“Additionally, Mazie, in this country we don’t just “believe women,” we believe evidence. As an attorney, you should know that, and if you don’t know the basics, then perhaps you are not fit to serve. Men do not need to “shut up!” as you audaciously advised. In this country we all have a voice. ”
Hey Mazie Hirono! Who do you work for? Who is pulling your strings? Surely, it’s not the people of Hawaii or the rest of the country.
Your father left the family when you were very young, and your mom managed to bring you and your two siblings to Hawaii. She supported the family by working long hours to put a roof over your head and food on the table. In spite, of your meager surroundings, you managed to get yourself a fine education at the University of Hawaii and prestigious Georgetown Law School.
One would expect gratitude for the opportunity this country offered you, but instead you shamefully and ungratefully had the gall to state to your staff that “people are getting screwed in this country every single second, minute, hour of the day.” So, the country that took you in, housed you, fed you, clothed you, and educated you is a country that “screws” everyone every second of every day? Doesn’t look like you were screwed, but it does look like you are the one who is screwing the good people of this country.