UK PM Boris Johnson is Going After George Soros By David Sidman

England’s Conservative Party, which is headed by newly elected PM Boris Johnson has called for an urgent investigation into globalist billionaire and currency manipulator, George Soros according to the Daily Mail.

The party, otherwise known as the Tories have called for an urgent Electoral Commission probe into George Soros’s US-based Open Society following evidence revealing that it funneled approximately $4 Million into anti-Brexit campaigns leading up to the historic 2016 vote.

His Open Society Foundation, which is based in New York, transferred the funds to the pro-EU group ‘Best for Britain’ using a London affiliate. This allowed him to circumvent a law against foreign donations to political organisations within the UK.

Best for Britain (BfB) designed a website instructing British citizens how to vote tactically for anti-Brexit candidates in hopes of decimating Johnson’s chances of a majority in parliament.

Hungarian-born Soros helped make his billions by shorting the sterling on what’s known as ‘Black Wednesday’ back in 1992. This event caused panic in ex-UK PM John Major’s Government.

Soros claims that his love for Britain led him to campaign against the ‘tragic mistake’ of leaving the EU. He also claimed that the money he has given to anti-Brexit campaigns were ‘not used for partisan or electoral purposes. They were used to educate the British public’.

As of 2017, BfB has received £2.7 million ($3,5 Million) from Soros’s foundation. The data has been revealed in the accounts of his organization’s London branch, who shares an office building with other anti-Brexit groups, such as Open Britain and European Movement.

The Democrats Just Impeached Themselves, the Giant has Awoken Steve Sheldon Steve Sheldon

Mark this day on your calendar. It is the day that the Democratic Party sealed its fate for a generation becoming a minority party for years to come. After dancing in the dark near a cliff, they finally took one tantrum-two-step too far. It’s going to be a hard landing.

In 2016, a sleeping giant awoke but instead of respecting the giant, they’ve been chasing after the giant’s liberator. Now it is fully awake and starting to stand. You might just say it’s woke and it’s angry…very angry. This giant, the American people, have had enough. For some time now, they’ve been rubbing their eyes, slowly coming out of a deep slumber but now, they’re starting to see very clearly the menace that is before them. This menace has kept them tied down for too long now. It has been harassing the giant for years, but the giant was asleep and unaware of the noise that was around him. Now he realizes that the lullabies he thought he was hearing are the very thing that has been giving him nightmares and keeping him restrained.

The voices have kept the giant lulled to sleep for some time now, singing soft lullabies and soothing music. The giant keepers forgot one thing though. Giants are not peaceful creatures prone to slumber. Giants do what giants do. They are big things and they do big things. More importantly, the vehemently dislike being tied down and controlled.

In 2016 one brave soul started untying the giant, carefully, quietly, one rope at a time. At first, he whispered in the giant’s ear, “Wake up, they are keeping you tied down.” The giant grumbled. The giant rescuer kept untying ropes and repeating the message until the giant keepers recognized his efforts. They chased him and harassed him, but he was agile and clever eluding their capture. He avoided their attempts to silence him long enough to wake the giant enough that it became aware that it was tied down. They made every effort to subdue the giant’s rescuer but to no avail. He persisted. He became louder and louder encouraging the giant to recognize his captors for what they were.


Many of the latest Israeli innovations and activities are potential “Game changers” that can improve the lives of millions of people. They include treatments for cancer, influenza and breathing problems. They combat terrorism and measles epidemics. They put research satellites into space and power the fastest computers in the world. They re-invent the motor engine, save the bees, water resources and the agriculture of developing countries. They convert enemies into allies and turn darkness into light. Michael Ordman 

Extending lives of pancreatic cancer patients. In the latest Phase 2a trial of the pancreatic cancer treatment from Israel’s BioLineRx (see here) three-quarters of the patients at disease stage 4 were able to get their disease under control. The trial combined BL-8040, KEYTRUDA (Pembrolizumab) and chemotherapy.
Molecular checkups to avoid chemotherapy. A 10-year study of 1,365 Israelis indicates that chemotherapy can be avoided for most women who have early diagnosis and biopsy of the most common types of breast cancer. In 97.4% of those passing a Oncotype DX molecular checkup post-surgery, the cancer never returned.,7340,L-5625101,00.html
Early diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Another molecular diagnostic test has been developed by doctors at Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem. It can early-diagnose thyroid cancer accurately from biopsies of small nodules that often develop on the thyroid. Previous alternatives were inaccurate or expensive.
Phase 3 progress for Universal Flu vaccine. Israel’s BiondVax has 12,400 participants from 83 hospitals in the Phase 3 double-blind placebo-controlled trials of its Universal Flu vaccine. If successful, the new vaccine could reach pharmacies in 2023. BiondVax’s new Jerusalem facility can produce 20-40 million doses per year.,7340,L-3775594,00.html
European award for stem cell investigator. Assistant Professor Yaron Fuchs of Israel’s Technion Institute is one of 27 global scientists to receive a “Young Investigators” award from the European Molecular Biology Organization. Yaron harnesses stem cell apoptosis (cell death due to injury) for driving tissue regeneration.  

Denmark: Why Integration Fails by Judith Bergman

“Here my point is that Islam has never fully assimilated into any society and that Muslims have never fully adapted into non-Muslim cultures. With an increasing number of Muslims in the West, this will end in conflict.” — Ahmed Akkari in his new report, “The loyalty conflict in the West – why Muslims are hard to integrate.”

“As Islamists influence Western Muslim circles, Western political parties engage with them to win more votes, thus making unfortunate alliances with forces that really… condemn the established system…The dilemma is that by seeking Islamist votes they allow those who wish… Denmark to become Islamized to be strengthened… the same sort of dilemma as if one sought the votes of a neo-Nazi, fascist or Stalinist group.” — Ahmed Akkari in his new report, “The loyalty conflict in the West – why Muslims are hard to integrate.”

“Many mosques were formed to be a spiritual and religious space for believers, and not as places where violence, hatred and political agendas should dominate. Nevertheless, the leading mosques in Denmark are characterized exactly by a pseudo-Islamic influence under the control of small strong elites of Islamic leaders. In that world, influence, not numbers, counts, and therefore it is not possible to say that Islamism is weak, just because it only exists in one quarter of all mosques, which I estimate.” — Ahmed Akkari in his new report, “The loyalty conflict in the West – why Muslims are hard to integrate.”

Akkari’s warning holds true not only for Denmark, but for most Western European countries. Is anyone listening?

In a recent survey conducted by the Danish Ministry of Foreigners and Integration (Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet), 48% of descendants of non-Western immigrants in Denmark said that they think it should be forbidden to criticize religion, according to Kristeligt Dagblad. Forty-two percent of immigrants who had lived in Denmark for three years agreed with the statement, while only 20% of ethnic Danes agreed with it.

The results of the survey came around the same time that a Danish think-tank, UNITOS — where Danish politician Naser Khader is a board member — published a report by former Islamist imam Ahmed Akkari, “The loyalty conflict in the West – why Muslims are hard to integrate.”

A Contemptible Tissue of Lies Surrounds Impeachment Conrad Black

Impeachment is just an effort to strengthen the Democrats as they make the uphill battle to persuade the voters to evict President Trump next year for confected moral turpitude, since he can’t be challenged on his accomplishments in office.

Even as the House Democrats voted to impeach the president this week, there was universal recognition that the effort to remove him was a dead pigeon on arrival at the Senate (assuming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi summons the courage to apprise the Senate officially of the results of the House vote).

The battle, for some time already, has been at the public relations level, and there the president is winning. USA Today, an anti-Trump newspaper with regular anti-Trump polling results, reported a five point decline in the numbers of people who approved impeaching the president, and other polls indicate that this is a clear trend; he is now ahead of where President Obama was in the polls eight years ago. These polls also probably reflect the gathering disquietude of the country about revelations of unprecedented political skulduggery by the FBI in the Horowitz report.

Robert Mueller’s Dossier Dodge Why did the special counsel not tell America that Christopher Steele’s information was false?

In her public order Tuesday, Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court didn’t mention Robert Mueller. But her stinging rebuke of the FBI for abusing the FISA process to obtain a warrant to spy on Carter Page invites the question: How could the special counsel have ignored the Steele dossier?
Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirms the FBI sought to verify the claims former British spy Christopher Steele made in his dossier. Yet during an appearance before the House Intelligence Committee on March 20, 2017, when Mr. Comey was asked directly if the bureau was investigating them, Mr. Comey answered: “I’m not gonna comment on that.

He had good reason to dodge. By that time, the Horowitz report makes clear, the FBI knew that most of the Steele dossier’s claims were unreliable. Yet rather than take a hard look at it, Team Mueller made a deliberate choice to tiptoe around it. In his opening statement to Congress when he testified this July, Mr. Mueller declared he would not address “matters related to the so-called Steele dossier,” which he said were out of his purview.

The New War Against Africa’s Christians Fulani raiders ‘are Islamic extremists of a new stripe, more or less linked with Boko Haram,’ but present throughout Nigeria. By Bernard-Henri Lévy

Lagos, Nigeria

A slow-motion war is under way in Africa’s most populous country. It’s a massacre of Christians, massive in scale and horrific in brutality. And the world has hardly noticed.

A Nigerian Pentecostal Christian, director of a nongovernmental organization that works for mutual understanding between Nigeria’s Christians and Muslims, alerted me to it. “Have you heard of the Fulani?” he asked at our first meeting, in Paris, speaking the flawless, melodious English of the Nigerian elite. The Fulani are an ethnic group, generally described as shepherds from mostly Muslim Northern Nigeria, forced by climate change to move with their herds toward the more temperate Christian South. They number 14 million to 15 million in a nation of 191 million.

Among them is a violent element. “They are Islamic extremists of a new stripe,” the NGO director said, “more or less linked with Boko Haram,” the sect that became infamous for the 2014 kidnapping of 276 Christian girls in the state of Borno. “I beg you,” he said, “come and see for yourself.” Knowing of Boko Haram but nothing of the Fulani, I accept.

The 2019 Global Terrorism Index estimates that Fulani extremists have become deadlier than Boko Haram and accounted for the majority of the country’s 2,040 documented terrorist fatalities in 2018. To learn more about them, I travel to Godogodo, in the center of the country, where I meet a beautiful woman named Jumai Victor, 28. On July 15, she says, Fulani extremists stormed into her village on long-saddle motorcycles, three to a bike, shouting “Allahu Akbar!” They torched houses and killed her four children before her eyes.

When her turn came and they noticed she was pregnant, a discussion ensued. Some didn’t want to see her belly slit, so they compromised by cutting up and amputating her left arm with a machete. She speaks quickly and emotionlessly, staring into space as if she lost her face along with her arm. The village chief, translating for her, chokes up. Tears stream down his cheeks when she finishes her account.

CNN Is Not a News Network By Charles C. W. Cooke

And Jim Acosta is no reporter

When ThinkProgress announced that it was going out of business, a few observers wondered aloud, “Why didn’t anybody buy it?” But why would they have, when we have CNN?

As a child, I was aware of CNN in part because its introductory bumper featured the sinister voice of Darth Vader, and in part because it was both the prototype and the stereotype of the 24-hour news channel. CNN showed up in movies, either as itself or in parodies that imitated its role. It was on in the airports and the hospitals and the hotel lobbies, and in the waiting room at the dentist’s office. When something bad or exciting was happening, you would tell your friends, “Turn on CNN.”

CNN was careful and self-consciously nonpartisan — or, at least, it was keen for viewers to believe that it was. Its slogans were “This is CNN” — well, yes — and “The most trusted name in news,” and it cultivated its position within the firmament in much the same way as does Wikipedia today. It could be sensationalist and intrusive at times, but it was sensationalist and intrusive in the way that the paparazzo is rather than in the way that protesters who bang drums in your face and insist that you give up gasoline are. In short, it was what it said it was: a news network.

It is no longer that. These days, CNN is a peculiar and unlovely hybrid of progressive propaganda outlet, oleaginous media apologist, sexless cultural scold, and frenzied Donald Trump stalkerblog. When news breaks, it is no longer useful or appropriate to tell someone, “Turn on CNN,” because if he did, he would be as likely to be presented with a wall of advocacy and obsession as with the headlines of the hour. Today, CNN does not broadcast the news; it broadcasts what it wants you to think the news is. At long last, it has become Fox.

Brexit, for Real This Time By Douglas Murray

The Conservative-party electoral win puts an end to years of attempted sabotage

Here are two quotes about Brexit. I will tell you whom they are from, but try to guess the date.

The first is from the European Union’s Brexit negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt: “Brexit will now happen. . . . The EU must now focus on building a new close, fair and lasting partnership with Britain. It is in our common interest.”

The second quotation is from the U.K.’s former Conservative deputy prime minister and fanatical pro-EU campaigner, Lord Michael Heseltine. “We’ve lost. We have to face up to that. We’re going to leave the European Union.”

Neither statement is in itself remarkable. The sole remarkable point is the date of each of these statements. Neither was issued on June 24, 2016, the day after the British people voted in a referendum by a majority to leave the European Union. The first quote — from Verhofstadt — was tweeted out on December 13, 2019. The second — from Heseltine — comes from an interview he gave on December 14 of the same year. That is, both came in the immediate aftermath of Boris Johnson’s huge 80-seat-majority win in the British general election of December 12, 2019.

In most regards the result of that election has caused unalloyed celebration for people on the political right.

Twitter Removes Thousands of Accounts Linked to Saudi Government Influence Operation By Mairead McArdle

Twitter announced Friday that it has pemanently removed over 88,000 accounts associated with Saudia Arabia, many of which were linked to state actors.

The mammoth social media platform said in a blog post that it has released data about 5,929 now removed accounts linked to a “significant state-backed information operation” originating in Saudi Arabia for violating Twitter’s platform manipulation policies.

That group of accounts was part of a larger network of more than 88,000 accounts engaging in “spammy behavior,” Twitter’s investigative team found. The platform has permanently suspended all of the network’s accounts and shared details about the network with peer companies, according to the blog post.