From Hebron 1929 to Tlaib-Omar 2019: The Jew-Hating, Jihadist-Marxist Alliance :Dr. Andrew Bostom

Ninety years ago, late August, 1929, the U.S. Beatrice Daily Sun (Beatrice, Nebraska), proclaimed,  “MOSLEMS SATE BLOOD LUST.  Even Little Children Die By Knife in Jehad” (Aug. 29, 1929; p.8). This brief report conveyed with grisly accuracy the Arab Muslim jihad [jehad] depredations against the Jews of Hebron which began with the insolated stabbings (one fatal) of two yeshiva students on Friday, August 23rd, followed by a raging massacre the next morning, during which 66 Jews were butchered within two-hours:

In practically every instance death was caused by swords or knives. Even young children of two and three years, many of them girls, did not escape the savagery of the attack.

While the greatest carnage of Jews was in Hebron, the Arab Muslim jihad rampages, which continued through August 29th, extended to Jerusalem 31 killed, 119 wounded; Safed 20 killed, 39 wounded; Jaffa 8 killed, 33 wounded; Haifa 6 killed, 67 wounded; Ramla 1 killed, 1 wounded; Beisan 25 wounded; Acre 3 wounded; and Nazareth 1 wounded. Even a strained “balanced” account of the 1929 Arab Muslim jihad—which ignores 1300 years of chronic jihad-imposed dhimmitude and Islamic antisemitism, with sporadic paroxysms of mass-murderous jihad violence against Jews, within their ancestral homeland—concedes, regarding the total of 133 Jews killed, and 241 injured:

A large majority of the Jews slain were unarmed and were murdered in their homes by Arabs. Most of the Arab dead were killed as they attacked Jewish settlements or neighborhoods. Most of the Arabs were felled by bullets fired by the British armed forces…

Jerusalem historian and journalist Pinchas Grayevsky (d. 1941) provided this graphic 1929 description of the brutal murder of Hebron pharmacist Ben-Zion Gershon:

For forty years, this Jew dressed the wounds and treated the illnesses of the most wretched Arabs, generally without asking for any compensation, as he received a salary from the community or from Hadassah. Over his lifetime, this man saved hundreds and thousands of Arabs from dying of diseases of all kinds, from going blind or becoming handicapped…On the day of the riots Arabs broke into the home of this poor Jew, and instead of having mercy on him for being one-legged, they cut off both of his hands. The very same Arabs whose eyes had been cured by him of trachoma [a potentially blinding infection caused by C. trachomatis, if untreated] and blindness stood over him and gouged out his eyes. The same Arabs whose wives and daughters he had saved from miscarrying and from gynecological illnesses now seized his eldest daughter, raped her, and killed her. They also stabbed his wife four times with a knife and brought a nail-studded club down on her head.

Palestinian education mirrors Palestinian vision Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Palestinian terrorists are graduates of the tightly-controlled Palestinian education system (K-12), which has forged the core beliefs, norms and values of the Palestinian society. Moreover, the Palestinian education system has reflected the worldview of its architects – Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas.

Historical experience has also played a major role in shaping the identity of all societies, but it is presented (in democratic societies) or misrepresented (in non-democratic societies) by the education system, which thus enhances or corrupts the foundations of the next generation.  

Furthermore, the Palestinian education system is the most authentic reflection of the Palestinian reality, vision and tactics, which are camouflaged by the Palestinian “screen saver” of diplomatic pronouncements, briefings and interviews.

The moderately-packaged Palestinian “screen saver” aims to mislead and sooth the concerns of Western policy-makers and public opinion-shapers, who are driven by well-intentioned wishful-thinking and oversimplification.  The West is eager to produce peaceful-coexistence between Israel and the Palestinians, in defiance of the Palestinian reality, and irrespective of the fact that peaceful-coexistence has yet to be established among Arabs/Muslims (“believers”), let alone between “believers” and the “infidel” in “the abode of Islam.”



Athletes performed an homage to the Third Reich before an awards ceremony. Their school won’t say how they were disciplined…

2 Israeli Arabs indicted for allegedly planning ISIS-inspired terrorist attack Amin Yassin and Ali al-Aroush, from the northern city of Tamra face charges of supporting jihadi terrorist group and conspiracy to commit a terrorist attack, Shin Bet security agency says.

Cleared for publication: Two Israeli-Arab residents of the northern city of Tamra have been arrested for allegedly planning an Islamic State-inspired terrorist attack, the Shin Bet security agency said Thursday.

Twenty-two-year-old medical student Amin Yassin and 28-year-old Ali al-Aroush, who had previously been arrested for alleged affiliation with the jihadi terrorist group, face charges of supporting a terrorist organization, contact with a foreign agent, receiving terrorist training, and conspiracy to commit a terrorist attack.

According to the Shin Bet security agency, the investigation found that “the two support ISIS and even see themselves as its emissaries until such time that an Islamic State is formed in Israel.”

The investigation further discovered that Yassin and al-Aroush had downloaded dozens of files containing “substantial ISIS-related contents,” including weapons and explosives training videos.

“The Shin Bet will continue to work with the Israel Police to expose suspects operating on behalf of Islamic State terrorist organization, and will take the necessary enforcement measures to prevent any activity that is detrimental to state security,” the agency said.

As PA, Jordan foment riots, Israeli Arab imams preach peace In mosque after mosque throughout Israel, imams prefer to send a message of peace, thereby underscoring the true story of the past few years – not a breakdown of Jewish-Arab relations, but growing Arab integration. Evelyn Gordon

At first glance, Sunday’s riots on the Temple Mount fit nicely into the media storyline that Israel’s “extremist right-wing nationalist” government is undermining relations between the Jewish majority and the Arab minority. Yet the most notable element of those riots was how many Israeli Arab religious leaders rejected the Jerusalem Waqf’s all-out effort to foment them. In mosque after mosque throughout Israel, imams preferred to send a message of peace, thereby underscoring the true story of the past few years – not a breakdown of Jewish-Arab relations, but growing Arab integration.

The Jerusalem Waqf, which runs the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, isn’t Israeli at all. It’s jointly controlled by Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, and diligently disseminates both countries’ anti-Israel incitement. Hence it is no surprise that anti-Israel riots periodically erupt there.

On Sunday, it sought to exploit a calendrical anomaly: The Jewish fast of Tisha B’Av coincided with the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice). Since both holidays commemorate events that occurred on the Mount (the destruction of the First and Second Temples, in Jewish tradition; Abraham’s sacrifice of Ishmael, in Muslim tradition), some members of both faiths like visiting the mount on that day. The Waqf, therefore, called a mass prayer rally at Al-Aqsa to prevent Jews from “defiling” it with their “filthy feet,” as Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas once famously said.

White Cargo The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh

The forgotten story of the thousands of white Britons who lived and died in bondage in Britain’s American colonies

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, more than 300,000 white people were shipped to America as slaves. Urchins were swept up from London’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields, where life expectancy was no more than two years. Brothels were raided to provide “breeders” for Virginia. Hopeful migrants were duped into signing as indentured servants, unaware they would become personal property who could be bought, sold, and even gambled away. Transported convicts were paraded for sale like livestock.

Drawing on letters crying for help, diaries, and court and government archives, Don Jordan and Michael Walsh demonstrate that the brutalities usually associated with black slavery alone were perpetrated on whites throughout British rule. The trade ended with American independence, but the British still tried to sell convicts in their former colonies, which prompted one of the most audacious plots in Anglo-American history.

This is a saga of exploration and cruelty spanning 170 years that has been submerged under the overwhelming memory of black slavery. White Cargo brings the brutal, uncomfortable story to the surface.


“Hi, I’m Elizabeth Warren. Even though I’m as white as library paste, I pretended to be an American Indian to get preferment. My research on medical bankruptcies was as fraudulent as the way I gamed the racial spoils system. So you should totally trust me when I say I’m “capitalist to my bones”!

The above quotation is from Armed & Dangerous…how each of the candidates would introduce themselves if they were honest.



Once upon a time in a universe far far away, the New York Times was known as “the newspaper of record.” They purported to report “All the News That’s Fit to Print.”

That was never true — like all such outlets it was written by humans, ergo biased — but it was a tiny bit more accurate than today, even with notorious contributors like Stalin-apologist Walter Duranty and Castro-apologist Herbert Matthews. The late Abe Rosenthal at least made an effort.

Now the paper is little more than a left-wing propaganda sheet — and not a very good one, notwithstanding its seemingly unbreakable and unremitting influence on the mainstream media who still check the Times before they check themselves.

These days the paper almost feels run by idiots. Certainly banking on Trump-Russia collusion as their main story for two years is not a sign of intelligence. It was an obvious absurdity from the beginning, promulgated by lies, largely published, wittingly or unwittingly, by the NYT. They even received Pulitzers for their prevarications, to the shame of both parties, the Pulitzer committee and the Times.

The Four Sisters of Anti-Semitism Peter Smith

Imagine The Squad  answering this question: What is your goal? Why the destruction of Israel and the death of your civilisation? The four congresswomen’s reply in unison. ‘Surely, you’re not so dim as to think we’ll ever stop’. Here is Rashida Tlaib on Twitter on August 16.

When I won, it gave the Palestinian people hope that someone will finally speak the truth about the inhumane conditions. I can’t allow the State of Israel to take away that light by humiliating me & use my love for my sity [grandmother] to bow down to their oppressive and racist policies

Says it all really. Apparently, Congresswoman Tlaib didn’t win to faithfully represent the interests of those who elected her within her district of Michigan but to represent Palestinian causes, of which destroying Israel sits supreme.

Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were refused entry to Israel. This is because they actively support the iniquitous BDS campaign and provide aid and comfort to Palestinian terrorist organisations. A reasonable posture on Israel’s part, one would think, if one were rational. Unfortunately, rationality, along with its bedfellow common sense, is in meagre supply these days. So various idiots, including some Republicans, expressed disagreement with Israel keeping enemies of the state, intent on using their visit to assist in their wicked cause of destroying the state, out of the state. Just what was Netanyahu thinking?

Here is a clue. Imagine Britain allowing William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) to make a visit in 1943 to assist him in his propaganda efforts when back in Germany. No, that didn’t happen, instead the British captured him in 1945 and hanged him in 1946. Hmm. A terrible idea has entered my head which, out of Christian charity, I’ve dismissed out of hand.

Chapter and verse on the Pell Lynching

Much has been written since 9.30am on Wednesday, when two members of a three-judge panel decided the uncorroborated and highly improbable account of cathedral choir boys being molested in an open, unlocked room after Sunday Mass by Cardinal George Pell was sufficiently convincing to see him returned to prison. Where close friends fear he will leave in a coffin, for at 78 such is the parlous state of his health.

Of all the tens of thousands of words, however, none paint such a damning picture of the forces arrayed against an innocent man as the magisterial overview pulled together by the poster Currency Lad (CL)  at the Catallaxy Files blog.

A small taste:

And so [ABC journalist Louise] Milligan proceeds to the allegations that led, albeit haltingly, to an infamous prosecution. Needless to say, she leaves out the corrupt “trawling” operation conducted by a vengeful Victoria Police to find somebody – anybody – who wanted to make accusations against one George Pell. Again, this mirrored what British police did at the behest of Carl Beech, the paedophile recently convicted of 12 counts of perverting the course of justice (inter alia).

I by no means thought Pell himself was an abuser until early 2016. From February that year, I began to meet men who made extremely concerning allegations about the Cardinal, going back decades.

She “began to meet men” who made accusations about the Cardinal? How? Where? Who facilitated this exordium of her enlightenment? If a third party made the introductions, what interest might they have had in cultivating an ABC journalist? She won’t say.

And again:

There was nothing in the men whom I began to meet (and whose stories I told in my book, Cardinal, The Rise and Fall of George Pell) that made me think that any of them were not telling the truth.

Let’s emphasise her key assertion: that every single one of them was telling the truth.

Facebook censorship blocking conservative thought from the national dialogue By Frank Hawkins

Facebook has no pretenses about banning conservative thought.  Its censorship of conservative voices is not disguised.  It’s in your face.  The company’s arrogance shows that it believes that no one can do anything about it.  Or will.

I have just ended a seven-day stay in FB jail for an unspecified “offense.”  That means I was totally blocked from posting or commenting, even giving “likes,” on Facebook for a full week.  As a regular conservative Facebook-user, but still scratching my head on what exactly offended the people running Facebook, I was happy to be back.

As it turned out, my joy was premature.  To mark my return to FB, I attempted to post an article outlining the Obama-Brennan attempt to discredit and overthrow the Trump presidency.  It was the lead article on the conservative Drudge challenger,  I don’t know that everything in the article was correct.  But the writer made a solid case.  There was no profanity, no violence, no personal attacks in the piece, nothing that could be regarded by any reasonable person as hate speech.  In fact, a lot of the story was repetition and summary of what has already been widely reported.  Bottom line: It was a well documented reveal on the Deep State and the illegal actions of the Obama-Brennan administration against Trump.

When I tried to post the story, a Facebook tag popped up that said, “Error. Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.”  What?  What “other people”?  Which Democrat, Squad-supporting progressive, Brennan ally, Deep State operative snowflake was it?  What was “abusive” about what I was trying to post?  In fact, what does “abusive” in this context mean other than that it is a conservative point of view on current events?  Nevertheless, that’s how FB explained that it were blocking my post.