The Democratic-controlled Congress convened a panel of legal experts on Wednesday to inform the debate on the case for impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. Opinions will differ as to the value of this testimony insofar as the impeachment debate is concerned, but there can be no real question that this is a microcosm of what is wrong with academia today. Four academics showed up on the Hill, but only one scholar was present: Jonathan Turley of the George Washington University School of Law. The other three, Karlan, Feldman, and Gerhardt, were merely Democratic activists masquerading as objective academics. Unfortunately, what the country observed on Capitol Hill Wednesday is precisely what goes on every day on university campuses across America: liberal academics grooming converts for the cause, all the while claiming to be a voice for true scholarship.
Professor Turley informed the panel that he was not a supporter of Mr. Trump, that, in fact, he had “voted against Mr. Trump.” His word choice is important because it attests to something far more than the fact that he was not a supporter of Trump; he was against Trump. And yet, Professor Turley went on to admonish the Congress that just as his personal views of Trump do not inform his views on the merits of impeachment, neither should their personal views regarding Trump inform their votes.
Trump’s call to Ukrainian president Zelensky was not “perfect,” according to Professor Turley, but neither was it impeachable. To state Professor Turley’s views regarding impeachment succinctly, the standard for what constitutes “high crimes and misdemeanors” should not be party-specific. Does anyone really believe that impeachment proceedings would be underway if Mr. Obama had made a similar call to Zelensky?