Ninety years ago, late August, 1929, the U.S. Beatrice Daily Sun (Beatrice, Nebraska), proclaimed, “MOSLEMS SATE BLOOD LUST. Even Little Children Die By Knife in Jehad” (Aug. 29, 1929; p.8). This brief report conveyed with grisly accuracy the Arab Muslim jihad [jehad] depredations against the Jews of Hebron which began with the insolated stabbings (one fatal) of two yeshiva students on Friday, August 23rd, followed by a raging massacre the next morning, during which 66 Jews were butchered within two-hours:
In practically every instance death was caused by swords or knives. Even young children of two and three years, many of them girls, did not escape the savagery of the attack.
While the greatest carnage of Jews was in Hebron, the Arab Muslim jihad rampages, which continued through August 29th, extended to Jerusalem 31 killed, 119 wounded; Safed 20 killed, 39 wounded; Jaffa 8 killed, 33 wounded; Haifa 6 killed, 67 wounded; Ramla 1 killed, 1 wounded; Beisan 25 wounded; Acre 3 wounded; and Nazareth 1 wounded. Even a strained “balanced” account of the 1929 Arab Muslim jihad—which ignores 1300 years of chronic jihad-imposed dhimmitude and Islamic antisemitism, with sporadic paroxysms of mass-murderous jihad violence against Jews, within their ancestral homeland—concedes, regarding the total of 133 Jews killed, and 241 injured:
A large majority of the Jews slain were unarmed and were murdered in their homes by Arabs. Most of the Arab dead were killed as they attacked Jewish settlements or neighborhoods. Most of the Arabs were felled by bullets fired by the British armed forces…
Jerusalem historian and journalist Pinchas Grayevsky (d. 1941) provided this graphic 1929 description of the brutal murder of Hebron pharmacist Ben-Zion Gershon:
For forty years, this Jew dressed the wounds and treated the illnesses of the most wretched Arabs, generally without asking for any compensation, as he received a salary from the community or from Hadassah. Over his lifetime, this man saved hundreds and thousands of Arabs from dying of diseases of all kinds, from going blind or becoming handicapped…On the day of the riots Arabs broke into the home of this poor Jew, and instead of having mercy on him for being one-legged, they cut off both of his hands. The very same Arabs whose eyes had been cured by him of trachoma [a potentially blinding infection caused by C. trachomatis, if untreated] and blindness stood over him and gouged out his eyes. The same Arabs whose wives and daughters he had saved from miscarrying and from gynecological illnesses now seized his eldest daughter, raped her, and killed her. They also stabbed his wife four times with a knife and brought a nail-studded club down on her head.