Nikki Haley Dismisses Grounds for Impeachment and Triggers Never Trumpers By Stephen Kruiser

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley set liberal and (newly liberal) #NeverTrump heads on fire Friday when she poo-pooed the Democrats’ basis for wanting to impeach President Trump.

Haley’s remarks were taped for this weekend’s edition of “CBS Sunday.”

The Washington Examiner:

“I don’t think it’s good for us to ever want a foreign country to investigate an American,” she said. “That’s just not something we want to get into the practice of doing.”

However, she still dismissed the impeachment proceedings, saying, “I also don’t feel comfortable with the fact that we’re having an impeachment process during an election year.”

The latter part isn’t really surprising, given the weak candidate offerings the Democrats have before them despite a record large field. They no doubt believe that their best shot at weakening the president and deflecting from the still-strong economy is to keep saying “IMPEACHMENT!” every third word until November of next year.

What really triggered an acute attack of Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms was Haley giving a very public voice to what many Americans are thinking:

“On what? You’re going to impeach a president for asking for a favor that didn’t happen and — and giving money, and it wasn’t withheld?”

What Drives the Jews to the AfD? VIDEO

It is commonly assumed by the media — and also much of the general public — that Jews in Germany are afraid of the “right-extreme” AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) because of its alleged Jew-hatred.

However, as most of us “Islamophobes” know, the real source of Jew-hatred in Germany and elsewhere in Western Europe lies on the Left, and especially among Muslims, who have formed an alliance with the Jew-hating Left.

The following video from Junge Freiheit features a discussion about Jews in the AfD, with two members of a group called the Federal Association of Jews in the AfD as special guests. They explain that the AfD actually enjoys widespread support from Jews in Germany, but news about this is routinely suppressed by the prominent Jewish interest groups that are in bed with the German establishment — or more precisely, with the international globalists who call the shots for the German establishment. Those mainstream Jewish groups, along with analogous Catholic and Protestant interest groups, routinely propagandize against the AfD.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

New book Palestinian Delusion makes the conflict easy to understand By Amil Imani

Robert Spencer’s new book, The Palestinian Delusion, under the “light of reason,” is an invaluable, accurate account that ranks as a most worthy scholarly work on the subject by a man of outstanding credentials, impeccable integrity, and unsurpassed qualifications.  This meticulously documented and comprehensive book is a treasure for anyone wishing to learn the truth of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. 

Spencer methodically demonstrates not only that the Jews have the right to live in their ancestral homeland, but that the term “Palestinian” was invented.  “Invented people” may sound disturbing to some who have not taken the time to study historical facts.  However, truth is the best weapon against falsehood.  Spencer has carefully tied various historical origins with current events that provide facts and understanding about what is happening in our present time. 

Spencer states:

Another familiar theme of pro-Palestinian literature today is that the State of Israel exists on “stolen land”— stolen, of course, from the indigenous people of Palestine. In reality, the land is no more stolen than the Palestinian Arabs are its indigenous inhabitants. … Nonetheless, the myth has taken hold, and it is now widely taken for granted, in our age that has little historical memory and scant interest in gaining more, that the Palestinians are a genuine nationality and are the indigenous people of the land that Israel illegally occupies.

Higher Education’s Enemy Within An army of nonfaculty staff push for action and social justice at the expense of free inquiry. By  José A. Cabranes

Judge Cabranes serves on the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. He was Yale’s first general counsel, and later served as a trustee of Yale, Columbia and Colgate universities. This is adapted from remarks delivered Oct. 18 to the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, which bestowed on him its Merrill Award for Outstanding Contributions to Liberal Arts Education.

American higher education seems to be in a permanent state of crisis. Almost monthly, a federal court has occasion to reprimand some college or university for improperly chilling speech, even as some students continue to complain that campuses are too friendly to the wrong kind of speakers. Many institutions have cut back on faculty hiring, even as the cost of tuition grows. Two basic, and mutually reinforcing, phenomena are behind the chaos on campus.

First, colleges and universities have subordinated their historic mission of free inquiry to a new pursuit of social justice. Consider the remarkable evolution of Yale’s mission statement. For decades the university said its purpose was “to create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge.” The language was banal enough, but nevertheless on the money. In 2016, however, Yale’s president announced a new mission statement, which no longer mentions knowledge. Instead, Yale is now officially “committed to improving the world” and educating “aspiring leaders”—not only through research, but also through “practice.”

Second, American colleges and universities have been overwhelmed by a dangerous alliance of academic bureaucrats and student activists committed to imposing the latest social-justice diktats. This alliance has displaced the traditional governors of the university—the faculty. Indeed, nonfaculty administrators and activists are driving some of the most dangerous developments in university life, including the erosion of the due-process rights of faculty and students, efforts to regulate the “permissible limits” of classroom discussion, and the condemnation of unwelcome ideas as “hate speech.”

How did the university lose its way? How did this new alliance of activists and administrators supplant the faculty?

Warren & a few other Dem presidential hopefuls draw ‘dozens’ not hundreds to poorly-attended rally

None of these fools will ever be able to fill enormous arenas to full capacity with tens of thousands watching on big screen TVs outside!  This ‘environment gathering’ was a major flop. Audience only filled first 3 rows of seats in a small theater. They’re dreaming if they believe that can defeat POTUS MAGNUS. He’s an unbeatable legend in his own time. All of his challengers are as attractive as skunks at a garden party. Charlotte B.

Read coverage of this event at DAILY WIRE below:

America Needs a War on Waste 100 Examples of Federal Taxpayer Abuse
Our open letter to President Donald Trump took over two full pages of The Wall Street Journal.

After 225 years, the federal debt was $5.7 trillion.But in the last 20 years? It’s quadrupled, reaching close to $23 trillion.This level of fiscal irresponsibility is not sustainable.
We are publicly urging the President to lead the Transparency Revolution and War on Waste by implementing a four-step plan that includes publishing every White House expenditure online and incentivizing government employees to find and report areas of waste. 

FY2012-FY2017 | NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION | National Science Foundation (NSF) funded an experiment that tested how sickness impaired shrimp mobility by putting the crustaceans on a treadmill made an uproar in the media and in Congress nearly five years ago. Yet the NSF has once again given tax dollars to the same researchers to put the would-be seafood on a cardiovascular workout regime. The investigators – Louis and Karen Burnett – measure the crustaceans’ responses to low oxygen and high carbon dioxide environments in a variety of ways and would also test their reactions “when performing energetically demanding activities,” according to the award abstract. “The energetically demanding activities will be conducted with the aid of a treadmill, as the technique is effective and will help to make the data comparable to previous studies,” Arriens said.

FY2017-2018 | DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE | As the fiscal year wrapped up, federal agencies celebrated by splurging on luxury food items. The Department of Defense (DOD) originally reported spending $2.3 million on snow crab, Alaskan king crab, and crab legs and claws, plus another $2.3 million on lobster tail. Additionally, agencies spent nearly $300,000 on steak (ribeye, top sirloin, and flank). However, the DOD admitted to inflated disclosures. Their updated numbers reveal lobster and crab purchases amounted to $1.6 million in September 2018 and $25.4 million during an 18-month period. We have additional questions for the agency. Here is a video showing our data download and quantification of $2.3 million (Sept 2018) and $22.1 million (FY2018) in lobster tail purchases as reported by the DOD to the federal government’s official transparency portal at

FY2004–FY2019 | OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT & BUDGET | Congressional Research Service released a report on July 16, 2018, titled “Improper Payments in High-Priority Programs: In Brief.” Garrett Hatch, a specialist in American National Government, authored the report. In the summary, Hatch writes, “Over the period of FY2004 through FY2017, high priority improper payments have totaled $1.2 trillion.” Between FY2017 and FY2019 inclusive, the reports compiled by the Office of Management & Budget show that the agencies admit to approximately $140 billion per year in improper payments. Our reporting published at Forbes.

FY2018 | MULTIPLE FEDERAL AGENCIES | Dead people received $1 billion in benefits. Medicare, Medicaid, social security payments and also the federal retirement annuity payouts (pensions) kept flowing to dead recipients. Our reporting published at Forbes.

Demographic Jihad? Virginia Muslim Doctor Tied Women’s Tubes Without Their Consent By Robert Spencer

The details of this case are simply horrifying. One woman tried for years to conceive a child, but couldn’t. When she finally consulted a fertility specialist, she discovered, according to the Virginian-Pilot, that her “Fallopian tubes had been burned down to nubs, making it impossible to conceive naturally.” It turned out that her physician, Dr. Javaid Perwaiz of Chesapeake, Virginia had tied her tubes without telling her was doing it or obtaining her consent. And she was by no means the only woman whom Dr. Perwaiz victimized in this way.

Dr. Perwaiz’s website is the soul of helpfulness, noting that he has “practiced in the Chesapeake region for over 30 years, providing expert and individualized care to his patients. Personally following each and every patient throughout their pregnancy, he is available 24/7 to meet all of your requests and expectations. His experienced office staff will individualize your care and coordinate your insurance coverage. They provide friendly and knowlegable service for all your healthcare needs. Same day appointments are often available.”

About the good doctor we are told that he was “educated abroad,” with no hint as to where – it was actually in his native Pakistan, as the Virginian-Pilot notes: “Perwaiz has had a medical license since at least 1980, according to state records, having attended medical school in his native Pakistan and completed a residency at Charleston Area Medical Center.”

Judicial Watch: White House Visitor Logs Detail Meetings of Eric Ciaramella

Logs Also Show DNC Contractor Who Allegedly Worked with Ukraine to Investigate Trump/Manafort Visited Obama White House 27 times

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today analysis of Obama-era White House visitor logs that detail meetings of controversial CIA employee Eric Ciaramella, who had been assigned to the White House. Ciaramella reportedly was detailed to the Obama White House in 2015 and returned to the CIA during the Trump administration in 2017. The logs also reveal Alexandra Chalupa, a contractor hired by the DNC during the 2016 election who coordinated with Ukrainians to investigate President Trump and his former campaign manager Paul Manafort, visited the White House 27 times.

The White House visitor logs revealed the following individuals met with Eric Ciaramella while he was detailed to the Obama White House:

Daria Kaleniuk: Co-founder and executive director of the Soros-funded Anticorruption Action Center (AntAC) in Ukraine. She visited on December 9, 2015

The Hill reported that in April 2016, during the U.S. presidential race, the U.S. Embassy under Obama in Kiev, “took the rare step of trying to press the Ukrainian government to back off its investigation of both the U.S. aid and (AntAC).”


I am sick and tired of the summer soldiers who get their knickers in a knot over every single Trump tweet, insult, malapropism, exaggeration, mini-scandal, etc.

We had a recent Republican president who dressed impeccably, did not tweet, was a perfect gentleman with perfect manners, never divorced, never groped or harassed or ogled women, had a lovely patrician wife, and an absolute absence of scandal no matter what the media tried to dig up on him, and perfectly groomed brown hair.

That describes George W. Bush the minor 43rd President of the United States who accomplished very little in his two terms. He made one superb speech after 9/11, declared a war against the Taliban but declared “mission accomplished” leaving the Taliban scattered but hardly defeated. Only months after 9/11 he invited the tyrant/monarch of Saudi Arabia, locus and funder of almost all the 9/11 terrorists, to his ranch in Crawford Texas to craft another “peace plan” for Israel. He blinked on China, Iran, North Korea, immigration, regulations and domestic energy production and the economy tanked. He was a mediocre, low energy, president who ignited no patriotic passion.

Donald Trump has outpaced him on every single policy-foreign and national. So frankly I don’t give a hoot about his style…. And if you want Obama redux go vote for the Democrats. .rsk

Schiff to Approve GOP Impeachment Tribunal Questions Liz Sheld

Impeachment Follies: Schiff tells the Republicans they will need to justify any questions they want to ask in the reality show star chamber next week

Supreme Impeachment Emperor Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) has decreed that Republicans cannot ask any questions in the impeachment tribunal unless they tickle his impeachment fancy.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on Thursday released a tightened set of guidelines over what potential witnesses can be called in the impeachment hearings, saying Republicans must justify their relevance according to a three-point criteria.

If the Supreme Impeachment Emperor vetoes a question, the entire committee will vote and the committee has a majority of Democrats on it so its game over. The good news is that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) was added to the committee, so there will be a firebrand having his line of questioning shut down by the Democrats. Yippee.

Ambassador to the Derp State colluded with a Democrat staffer mere days after “whistleblower” complaint was filed

Impeachment darling and fired Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch conducted a private email conversation about a “delicate” issue with a Democrat staffer shortly after Eric Ciaramella filed his pretend whistleblower complaint.