“In the aforementioned book, “The Red Thread,” Ms. West gives chapter and verse on the main characters in the now-obvious cabal to overturn the 2016 presidential election. Mr. Brennan’s admission of voting for the Communist Party ticket in 1976 came during a Sept. 16, 2016, panel discussion at “The Summit on Increasing Diversity in the Intelligence Community” hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.”
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s two-year-long fishing expedition found no evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with Russians. So why is Mr. Mueller now hinting that Mr. Trump is somehow guilty after all?
Maybe it’s because the media, which had heaped praise on him, now see him as a sellout or loser. Or maybe it’s because he wants to distract from a glaring fact: He never addressed the real scandal, which is the Obama administration’s flagrant abuse of the FBI and intelligence agencies to damage a presidential campaign and then, failing that, to destroy a sitting president.
Since the “Russia collusion” scandal dominated the news every day, Mr. Mueller may have helped Democrats take the House in 2018. You’d think they’d be grateful. But, since he did not outright nail Mr. Trump, Mr. Mueller’s star has fallen.
For his part, former FBI Director James Comey has been outed as a squirrely partisan who used his office to target Mr. Trump and allowed Hillary Clinton to skate away from actionable offenses connected with her unsecured email server. Her people wiped evidence-bearing computers and used hammers on cellphones? What’s the big deal?