Trump Goes Nuclear on Cummings: ‘His District Is a Disgusting, Rat and Rodent Infested Mess’ By Michael van der Galien

President Donald Trump has completely had it with Elijah Cummnings, the U.S. Representative for Maryland’s 7th congressional district and House Oversight Committee Chairman.

Earlier, Rep. Cummings made headlines after he called the treatment of illegal immigrant children “government-sponsored child abuse.”

“We have seen cases where the administration has deported parents without their children and still, to this day, have not reunited those families,” he said. “This is government-sponsored child abuse … on a grand scale.”

If Rep. Cummings thought President Trump would take this lying down, he’s sadly mistaken. The president responded this morning with an epic tweetstorm.

“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border,” president Trump tweeted. “When actually,” he went on, “his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA…”

Amazon Purges Reviews of Bestselling Anti-Obama Book By Matt Margolis

Reports of Amazon purging reviews from conservatives books on their site have been made for some time now. PJ Media’s Megan Fox reported in March 2018 that many conservative authors noticed a mass deletion of reviews. Well, another purge has taken place. This one targeted my book, The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. This book was approaching 1,000 reviews until Amazon decided to clean house. On Tuesday, the book had 945 reviews. On Wednesday, the book had only 693 reviews. A whopping 252 reviews (approximately 27 percent) simply vanished. Worse yet, most of the purged reviews appear to have been positive ones, as the average rating went down from roughly 4.5+ to 4.2 stars.

I can prove this because I have screenshots:

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Marriage on the Rocks By Rick Moran

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.)’s marriage to the father of her three children, Ahmed Hirsi, appears to be headed for divorce as the Daily Mail reports that she has moved out of their house in Minneapolis and moved into a swanky apartment while he has been absent from her side at several high-profile events.

Omar’s complex and secretive personal life has been the subject of much controversy. She first married Hirsi in an Islamic ceremony in 2002, although the state of Minnesota never recognized the union as legal. Six years later, they divorced “in their faith tradition” according to media accounts, and a year after that, she married British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi just two weeks after he entered the country. She divorced Elmi in 2011 “in their faith tradition” and two years later she moved in with Hirsi. She did not legally divorce Elmi until 2017 after which she married Hirsi in 2018.

Several investigations by media outlets, including an extensive and painstaking review of the records by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, failed to untangle the truth about Omar’s marriage to Elmi. It is widely thought that Elmi is Omar’s brother and that she married him so that he could legally enter the U.S. Omar refuses to talk about her personal life — or answer questions about her numerous legal troubles, including filing joint tax returns with Hirsi for several years despite not being married to him.

Open Letter to The New Yorker Exposes False Allegations Alan Dershowitz

As I have previously written, The New Yorker has commissioned a hit piece that seems calculated to silence my voice on President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israel.

Here below is a letter I sent to the editor, the writer and the fact checkers. I have received only a formal response assuring me that the article will be fair. I replied that this will be up to the readers and the courts to judge.

Having been contacted by your “fact” checkers, I now understand the thrust of Connie Bruck’s hit piece: You must know there is no actual evidence that I engaged in sexual misconduct or even met my false accusers — because I did not. So, you appear determined to concoct a false narrative of my life, going back more than 40 years to my first marriage, that falsely suggests that I am the kind of person who “could” or “might” have engaged in such misconduct.

To support your false narrative, you began your negative “research” – as you acknowledged to my son — by sourcing a Holocaust denial site that circulates false stories about prominent Jews, including me. You then interviewed my enemies, my critics, dissenting students and especially anti-Israel and, in some cases anti-Semitic, zealots. The original reporting, which took place over many months, did not include interviews with longtime friends and associates who know me well and can present a more balanced perspective. You agreed to speak to a handful of such people only at the last minute, after I complained to the editor. But even then when some people called you, you told them the story was closed. Let’s see if you include the positive comments that contradict your story, that some of these people relayed to you.

Boris Johnson Reviving Britain’s Standing on the World Stage by Con Coughlin

Mr Johnson’s determination to help Britain reclaim its status as a leading world power after the drift of the May years is reflected in the stature of his appointments, especially regarding Britain’s engagement with the outside world.

In one of Mrs May’s last acts as prime minister, Britain declined an offer of American military support to protect British shipping in the Gulf, resulting in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard hijacking a British-registered oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz and holding it captive in the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.

Thus, with politicians of this calibre occupying key positions in the new British government, Mr Johnson now has a golden opportunity to revive Britain’s standing on the world stage, one where the close relationship between Washington and London will be one of the pillars of Britain’s dynamic new approach.

The appointment of Boris Johnson as Britain’s new prime minister offers the serious prospect of a radical improvement in the bilateral ties between Washington and London following the froideur [chill] that came to define the transatlantic relationship under the outgoing prime minister, Theresa May.

While, in public, Mrs May offered loyal pledges of support to Donald Trump, and professed to enjoy a warm personal relationship with the American president, the reality was that the personal chemistry between the two leaders was often awkward, with Mrs May often failing to grasp Mr Trump’s radical approach to global affairs.

The differences between the two are best summed up by Mrs May’s failure to heed Mr Trump’s advice on handling the challenging Brexit negotiations with the European Union. Mr Trump suggested London needed to play hardball with Brussels, even suggesting at one point that the UK should sue the EU as part of its negotiating strategy to demonstrate that it meant business.

This advice was completely contrary to Mrs May’s mindset, as prevarication, obfuscation and a desperate desire to avoid confrontation at all costs were the characteristics that defined her premiership. Consequently, the negotiations resulted in the EU dictating the terms of the settlement. The subsequent withdrawal agreement was deemed so unacceptable that it failed to win the approval of the House of Commons, thereby ending Mrs May’s premiership.

Moreover, throughout this sorry saga, relations between London and Washington continued to deteriorate to the point where, in one of Mrs May’s last acts as prime minister, Britain declined an offer of American military support to protect British shipping in the Gulf, resulting in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard hijacking a British-registered oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz and holding it captive in the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.

Donald & Boris Can Be The 21st Century’s Reagan & Thatcher Thomas McArdle

Having taken the prime minister’s seat in Britain, Boris Johnson might not face Churchill’s existential crisis upon taking office in May 1940, but some instant Churchillian nerve is still called for. Whether he is up to the task of outplaying Iran after it seized the British-flagged oil tanker Stena Impero in a tit-for-tat move in the Strait of Hormuz will be known soon enough.

The U.S. will have Johnson’s back, but Britain is too major a power not to take care of its own business against the world’s worst terrorist state; so Boris is under the spotlight. At stake is freedom of passage for a vast amount of the world’s energy resources.

Passing that test, however, is but the prelude to more daunting challenges, and an opportunity for greatness in governing unseen since Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher used the famed “special relationship” between the U.S. and Britain to upend economic orthodoxy and ultimately redraw the map of the world.

The Cold War, with its threat of mutual assured destruction, is won, thanks in no small part to Reagan and Thatcher resisting the unilateral nuclear disarmers. But the tasks that President Trump and Britain’s similarly sharp-elbowed new leader face are in some ways harder, and certainly more complex.

Kirsten Gillibrand Delivers the World’s Most Ignorant Foreign Policy Speech Daniel Greenfield

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has only one admirable quality. Determination.

Sadly that determination isn’t yoked to anything except her ambition. Gillibrand has no notable skills. She’s managed to rub everyone the wrong way. But that hasn’t made her give up her senseless 2020 campaign. Senator Gillibrand may not know anything or be qualified for anything. But she won’t let that stop her. And so she delivered a speech on foreign policy to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. 

The only thing the speech lays out is that Gillibrand is barely qualified to work as a receptionist in an organization dealing with foreign policy.

Gillibrand starts off by boasting that she had traveled to Syria. When you’re from New York, visiting Syria is really impressive.

In Jordan, we met with Syrian refugee mothers. These are women who had to flee their home country because President Bashar al-Assad decimated entire neighborhoods and villages and tortured and killed tens of thousands of political prisoners.

After we spoke for a bit, these women looked me straight in the eye and one got straight to the point: “You are so afraid of Osama Bin Laden. When you turn a blind eye to people suffering here in Syria, you’re creating thousands of Bin Ladens every day.”

No example more powerfully demonstrates how our endless wars, our abandonment of diplomacy, and our lack of strategy have hurt our credibility abroad and made us less safe.

Osama bin Laden wasn’t a war refugee. And if anything, he used American intervention in the Gulf War to kickstart a Jihad against America. 

But Kirsten Gillibrand doesn’t actually know anything. And her speech somehow even gets dumber.

The Weissmann Dossier Who really wrote the Mueller Report? Kenneth R. Timmerman

Anyone who watched more than a few minutes of Wednesday’s painful hearings with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller discovered a sad truth the Democrats and many in the media continue to hide: Mueller neither wrote his report nor did he master the content of it.

Repeatedly during the day, the former FBI director stumbled over what we had been told were his findings. He slowly leafed through a binder, searching for passages that lawmakers were quoting to him, only to say “okay” or “true” when he finally found them.

In the morning’s hearing at the House Judiciary committee, Rep. Doug Collins asked Mueller if “conspiracy” – the criminal law term used in the first part of his report about Russia – and the vernacular term, “collusion” were the same thing. Mueller replied, “No.”

Taken aback, Collins asked if he was changing his earlier testimony – ie, the report – which stated on page 180 that collusion and conspiracy were the same. When Mueller finally found the passage, he withdrew his earlier testimony and stood by the report.

Rep. Collins – and frankly, every member of the two committees who questioned Mueller – had the elegance not to state the obvious: Mueller was non compus mentis.

During the afternoon hearing, Rep. Peter Welch, D, Va, again asked whether he had found collusion. This time, Mueller was so far gone, he couldn’t find his words.

“We don’t use the word collusion,” he said. “The word we usually use is-ah-not collusion-ah. But one of the other-ah-terms that-ah-ah-that fills in when collusion is not used. In any event, we decided not to use the word collusion in so much as it has no relevance to the criminal law arena.”

Trump: A Brawler for Democracy A weak and unlikely and untutored president beats back a concerted campaign of delegitimization. By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.

His partisan opponents and those who believe Donald Trump unfit can still try to remove or at least defame him with allegations that he sought to obstruct Robert Mueller’s investigation even if the investigation found no underlying crime.

That’s part of the political game but context is required. If a statement by John Dowd, Mr. Trump’s lawyer, to reporter Byron York is an accurate reflection of reality, then it reflects well on Mr. Mueller. Of his conversations with the special counsel, Mr. Dowd said: “Bob was a big boy about the political side of it. He understood the president had to address the politics of [the collusion investigation]. . . . People were pounding him about this thing every day, both privately and publicly, and he had to take [Mueller] on.”

Politicians, by the time they’ve asked millions for their money, their time, their support and their votes, are obliged to do just about anything to win. Once elected, they have an even bigger responsibility to defend their power and ability to govern. Ask any president: This, and not governing, is what they spend much of their time doing. And one thing you can say about President Trump: This most unlikely and in some ways weakest of presidents has brawled his way to victory over the most concerted delegitimization campaign any president has ever faced.

He was under attack from day one from partisan and media enemies who promoted the Russia collusion theory without especially caring whether it was true. He had every reason to wonder (and still does) whether he was getting a fair shake from the FBI and intelligence agencies. He has good reason to wonder, especially after Mr. Mueller revealed himself this week to be largely a figurehead in his own inquiry, whether the investigation was dragged out for two years in hopes of inducing him to commit obstruction crimes in place of the nonexistent collusion crimes. CONTINUE AT SITE

A Brave Soldier in the Fight for Minority Rights in Bangladesh By Janet Levy

On July 17th, President Trump met with more than two dozen survivors of religious conflicts, including victims from Iraq, Tibet, China and Bangladesh.  Several individuals stepped forward at the Second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom to tell their stories in hopes of informing him and gaining a commitment for intervention.

Among them was Priya Saha, an officer with the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council (BHBCUC), who was determined to obtain Trump’s assistance with the dire situation faced by minorities in her country.  She testified that since Bangladesh became independent in 1972 and Islam was declared the state religion five years later, non-Muslims have had their land confiscated and, among other atrocities, have been raped and murdered.  Millions of people have disappeared or have fled the country, she said.

As a result of her testimony, the government threatened Saha with sedition charges, angry mobs demonstrated outside her home, she and her family have been targeted on social media and she was expelled from the council.  All this occurred in a Muslim country which claims to observe religious freedoms and declares that all faiths live in harmony.  

As the former organization secretary for the non-profit BHBCUC, Saha is well-versed in the problems resulting from the infringement of minority rights in Bangladesh.  The organization was established  in 1988 to protect the rights of religious and ethnic minorities in the country after Islam was instituted as the state religion by constitutional amendment in 1977.  Secularism had originally been a fundamental principle of Bangladesh’s 1972 Constitution.  But this founding principle was altered by then-President, Ziaur Rahman, who replaced the non-sectarian text with a commitment to the “absolute trust and faith in Almighty Allah.”  Over the years, many challenges arose against the constitutional amendment amid calls for Bangladesh to return to secularism.  All have been rejected and Islam remains as the official state religion.