The Greatness Agenda The Pentagon, Prudence, and Missile Defense Rachel Bovard

While the allure of new technology to keep the country safe is understandable, it cannot and should not be pursued in a way that leaves the homeland open to direct threats.

Earlier this year, the U.S. military acknowledged that North Korean intercontinental ballistic missiles can now hit targets anywhere in the continental United States. Bizarrely, the Pentagon has responded by cutting the one program that could stop them.

The Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) program, which has existed since the early 2000s, is designed to protect the homeland from an intercontinental missile (ICBM) attack. Or, in other words, to act as the last line of defense in the event of nuclear war.

It does this by shooting ICBMs out of the sky. The GMD, which is made up of 64 ground-based launchers, sends out “kill vehicles” which use sensors, lasers, and rocket thrusters to track and catch ICBMs, destroying them before they hit the earth.

To most people it sounds like the stuff of “Star Wars” novels, but, increasingly, it is a necessary tool in a constantly changing, missile-heavy world. Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran either possess nuclear missiles, or are working hard to acquire them—to say nothing of other rogue nations and failed states doing the same.

This makes the Pentagon’s recent decision to terminate the program all the more confusing.

That the GMD has long been in need of an update is without question. Just one percent of the Pentagon’s mammoth budget goes toward missile defense—and of that one percent, a significant portion is spent overseas, defending U.S. forces and allies. Our “kill vehicles”—the central component of the GMD system, which take out incoming missiles—have been in need of a reboot for quite some time.

The Pentagon was working steadily toward a re-design of the program, before pausing it in May, and then outright canceling it in August.

Six Questions for Impeachment Fans Adam Mill

Advocates for impeachment are invited to answer six questions that should shed more light on the perplexities of their case.

I don’t understand. Former Vice President Joe Biden asked Ukraine to fire a prosecutor so Donald Trump needs to be impeached? I need somebody to connect the dots. Before we go any further down the road of impeachment, I’m challenging advocates of impeachment to answer these six questions.

Should Joe Biden be immune from consequence if, as suspected, he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine to enforce his demand to remove the prosecutor investigating his son’s Ukrainian company?

This is more than a “conspiracy theory.” Joe Biden bragged openly about having the prosecutor fired. And contrary to the reporting that the investigation went dormant, we just learned from investigative reporter John Solomon that Ukrainian authorities “raided the home of the oligarch who owned the gas firm and employed Hunter Biden, a signal the long-running corruption probe was escalating in the middle of the U.S. presidential election.” Solomon went on to report that Burisma specifically invoked Hunter Biden’s name in its efforts to enlist U.S. diplomatic help to stop the investigation.

Most Americans agree that we cannot afford to have our foreign policy guided by these side-deals between foreign interests and the relatives of politicians and diplomats charged with representing U.S. interests. Americans have a lot of questions about why certain policies are promoted by the establishment in spite of public opinion to the contrary. This is a serious problem of experts ignoring elections and subverting the will of the American people.

With Hunter Biden receiving an outsized salary and his father using U.S. aid to get the prosecutor fired, why shouldn’t U.S. authorities look into that?

Harriet: A ‘Slave Land’ Thrill Ride By Armond White

It’s the Jaws of slavery movies — woke entertainment as a joke.

As Harriet Tubman — played by British musical actress Cynthia Erivo in the new historical film Harriet — inspires more and more Southern black slaves to desperately join her run for freedom in the North, a newly converted collaborator confides, “We’re gonna need a bigger cart!”

What kind of anachronistic nonsense is this? Both the history and the legend of the Underground Railroad, and the courageous woman who led herself and others out of bondage, are now jokes of woke entertainment. That the film grossed $12 million (a small yet surprising sum) on its opening weekend suggests some moviegoers seem as ready to enjoy this travesty as slaves were ready for liberation. In terms of calculated crowd-pleasing, Harriet is the Jaws of slavery movies.

Set in 1849 Maryland, full of danger, rescues, superstition, frivolous gunplay, and pop-politics, Harriet demonstrates the current exploitation of African-American history, through historical revision, simply to sell tickets while aggravating political identity, tribal separation, and perpetual grievance — the same way that politicians manipulate voters.

Ever since Harvey Weinstein confirmed Hollywood’s Obama Effect, film culture has sought various ways of appeasing racial anxiety through movies about black victimization and white guilt. It’s the new diversity, as one of Harriet’s progressives summarizes: “Civil war is our only hope.”

Iowa Poll: Warren and Buttigieg in a Dead Heat By John McCormack

The latest Quinnipiac poll of Iowa:

Warren 20

Buttigieg 19

Sanders 17

Biden 15 

Klobuchar 5

Harris 4

Democrats, Tyranny, and Sophistry Something more ancient and dangerous is going on than just the usual Democrat double standards. Bruce Thornton

The Democrats are furiously busy with preemptive damage control of the ongoing investigation by U.S. Attorney John Durham. As well they should. This and other investigations of the origins of alleged Russian electoral interference has morphed into a criminal probe that likely will implicate members of the Obama administration’s FBI, DOJ, and CIA, and tear off the veil of misdirection that the Democrats and their lackeys in the media have draped over the dirty tricks they employed during the 2016 campaign and Trump’s first years in office. If this happens, the Democrats’ equally dicey attempts to impeach the president will crumble.

Once again, we are being subjected to progressive double standards and “projection” of their own sins onto others. But something more ancient and dangerous is going on: The links between tyranny and sophistry.

With the hoax of Trump’s collusion with Russia to wound his rival Hillary Clinton debunked by the Dems’ hand-picked special prosecutor and his team of partisan Democrats, California Democrat Representative Adam Schiff has been attacking Durham and AG William Barr. Schiff’s joint statement with Jerry Nadler (D. NY), his accomplice in the House impeachment show-trial, is a masterpiece of jaw-dropping hypocrisy:

These reports, if true, raise profound new concerns that the Department of Justice under AG Barr has lost its independence and become a vehicle for President Trump’s political revenge. If the Department of Justice may be used as a tool of political retribution, or to help the President with a political narrative for the next election, the rule of law will suffer new and irreparable damage.

The glaring double-standard––this description more accurately fits Obama’s self-described “wingman,” AG Eric Holder, more than AG Barr–– is laid out in a Wall Street Journal editorial:

Democrats know that the Hillary Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Mr. Trump, and Fusion hired former British spook Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier of allegations about Mr. Trump from Russian sources that turned out to be false. Worse, Fusion funneled the dossier to the FBI, which used it to persuade the secret FISA court to issue a warrant to eavesdrop on Trump official Carter Page. Democrats now want to discredit any attempt to hold people accountable if crimes were committed as part of this extraordinary dirty trick.

Harriet Blows Away Democratic Racial Myths By Daniel John Sobieski

Harriet Tubman, a lifelong Republican, led slaves to freedom with a gun in her hand.

History, someone once said, is a lie agreed upon, and nowhere is that more self-evident than in accounts of America’s racial history as told by Democrats. Republicans are the party of racism and slavery when the historical record shows just the opposite to be true.

As Thomas Sowell notes, Democrats value black votes but not black voters.

Democrats need black voters to be fearful, angry, resentful and paranoid. Black votes matter. If Republicans could get 20 percent of black votes, the Democrats would be ruined.

That is what Democrats are terrified of. That can only happen if blacks are denied the truth about their past, present, and future. It is Democrats who owned the slaves, founded the KKK, and wrote the Jim Crow laws. It is Democrats who stood in the schoolhouse door and still do, opposing school choice. It is Democrats who turned on the fire hoses and unleashed the dogs. It was Democrats who blocked the bridge in Selma. A higher percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than Democrats The improvement of black lives under Trump and a free market economy is no mirage but a portent of things to come that has the Democratic Party running scared.

The Democrat’s historical amnesia omits the fact that it was Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia and former “Grand Kleagle” with the Klan, who holds the distinction of being the only senator to have opposed the only two black nominees to the Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.

Sen. Albert Gore, father of the former vice president, voted against the act, as did Sen. J. William Fulbright, to whom Bill Clinton dedicated a memorial, current senior senator from South Carolina Ernest Hollings, Sen. Richard Russell and, of course, Sen. Strom Thurmond, a Democrat at that time. The party of Abraham Lincoln and Jeff Sessions beat back the fire hoses and dogs of the party of Robert Byrd, Cory Booker, and Kamala Harris.


Germany: Hundreds of far-left extremists injure 19 police officers in Berlin

France: Cathedral attacked, statue of saint beheaded, treasure stolen

Greece: Government plans to redistribute 5,000 migrants from islands to mainland Europe

UK: Theaters to ban the phrase ‘ladies and gentlemen’ under new gender-neutral guidelines

Our Godless and Dangerous Times Peter Smith

‘I assume force feeding children socialist nostrums and climate change has been going on for decades under the radar. Many are grown and have become teachers, university lecturers, broadcasters and journalists. But, even if true, this explanation is deficient. Why did teachers become bolshies? Mine weren’t.”

Eccentrics and extremists have always been around. Whether they rise to prominence depends upon them having a large audience. Adolf Hitler and Sir Oswald Mosley shared an extreme form of aggressive nationalism. One took off, the other didn’t. The nineteen-thirties Germans were nationalists to their boot heels. The nineteen-thirties Britons mixed their more sensible nationalism with large doses of common sense and scepticism. It’s the quality of the populace and their cultural norms that count in the end result.

Islamic fanatics threaten, as Churchill put it, because of the “the fanatical frenzy [and] fearful fatalistic apathy” which Islam inculcates. It is easy to whip up significant numbers into mobs, for example, as we saw across the world, including in Australia for goodness sake, when that poorly made 14-minute video surfaced in 2012 of Mohammed’s life. Obama, Hillary and Susan Rice were deceptive, it didn’t cause the attack on America’s embassy in Benghazi, but it did create worldwide riots and mayhem perpetrated by mobs of Muslim dolts.

Theses dolts weren’t born that way. Islam has made them dolts and we have to live on the same planet with legions of them. Insufferable.

Global warming has also given a platform to extremists and eccentrics. In normal times people like Tim Flannery, Roger Hallam, Al Gore, the aging David Attenborough and the callow Greta Thunberg would be given the same regard as ranters at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. But these are not normal times. Superstition has gripped large sections of the population who have put aside their common sense in order to accept scientistic codswallop. We have twelve years to save the planet? Really, and Elizabeth Warren is a Cherokee Indian because her papa had high cheek bones.

Something is going on that stretches beyond the global warming hoax. We are living in dangerous times. The aforementioned Pocahontas is the favourite among bookies to be the Democratic candidate for president. Here are just some (just some) of her mad policies. And this is not a spoof.

Did Obama Apply His Clinton Rules to the Bidens? Representatives of a Ukrainian company used the family connection to lobby the State Department. By James Freeman

It’s not clear whether the Ukrainian company Burisma got its money’s worth when it paid handsomely to add Hunter Biden to its board. But the company’s representatives used the family name in attempting to influence the U.S. Government while Joe Biden was Vice President.

If an American business made a similar effort with the son of a government official overseas, it would likely attract a U.S. Department of Justice investigation under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. So why shouldn’t the United States urge that other countries also examine such arrangements?

The Journal’s Jessica Donati reports that a consulting firm hired by Burisma mentioned that “Joe Biden’s son served on the Ukrainian gas company’s board so the firm could leverage a meeting with the State Department, according to documents and a former U.S. official.”

The documents were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the Southeastern Legal Foundation on behalf of its client John Solomon. Ms. Donati adds:

The documents—email exchanges between State Department staff members made public this week—show that the consulting firm, Washington-based Blue Star Strategies, used Hunter Biden’s name in a request for a State Department meeting and then mentioned him again during the meeting as part of an effort to improve Burisma’s image in Washington.
Mr. Biden was appointed to the Burisma board in 2014, when the company and its owner faced allegations of corruption, and he remained there until April of this year… Hunter Biden served on Burisma’s board when his father, then the vice president, was overseeing U.S. efforts to get Ukraine to reduce corruption.

Ms. Donati reports that the 2016 Burisma meeting included a State Department undersecretary named Catherine Novelli.

What are the odds that, having learned that she was being lobbied by a foreign company which was under a corruption investigation and which happened to employ the son of the sitting Vice President of the United States, Ms. Novelli never mentioned this fact to anyone else?

CNN Controversially Claims Israeli Cable Cars are “Controversial” Daniel Greenfield

The media slur for anything it doesn’t like is “controversial”. This old bias technique maintains a modicum of the facade of journalism while priming its audience to view the thing that the media doesn’t like in a negative fashion.

And the media really hates Israel. So everything Israeli is “controversial”. Even its cable cars.

And thus, according to CNN, and its usual balance of correspondents with Jewish last names who hate Israel and a Muslim correspondent, “Israel approves controversial cable cars in Jerusalem”.

What’s controversial about the cable cars?

Do they run on the oil of baby seals? Do they scream obscenities at you when you get inside? Do they play FOX News all day?

The controversial CNN news network, which has been described as an “enemy of the people” by the President of the United States, controversially describes Israeli cable cars as “controversial” 4 times in its article. 

“Large infrastructure projects in Jerusalem are often controversial due to the city’s disputed status, and the cable car is no exception,” CNN controversially claims.

Are cable cars a “large infrastructure project”? 

Also this means that building roads, paving roads, providing electricity, and taking out the trash are all controversial because Israel does it.

This is the definition of bias. And that’s the kind of controversial behavior that makes CNN so controversial.