“We Are Never Heard”: Persecution of Christians, May 2019 by Raymond Ibrahim


“The assailants asked the Christians to convert to Islam, but the pastor and the others refused.” So “they called them, one after the other, behind the church building where they shot them dead.” — World Watch Monitor, Burkina Faso, May 2, 2019.

“When the next wave of violence begins to hit us, will anyone on your campuses hold demonstrations and carry signs that say ‘We are all Christians’?” — Rev. Bashar Warda, Archbishop of Irbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, in an address delivered in London.

” [A] new form of persecution is on the rise—Christian girls are being targeted by Muslim men… Influential leaders are literally training young men to target Christian girls to impregnate them”… “[T]hey’re forced into marrying that daughter into a Muslim family…. Once girls are married into the Muslim families, they’re often cut off from or abandoned by their families and they face even more difficult circumstances. In some cases, girls are the second or third wife of their persecutor and they have few freedoms.” — Mission Network News; Lindsey Steele; May 22, 2019. — Indonesia.

“The mob began shouting outside our home asking for our family to exit our home and receive divine retribution for our sin. It did not seem very divine—we just saw raging evil violent people ready to kill us.” — British Pakistani Christian Association; May 21, 2019 — Pakistan.

The Slaughter of Christians

Burkina Faso: A number of fatal Islamic terror attacks on Christians and their churches took place or were reported in May:

On Sunday 26 May, armed Muslims stormed a Catholic church during mass and opened fire on the gathered worshippers; four were killed and several others injured. killing four and injuring others.
On May 13, armed Muslims attacked a Catholic procession, slaughtered four Christians and “burned a statue of the Virgin Mary.”
On May 12, approximately 30 armed Muslims stormed a Catholic church, slaughtered at least six worshippers—including the officiating priest—and then burned the church to the ground.
On Sunday, April 28, Islamic terrorists stormed a Protestant church and killed six worshippers, including the 80-year-old pastor and his two sons. According to a local, “The assailants asked the Christians to convert to Islam, but the pastor and the others refused.” So “they called them, one after the other, behind the church building where they shot them dead.”
On April 5, Islamic gunmen entered a Catholic church and murdered four Christians.

Time for Europe to Get Over The “Worst Deal Ever” by Con Coughlin


Yet, while Iran shows no sign of scaling down its aggressive stance towards the US and its allies in the region, Europe continues to cling to the wreckage of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), to give the nuclear deal its proper name, in the misguided belief that the deal remains the best means of preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

The determination of the Europeans to stick with the nuclear deal at all costs was very much in evidence earlier this week during a meeting of European Union foreign ministers in Brussels at which they came up with the decidedly bogus notion that Iran’s breaches of the 2015 nuclear deal were not significant and therefore did not require the Europeans to withdraw from the JCPOA.

Europe’s insistence on sticking with the nuclear deal, and its refusal to support Washington’s attempts to provide naval protection for international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, could ultimately prove self-defeating.

Europe is far more dependent on energy supplies from the Gulf than the US, and any further attempts by Iran to disrupt oil and gas supplies from the Gulf would have catastrophic consequences for Europe’s economy.

With tensions rising in the Gulf by the day as a result of Iran’s increasingly provocative conduct, the refusal of the major European powers to back the Trump administration’s determination to confront Iran is looking increasingly untenable.

In the past few months Iran has been blamed for a series of attacks on oil tankers operating in the Gulf, and forced a British Royal Navy warship to intervene when a number of fast patrol boats operated by the naval division of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) attempted to harass a British-owned tanker sailing through the Strait of Hormuz, the main shipping route into the oil-rich Gulf.

Boris Johnson’s Iran Test Will he stand up to Tehran’s aggression or follow Europe’s lead?


Boris Johnson is expected to become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom this week with a mandate to deliver Brexit. But before he can even say Brussels, the new leader will confront an international crisis started by Iran. This is an opportunity for Mr. Johnson to display independence and strength while nudging Europe toward a new approach to the Islamic Republic.

On Friday Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps seized a British-flagged oil tanker and its 23 crew members in the Strait of Hormuz. The Iranians claimed to board the ship for “security reasons” but this was clearly retaliation.

The British recently impounded an Iranian tanker off the coast of Gibraltar because the ship was suspected of bringing oil to Syria in violation of European Union sanctions. The Brits have offered to release the ship as long as it won’t go to Syria, but Iran refuses anything but an unconditional release.

“Unlike the piracy in the Strait of Gibraltar, our action in the Persian Gulf is to uphold int’l maritime rules,” Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted on Saturday. “UK must cease being an accessory to #EconomicTerrorism of the US.” Mr. Zarif is trolling, but his reaction suggests the Trump Administration’s maximum-pressure campaign against the regime is working.

President Trump left the nuclear Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action last year not to start a war but to build leverage for new negotiations. Mr. Zarif outmaneuvered John Kerry and got a sweetheart deal in 2015 that allowed the regime to regain its economic strength while temporarily putting its nuclear ambitions on hold. Rather than address Iran’s malign regional behavior, the agreement left Tehran with more cash to finance terrorism and other aggression.

Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel’s Longest-Serving Prime Minister By Matthew Continetti

https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/07/benjamin-netanyahu-israels-longest-serving-prime-minister/He persisted.

On July 20, Benjamin Netanyahu becomes Israel’s longest-serving prime minister. His first tenure lasted from 1996 to 1999. This second stint began in 2009. Bibi has won five elections since. The most recent victory, in April, was Pyrrhic. He failed to form a government. An unprecedented rematch is set for September.

Whatever the result, Netanyahu’s historical legacy is assured. He has proven to be not only a skilled and charismatic political operator, but also a remarkably effective steward of Israel’s prosperity and safety.

“A successful democratic statesman,” Irving Kristol wrote in 2001, “is one whose tenure in office is seen by his countrymen as representing a permanent contribution to the shaping of our democratic destiny. He is viewed as having expanded democratic horizons while nourishing the democratic spirit and reinforcing the popular commitment to self-government.” Kristol was describing Ronald Reagan. When interpreted through the fractal lens of Israeli politics, his words also apply to Netanyahu’s achievements in economics, diplomacy, and security.

Beginning with his first premiership, and continuing through his tenure as finance minister in Ariel Sharon’s government, Netanyahu has encouraged the modernization and reform of a once sclerotic economy. What Dan Senor and Saul Singer called Start-up Nation has to a great extent replaced the Israel of labor, cartel, and kibbutz. Today Israel is an entrepreneurial, high-tech economy with a highly educated workforce.

“There is nary an economic indicator that doesn’t look good,” Melrav Arlosoroff wrote in Haaretz last December. “Gross domestic product has risen an average of 3 percent or more annually, unemployment is at a record low, employment is at a record high, more ultra-Orthodox and Arabs are joining the labor force, and the national debt has fallen to 60 percent of GDP.” (We should be so lucky: America’s debt is 105 percent of GDP.)

Who Are The Racists Here? Francis Menton


You can be forgiven if you have the impression that the entire argument of the Democratic party to voters at this point in time consists of yelling at the opposition, “You’re racists!” Or maybe sometimes it’s “You’re white supremacists!” But is there any substance to these charges?

The last few days have seen a near total meltdown, after President Trump tweeted (on July 14):

Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

No mention of race there, of course. Sounds to me like an invitation to the radical Congresswomen to start behaving like grown-ups and taking some responsibility for the absurd policy proposals that they throw around so recklessly. The Green New Deal for Somalia? I can only think it would take the impoverished Somalis from mere poverty to total destitution and starvation. But the “squad” thinks the Green New Deal is imperative for the U.S. Then why shouldn’t it also be the right policy path for Somalia? And if this plan is the route to a perfected world, what’s wrong with suggesting that its leading advocates bring some influence to bear on Somalia (or Palestine or Mexico) to implement their prescriptions? The backdrop of proposing Somalia for the GND seems to me like an excellent basis for an intelligent conversation about what policies might actually work in the real world.

So let’s get the reaction of Ilhan Omar (quoted at bbc.com July 16):

Ms Omar says Mr Trump’s “blatantly racist attack” on four women of colour was “the agenda of white nationalists.”



Week after week Israel”s achievements in every field of human endeavor dazzle and give the lie to the vicious libels promoted by anti-Semites – including those who benefit from Israeli technology and medicine…..rsk

Phase 3 trials for pancreatic cancer treatment. (TY Stuart). I reported previously (10th Jun) results of trials of one pancreatic treatment at Israel’s Sheba hospital. Sheba are now starting Phase 3 trials of another, CPI-613 (devimistat) from Israeli biotech Rafael, which can also treat Acute Myeloid Leukemia and other cancers.
https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/Breakthrough-pancreatic-cancer-treatment-phase-III-trial-opens-in-Israel-596059 https://rafaelpharma.com/research-and-development/cpi-613-drug/
Israeli project reduces UK child obesity. (TY UWI) Between 2009 and 2017 child obesity increased across the UK but fell 6.4% in Leeds – England’s 3rd largest city. This was due to the HENRY [Health Exercise Nutrition for the Really Young] initiative, developed by Professor Mary Rudolf of Israel’s Bar-Ilan University.
https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/UK-city-sees-decrease-in-child-obesity-thanks-to-program-from-Bar-Ilan-prof-595088  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ijpo.12529
Custom-tailored antibiotics. (TY WIN & UWI) I reported previously (23rd Feb)on the AI system devised at Israel’s Technion for identifying the right antibiotic and dose for curing an individual’s infection. Now, thanks to the KSM Institute of Israel’s Maccabi Health company, the system is getting much nearer to fruition.
Hope for multi-disease treatment. I reported previously (Feb 2018) about the 5-mer peptide, developed by Professor David Naor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Its potential to treat inflammatory and brain diseases has now been recognized by donors and an Israeli biotech which has signed contracts for clinical trials.
Moses wins excellence award. (TY Atid-EDI) I reported previously (23rd Oct)on the Moses laser from Israel’s Lumenis that urologists were using to smash bladder stones. Its technology was the Silver Winner in the Operating Room Medical Device category of the 21st Annual Medical Design Excellence Awards.

Ilhan Omar, Nazis, and Israel… by Gerald A. Honigman


Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, one of the previously Three (now four) Amigas, has recently introduced a resolution comparing Israel to  Nazi Germany… https://ekurd.net/the-three-amigas-2019-02-19

This kind of wisdom is nothing new for her. She’s frequently spouting some antisemitic (sometimes disguised as anti-Zionist) alleged truism or another. So, it’s time for a little enlightenment, and I’ll leave out persistent stories of Omar’s various undertakings–such as marrying her own brother and such.

Omar’s family is from Somalia and are Arabized/Islamized black Africans.

Millions like her were conquered, colonized, displaced, enslaved, massacred, and brought into harems as a result. If a good number of folks in places  like Saudi Arabia and such look black, guess why? Not that we don’t see this sort of thing in the West and other places too, but folks like Omar don’t seem to care about what brought themselves to the “religion of peace.”

For black Africans who dared to resist the Arab jihad, there’s quite a different story to tell—just don’t share it with Louis Farakhan and his buddies, like President Obama’s virtual uncle, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and other holy men such as Al Sharpton, Jesse “Hymietown “ Jackson & Co. Omar’s fellow Amiga, Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib, has written for Farakhan’s rabidly anti-Jewish publication…http://www.businessinsider.com/rashida-tlaib-wrote-column-louis-farrakhans-blog-2019-2

That other, different story of blacks—whose ancestors resisted Arabization—would just be “nasty, Satanic, Jew Zionist propaganda” for Omar, Farrakhan, and their ilk.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of those “others” and is also from Somalia. Please see what she has to say on this very same subject, such as here…

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, one of the previously Three (now four) Amigas, has recently introduced a resolution comparing Israel to  Nazi Germany… https://ekurd.net/the-three-amigas-2019-02-19

This kind of wisdom is nothing new for her. She’s frequently spouting some antisemitic (sometimes disguised as anti-Zionist) alleged truism or another. So, it’s time for a little enlightenment, and I’ll leave out persistent stories of Omar’s various undertakings–such as marrying her own brother and such.

Omar’s family is from Somalia and are Arabized/Islamized black Africans.

Millions like her were conquered, colonized, displaced, enslaved, massacred, and brought into harems as a result. If a good number of folks in places  like Saudi Arabia and such look black, guess why? Not that we don’t see this sort of thing in the West and other places too, but folks like Omar don’t seem to care about what brought themselves to the “religion of peace.”

For black Africans who dared to resist the Arab jihad, there’s quite a different story to tell—just don’t share it with Louis Farakhan and his buddies, like President Obama’s virtual uncle, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and other holy men such as Al Sharpton, Jesse “Hymietown “ Jackson & Co. Omar’s fellow Amiga, Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib, has written for Farakhan’s rabidly anti-Jewish publication…http://www.businessinsider.com/rashida-tlaib-wrote-column-louis-farrakhans-blog-2019-2

That other, different story of blacks—whose ancestors resisted Arabization—would just be “nasty, Satanic, Jew Zionist propaganda” for Omar, Farrakhan, and their ilk. 

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of those “others” and is also from Somalia. Please see what she has to say on this very same subject, such as here…


For an analogy, let’s see how how Arabs in the north of the Sudan, west of Somalia, viewed the same issue. As I’ve oft referred to before, ex-president, Gaafar Muhammad al-Nimeiry proclaimed…

The Humanitarian Hoax of Department of Homeland Security’s Security: Killing America With Kindness – hoax 40 by Linda Goudsmit



The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established November 25, 2002, by the Homeland Security Act of 2002. DHS is a cabinet department formed in response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the homeland. The DHS mission statement is clear, “With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.”

The DHS website describes the department with clarity, and lists its twelve operational and support components:

“The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector. Our duties are wide-ranging, and our goal is clear – keeping America safe.”

1. United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

3. United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

4. Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

5. Science and Technology Directorate

6. Office of Intelligence and Analysis

7. United States Coast Guard (USCG)

8. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

9. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)

10. Management Directorate

11. Counting Weapons of Mass Destruction Office

12. Office of Operations Coordination

The enormity of the Department of Homeland Security reflects the seriousness and magnitude of the acknowledged security threats to America in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. The Department of Defense works in the military sphere, while the Department of Homeland Security works in the civilian sector to safeguard America. The mission to safeguard America is unequivocally and unapologetically America-first. There is no ambiguity regarding the priority to protect – America is the uncontested priority.


The Three Biggest Lies Of The Trump Era J. Frank Bullitt


Lying has always been a part of politics. But what we’re seeing today is extreme. Politicians’ falsehoods, eagerly parroted by celebrities, are aided by a media that, rather than acting as an impartial referee, has become an agency for Democrats and the political left. Here are the top three whoppers since President Trump took office that those sick with Trump Derangement Syndrome just won’t let go of.

Trump’s Supporters Are Racist 

“Trump is, without question, a racist,” a senior writer at The Root named Michael Harriot, who identifies himself on his Twitter account as a “master race-baiter,” wrote recently in that publication. “And so are his supporters. Not some of them. All of them.” (Emphasis added by Harriot.)

On Sunday, the day President Trump posted his “go back home” tweet aimed at The Squad, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, one of the president’s targets, tweeted “Trump is a racist. If you still support him, so are you.”

A couple of months ago, a cable news exchange between CNN anchor John Berman and activist Michaela Angela Davis went this way:

Davis: I think it’s important we don’t make Trump seem this untouchable thing … that no one gets to be Trump but Trump. Tens of millions of people voted for him after he showed his cards for years.

Berman: But are you suggesting that they’re racist …

Davis: Absolutely yes. Yes.

Berman: All the people that voted for Donald Trump are racist?

Davis: Yes.

These charges are untrue on their face. If they were true, there would be nearly 63 million (Trump’s 2016 vote total) racists in this country. Or maybe more. Roughly 46% of the voters marked their ballots for Trump. If that share of voters represents the portion of Americans who support Trump, there are more than 150 million racists in the U.S. If either of these reflected reality, we would be in a race war. The same would be true if only 10% of Trump voters were racist. The violence would be daily and widespread. The Klan would ride again.

Yet, as many have pointed out, racism and racists have become marginalized in this country, almost to the point of nonexistence. Racism is so rare that people are faking hate crimes to support the narrative.