Much has been written about the perpetual imbecility of Adam Schiff, gadfly of the Left, one of many, sad to say. Jerrold Nadler is equally thick. But Schiff may be the most annoying, the least self-aware.
Despite the conclusion of the Mueller Report, “no collusion,” Schiff is a rabid dog with a bone. He is convinced that his long campaign to prove that Trump won because he was in cahoots with Russia is still viable, despite the fact that not one of the numerous investigations has proven this to be so. Schiff, as we all surely know by now, is the man who actually was enthusiastically willing to collude with Russia when he was pranked by a couple of comedians who pretended to offer compromising information on candidate Trump. He made a complete and utter fool of himself, so excited was he to get his hands on that material. Still, he cannot let go of his dogged determination to disprove what has already been proven: there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and any Russians. Do the Russians interfere with elections all over the world? Yes, have been for decades. Everyone knows this, except Schiff, apparently.
Schiff is puffing up his feathers now because Mueller has agreed to honor his “friendly subpoena” to testify before two committees, Judiciary and Intelligence — misnamed panels, to be sure. Better they should be called what they are: injudicious and unintelligent, except for the few stalwart Republicans who will be present who are actually smart; Jordan, Ratcliffe, and Gaetz specifically. Those Republicans will make Mueller’s visit most uncomfortable; they’ve long known what he was up to and why. Schiff thinks he has won something, that his questions will finally bring Trump to ground, that Mueller is going to spill some beans unrevealed in his ridiculous report, which was a 400-plus-page op-ed, not a legitimate legal document. Schiff’s dream is not likely to come true.