Who Were the Mueller Report’s Hired Guns? . By Paul Sperry


Special Counsel Robert Mueller spent more than $732,000 on outside contractors, including private investigators and researchers, records show, but his office refuses to say who they were. While it’s not unusual for special government offices to outsource for services such as computer support, Mueller also hired contractors to compile “investigative reports” and other “information.”

The arrangement has led congressional investigators, government watchdog groups and others to speculate that the private investigators and researchers who worked for the special counsel’s office might have included Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS, the private research firm that hired Steele to produce the Russia collusion dossier for the Clinton campaign.

They suspect the dossier creators may have been involved in Mueller’s operation – and even had a hand in his final report – because the special counsel sent his team to London to meet with Steele within a few months of taking over the Russia collusion investigation in 2017. Also, Mueller’s lead prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, had shared information he received from Fusion with the media.

Harvard professor out as dean amid backlash for representing Harvey Weinstein Joey Garrison


BOSTON – A Harvard Law School professor who became a lightning rod on the Ivy League campus for working on the legal defense team of Harvey Weinstein has been let go as a faculty dean.

Neither Ronald Sullivan Jr. nor his wife, Stephanie Robinson, will continue as faculty deans of Harvard’s Winthrop House when their terms end next month, the university said Saturday.

Rakesh Khurana, dean of Harvard College, announced his decision in an email to residents of the school’s Winthrop House, calling the situation “untenable” and saying it was “informed by a number of considerations.”

Sullivan has been under fire from students since January when he emerged as one of the attorneys representing Weinstein in the media mogul’s upcoming trial where he faces multiple sex-crime charges.

The Florida Democratic Party’s Own Muslim Anti-Semite Rasha Mubarak believes Israel has no right to defend herself. Joe Kaufman


Anti-Semitism is quickly on the rise within the Democratic Party, and the poster children for it are two high-profile freshmen US Representatives, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Florida, too, has its own Democrat Islamist anti-Semite, anti-Israel activist Rasha Mubarak. Mubarak is on a mission to destroy the Jewish state, Israel, and she is taking the Florida Democratic Party with her.

Elected in November 2018, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are the first Muslim women to serve in the US Congress. Recently, both have been cited for making anti-Semitic statements, relative to the issue of Israel. And while no one suggests that criticism of Israel is out of bounds, the statements that these women have made have crossed the line. This includes bringing up the ‘dual-loyalty’ canard, which has been used against Jews for millennia, and suggesting that Jewish money is buying off politicians. These assertions and more have led to both Omar and Tlaib being reprimanded by the Simon Wiesenthal Center and members of their own party.

Minnesota and Michigan are not the only states where Democratic Party leaders are spouting anti-Semitism. It is happening, as well, in the Sunshine State and in a big way.

On April 9th, the Florida Young Democrats (FYD) released, in part, the following message: “We are excited to officially welcome Rasha Mubarak to our FYD Board as Central Florida Regional Director. Though a new addition to our board, Rasha has already been hard at work with chartering a new Osceola Young Democrats, working on this year’s Campaign Academy programming and leading our 2019 Convention planning in Orlando.”

In Mubarak’s statement accepting the role as FYD Central Florida Regional Director, she announced that she was ending her two-year term as President of the Young Democrats of Orange County (YDOC).

The Impeachment Con is Killing Dem 2020 Chances They won’t stop trying to destroy Trump even if it destroys them. Daniel Greenfield


The Democrats have become a cult of anti-personality.

The ‘anti’ phenomenon is not unique. Past Democrat generations had built their identity around hating Goldwater, Nixon, and Reagan. But the internet monetized the cult of anti-personality in a big way.

And Democrats are paying the price.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Dem House leadership have tried everything possible to stop the talk of impeachment. But nothing that she and her deputies can do has made a dent in the madness.

In a sign of pure desperation, Pelosi has begun insisting that impeachment is a Trump conspiracy.

“Trump is goading us to impeach him,” she actually claimed.

The Dem House leader is hoping to dissuade her faction from its self-destructive orgy of Trump hatred by tapping into that hatred to convince them that impeaching Trump is exactly what he wants.

And it won’t work.

Impeaching Trump is the obsession of a narrow slice of the Dem base. But it’s the one that provides much of the money and the manpower. The Democrats wouldn’t have won in 2018 without the Trump-haters, but they won’t be able to win in 2020 with them. Their fanaticism proved crucial in midterm elections where Democrats traditionally suffered from low voter turnout. But in a presidential election, voter turnout will be high. And the Democrats will need to win over independent voters.

A majority of Americans opposes impeachment. But impeachment fever turned otherwise obscure Dem politicians like Rep. Maxine Waters, Red. Ted Lieu and Rep. Adam Schiff into resistance celebrities.

South Africa:2019 Election results: No real hope for an End to Abuse and Corruption


South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s ruling ANC won re-election on Friday with an absolute majority in parliament, results showed, but with diminished support, complicating economic revival and anti-corruption efforts.

From ballot papers running out, scanners malfunctioning and allegations of double voting, more than half of the parties contesting the 2019 elections have vowed to take action against the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).

Nonetheless, after a lengthy counting and auditing process, the results are out. Well, almost. The IEC first said they expected to reach the 90% counting mark by 21:00 on Thursday, but that turned out to be widely ambitious.

Then, they expected everything to be concluded by midnight on 10 May. After that clock struck, there were a few carriages yet to turn into pumpkins.

But the completion was at nearly 99% by 00:12 with Gauteng, one of the most hotly contested provinces, having the largest number of voting districts outstanding, the total vote count completed was 91%.

The rest of the results were pretty clear, however.

Democrats Need Rehab from Trump Investigation Addiction By Roger L. Simon


We all know the horrors of addiction—lives destroyed, families shattered. It wrecks the fabric of society. Unfortunately, the Democrats have contracted an extraordinarily virulent form—investigating Donald Trump has become crack cocaine to them with maybe fentanyl and methamphetamine thrown in.

The likes of Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff seem to be sucking on this pipe for dear life, day and night, giving them barely time to breath or eat. Even when getting a rare touch of sleep, these putative public servants clearly have Trump on the brain. They never think of anything else—or, seemingly, do anything else.

And they are far from alone. Legions of Democrats and their media lackeys suffer from the same addiction.

A thousand Mueller reports, all unredacted with full access, everyone who ever met Donald Trump or even attended one of his rallies or ate one of his benighted steaks or drank a soy latte in the Tower Starbucks, testifying under oath in front of fifty congressional committees, many dozens of these witnesses going to jail for process crimes or having their careers ruined, forcing them to flee to Kathmandu to work as busboys in an ashram snack bar, would not cure those junkies. They’d still be dragging themselves through the streets at dawn, in Allen Ginsberg’s words, “looking for an angry fix” (i.e, something, anything, that might make Donald Trump look bad).

If you’re unclear what Democrats stand for in the 2020 election—other than wildly outdated socialism and some creepy anti-Semitism—this could be, indeed undoubtedly is, the reason. All they do is investigate.

In the interest of a two-party system, an intervention is definitely needed—followed by rehab.


Omar Suleiman, founder and president of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research in Texas, was invited by Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas-District 30). Rep. Johnson, a former registered nurse, has a history of animus to Israel, for which she got a 3+ in 2012 from the Arab American Institute.

On Thursday May 9th in Congress: Suleiman delivered peaceful blather.

This is how he speaks to his congregants: “How befitting that the 3rd Intifada starts on the 27th night of Ramadan as worshippers are denied prayer in Masjid Al Aqsa. …God willing on this blessed night as the 3rd Intifada begins, the beginning of the end of Zionism is here. May Allah help us overcome this monster, protect the innocent of the world, and accept the murdered as martyrs. amen.”
The man is a virulent racist and only Rep.Lee Zeldin (R- NY-District 1) took him on. Nancy Pelosi whose father was a great friend of Zionism and Israel, stood behind him looking reverential.
But, this is not an isolated incident. Increasing numbers of militant Moslems are elected to Congress who share the Imam’s Koran driven agenda. Ilhan Omar is just the tip of the sword.


Contrary to Democrat Talking Point, The Economy is Working for Everyone Alfredo Ortiz


With the unemployment rate at its lowest level in 50 years and wages growing at their fastest pace in a decade, even Democrats cannot deny that the economy is booming. But in an attempt to downplay President Trump’s economic success, they are claiming that these economic gains are merely going to the rich.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said last week that “the evidence shows that most of the economic gains continue to benefit those already well-off.” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer claimed, “wages aren’t growing fast enough to allow millions of workers to keep pace and feel that real economic security is within reach.” And Sen. Cory Booker broadly asserted that “Americans are struggling.”

This Democratic characterization of Trump’s economy is not new. Earlier this year, Kamala Harris said, “The economy is not working for working people.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer complained that “the state of the Trump economy is failing America’s middle class.” And for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the economy is perpetually “rigged” — whatever that means.

This diversion tactic fails on its merits. Start with unemployment rates, which are at or near record lows for Hispanic, black, female, and young workers. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high-school education, supposedly a group that’s been shafted in today’s economy, is hovering near a record low. The rate for those with disabilities has fallen by more than 20 percent over the last year to a mere 6.3 percent — the lowest level on record.

Jordan Peterson: When the left goes too far — the dangerous doctrine of equity They don’t care that there are well-documented reasons for unequal outcomes in occupational choice and pay in addition to whatever role genuine prejudice plays


In this occasional series, Jordan Peterson writes from his international speaking tour for his book, 12 Rules for Life.

The mantra of Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity (DIE) perhaps constitutes the primary identifying factor of the tiny minority of radical collectivist ideologues that nonetheless have come to dominate the humanities and social sciences in Western universities (and, increasingly, the HR departments of corporations). Of these three, equity is the most egregious, self-righteous, historically-ignorant and dangerous. “Equity” is a term designed to signal “equality,” in some manner, and is a term designed to appeal to the natural human tendency toward fairness, but it does not mean the classic equality of the West, which is equality before the law and equality of opportunity.

Equality before the law means that each citizen will be treated fairly by the criminal justice and judicial systems regardless of their status — and that the state recognizes that each individual has an intrinsic value which serves as a limit to state power, and which the polity must respect. There is likely no more fundamental presumption grounding our culture.

Equality of opportunity is a doctrine of openness predicated on the fact that talent is widely distributed although comparatively rare. This should come as no surprise to anyone, given that some people are much better at doing a given task than others and, because of that, it is in everyone’s selfish interest to allow such talent to come to the fore so that we can all benefit. This means that no one should be arbitrarily denied the possibility of their contribution for reasons unrelated to the task at hand. This is also a fundamental principle of Western culture, particularly in its free-market guise.

Tolkien – A Review By Marilyn Penn


What a wonderful relief is was to watch a current movie that is meant for viewers who are articulate and appreciate a script that has not one vulgar four-letter adjective to precede every noun. After the rave reviews of The Long Shot, a film that is soaked in slime in which highly educated people sound like they walked off the set of The Sopranos, Tolkien was a return to inspiration from brilliant and creative characters whose dialogue matches their intellectual talents.

Both Tolkien and his love interest Edith are orphans who have pursued their respective interests – language (philology) and music – notwithstanding the difficulties in their lives. This biopic of the famous scholar and writer goes back to his early friendship with like-minded schoolmates who form a club dedicated to changing the world through their art. In keeping with this theme, the set designer of the movie has provided perfect examples of period furnishings and William Morris wallpapers, not to mention the beauty of the outdoor landscape and architecture.

The scenes in the trenches of WW I are horrific but we see the brutality of the firepower foreshadowing the dragons and beasts that will surface in Tolkien’s future masterworks. The cast, headed by handsome Nicholas Hoult and beautiful Lily Collins, along with a welcome cameo by Derek Jacoby are as picture-perfect as the other details and despite the complaint of some critics that this film is too “slow,” I urge you to see it and be reminded of the joys of literacy, determination and accomplishment.