What makes the email particularly unsettling is that it indicates former Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch possibly committed perjury during her ‘impeachment inquiry’ deposition, where she was questioned under oath.
New email evidence has surfaced indicating that a Democratic staffer from the House Foreign Affairs Committee had contact with former President Obama’s Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, contrary to information she provided in her “impeachment inquiry” deposition, according to exclusive information obtained by Tucker Carlson of Fox News.
Yovanovitch has sat at the center of the House Democrats’ “impeachment probe,” earning her Resistance stripes after she was recalled from her post by President Trump in May 2019, following accusations of “serious partisanship” and “political bias.”
According to an exclusive email obtained by Carlson, the Democratic staffer, now identified by Fox News as Laura Carey, wrote the following to Yovanovitch on August 14, 2019, two days after the whistleblower complaint was filed, but an entire month before the complaint went public. It was sent from Carey’s official House email to Yovanovitch’s personal account:
I’m writing to see if you would have time to meet up for a chat – in particular, I’m hoping to discuss some Ukraine-related oversight questions we are exploring. I’d appreciate the chance to ground-truth a few pieces of information with you, some of which are quite delicate/time-sensitive and, thus, we want to make sure we get them right.
The timeline of this email is critical. It is known that the whistleblower contacted Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Cal.) before filing his complaint. As Carlson points out, given that the above email was sent before the whistleblower complaint went public, it’s worth asking Schiff whether he had the audacity to contact other Democrat teams on the Hill about the complaint and its contents before it became public knowledge. In other words, what kind of stealthy (and possibly corrupt) machinations were taking place behind the scenes before the whistleblower’s complaint was used as a public pretext for launching an impeachment inquiry?