Kamala Harris Says Crossing Border Illegally Shouldn’t be a Crime By Nicholas Ballasy VIDEO


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) argued that crossing the border illegally shouldn’t be considered a “criminal enforcement issue.”

Harris said she would treat illegally entry into the U.S. as a civil offense. Her comments were made during a segment on The View .



The Empire Wokes Back by Mark Steyn

The internal contradictions of wokeness: Gender is totally fluid, and, if you’re unpersuaded that a six-foot man with a beard is a woman, you’ll lose your job. Whereas race is a social construct, but not that social. From my old friends at Slate:

“Kamala Harris is *not* an American Black. She is half Indian and half Jamaican,” read one of a dozen similar tweets questioning Harris’ identity sent in the moments after she, while confronting Joe Biden’s record of opposing desegregation, recalled being bused to school as a little girl. Another read, “KAMALA HARRIS IS NOT BLACK” and featured a photo of Harris with a “Kamala Dolezal” emblazoned across her face, referencing Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who claims to be “transracially” black. Yet another read, “Kamala Harris is implying she is descended from American Black Slaves. She’s not. She comes from Jamaican Slave Owners. That’s fine. She’s not an American Black. Period.”

Senator Harris is half-Jamaican and half-Indian (dot not Warren). If she were to prevail in next November’s election, she would be the second black president to come from entirely outside the African-American experience – after Barack Obama, who was half-Kenyan and half-white. I can sort of understand why, if I were the Reverend Al Sharpton or the Reverend Jesse Jackson, I’d be irked by what seems to be becoming a pattern.

As I wrote over a decade ago, Barack Obama was the first US president to be born a British subject since Andrew Jackson. Kamala Harris would be the second. What’s up with that? In my book The [Un]documented Mark Steyn I quote another man born a British subject, General Colin Powell, from 1995, back when he was doing his to-run-or-not-to-run routine:

After the British ended slavery, they told my ancestors that they were now British citizens with all the rights of any subject of the Crown. That was an exaggeration; still, the British did establish good schools and made attendance mandatory. They filled the lower ranks of the civil service with blacks. Consequently, West Indians had an opportunity to develop attitudes of inde- pendence, self-responsibility and self- worth. They did not have their individual dignity beaten down for three hundred years.

Like Kamala’s, General Powell’s identity was bluntly questioned: After he said his favorite composer was Andrew Lloyd Webber, Jesse Jackson wondered, “Is this guy even black?”

If you’re looking for an alternative, there’s always Mayor Pete, who I suggested the other day was in a somewhat Obamaesque position – and whaddaya know, just like Barack he was born a British subject, too. Buttigieg is a Maltese surname, and Mayor Pete makes the cut by eleven-and-a-half months: He entered the world in January 1982, and the new British Nationality Act came into effect in January 1983, making British-subject status inheritable only if you’re stateless. So another couple of election cycles and a non-imperial gay or black might have a shot.

Trump’s Huawei Reprieve Is a National Security Debacle by Gordon G. Chang


Huawei is in no position to resist Beijing’s demands to illicitly gather intelligence. For one thing, Beijing owns Huawei. The Shenzhen-based enterprise maintains it is “employee-owned,” but that is an exaggeration. Founder Ren Zhengfei holds a 1 percent stake, and the remainder is effectively owned by the state. Moreover, in the Communist Party’s top-down system, no one can resist a command from the ruling organization.

The concern is that the Chinese government and military will be able to use Huawei equipment to remotely manipulate devices networked on the Internet of Things (IoT), no matter where those devices are located. So, China may be able to drive your car into oncoming traffic, unlock your front door, or turn off or speed up your pacemaker.

On Tuesday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross echoed earlier administration comments when he promised his department would only issue exemptions “where there is no threat to U.S. national security.” That sounds reassuring, but it is not possible to divide Huawei into threatening and non-threatening components. Huawei management can take profits from innocuous-looking parts of the business to support the obviously dangerous parts. Money is fungible, so the only safe course would be to prohibit all transactions with the company.

Beijing, buoyed by the talk of the American climb-down, is now fast selling Huawei equipment around the world, which means, in the normal course of events, the Chinese will soon control the world’s 5G backbone.

Tuesday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross outlined the scope of exemptions to be granted to sales and licenses to Huawei Technologies, the Chinese telecom giant.

At the end of last month, President Donald Trump publicly promised to give the Chinese company a reprieve from newly implemented U.S. restrictions.

Trump’s move, announced after his meeting with Chinese ruler Xi Jinping at the conclusion of the Osaka G20 summit, was a strategic mistake. Moreover, it was a humiliation for the United States, almost an acknowledgment of Beijing’s supremacy.

The U.S. Commerce Department, effective May 16, added Huawei, the world’s largest networking equipment manufacturer and second-largest smartphone maker, to its Entity List. The designation means that no American company, without prior approval from the Bureau of Industry and Security, is allowed to sell or license to Huawei products and technology covered by the U.S. Export Administration Regulations.

This time it’s different – why anti-Semitism could finally sink Labour Stephen Bush


The crisis may now cost Labour significant votes

What is left to be said about Labour and anti-Semitism? The moment when a reconciliation could be effected by the party’s present leadership passed long ago. The majority of British Jewish community organisations and the leadership of Labour’s own affiliate, the Jewish Labour Movement, believe that Jeremy Corbyn is at best a facilitator of anti-Semitism and at worst an anti-Semite himself. According to the pollster Survation, which accurately predicted the result of the 2017 election, 86 per cent of British Jews believe that the Labour leader is anti-Semitic.

There is division over exactly when the point of no return was reached. For some it was Corbyn’s defence of an anti- Semitic mural, for others it was his comment that two British Zionists  had “no sense of irony”,  for a few it was the repeated indulgence of Chris Williamson. But they are united on the important fact, which is that the moment of redemption has been and gone.

As far as the struggle for power in the United Kingdom as a whole is concerned, the lesson of both the recent and the distant past, is that the row doesn’t really matter. The history of race relations is that majorities tend not to consider the fears of minorities when they cast their votes. Outside of the handful of constituencies where Britain’s Jews gather in significant numbers, there is no evidence that Labour’s anti-Semitism problem cost the party electorally in the 2017 election.

Trump’s Strategy Is Turning Europe Against Iran by Ilan Berman


It’s hardly a secret that European leaders dislike Donald Trump. Over the past two years, the U.S. President’s divisive personal style, and his confrontational rhetoric on everything from Europe’s deficient defense spending to bilateral trade, have severely strained trans-Atlantic relations. And yet, on at least one issue — Iran — European countries are slowly but surely drifting into alignment with the White House, even if they are doing so grudgingly.

On Sunday, the Iranian government announced plans to imminently breach the limits of its 2015 nuclear deal with the West. If it follows through on the threat, the Islamic Republic will begin enriching uranium this week beyond the 3.67 percent threshold outlined by the agreement — laying the groundwork for an eventual “sprint” to nuclear status, should the regime choose to do so. Moreover, according to Iranian officials, unless the U.S. and its allies scale down their pressure on the regime in the next two months, Iran will take further steps to fracture the atomic pact, and is “prepared to enrich uranium to any level and with any amount.”

The objective of Iran’s threats is clear. As Michael Doran of the Hudson Institute has eloquently outlined, Iran’s indications of nuclear breakout — and its increasingly bellicose behavior in the Persian Gulf — are intended to raise the specter of war with the United States, and prod increasingly nervous European nations to pressure the U.S. to back off its campaign of “maximum” economic and political pressure.

But Tehran’s maneuvers could actually have the opposite effect. European nations, already nervous over Iran’s recent recklessness in the Strait of Hormuz, are becoming more and more alarmed by what they view as an increasingly undependable partner in Tehran.

Jilted Again! The NeverTrump-Left Alliance Crumbles By Julie Kelly


The political misfits known as NeverTrumpers are begging for allies ahead of next year’s presidential election—and, as usual, they aren’t looking to the Right.

This collection of failed magazine editors, Iraq War propagandists, washed-up columnists, Russian collusion pimps, and losing campaign consultants have dogged Donald Trump and his supporters for three years. While some anti-Trump “conservatives” who contributed to National Review’s infamous “Against Trump” issue in early 2016 have become supporters of the president, others cannot let go—but their obstinance is less about principle and more about grift: Acting as the useful conservative idiot for the Washington Post or MSNBC has breathed new life into once stale careers and burned reputations.

Despite making repeated threats and floating the names of several potential candidates, they have failed to produce a legitimate primary challenger to Trump. (Bill Kristol, the de facto head of NeverTrump Inc., last year claimed he was building a “war machine” to take on Trump in 2020, making this yet another war Kristol waged from the sidelines and lost.)

NeverTrumpers also failed to help Democrats run Trump out of the Oval Office, whether it was by promoting the egregious special counsel investigation into imaginary Russian collusion or supporting any and all empty calls for impeachment. They have not produced a detailed policy agenda to offer an alternative to Trumpism, only bromides about vague “principles.”

Now, armed with the same unjustified hubris and political fecklessness that turned once-influential conservatives into a punchline, NeverTrumpers are warning Democrats that they need to find some imaginary center so they can join forces to Dump Trump in 2020.

Democrat Congressman Blasts AOC, Says Her ‘Ignorance Is Beyond Belief’ By Matt Margolis


On Thursday, Congressman William Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) blasted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for starting a civil war in her party over identity politics after suggesting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was singling out her and her “squad” of fellow freshman because of their race. “It was such a weak argument to say she was being picked on and that four women of color were being picked on by the speaker,” Clay told Fox News on Thursday. “It tells you the level of ignorance to American history on their part as to what we are as the Democratic Caucus.”

For what it’s worth, a poll from earlier this year found that nearly three-quarters of Democrats would vote for AOC for president if she were old enough.

Clay also took another swipe at Ocasio-Cortez and fellow freshman Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.)., Rashida Tlaib, (D-Mich.), and Ayanna Pressley, (D-Mass.) over their inexperience. “It’s going to take a process of maturing for those freshman members. They will have to learn to be effective legislators,” he said. “It shows their lack of sensitivity to racism. To fall back on that (trope) is a weak argument. It has no place in a civil discussion.”

I wonder how he feels about Democrats haphazardly calling every Republican by default racist?

Impeaching Trump For Fighting Illegal Immigration by Thomas McArdle


What if House Democrats drew up articles of impeachment charging President Trump not with obstruction of justice but with obstruction of those entering America illegally?

The ructions for months now over the continuous unauthorized entry of multitudes across the southern border, their often-dubious appeals for political asylum, and the shameful exploitation of children by those seeking to get into the country any way they can are being used to the full against Trump.

If Democrats can’t convince the country that he’s Nixon, maybe they can convince the country he’s the witch from “Hansel and Gretel,” catching little children he can fatten up, roast in the oven, and consume.

Although the House Judiciary Committee remains intent on re-pursuing ex-special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of alleged collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia, to the extreme of even insisting that Mueller testify after he publicly stated at the end of May that the investigation is complete and his lengthy two-part report constitutes his testimony, it’s widely conceded, even among Trump haters, that there is nothing impeachable there.

So in tandem with its demands for documents and testimony regarding Russia, the panel has also sought numerous immigration documents from the administration. On Tuesday the committee authorized subpoenas for them in anticipation of Mueller’s appearances before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees next week. Administration officials have been yelled at in House hearings on children being separated from the illegal aliens accompanying them at the border. And earlier this month Democratic House members visited border facilities and raised an uproar regarding conditions there, with doubtful tales of Nazi-like concentration camps and guards telling migrants to drink from the toilet.

Warner Video: Why Won’t Muslims Assimilate? What Islamic doctrine teaches about migration, domination and annihilation. The Glazov Gang


This new edition of the Glazov Gang presents the Dr. Bill Warner Moment with Dr. Bill Warner, the president of politicalislam.com.

Dr. Warner asks: Why Won’t Muslims Assimilate? and he unveils what Islamic doctrine teaches about migration, domination and annihilation.

Don’t miss it!

A Tale of Two Cities Both of which are London. Bruce Bawer


For the last couple of days, journalists and politicians all over London have been wringing their hands in despair over the disrespectful treatment accorded to a stellar Englishman. No, not Tommy Robinson. Kim Darroch. Sorry: Sir Kim Darroch. Yes, he’s a guy – Kim as in Kim Philby or Kim Jong Un, not Kim Novak. Since 2016, not that you or I would’ve known it, he’s been the UK Ambassador to the US. Before that he was Britain’s National Security Advisor, and before that he was his country’s Permanent Representative to the EU, an organization of which he is known to be exceedingly fond. In short, a career diplomat with predictable PC politics.

And the kind of faceless civil servant whom the public never notices until, as happened the other day, a scandal erupts around him. On July 5, the Mail on Sunday reported on leaked secret cables in which Darroch described the Trump White House as “dysfunctional,” “unpredictable,” “diplomatically clumsy and inept,” and torn by factional conflict, said that Trump himself had led a life “mired in scandal” and might well be indebted to “dodgy Russians,” and warned, after the President’s recent state visit to London, that Trump’s USA “is still the land of America First.”

On wonders: why keep some jerk on the payroll for this kind of stuff when you can get the same thing twenty-four hours a day on CNN or MSNBC? One also wonders: what kind of fatuity, or chutzpah, does it take for an envoy representing the worst prime minister and lamest government in modern British history to describe the most successful American president of our lifetimes as dysfunctional and inept? And one further wonders: did Darroch, while serving in Washington during the last days of the Obama administration, ever once express concern about Barack’s and Hillary’s numerous scandals and “dodgy” foreign connections?