Have you heard this one? A federal judge has ruled that the all-male military draft is unconstitutional.
How did you feel about this bit of news when you first learned of it? Did you think the ruling was ridiculous? An outrage? Did you feel hopeless about what is happening to our country? All of the above?
Not long ago, another federal judge ruled that the Constitution requires that male prisoners who identify as female must be provided with sex-change surgery and hormone-replacement therapy at the taxpayer’s expense, and be transferred to a prison for women.
There is so much to comment on here. For one thing, these rulings make it perfectly clear that we no longer live in a free, self-governing country. Instead of governing ourselves by means of our votes, increasingly we are subject to the dictates of judges who rule over us by managing to find the darnedest things in the Constitution. Like magicians pulling rabbits out of hats, judges can be counted on to astonish and amaze us with the wizardry by which they perform their conjuring tricks.
Read and re-read the Constitution—please!—but you won’t find anything in it to support these rulings. What you will find, however, are the rules that make clear how the federal government is supposed to work—how we are to do elections, how the powers of government are divided among the three branches of government, and so on. You can be sure the Framers did not put these rabbits in the Constitution and that they would be as amazed by these acts of judicial sorcery as you are.
Of course, the problem with these rulings is not limited to judges making free with the Constitution. That alone is outrageous enough, but it’s not enough for them. Isn’t it clear by now that in addition to the initial outrages they are now delighting in rubbing our noses in them? The more outrageous the ruling, the better it is from the progressive point of view.