on girls’ sports teams. That’s woke but the competition has been getting tough.

Elizabeth Warren has long been sounding the transgender horn. Already back in 2017, she was sending out tweets on Transgender Day of Remembrance, something she was careful to do again in 2019 when the Democrat primary was heating up. Warren outdid herself, though, when she got endorsed by Black Womxn, an organization for “all black folks that do not claim male identity,” including “black trans & cis women, gender non-confirming folks and others.” Proving that she had read Black Womxn’s web page, Warren tweeted back, “Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy.” Who knew?

The Obama-Clinton-induced mess in Libya continues to grow By Peter Skurkiss

The chaos that the Obama-Clinton diplomacy unleashed in Libya continues to grow. It started when U.S.-French-NATO-led military intervention toppled Col. Moammar Qaddafi in 2011. After his government fell, Qaddafi was then beaten and sodomized with a bayonet by an irate mob of Libyans before being shot to death. This prompted our illustrious Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to show the class she is noted for by crowing, “We came, we saw, he died.”

Yes — Qaddafi, who was no threat to America, died. But so did any semblance of stability in Libya and the ensuing chaos still reverberates to this day. Due to the power vacuum created by Qaddafi’s abrupt removal, Libya has now become a battleground for proxies motivated by Libya’s oil wealth and fighting for geopolitical influence and over ideological differences. The country is a confusing mess. Here is a thumbnail sketch to sort out the parties currently involved.

Tripoli is the seat of the provisional government. It is backed by the United Nations and is supported by Turkey, which has over 1,000 troops there along with another 1,200 or so battle-hardened Syrian fighters. 

On the other side is the warlord Khalifa Hifter, a former Libyan army general. He is backed by Russia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is reported that Russia has brought in about 1,500 mercenaries. These include skilled snipers and personnel to guide artillery and air support.  This situation is dangerous and could lead to a direct conflict between Turkey and Russia.

Fake Atomic Scientists Warn Not Believing the Media Will Destroy the World The Doomsday Clock of fake news gets closer to midnight. Daniel Greenfield 6

Every year, Rachel Bronson, President and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, who has a degree in political science from Columbia, gets up in front of a fake clock to announce that the world is doomed.

And the media eagerly covers the annual imminent warning of doom as if it came with an open bar.

Bronson is not an atomic scientist. Or any kind of scientist. Unless you believe politics is a science. And if politics is a science, then Bronson is the Lysenko of the field, predicting doom out of bias and ignorance.

This year, the Doomsday Clock had its hands set forward to 100 seconds to midnight. After setting the clock at 2 minutes to midnight in honor of President Trump two years ago, it’s all out of minutes.

Now it’s down to seconds. At this rate the fake clock will soon be down to negative numbers.

If you don’t believe Rachel, maybe you’ll listen to Jerry Brown, former California governor and executive chair of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Jerry is not an atomic scientist, but he did nuke California.

According to Jerry, “If there’s ever a time to wake up, it’s now.”

But Jerry doesn’t want people waking up. He wants them to go back to sleep. And stay that way.

Make Western Civilization Great Again Yale prioritizes diversity over Dead White Males. Mark Tapson

Universities have been ceding ground to anti-Western activists for decades now (remember Jesse Jackson leading chants of “Hey ho, hey ho, Western civ has got to go” at Stanford back in the ‘80s?). So it should come as no surprise that Yale recently announced it would grant yet another concession to multiculturalist students who demand that diversity of skin color replace the oppressiveness and irrelevance of Dead White Males: this spring will see the end of one of the school’s previously most popular classes, a survey course called “Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to the Present.”

According to the Yale Daily News blog, in its final iteration the course will shift from transmitting to students a greater appreciation of their cultural heritage, to a more “woke” focus on subverting the canon of Western art itself. The course’s instructor, art history department chair Tim Barringer, has stated that the class will still cover Western art chronologically from 1300 to the present, but he intends to emphasize that other regions, genres and traditions are as “equally deserving of study” as Western art, because according it any special reverence is “problematic.”

As we are all reminded daily now in every cultural arena from academia to Hollywood, anything Western is “problematic” (to put it politely) because multiculturalist doctrine deems that all cultures must be revered equally – except for Western culture which, because of its association with the toxic privilege of “whiteness,” must be denigrated, deconstructed, and dismantled to heal the nonwhite victims of its oppression and exploitation. Thus, we must be careful not to elevate the great works of the greatest artists in world history over other, “equally deserving” genres and traditions.

End the Impeachment Circus They sent in the clowns. Now send them packing. Bruce Thornton

Not since Caligula enrolled his horse Incitatus in the Roman Senate has a deliberative chamber of a great power seen such a display of undignified triviality and dishonest sophistry as the case for impeachment that the House Democrats delivered last week. Over and over the same flimsy arguments we’ve already heard for months were repeated, with all the same question-begging accusations gleaned from second- and third-hand office gossip, and the same fake “high crimes and misdemeanors” fabricated by the desperate Dems. Time for the Senate to restore its dignity, put an end to this taxpayer-funded political circus, and get back to doing its job.

The House Dems’ argument boils down to criminalizing the President’s Article 2 powers into made-up crimes like “abuse of power for corrupt purposes” and “obstruction of Congress.” Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a mundane example of the President conducting foreign policy in straightforward style, is an “abuse of power,” because he brought up the hinky behavior of the Bidens supposedly in order to benefit himself politically.

This sophistry is transparently specious. Ukraine’s government is notoriously corrupt, and our president was right to ask for some help in getting at the truth of the evidence that Ukrainians had been involved in meddling with the 2016 election, and that a U.S. vice-president had used his power to benefit a son who, with no record of expertise and experience, nonetheless was being paid $50K a month by a sketchy Ukrainian company. For Trump not to mention it just because Biden was running for office would have been a ridiculous application of the Caesar’s Wife standard, and made running for office a convenient defense against scrutiny.


If you’re sick of being accused of racism, white privilege, toxic masculinity, insufficient attention to Climate Change, MeToo’ism and the LGB alphabet; if you’re exhausted by the long-winded House Managers’ vitriolic performances and if you’re depressed by the diminution of old-fashioned flag-waving, anthem-singing patriotism – run to see The Last Full Measure.

This is an old-fashioned movie written and directed by Todd Robinson, with big stars like Christopher Plummer, Diane Ladd, Ed Harris, Samuel Jackson, Peter Fonda and William Hurt who are all excellent. This is also a movie about heroes – dead and alive – and what they need and deserve. It concerns the failure of our government to award a posthumous Medal of Honor to a Vietnam war veteran who went above and beyond the call of duty to save lives, losing his own in this endeavor. It illustrates the long-term after effects on veterans who fought in an unpopular war and came home to a country that behaved disgracefully towards them. We have spent far more time worrying about the welfare of illegal immigrants than we did about rehabilitating our own veterans, and this movie illustrates their loneliness, isolation and continued dedication to each other. It also heralds their undaunted efforts, along with those of the government representative who worked so hard to get the medal issued.

When you see it, bring tissues and stay for the credits which feature some interviews with the real people represented in the film. In addition to all the emotional reactions you will have, you will be amazed to learn that only three members of the Air Force who were not officers have ever been awarded the Medal of Honor. If nothing else, it should serve to remind us about the importance of preserving and insisting on the merit system in many aspects of our lives.


 State Sen. James C. Simpson, a fiscally conservative Democrat from Charles County,  is considering running against Representative Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md.-5th.

Why I’m Running

I have always had a public spirit — a passion for how public policy can affect our lives. That public spirit has grown to grave concern as I watch our nation being torn apart by a political system that tosses aside the fabric of our Constitution and the rule of law.As a student and instructor of economics in the 1980s, I was fascinated by the morbid attraction so many people have for socialism. Socialism’s fatal flaws can easily be identified by any half-decent, first year economics student. In my wildest dreams, I never thought that socialism would be mainstream in American politics… but here we are. 

James Simpson is an economist, investigative journalist, businessman and author. His most recent book is The Red Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America. His articles and research work have been published in Accuracy in Media, American Thinker, Breitbart, Capital Research Center, Center for Security Policy, Daily Caller, PJ Media, Washington Times, and elsewhere. Mr. Simpson is also featured in the documentaries The Enemies Within, AGENDA: Grinding America Down, AGENDA II: Masters of Deceit, and most recently, Sabotage, How the Islamists, Marxists and Their “Useful Idiots” Are Destroying America from Within. Follow Jim on Twitter & Facebook.

The Grubby Corruption of Our Power Elite Roger Kimball

We all owe Peter Schweizer an enormous debt of gratitude for his enormous and effective labors in bringing sunlight to these tenebrous and mephitic climes.

In January 1956, John F. Kennedy published Profiles in Courage, biographical encomia to eight U.S. senators, from John Quincy Adams to Robert Taft, whom Kennedy thought exhibited conspicuous courage in the discharge of their public duties.

I say Kennedy published Profiles in Courage. But the book was written not by JFK but by the loyal Kennedy apparatchik and fixer Ted Sorensen. Sorenson, like so many in the Kennedy circle, was a bit thuggish. He was also an eloquent writer. Remember this famous bit from Kennedy’s inaugural? “We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” Nicely put, and it was put by Sorensen, merely read by Kennedy.

Anyway, Profiles in Courage was an early installment in that long-running (indeed, still-running) effort to obscure the distasteful reality of JFK with a carefully cultivated image of an eager yet culturally sophisticated patriot (see the index under “Pablo Casals visits the White House”).

Profiles in Courage deserves its place in that vast mythopoeic enterprise the public knows as Camelot. But a much more important book is Peter Schweizer’s Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elites.

Schweizer will be known to many readers of American Greatness. He is unquestionably our most accomplished anatomist of “using public power for personal gain. . . . cronyism, corruption, patronage, and intimidation.” His string of bestsellers includes Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, and Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Get Rich Off Insider Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of Us to Prison.

Hollywood and the Stumblebum Sussexes Once upon a time, a dolt from Tinseltown imagined she was a match for the queen of England. Ilana Mercer

His wife, a hero of sorts only in the TV series “Suits,” had hightailed it to Canada, leaving Harry Windsor, formerly known as Prince Harry, to deliver a concession speech.
Make no mistake—no matter the moola they rake in, Harry and Meghan Markle have been sorely defeated and deflated.
Earlier in January, the stumblebum Sussexes had smugly announced to the world that they “planned to carve out a progressive new role within this institution.” The unavoidable implication of that sleight-of-hand was that “this institution” (the monarchy) was just not “woke” enough for the couple’s exquisitely honed sensibilities.

Steven Hayward,

It’s still early and things can change fast, but several new polls show Bernie Sanders surging in Iowa and New Hampshire as well as nationally, as Warren continues to stumble, Biden continues to unimpress, and Buttigieg continues to ignore the propeller beanie hat stuck to his head.

George Soros, 89, is still on a quest to destroy America

George Soros is 89 years old, but by gosh, before he dies, he’s going to see to the internal destruction of America.At least that’s how it seems.

How else can we listen to his words in Davos, Switzerland, track his funding of American political races and pay attention to what he says about President Donald Trump, capitalism, and the leftist causes he backs and the leftist Open Society Foundations he runs, and come to any other conclusion?

Why won’t Hillary Clinton just go away? – Posted by Staff
Hillary Clinton promised in 2016 that she would make history, and she did.

She lost a winnable election where she enjoyed every conceivable advantage over her opponent, including a roughly 2-to-1 edge in campaign spending. Clinton then went on to become the first failed nominee in modern American history who cannot manage to move on.John McCain returned to the Senate after his loss in 2008 to Barack Obama. John Kerry similarly went back to work in the Senate after the 2004 election and later joined Obama’s administration. Al Gore still complains about losing in 2000 to George W. Bush, but he also found a new calling and made his mark as a (self-appointed) spokesman for the planet. Bob Dole left politics altogether after his defeat in 1996 and went on to star in commercials for Pepsi and Viagra. George H. W. Bush split his time after 1992 between charitable work and his vacation home in Kennebunkport, Maine. Walter Mondale returned to his law firm. Jimmy Carter has Habitat for Humanity.

A Muslim “Holocaust remembrance” travesty Andrew Bostom See note please

 This detailed and meticulously researched and documented column was posted and then cravenly scrubbed by JNS for fear of appearing “Islamophobic.” Proper journalistic ethics would insist that any opposing opinion also be posted, but instead the powers that be have gone to the dark side ignoring real threats to Jews…..rsk

What ordinary, sensible Jews should “Never Forget” is that what passes for Jewish leadership proudly orchestrated the hideous spectacle of the Muslim World League’s Auschwitz pilgrimage.

 Whether one considers the masses of Muslims who have been flowing into Europe as (primarily) economic refugees, proud hijra colonists “quietly” Islamizing the continent, or both, these newly arrived votaries of Islam express an unabashed Islamic Jew-hatred.

Their virulently anti-Jewish attitudes are consistent with the disproportionate, approximately three-fold increased rate of extreme Antisemitism among Western European Muslims, in general, relative to non-Muslims, just reported Nov. 21, 2019 in the latest comprehensive Anti-Defamation League survey findings. Germany’s failed attempt to mollify this new Muslim immigrant animus toward Jews by “sensitivity” visits to Nazi-era concentration camp memorials demonstrates its deep-seated intractability.

The depressing failure to lessen Muslim immigrant Jew-hatred has garnered little attention. Contrast that with the much ballyhooed pilgrimage to Auschwitz by what was characterized as “the most senior Islamic leadership delegation” to visit the location of a Nazi German death camp. This interfaith junket, spearheaded by Saudi “reformist” secretary general of the Muslim World League (MWL), Mohammad bin Abdulkarim al-Issa, and the CEO of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), David Harris, took place four days before the 75th anniversary of the camp’s Jan. 27, 1945 liberation.

Far less widely reported was that al-Issa’s Muslim delegation was on a broader tour to “several sites of injustice,” including Srebrenica, Bosnia. There, during 1995, a tit for tat massacre of Bosnian Muslims—bearing no relationship in either scale, or single-target, monomaniacal hatred to the Nazi Holocaust destruction of European Jewry–took place during a bloody civil war between the region’s Serbs and Muslims. 

Here is the al-Issa/MWL tour’s stated purpose, as described in London-based Arabic daily Asharq al-Awsat:

“The visit of the Islamic delegation confirms the Islamic values and asserts that Muslims condemn every criminal act. The Islamic leaders will visit the sites and affirm that Islam is a religion of mercy and fairness and that it is against all malicious practices, adding that this is not limited to Muslims, but involves everyone. A large number of senior scholars of the MWL participated in various efforts to explain Islamic justice in its related positions, during several visits, meetings, initiatives, and declarations. This was reflected in the positive image of Islam and Muslims against all forms of extremism and radicalization.”