In Search for Innovation, EU Corporations Turn Their Eyes to Tel Aviv by Lilach Baumer
Silicon Valley may hold the global crown when it comes to attracting European corporations looking to tap innovative new technologies, but Tel Aviv is closing the gap, and fast.

Forty-one large European corporations currently operate an innovation outpost in Israel, almost half of which have set up shop in the past three years, according to a new report published Monday by Mind the Bridge, a Silicon Valley-based innovation advisory firm. In comparison, the number of large European corporations that operate an innovation hub in Silicon Valley currently stands at 60.

The report’s authors divided international presence in Israel into four categories: the corporate innovation antenna — a small scouting team that looks for technologies on a case-by-case basis; the corporate innovation lab — an incubator-like entity that recruits out-of-house research and development; the research and development center — an established outpost numbering at least 50 local employees, which draws on both local startups and local human talent; and a corporate venture capital (CVC) outpost — a local venture fund presence set up by an international corporation.

In terms of presence in Israel, the four top countries are Germany, with 13 corporations, among them Bosch, Daimler AG, Volkswagen, Bayer, and Merck; France, with 10, including the Renault Group and insurance company AXA; the UK, with seven, including ARM and Barclays; and Switzerland, with four — Novartis, Lonza, Nestle, and Syngenta.

Overall, of the industry sectors represented among these corporations, the most popular are automotive and engineering and electronics, with life sciences a close third. Some corporations operate multiple outposts, such as Merck, which has one R&D center spread over four facilities, a lab, and two corporate venture capital (CVC) offices, according to the report.

In comparison to Silicon Valley, the authors conclude, Israeli outposts tend to be fewer in number but larger in scope — with R&D centers dominating thanks to Israel offering faster results and requiring smaller teams “due to the greatly concentrated and networked market, and the distinctive execution pace of local teams.” In Silicon Valley, only 19 percent of the outposts are R&D centers, compared to 60 percent in Israel, while CVCs amount to 30 percent, compared to 12 percent in Israel.

Mexican Meddling in Our Elections Trump’s tariffs are necessary, but too nice for Mexico’s colonial regime. Lloyd Billingsley

“Social problems are not solved with duties or coercive measures,” and “the Statue of Liberty is not an empty symbol.”

That was Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador after President Trump, no longer willing to wait on a hostile, do-nothing Congress, announced a 5 percent tariff on all Mexican goods. The tariffs would escalate in proportion to the way Mexico helps solve the border crisis, with a 25 percent rate targeted for October 1.

AMLO, as the Mexican president is known, blasted Trump for “turning the United States, overnight, from a country of brotherly love for immigrants from around the world, to a bolted space, where there’s stigmatizing, mistreatment, abuse, persecution, and a denial of the right to justice to those who seek — with sacrifice and hard work — to live free from misery.”

This reflected the belief of “socialist messiah” AMLO that all Mexicans have a “right” to live in the United States, which has the obligation to solve Mexico’s problems forever. AMLO quickly dispatched to Washington his foreign relations boss Marcelo Ebrard, a former Mexico City mayor who has been busy proclaiming Mexico “a great neighbor” of the USA.

Before that, as Ebrard told Francisco Goldman of the New Yorker, he became “committed to direct political action” to get Hillary Clinton elected in 2016. Ebrard had previously worked with Voto Latino and other groups in California, Arizona, Florida and elsewhere. The prospect of Trump, whom Ebrard compared to Adolph Hitler, prompted the Mexican’s work for the campaign of Hillary Clinton who is on record that “one-half of undocumented workers pay federal income taxes.”

Israeli Navy Deploys Drone Boat To Hunt Submarines During War Exercise by Tyler Durden

Seagull, Elbit Systems’ groundbreaking autonomous vessel recently participated in an Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) exercise conducted by the Hellenic and Israeli Navy.

The multi-mission drone ship deployed dipping sonar sensors initially designed to be carried by helicopters.

“The Seagulls’ performance in the exercise demonstrated that operating a dipping sonar onboard such a vessel significantly increases the operational working time while substantially enhancing detection capabilities and the effectiveness of Anti-Submarine Warfare,” said Elbit.

Three months before the exercise, the Israeli Navy completed a Sea Acceptance Test (SAT) for the dipping sonar (otherwise known as the Helicopter Long-Range Active Sonar (HELRAS)) that was successfully converted from operations on a helicopter to an autonomous boat.The HELRAS was developed in the 1970s by FIAR and British Aerospace to detect submarines. The sensor was used throughout the Cold War for detection of Russian submarines.

The Seagull team includes three operators, with two remotely managing the mission and the third monitoring the autonomous navigation.

Recycling: America’s False Religion J. Frank Bullitt

Before climate change became a belief system in which humans are expected to perform penance for their sins against Gaia, recycling was the religion of many in the modern world. Those who didn’t reduce, reuse, and recycle were, and still are, considered heretics.

Nearly a quarter century ago, John Tierney wrote in the New York Times Magazine that “Recycling Is Garbage.” In an article that produced the greatest volume of hate mail in the magazine’s history, Tierney said that rather than recycling, “the simplest and cheapest option is usually to bury garbage in an environmentally safe landfill.” With the exception of a few items — aluminum cans, cardboard, office paper — the cost of the recycling equipment plus the process itself exceeded the value of the products created by recycling.

Though recycling rarely makes economic sense and often burns up more fresh resources than would have been used in making new items, Americans recycled. And recycled. And recycle still.

Are we better off for it? It can easily be argued we are worse off. Our recycling obsessions have instigated a war on plastic that’s inconvenienced consumers and cost them billions. Recycling has also helped create an environmental mess. Roughly 90 percent of all plastic found in the oceans, says the Hemholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Germany, is carried there by “the top 10 rivers with the highest loads” of plastic debris. Eight of those rivers are in Asia, two are in Africa. None are in the U.S.

The Lessons and Legacy of D-Day By Perry Gershon

This week, we will celebrate the daring, courage and sacrifice of 73,000 young Americans who hit the beaches of Normandy, Omaha and Utah — on June 6, 1944, 75 years ago.  Those who lived to come home are now in their 90s.  While we have this extraordinary generation till among us, this is the year, month, and day to reach out and thank them.  It is also a moment to think about what the day means for us.

The assault, named “Operation Overlord,” was epic – enormous in size, significance, and tragic cost.  On the beaches of Normandy France, in a moment of profound resolve, faith, military commitment, and patriotism, which boils down to love of country, town, family, and freedom – these boys from across America risked all for us. 

Had they not done so, the freedoms and prosperity we take as a birthright daily would not be ours; if by some stretch America had survived and endured at all, we would be an island in an ocean of unthinkable darkness. 

These boys knew that the fight was all or nothing, win or freedom perishes, prevail against the evil that had taken Europe, or allow something to stand that could not.  So they gave it their all. 

That invasion – which the Nazis thought they could halt on the beach – is what made freeing Europe possible.  But it did not come without enormous human cost – both in those lost on that day and in the memories and horrors experienced, which lasted a lifetime for those who were there.


White House senior adviser and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is helping the president devise and (one expects) eventually unveil his much-ballyhooed “deal of the century” for Israeli-Palestinian peace, is in the news this week for some recent comments made in an interview with Axios. In the interview, Kushner equivocated on the purported urgency of Palestinian statehood and seemed to question whether the Palestinian-Arab populace is presently deserving of an autonomous state to call its own. As summarized by Jordan Schachtel of Conservative Review:

“The hope is that they over time will become capable of governing,” Kushner said in an interview broadcast on HBO on Sunday.

“There are some things the current Palestinian government has done well, and there are some things that are lacking,” Kushner added. “And I do think that in order for the area to be investable, for investors to want to come in and invest in different industry and infrastructure and create jobs, you do need to have a fair judicial system, you need to have freedom of press, freedom of expression, tolerance for all religions.”

A people that needs more “time” to “become capable of governing” is, by definition, not capable of governing in the present. And a people that is deemed incapable of governing in the present is necessarily undeserving of a state in the present.

For this bit of axiomatic truth-telling, Kushner was lambasted by all the usual suspects. This was a “condescending slur,” bellowed Muhammad Shehada at far-left Haaretz! “Kushner very clearly hasn’t spoken to a single Palestinian if this is what he thinks,” tweeted the self-hating ignoramuses of the egregiously misnamed jihadist apologists at “Jewish Voice for Peace.”

But Jared Kushner is clearly correct. And it is easy to understand why.

Let’s start with irredeemable, ubiquitous, genocidal Jew-hatred.


I reflect on the heroism of those who have been drafted or who volunteer to fight for nation and freedom.

Hannah Senesh was one of 37 Jews from Mandatory Palestine parachuted by the British Army into Yugoslavia during the Second World War to assist in the rescue of Hungarian Jews about to be deported to the German death camp at Auschwitz.  Senesh was arrested at the Hungarian border, then imprisoned and tortured, but refused to reveal details of her mission to the Nazis. She was executed by firing squad November 7, 1944 five months after D-Day.

She wrote these words in a poem found decades after her death:

Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart.

Blessed is the heart with strength to stop its beating for honor’s sake.

The great “Awokening”

New Criterion editor Roger Kimball, has been named a co-recipient of the 2019 Bradley Prize .

In accepting the award he lamented how “many things have mutated into their opposites”.

“Consider, to take just one example, the fate of our colleges and universities. Once upon a time — and it was not so long ago, they were institutions dedicated to the pursuit of truth and the transmission of the highest values of our civilisation. Today most are devoted to the repudiation of truth and the subversion of those values. In short they are laboratories for the cultivation of wokeness…”

Roger is only getting started. The full address is above. Only 10 minutes, every second is gold.

Dirty Rotten Climate Scandals Tony Thomas

Shakespeare’s monster, Caliban, dreamed of clouds opening to  show riches ready to drop upon him. Climate scientists don’t have to dream about it – honors, awards and cash prizes rain down in torrents. Other scientists try to help humanity, but while climate scientists may kid themselves and others that they share that goal, their practical intent is to raise energy costs and harm nations’ energy efficiency via renewables. While they posture as planet-savers in white coats, some of them pocket awards of half-million dollars, even a million, and notch up more career-enhancing medals than a North Korean general.

A couple of local prizes are the Prime Minister’s Prize for Science ($A250,000) for ex-President of the Australian Academy of Science Kurt Lambeck last October, and in January UNSW Professor John Church pocketed a $A320,000 half-share of the 400,000 Euro BBVA Prize.

Both have done science work of international repute and their reputations in their specialist fields are deservedly high. However, Lambeck is a long-standing smiter of “deniers” and Church propagates via the ABC such lurid scenarios as  this: “… if the world’s carbon emissions continue unmitigated, a threshold will be crossed which will lead to the complete melting of the Greenland ice sheet. This, with melts from glaciers and ice in Antarctica will lead to a sea level rise in the order of seven metres.” 

Death and the Democrats By Sebastian Gorka

Our nation is unique.

Most every other nation was established in a capricious fashion. Whether defined by an ethnicity, a linguistic community, or the happenstance of being ruled by a royal dynastic elite, other countries were not the result of their people appealing to first principles, of building a political structure from scratch based upon the lessons of prior centuries. Ours is different.

Yes, our Republic was born out of war, as has been the case with so many others over the centuries. But our Revolutionary War wasn’t simply waged over a brute demand for self-determination. The catalyst for the fight that would result in our being an independent nation-state was the grievous transgressions of a monarch who our Founding Fathers saw as acting in direct contravention to objective and universal truths.

After our unlikely victory against what was then the most powerful empire the world had ever seen, our forefathers enshrined those truths into our founding documents. And the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution have served not only to codify those principles as the foundation of our political system for at least 11 generations, they have become a beacon for hundreds of millions of non-Americans around the world who also believe in “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” When dissidents escape house arrest or brave shark-infested waters in search of freedom, their destination is rarely the French embassy or the shores of Africa.

When discussing rights—particularly those rights enumerated in our Constitution—we often weigh priorities. Freedom of speech purists, for example, insist that without the First Amendment, all other rights are nugatory, while Second Amendment advocates stand unwavering in their conviction that without the right of the population to protect itself from a tyrannical government, everything else is hypothetical.

Yet it should be obvious where our existence as free men and women starts. Not with the right of association, or a free press, or freedom of conscience, or the right to keep and bear arms. Everything begins with the right to life.

That is, unless you are a Democrat in 2019.