Prominent Democrats Turn on Rashida Tlaib as She Escalates Anti-Israel Vitriol By Caroline Downey

Prominent Democrats have turned on “Squad” member Representative Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) over her hostility to Israel and her embrace of genocidal language.

The radical progressive first faced condemnation from Democrats in Congress and her home state of Michigan after she posted a video accusing the Biden administration of being complicit in Israel’s alleged genocide against Palestinians.

Tlaib said, “We will remember in 2024,” followed by the text, “Joe Biden supported the genocide of the Palestinian people.”

Instead of reversing course, Tlaib has leaned further into her anti-Israel commitments in recent days, even going so far as to defend a genocidal chant popular among pro-Palestinian protesters.

“From the river to the sea is an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate,” Tlaib wrote in an X post on Friday. “My work and advocacy is always centered in justice and dignity for all people no matter faith or ethnicity.”

Democratic Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel responded by saying Tlaib’s defense of the hateful slogan crossed the line.

“@RashidaTlaib, I have supported and defended you countless times, even when you have said the indefensible, because I believed you to be a good person whose heart was in the right place,” Nessel wrote on X.

“But this is so hurtful to so many,” she said. “Please retract this cruel and hateful remark.”

Democratic Senator Jacky Rosen of Nevada agreed that the phrase has violent connotations targeting the Jewish people.

Climate Activists Attack 400-Year-Old Painting with Hammers By Caroline Downey

Climate activists attacked a 400-year-old painting in a famous London art museum with hammers on Monday, breaking the glass barrier protecting the painting.

The vandals targeted the painting Rokeby Venus by Diego Velázquez, which hangs in the London National Gallery. Painted in 1651, the work depicts the love goddess Venus lounging and peering into a mirror held by her son Cupid, the god of desire.

“Women did not get the vote by voting,” a female protester can be heard shouting in a video of the incident posted to social media. “It is time for deeds and not words. It is time to just stop oil.”

“Politics is failing us,” a male protester adds. “Politics failed we in 1914. If millions will die due to new oil and gas licenses, BILLIONS! If we love history, if we love art, and if we love our families, we must just stop oil.”

This Might Be The Time That Determines If Biden Drops Out “Only one has the guts to announce it.” by Daniel Greenfield

Democrats spent the past few months mocking those who looked at Biden’s poll numbers and suggested he should drop out as ‘bedwetters’. There’s now a prominent new bedwetter joining the ranks.

Former President Obama’s senior adviser David Axelrod said it’s the last moment for President Biden to check if he should drop out of the 2024 presidential race, after suggesting he should do so.

On Sunday, Axelrod, in the wake of a new poll showing Biden trailing former President Trump in key swing states, said Biden needs to decide if it’s wise to continue his run. The poll found Biden trailing Trump in five out of six battleground states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

“As I’ve said for like a couple years now, the issue’s not — for him is not political, its actuarial. You can see that in this poll and there’s just a lot of concern about the age issue, and that is something I think he needs to ponder. Just do a check and say, ‘Is this the right thing to do?’” Axelrod said.

“Is this the best path? I suspect that he will say yes, but time is fleeting here, and this is probably the last moment for him to do that check, and it’s probably good if he does,” the Obama alum added.

What’s also significant is that during a foreign crisis, presidential poll numbers usually go up. (Then they drop back down afterward.) That does not seem to be happening here.

No one really wants Biden. Most think he’s too old. And life in general is miserable. That’s what people who fixate too much on political issues don’t entirely understand. When life is bad, much of the electorate, which isn’t Dem or GOP, turns against whoever is in the White House. And it takes hard work for an incumbent to survive that.

And life is really, really bad now. Maybe not quite as bad as 2020, but a good deal worse than 2012. And Biden is no Obama.

Running an unpopular incumbent is just a death wish. Most Dems know it. And with Trump in ascendance, they’re much more likely to want to dump Biden and bet on a fresh new candidate. And that would be a good bet. Much better than sticking with the old nag.

So Sen. Fetterman just took a shot at Gov. Newsom for running a shadow campaign.

The Context of Hamas Apologists’ Call for Context By Peter Berkowitz

Strategists close to the front seek to understand the constellation of circumstances and ideas that give rise to war. So too must responsible commentators far from danger assess the adversaries’ rival claims. The need to grasp a war’s wider frame goes for Hamas’ 10/7 massacres and Israel’s exercise of its right of self-defense.

No shortage of Hamas apologists insist that the jihadists’ mass atrocities perpetrated against civilians in southern Israel and their indiscriminate rocket attacks extending to much of central Israel must be placed in context. But the apologists don’t provide a reliable account of Hamas’ motives, ideas, goals, and conduct; a reasonable summary of Israel’s response; or a scrupulous overview of the Israeli-Arab conflict, not least Islamist enmity toward the Jewish state. Instead, Hamas apologists suppress facts, invent narratives, and repackage outlandish neo-Marxist talking points.

On Oct. 9, two days after the Hamas massacres, Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said professor of modern Arab studies at Columbia University, declared that the Israel-Hamas war must “be put within the context. And the context is not just occupation. The context is settler colonialism and apartheid.”

On Oct. 19, in an “Open letter from the art community to cultural organizations,” more than 500 “artists, writers, curators, filmmakers, publishers and workers who produce work, collaborate and communicate” opined about the Israel-Hamas war. The letter’s signatories prominently included photographer and activist Nan Goldin, who focuses on the LGBT world; UC Berkeley professor Judith Butler, who specializes in comparative literature and critical theory; and Columbia University professor Saidiya Hartman, whose research interests include African American and American literature and cultural history as well as gender, sexuality, queer theory, and feminism. The art community denizens – who did not claim knowledge of military operations or international law, first-hand acquaintance with unfolding events, regional expertise, or understanding of Islam – accused Israel of perpetrating “escalating genocide” and declared that the war’s “root cause” is “oppression” and “occupation.”


But back to Bernie Sanders who, despite the growing pressure on the Left to force Israel into a ceasefire, stood fast on Sunday. On CNN’s “State of the Union,” anchor Dana Bash asked, “Some of you fellow progressives say that there should be a full-on ceasefire which would require an agreement on both sides to halt the fighting. Do you support a ceasefire and if not, why not?”

Sanders didn’t hesitate when he answered, “I don’t know how you can have a permanent ceasefire with an organization like Hamas, which is dedicated to turmoil and chaos and destroying the state of Israel.”

“And I think what the Arab countries in the region understand is that Hamas has got to go,” Sanders added.

He’s right on both counts and kudus to Sanders for getting it right this once.

Judith Miller Fateful Errors Hamas made several strategic miscalculations in its unconscionable attacks on Israel.

Hamas seems to have made two fundamental miscalculations in staging its barbaric October 7 attack on Israel.

First, its leadership clearly assumed that the United States would not continue to support Israel if it killed enough of the Palestinians whom Hamas has been using as human shields to protect its command centers and underground tunnel networks in Gaza.

Second, Hamas apparently assumed that if enough Palestinians in Gaza died in Israeli bombing, the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah and its patron Iran would escalate the conflict by opening a second front in the war, a scenario that has clearly worried both Israel and Washington.

Both calculations might still prove valid if Palestinian deaths and suffering in Gaza continue to command the world’s attention and spark increasing outrage, but Hamas’s hope that Iran and Hezbollah, which has de facto control of Lebanon, would escalate the conflict to defend Hamas and the Palestinians of Gaza seems to be misplaced.

Last Friday, in his first public comments since the October 7 attack, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that an expanded war remains a “realistic possibility,” but he did not declare an official intervention in the conflict.

Speaking in a sermon broadcast after Muslim prayers Friday to thousands of supporters in Dahieh, Hezbollah’s main stronghold in Beirut’s southern suburbs and elsewhere in Lebanon, Nasrallah denied that his militant Shiite Muslim “Party of God” played any role in Hamas’s attack on Israel. Hamas’s Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, he said, was “100 percent Palestinian in terms of decision and execution.” Hamas, he added, had kept it secret not only from fellow militant groups in Gaza, but also from “other resistance factions across the resistance axis”—that is, from Iran.

Dave Seminara Border Bollocks The Biden administration misleads the public about its new parole system.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection logged a record 269,735 migrants encountered in September. That figure came on the heels of a record-breaking fiscal year, in which CBP reported nearly 2.5 million migrant encounters. The numbers could have been much higher if not for the introduction of an app, CBP One, allowing unauthorized migrants to schedule their arrivals before claiming asylum, and new parole programs. (Parole, in the immigration context, refers to an exception in the law that lets some noncitizens who would otherwise be ineligible for such protections work and live in the United States without fear of deportation). Today, thanks to Freedom of Information Act requests filed by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and inquiries initiated by the House’s Homeland Security Committee, we know that these programs started earlier than the Biden administration admitted, and that they involve many more migrants and countries, including terrorism hotbeds, than it has revealed.

On January 5, the administration released a fact sheet detailing its efforts to manage the historic flow of asylum seekers with a new parole program. It advertised the program as being for citizens of four countries—Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Haiti. President Biden spoke about it that day in the context of a surge of Venezuelan migrants. Then, in May, at a White House press briefing, Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claimed that CBP admitted about 740 people per day through the plan, mostly Haitians. He claimed that the number would soon rise to 1,000 per day; two months later, DHS announced that it would rise to 1,450 per day.

Here’s what we now know. The program wasn’t new when it was announced—the documents CIS obtained show that it existed 19 months before January’s public rollout. The administration paroled more than 10,000 migrants from 29 countries in 2021, most from Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. It paroled over 13,011 migrants from 35 countries in 2022, including, curiously, more than 5,000 Russians.

The 4-point plan for toppling Hamas Israel needs to effect a strategic change in the region, by conveying the message that those who attack us will lose territory. This plan will effect a strategic change in a language that is understood in the Middle East. By Zvi Hauser

The goal of the war as defined by the political echelon is “toppling Hamas.” We must not settle for such vague wording. Clear and measurable benchmarks need to be adopted to clarify the meaning of “toppling.” Otherwise, we will find ourselves in another aggressive cycle with the attempt to create within the Israeli consciousness, not the Palestinian one, the narrative as if this was an overwhelming Israeli victory.

“Toppling of Hamas” has a clear and specific meaning. Israel needs to announce a four-part plan that will make it clear to our enemies and friends that we are committed to the goal we set for ourselves on October 8. Namely, a strategic change in the region. Here are the four points.

1. Hamas’s military wing comprises roughly 30,000 people. Those who survive will leave Gaza permanently, following a similar model to the expulsion of the Palestine Liberation Organization from Lebanon in the 1980s. This should be Israel’s clear and unequivocal position from the beginning of the conflict. The sooner Hamas surrenders, the more of its people’s lives can be spared. This is also the only deal that is feasible in relation to the Israeli captives. When Yahya Sinwar understands that he can leave the Strip “alive or dead,” he and his colleagues in leadership will choose to save their lives and be willing to exchange the captives. The IDF in Gaza in 2023 is more lethal and powerful than the IDF in Beirut in 1982. Israel needs to make sure the region knows this. Around 11,000 PLO members left Lebanon after more than a month of siege in Beirut. The military wing members of Hamas in Gaza cannot stay either, even if it requires a three-month siege. This is also a necessary condition for the return of the people of Sderot and Netivot to their homes. Just like the PLO went to Qatar, so too will Hamas members go to Qatar or Turkey.

Daniel Cameron and the cost of racial mudslinging Bigotry is bigotry, regardless of its source or target Charles Lipson

Racial slurs are being hurled at Daniel Cameron, the Republican candidate for Kentucky governor. That’s despicable. It doesn’t matter what race the victim is or what race his accuser. Those slurs should be called out loudly and promptly.

They would be despicable if a black candidate faced them from a white opponent, or vice versa. They are no less despicable when a black candidate, like Cameron, faces them from other blacks. The epithet in this case is “Uncle Tom” and it has been leveled against him in paid advertisements. His crime: he’s conservative.

Those ads are the work of Black Voters Matter Action PAC. They feature the loathsome slogan, “All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.” Any group that uses that language for political gain should be condemned and repudiated. The pushback should begin with Democratic parties at the state and national levels. Although they are not responsible for producing the ad, they are the intended beneficiaries. They should reject both the ad and the group responsible for it. Don’t hold your breath.

There is a straightforward reason why Black Voters Matter is sending this noxious message now. Cameron faces off against a Democratic opponent in Tuesday’s balloting. Polls show the contest is a dead heat. To win, Democrats need a strong turnout by African Americans and nearly universal support among them. The slur by Black Voters Matter is designed to generate that support.

Don’t Confuse Violent Threats on Campus With Free Speech Universities Need to Stand Up for Jewish Students Like Us – By Gabriel Diamond, Talia Dror and Jillian Lederman

Mr. Diamond is a senior at Yale University. Ms. Dror is a junior at Cornell University. Ms. Lederman is a senior at Brown University

Since the Hamas terror attacks on Oct. 7, campus life in the United States has imploded into a daily trial of intimidation and insult for Jewish students. A hostile environment that began with statements from pro-Palestinian student organizations justifying terror has now rapidly spiraled into death threats and physical attacks, leaving Jewish students alarmed and vulnerable.

On an online discussion forum last weekend, Jewish students at Cornell were called “excrement on the face of the earth,”threatened with rape and beheading and bombarded with demands like “eliminate Jewish living from Cornell campus.”(A 21-year-old junior at Cornell has been charged with posting violent threats.) This horror must end.
Free speech, open debate and heterodox views lie at the core of academic life. They are fundamental to educating future
leaders to think and act morally.

The reality on some college campuses today is the opposite: open intimidation of Jewish students. Mob harassment must not be confused with free speech. Universities need to get back to first principles and understand that they have the rules on hand to end intimidation of Jewish students. We need to hold professors and students to a higher standard.

The targeting of Jewish students didn’t stop at Cornell: Jewish students at Cooper Union huddled in the library to escape an angry crowd pounding on the doors; a protester at a rally near New York University carried a sign calling for theworld to be kept “clean” of Jews; messages like “glory to our martyrs” were projected onto a George Washington
University building.

This most recent wave of hate began with prejudiced comments obscured by seemingly righteous language. Following
the Oct. 7 attacks, more than 30 student groups at Harvard signed on to a statement that read: “We, the undersigned
student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.” There was no mention of
Hamas. The university issued such a tepid response, it almost felt like an invitation.