The Palestinian leadership didn’t boycott the Trump administration’s economic meeting in Bahrain last week because it denied them a future political horizon. They oppose the Trump Prosperity to Peace plan because it gives them an open road to success.
The footage of the administration’s workshop last week on developing the Palestinian economy made for surrealistic viewing. Sitting in Manama, Bahrain, were representatives of most Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman, Egypt, and Jordan. There were also leaders of international economic institutions, including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. And there were business leaders from the U.S., the Arab world, and Europe. They were hosted by a U.S. delegation led by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, as well as by President Donald Trump’s Middle East negotiations team, headed by senior presidential advisor Jared Kushner and senior presidential advisor for negotiations Jason Greenblatt.
All of these leaders came together to discuss a detailed U.S. plan to bring $50 billion in grants, loans, and investments to the Palestinians in the West Bank, (i.e., Judea and Samaria) and the Gaza Strip, as well as to neighboring Arab states: Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon.
The stated purpose of the plan is to end Palestinian economic privation and suffering by transforming the Palestinian economy from a negative growth, high-unemployment economy into a prosperous high-growth, low-unemployment economy.
Yet despite the money involved and the power the participants packed, the Palestinians didn’t show up. The Palestinian Authority (PA) announced in May that it was boycotting the conference and appealed to all those invited to boycott the conference as well.
After the conference convened last Tuesday, the PA sent mobs out to riot throughout the West Bank. They burned effigies of President Donald Trump. The youth wing of PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s ruling Fatah faction called for a renewed terror campaign against Israel. And together with Hamas, Fatah branded Palestinian businessmen who braved the boycott and travelled to Bahrain “traitors” and vowed to punish them “with full force” for their treachery. Indeed, at least one Palestinians businessman who participated in the Bahrain conference was arrested upon returning home. Others escaped arrest by running away from their homes when they were alerted that PA security forces were en route to arrest them.