Biden Administration’s $10 Billion Prize to Iran: Just A Small Thank You for Engineering a War, Wounding 56 US Troops and Trying to Drive the US Out of The Middle East. by Majid Rafizadeh

From the Iranian regime’s perspective, annihilating Israel and the Jews would presumably be a major breakthrough, giving them a dominance over the Muslim world, even greater than Saudi Arabia’s.

The dedicated funds that this new $10 billion will release can now be used to put the finishing touches on the mullahs’ nuclear bomb – to threaten their Sunni neighbors in the Gulf, Europe, and above all, “The Great Satan, the United States. Iran’s plans for cutting “The Great Satan” (and others) down to size are already underway in Cuba and throughout South America. Earlier this month, Israel helped Brazil thwart an attack by the Iran-backed terrorist group Hizballah on Brazil’s Jews.

Sadly, the $10 billion looks suspiciously like a “pretty please” bribe not to try to drive the US out of the region this year [before the 2024 US election]; instead, wait for next year.

The solution is not to give Iran $10 billion as a prize for practicing extensive regional aggression and engineering mass-murder. Real solutions would include cutting the flow of funds by re-imposing — and enforcing — primary and secondary sanctions; incapacitating the port from which Iran sends oil to China; sending Ayatollah Khamenei and the leaders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRCG) pictures of their homes; making the ruling mullahs seriously aware of military options, such as taking out the training bases and leadership of the IRGC, and employing significant military force when required — for instance now.

Who needs the Nobel Peace Prize when you can have the Biden War Prize? That’s right, the Biden administration announced this week that it plans to give the Iranian regime another $10 billion in unfrozen assets from Oman, apparently as a small token of appreciation for launching a savage war in the Middle East and targeting US troops in the region at least 56 times, wounding at least 56 US servicemen, many with traumatic brain injury — in just one month! Where does everyone sign up?

The total number of attacks on US troops by the Iranian regime since US President Joe Biden assumed office, is (so far) 139: 83 before March, 56 since. This new $10 billion comes on top of the earlier “closer to $60 billion” it already gave the regime by not enforcing sanctions against it.

The Democratic Socialists of America Is a Hate Group Noah Rothman

Many state and federal officials whose names grace its roster seem unvexed by the group’s terrorization of American Jews.

Despite the organization’s efforts to bury the evidence, CNN’s Jake Tapper helpfully reminded his followers on Thursday that the first reaction to the October 7 massacre of the New York chapter of the far-left group Democratic Socialists of America was to affirm the legitimacy of that unspeakable slaughter.

“In solidarity with the Palestinian people and their right to resist 75 years of occupation and apartheid,” the group implored its allies to flood Times Square and register their satisfaction with Hamas’s barbarism. That is what is meant by the word “solidarity,” after all — a fellowship formed around shared goals and objectives. It describes a state of commonality and kinship. To judge by DSA’s actions, its organizers chose the right word to describe their outlook.

Well-meaning liberals and progressives who take exception to some Israeli policies are often quick to assure their skeptics that Hamas’s actions are unrepresentative of the Palestinian people writ large or even the Gazans over whom the terrorist organization illegitimately rules. The DSA disagrees. To judge from its reaction to the multiaxial attack on Israeli civilians, culminating in acts of murder, rape, dismemberment, and torture so obscene it would have made the Roman Colosseum blush, the DSA’s members seem incapable of denouncing Hamas’s tactics. Perhaps that’s why we’ve seen so many DSA followers deliberately menace American Jews and supporters of Israel’s right to defend itself against an avowedly genocidal terrorist group.

The October 8 pro-Hamas rally the DSA championed occurred as scheduled. There, protesters “cheered the rocket barrage that devastated Israeli citizens,” the New York Times reported, horrifying the politicians “aligned with New York’s left.” If the DSA’s allies were horrified then, imagine the psychological torment they’re enduring nearly a month into the outfit’s campaign of intimidation against American Jews and their allies.

At least 139 people were arrested, including a DSA-affiliated member of the New York City Council and a state senator, during a menacing nighttime march through Gotham’s streets on October 23 billed as a demonstration calling on Israel to stand down and absorb the murder of its civilians. “I do not condemn Hamas,” read the signs they carried. “There is only one solution,” they droned in unison as they paraded down emptied streets and past lighted windows behind which the targets of their intimidation took shelter. “Intifada. Revolution.” This was another event sponsored by the DSA, which the organization’s social-media account gleefully promoted.

Don’t look to the Palestinian Authority for good governance by Gabriel Diamond

The Oct. 7 terrorist massacre in southern Israel made it all too clear that Hamas must go. But after it is gone, who will take the helm in Gaza? 

Secretary of State Antony Blinken commented that Gaza’s administration “must include Palestinian-led governance and Gaza unified with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority.” Secretary Blinken and the Biden administration should think again.

Over the course of 11 days from May into June 2023, I spent hours in conversation with Palestinian Authority leaders. I had been selected to join a group of 30 undergraduates from Yale and West Point on a trip to Israel and the West Bank, part of the schools’ joint Peace and Dialogue Leadership Initiative. Trips like these offer Palestinian leaders an opportunity to court impressionable, young American students. The presentations from Palestinian Authority officials were as revealing as the living conditions we saw throughout the West Bank. The Palestinian people are being used as pawns by the Palestinian Authority. The U.S. must proceed with caution or risk substituting one corrupt authority with another.

Many Palestinians live in appalling conditions. In Bethlehem, I watched a little girl weave through moving cars to get to school — no crosswalks or traffic lights in sight. Even in areas that seem economically secure, infrastructure is severely lacking. Walking down an alley in Ramallah, I saw plastic tubing cracking along the side of an apartment building, causing precious water to gush onto the dusty road. 

I pressed the political leaders with whom we met to understand how this could be the reality for many Palestinians. The authorities who acted as our hosts emphasized the misfortunes of their people, but they took no responsibility themselves. In fact, the extent of their seeming indifference is astonishing. 

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates that between 1994 and 2020, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has received more than $40 billion in international aid. The Biden administration dedicated $316 million just last year to supporting Palestinians. When I asked a Palestinian Authority official in Ramallah where American funding for the PA goes, he responded by saying that the U.S. does not provide any support at all. Algeria, he claimed, is the only country that offers financial aid. 

Over 100 Rioters Attempt to Storm DNC HQ, Forcing Evacuation By Eric Lendrum

On Wednesday night, a mob of over 100 anti-Semitic rioters suddenly stormed the entrance to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters, leading to clashes with Capitol Police and forcing the evacuation of several members of Congress inside.

As reported by ABC News, the Capitol Police acknowledged in a subsequent statement that officers had to “keep back” the crowd of approximately 150 people due to the manner in which they were “illegally and violently” protesting at the building’s main entrance. Six officers were injured, with injuries “ranging from minor cuts to being pepper sprayed to being punched;” all officers were treated at the scene.

At the time of the riot, seven members of Congress were inside the building, hearing from prospective candidates, when they were ordered to evacuate by Capitol Police. One member of Congress present at the time, Congressman Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), said that they were approached by “heavily armed and serious” Capitol Police officers. Others in attendance included House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-Mass.), and Congressman Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.), though Sherman said that Jeffries and Clark had already left by the time the rioters attacked.

From inside the building, Sherman said he could hear chants of “ceasefire now,” referring to the rioters’ opposition to Israel’s retaliation after a series of massive terrorist attacks by the Palestinian terror group Hamas one month ago, during the weekend of October 7th.

Sherman said that he expected the protest to last no more than 10 or 15 minutes, but was then approached by Capitol Police officers and told to evacuate.

“Then the Capitol Police came in big time and said, ‘We’re getting you out of here,’” Sherman recounted.

Another congressman who was in the building at the time was Congressman Sean Casten (D-Ill.), who described his experience in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter: “I was just evacuated from the @dccc office after the building was surrounded by protestors who had blocked all modes of ingress and egress. Grateful to Capitol Police for getting all members and staff out safely. To the protestors: PLEASE don’t do something irresponsible.”

Although the rioters were cleared out at around 10:00 PM, Capitol Police remained at the scene “out of an abundance of caution.”

Whistleblower: Where Did the 85,000 Missing Migrant Children Go? Why won’t the U.S. government turn over the sponsors list? by Jamie Glazov

This new Glazov Gang episode features Tara Lee Rodas, an HHS Whistleblower.

Tara exposes Where Did the 85,000 Missing Migrant Children Go?, and she asks Why won’t the U.S. government turn over the sponsors list?

Don’t miss it!

Drawing the Line Between Terrorist and Journalist Observers . . . or willing participants? by Kenneth R. Timmerman

A U.S.-based media watchdog group issued a report last week exposing a half-dozen Arab photo-journalists who accompanied Hamas terrorists in the early hours of October 7 on their killing spree in Israel, documenting their atrocities.

All six of the photo-journalists whose work Honest Reporting examined were employed by major media organizations, including the New York Times, CNN, Reuters, and the Associated Press. Reuters heralded one photo, showing a lynch mob brutalizing an Israeli soldier they had dragged out of a tank, as its “image of the day.”

An AP photographer took a video of himself in front of the burning Israeli tank, glorifying that he was seeing it with “my own eyes.” He was wearing nothing to identify himself as a member of the press, and appeared to be part of a celebratory crowd.

Another AP reporter snapped close-ups of Hamas terrorists dragging a terrified and bleeding Israeli civilian to a vehicle for transport as a hostage to Gaza.

Others captured the initial breaching of the Israeli border fence, the torching of Israeli homes, and the capture of female hostages.

The report earned cringing excuses from all four news organizations, ranging from the expected “just doing their job,” to embarrassed denials that they had embedded their reporters with Hamas.

Senator Tom Cotton sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, demanding that the Department of Justice open a national security investigation into the four media outlets “to determine whether they or their leadership committed federal crimes by supporting Hamas terrorists.”

The six photo-journalists “almost certainly knew about the attack in advance, and even participated by accompanying Hamas terrorists during the attack and filming the heinous acts,” he wrote.

As someone who has reported frequently from Palestinian refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Jordan, and with Palestinian guerrilla fighters in the Bekaa Valley, I can tell you: the Palestinians control information tightly, just like any other totalitarian. They want to control the “narrative.”

I write about several instances where I succeeded in evading Palestinian attempts at control in my latest book, And the Rest is History: Tales of Hostages, Arms Dealers, Dirty Tricks, and Spies. It was always a challenge; often, it was dangerous. The Palestinians a long history of punishing journalists who do not comply with their demands.

But these six “photo-journalists” were not seeking to get around the Hamas narrative to report independently. They sought to glorify Hamas and its atrocities.

On the Moral Rehabilitation of Gaza Moral lessons from World War II. by Jason D. Hill

As the war between Israel and Gaza rages on, some inevitable questions must be raised. If Hamas, an indisputable rogue organization that governs a region which exists more like a plot of land in a state of nature than as a civilized geographic entity, is not totally obliterated (which, with sentimental calls for ceasefires and daily pauses in aerial bombings and ground incursions on Israel’s part, seems unlikely), then can Hamas be politically rehabilitated? What would such rehabilitation look like? Or should we be thinking of more robust and radical solutions such as global incarceration whereby a country is evicted from the community of nations and radically contained militarily?

The most draconian form of global incarceration of a state or region is the permanent disbandment of a state into regional disembodiments, sedimentary fragments chiseled into the mortar bodies of larger states with no chance of it ever recovering its political solvency. It is the absolute disappearance of a state without necessarily terminating the lives of its former citizens. It includes but is not limited to the deracination of its political culture, the destruction of its political institutions and its mores, customs, and norms. Radical assimilation and/or extreme containment are the political concomitants and the direct corollaries of this mandate. Global incarceration of a state or region is the death of its political life and its capacity to generate and regenerate life as it was once capable of doing. An incarcerated state or region is not just a neutralized state – it is a neutered state.

On the slim chance that a heavily compromised, Hamas-governed Gaza exists, what might it look like, and how would it come about?

Here it might be helpful to look to history for political and moral guidance. Japan and Germany in World War II were countries that went through political rehabilitation and, with the aid of the United States, had their entire identities reconstituted. In the case of Japan, a heavily influenced U.S Constitution was foisted on it with great success, albeit via warfare. Sometimes rehabilitation requires war. Sometimes it requires firm diplomacy, or economic sanctions, or military intervention, or absolute regime change. What is essential about rehabilitation in the political sense is that there is adaptation to a code of normative behavior to which the rogue state must adhere. The rogue entity adapts to the norms of a civilizational order.

Liel Leibovitz Anti-Semitism Is a National Security Threat It’s time policymakers paid attention.

Here’s a partial summary of what it was like to be Jewish in America this past month.

In Los Angeles, an elderly Jewish man was struck on the head by a pro-Hamas protester and later died of his wounds. In New Orleans, a Jewish student who tried to stop a classmate from burning an Israeli flag was attacked and had his nose broken. In Manhattan, a Jewish woman was assaulted and sustained injuries to her face and neck after she confronted two passersby tearing down posters of kidnapped Israeli citizens. The list goes on.

How should we think about these attacks?

We could see them as further proof of our political culture’s descent into incivility and rage. We could note that they’ve been made possible, at least in part, by a movement to defang our police and turn our largest cities into ungovernable danger zones. We could say that the $4.7 billion in Qatari cash that poured into American universities between 2001 and 2021 might have helped transform our formerly fine institutions of higher learning into breeding grounds for feverish, bigoted ideology.

Each of the above is true as far as it goes. Ultimately, anti-Semitism animated these attacks. And anti-Semitism is not only a threat to Jews but also to America’s national security.

Look only at spreadsheets, and the statement seems absurd. The number of American Jews murdered in domestic terror attacks is blissfully low, and the perpetrators, for the most part, are white supremacists, not ISIS enthusiasts. But take a deeper dive, and a more troubling picture emerges. Because if the past ten years—to say nothing of the past 2,000—taught us anything, it’s that what begins with the Jews soon metastasizes, and that agitation about events unfurling thousands of miles away has a nasty way of bubbling over and spilling into American backyards.

Consider Tashfeen Malik, who, together with her husband, killed 14 people at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California in 2015. Or Mohamed Barry, who, a year later, slashed four diners at an Ohio restaurant with a machete. Or Omar Mateen, who in 2016 killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Or Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, whose explosive devices claimed three lives and wounded 281 people at the 2013 Boston Marathon. Or Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, who, on Halloween 2017, rented a truck in New Jersey, drove it to lower Manhattan, and used it to mow down pedestrians in Hudson River Park, killing eight.

Two Words Describe Biden’s Presidency: Reckless Endangerment

This week we’ve been treated to three government reports that all point in the same direction: Disaster.

Interest payments are through the roof. Real wages continue to fall. And a record number of illegals crossed the border.

That’s just the domestic news. As of this writing, Americans are being held hostage by Iran-supported Hamas terrorists who killed nearly two dozen other Americans when they invaded Israel. Our military forces face increasing Iranian-sponsored attacks in Iraq and Syria. While President Joe Biden lets Iran off the sanctions hook for another four months.

The worry isn’t just whether Biden – the architect of these disasters – will be voted out of office next year. It’s whether the U.S. can survive until then.

Start with the terrible news on the home front. On Monday, the Treasury Department released its monthly financial report, and it was alarming. In October alone, the government made $76 billion in net interest payments – a 77% increase from a year ago and a 153% jump from two years ago.

The Treasury report projects that gross interest payments will top $1 trillion this fiscal year. That will be more than we plan to spend on defense, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or any non-defense domestic discretionary program. And that’s if all goes well, which it rarely does.

CNN Goes Full ‘Enemy of the People’ Reporting on the Arrest Made in the Death of Paul Kessler: Stephen Kruiser

Despite undergoing myriad personnel changes at all levels in the last year or so, CNN is still woefully CNN. 

Here is some background on this story from my colleague Rabbi Michael Barclay: 

An arrest has been made in the death of Paul Kessler, the Jewish man who died in a counter-protest a week and a half ago in Ventura County, Calif. The charge of manslaughter has been leveled against Loay Alnaji, and there is still an ongoing investigation into the possibility of a hate crime. There will be a press conference on Friday morning, and officials will hold a private meeting with local clergy beforehand.

This is a story that, predictably, the mainstream media tried to ignore and send down the memory hole. My good friend Jennifer Van Laar stayed on top of it from the beginning over at our sister site RedState. Once local law enforcement made the story impossible to ignore, the leftmedia approach was to be as vague as possible about the facts because the hacks have a pre-approved list of potential hate crimes that they can be offended by. A raging anti-Semite assault on a Jewish man isn’t on that list.