Facebook’s Tommy Robinson takedownBy Anne-Christine Hoff


On February 26, 2019, Facebook removed Tommy Robinson’s official Facebook and Instagram profiles for allegedly violating their community standards. The company’s public statement alleges that Robinson consistently used dehumanizing language and incited violence against Muslims. Yet Facebook’s press release includes not even one screen shot to justify Robinson’s removal.

British news outlet Kipper Central wrote a piece on September 28, 2018 about Robinson’s meteoric rise on Facebook since his creation of an account five years earlier. According to the article’s author Reece Coombes, just before Tommy reached one million followers last year, he posted this message:

“Soon to reach one million followers. That is double as many as our Prime minister Theresa ‘the appeaser’ May.

The elites, establishment and the mainstream media are just so detached from what normal people feel. They continue to label all of us as extreme, fringe or far right but the fact that I have twice as many supporters as that so called ‘mainstream’ politician who is busy making a mess of this country, should give them a wake-up call.”

South African Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema is allowed to make statements on Facebook that truly incite violence, statements such as the one made on March 24, 2018 that call for the taking of other people’s land without payment. Yet he is never deplatformed.

Facebook’s community standards also go further to warn the followers of Tommy Robinson not to show their support on the platform or they too could have their accounts removed. The statement reads:

Cornell University President Shares ‘Strong Opposition to BDS’ for ‘Unfairly’ Singling Out Israel, Questioning Jewish State’s Right to Exist avatar by Shiri Moshe


“In her response to SJP’s letter, shared online by the Jewish campus group Cornell Hillel, Pollack expressed a “strong opposition to BDS,” and rejected the idea of using the school’s endowment as a tool of “political or social power.”“BDS unfairly singles out one country in the world for sanction when there are many countries around the world whose governments’ policies may be viewed as controversial,” Pollack wrote. “Moreover, it places all of the responsibility for an extraordinarily complex geopolitical situation on just one country and frequently conflates the policies of the Israeli government with the very right of Israel to exist as a nation, which I find particularly troublesome.”

The head of Cornell University in New York has responded to demands by anti-Zionist student activists that she embrace the Palestinian-led boycott of Israel, saying the campaign was antithetical to academic freedom and unduly targeted Israel for sanction while ignoring other countries.

President Martha Pollack’s comments came in response to a letter delivered to her on February 18 by members of the Cornell chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which urged the university to divest its endowment from companies “complicit in the morally reprehensible human rights violations in Palestine.” The letter also accused Israel of sharing a “common history” with the United States as a “settler-colonial project rooted in genocide,” and claimed that the BDS campaign was working to isolate Israel “until it meets its obligations under international law.”

Critics of the effort — including major Jewish groups in the US and globally — say it fails to recognize Arab and Palestinian culpability in the conflict with Israel, aims to undermine the Jewish state’s very existence, and rejects the Jewish people’s right to national self-determination.

SJP also plans to bring forward a Student Assembly resolution in support of BDS, which has already been endorsed by more than 20 student groups, including the Queer Political Action Committee, Black Students United, Climate Justice Cornell, South Asian Council, Islamic Alliance for Justice, and Cornell Young Democratic Socialists.

New poll: Netanyahu cannot form a right-wing government, 68% want resignation


A new poll taken after Israel’s attorney general announced that he will indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges shows that Netanyahu would not be able to form a right-wing government if elections were held today, and that 68 percent of the Israeli public wants him to resign now or after he is formally indicted.

The announcement of intent to indict was made on Thursday and charged Netanyahu with bribery, fraud, and breach of trust in corruption cases dealing with gifts from supporters and alleged media collusion to give the prime minister favorable coverage in return for political and regulatory favors.

Netanyahu responded to the announcement with a combative speech in which he declared the investigation a left-wing witch hunt intended to aid the election of his primary rivals — the Blue and White party led by ex-IDF chief of staff Benny Gantz and Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid.

According to the poll published by Israeli broadcaster Kan, the announcement has weakened Netanyahu’s Likud and boosted Blue and White. If the elections were held today, Blue and White would receive 37 seats and Likud 29.

The Truth-Tellers V. S. and Shiva Naipaul exposed the contradictions of Third Worldism. Fred Siegel


In the 1970s, when the ideas of Third Worldism had reached their apex, I became enamored of the work of two gifted writers: V. S. Naipaul and his brother, Shiva Naipaul. V. S., who died last year at 85, won the 2000 Nobel Prize for literature; his comparably talented brother, Shiva, 13 years younger, died at 40 from a sudden heart attack in 1985. Both were born in Port of Spain, Trinidad, and went on to study at Oxford and then make lives for themselves in England. They were the grandchildren of Hindu indentured servants brought from India to replace the slaves who had once worked the colony’s sugar plantations. Their father, Seepersad Naipaul, was a journalist and an aspiring novelist.

Intellectually and emotionally, the Naipaul brothers were caught up in the experience of the Indian diaspora in Africa and South America as a direct result of the circumstances of their birth, which gave them a different perspective on the so-called Third World from what was conventionally offered by Western devotees of dictators in Castro’s Cuba, Forbes Burnham’s Guyana, Ben Bella’s Algeria, or Nasser’s Egypt. American and European leftists looked to those charismatic leaders as charting an alternative path to independent development, apart from the West or the Soviet Union. Their thinking, unlike that of the Naipauls, did not hold up well.

I learned that Trump didn’t tell Cohen to lie, there was no collusion, and the dossier was false. It is too bad journalists didn’t care. By Jack Hellner


When I see any article by a journalist talking about lessons learned from Michael Cohen, my first thought is, why would I care what he says? He’s a convicted perjurer, tax cheat, and bank fraudster who shook down multiple corporations pretending he could get favors for them from Trump. Isn’t it true that once you have a liar, a cheat, and a thief, that is all you have?

The biggest lessons I learned from Michael Cohen’s testimony are that Trump didn’t tell him to lie to Congress, he never saw any collusion with Russia, and the dossier funded by the DNC and Hillary and used as an excuse to spy on the Trump campaign was false.

A significant number of us have known that those were false stories from the beginning and that most of the media were spewing forth these false stories because they wanted Hillary to win and they will do whatever they have to in order to dispose of Trump. Are journalists and other Democrats who willingly spread false stories with no evidence to destroy someone they don’t want as president any better than Cohen?

More than a million paid out in California state sex harassment suits, and Kamala Harris recalls nothingBy Monica Showalter


Kamala Harris, who’s running for president on a vehement #MeToo platform as a Democrat, sure has a lot of memory problems.

It’s not just the $400,000 the state had to shell out based on the disgusting sex harassment behavior of her top lieutenant, Larry Wallace, her handpicked director for the division of law enforcement at the state attorney general’s office, which is quite a whopper in itself. It’s the $700,000 in more California taxpayer payout money for the sex-harassing activities of her other lieutenants. The Los Angeles Times reports that it did a search of public records and found that the total payout tally was $1.1 million. I am going to assume that includes the $400,000 payout from Harris’s wingman Wallace, although the report doesn’t say. Here’s the L.A. Times opener:

The California Department of Justice paid more than $1.1 million to settle claims with employees who alleged they were sexually harassed or retaliated against by co-workers during the tenure of then-state Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris from 2011 to 2017, according to documents obtained by The Times.

The Total Futility Of Trying To Save The Planet By Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Francis Menton


In trendy progressive states here in the U.S., we know how we are going to solve “climate change.” We are going to slash our “greenhouse gas” emissions. Here in New York City, we’re going to reduce our GHG emissions by 80% by 2050. If you don’t believe it, you can just ask Mayor de Blasio. New York State? Same goal, 80% by 2050. California also has a goal of reducing GHG emissions 80% by 2050. Surely, this will solve the problem.

New York and California seem to think that they are big stuff in the world. After all, who is more important than we wealthy coastal U.S. elites? But unfortunately, on a global scale, we don’t really have enough population to count for much. As usual, when it’s time to do the arithmetic, the progressives fall on their faces. Let’s look at some numbers.

New York State has a population of about 20 million. California has about twice that population, 40 million. For comparison, the country of India has a population of about 1.4 billion — about 23 times the combined total of New York and California.

For greenhouse gas emissions, the latest number I find for New York come from 2015, with a total of 218.14 million tons of CO2 equivalent. With twice the population, California as you would expect has about twice the emissions, about 430 MMtCO2e in 2016 per this chart from Grist. For comparison, India’s emissions were about 2.4 billion tons of CO2 equivalent, or close to 4 times the combined total of New York and California. And India is still relatively early in the process of industrializing and building out its electrical grid.

Cold War’s Devastating Anti-Communism By Matthew Continetti


Director Pawel Pawlikowski’s masterful film mounts a subtle, power-packed critique of the socialist phenomenon.

The best narrative art eschews didacticism in favor of subtlety and nuance and moral reflection. The Polish film Cold War, released last year and directed by Pawel Pawlikowski, is no exception. It tells the story, inspired by Pawlikowski’s parents, of Wiktor Warski (Tomasz Kot) and Zula Lichón (Joanna Kulig), whose amour fou burns against the backdrop of postwar Europe.

Wiktor’s passion for Zula consumes him. It haunts him for years after he flees Poland, and drives him to return despite the certainty of imprisonment. Zula herself is a beautiful, broken creature, the victim of abuse, talented but insecure, flirtatious, charming, impetuous, melancholy, who dulls her anxieties with alcohol. This passionate and doomed romance also has a political dimension. Which is why Cold War is not just melodrama. It’s a masterpiece.

The film is a subtle but devastating critique of the socialist phenomenon. Wiktor and Zula meet shortly after the end of World War II, when Wiktor is tasked with assembling a musical troupe that will perform folk music for the nomenklatura of the Soviet client government. With his partner, choreographer Irena Bielecka (Agata Kulesza), Wiktor tours the countryside, recording ancient melodies. They occupy what looks to be an old estate — a ruin of the ancien régime — where they hold auditions. Among the aspiring dancers and singers is Zula, to whom Wiktor is immediately drawn. Irena doesn’t share Wiktor’s enthusiasm, especially after Zula performs a song from a Soviet movie. But she relents. Zula joins the group.

Rep. Ilhan Omar: Anti-Semitic to the Bone By Rick Moran


Rep. Ilhan Omar is once again under fire for using an anti-Semitic trope about the “dual loyalty” of supporters of Israel.

It’s beginning to look like her anti-Semitism is embedded so deeply that she has no conscious thought about Israel and Jews that doesn’t drip with Jew-hatred.

She said this during a town hall meeting in Washington:

What I’m fearful of — because Rashida [Tlaib] and I are Muslim — that a lot of our Jewish colleagues, a lot of our constituents, a lot of our allies, go to thinking that everything we say about Israel to be anti-Semitic because we are Muslim.

Not everything. Just those things you say that are blatantly anti-Semitic.

To me, it’s something that becomes designed to end the debate because you get in this space of – yes, I know what intolerance looks like and I’m sensitive when someone says, “The words you used, Ilhan, are resemblance of intolerance.” And I am cautious of that and I feel pained by that. But it’s almost as if, every single time we say something regardless of what it is we say… we get to be labeled something. And that ends the discussion. Because we end up defending that and nobody ever gets to have the broader debate of what is happening with Palestine.

Are We Seeing the Start of a Global Centrist Revolution? By Neal Simon


By Neal Simon

In the past week, we have witnessed the creation of new centrist coalitions in the United Kingdom and Israel — and here in the U.S. in the state of Alaska. In each case, members of the legislative bodies left their current parties to form a new power bloc in the middle of the political spectrum.

In Alaska, one moderate legislator (pictured), by refusing to caucus with his own party, was able to lead the formation of a bipartisan, centrist coalition that will likely put the interests of Alaskans ahead of the interests of either party. In the U.K., 11 members of Parliament from the Conservative and Labour parties left those parties in protest of their leaders to begin a new, independent, centrist coalition. In Israel, the top two centrist candidates for prime minister just joined forces, creating a new party to challenge the increasingly conservative Bibi Netanyahu, who will seek a fourth term when Israeli elections are held in April.

In the U.S., frustration with our government is at an all-time high. A Gallup poll released Feb. 18 revealed that a record number of Americans believe that poor government leadership is the largest problem in the country today. This dim view of our politics is shared about equally by Republicans and Democrats.