Adam Schiff: The Jussie Smollett of Trump-Russia Collusion By Julie Kelly ****

He helped conceive a hoax so outlandish that only the most gullible, craven, or witless person could believe it.

The attack, as he called it, allegedly was executed by mysterious and politically motivated thugs with the intent to inflict harm. It exploited the political climate of the moment given that the chief goal of the ruse—and of the perpetrator himself—was to sow division in an already-fractured American populace for his own gratification. Nonstop news coverage and social media chatter ensued. The heretofore obscure perpetrator gained instant fame.

Lawmakers, journalists, and celebrities acted as accomplices, allowing themselves to be duped and conferring immediate legitimacy to the event. Public resources were diverted away from more serious matters. Whenever fair-minded observers voiced skepticism about the questionable nature of the circumstances and evidence at hand, they were riddled with insults.

As authorities began to expose the hoax, the mastermind lashed out, blasting his detractors and making incendiary accusations.

The public mostly went along with it because it sounded right or, at least, familiar like the narrative that Donald Trump and his people ultimately are at the center of everything wrong with our country today. And astoundingly, even as his story fell apart and his early supporters tried to distance themselves from the ruse, the hoaxster remained entrenched, beclowning himself and those who aided the scam.

How Democrats Spawned the Border Crisis Sacrificing national security on the altar of open borders. Michael Cutler

When I was growing up my mom sagely told me, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

For the past several decades, where actual border security and effective immigration law enforcement are concerned, the political elites of both parties have consistently exclaimed, “No way!”

Rather than devise strategies to effectively enforce our immigration laws, secure our borders and deter massive illegal immigration, our political leaders worked mightily to devise excuses and subterfuges to scam Americans by perpetrating Theft By Deception: The Immigration Con Game.

Politicians from both parties have declared that since we cannot deport all of the illegal aliens in the United States, the best we can do is legalize them to ostensibly “get them out of the shadows.”

That lunacy does not deter illegal immigration but encourages it — in essence, firing the starter’s pistol for aspiring illegal aliens from around the world. That is why a succession of caravans is now heading to the United States.

Indeed, the betrayal of America and Americans by our politicians was the predication for my articles, “Caravan Of ‘Migrants’ – A Crisis Decades In The Making: America is on the edge of forfeiting its sovereignty and security” and “Sanctuary Country – Immigration failures by design.”

Soros Groups File Lawsuits Attacking Trump’s Border Wall Sixteen states sue to keep the nation’s southern border wide open for illegal aliens and terrorists. Matthew Vadum

Sixteen states and at least six activist groups have filed or are preparing lawsuits taking aim at President Trump’s Feb. 15 emergency declaration that seeks to divert already appropriated government funds to build a wall on the nation’s porous border with Mexico.

This was to be expected. When the Left loses elections, it turns to unelected federal judges to carry out its will.

There is also an effort afoot in Congress to overturn the declaration. If both chambers pass a resolution of disapproval, White House senior adviser Stephen Miller seemed to indicate Sunday that the president would veto it. Trump is “going to protect his national emergency declaration, guaranteed,” Miller said on Fox News Channel.

Of the six activist organizations, four –Public Citizen, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and Defenders of Wildlife— have been funded by radical leftist financier George Soros through his philanthropies.

The Jussie Smollett Hoax and the Media’s Tribal War on America The real reason the media fell so swiftly for the Smollett hoax – right after falling for the Covington Catholic hoax. Daniel Greenfield

Why did the media fall so swiftly for the Jussie Smollett hoax right after falling for the Covington Catholic hoax? The easy answer is bias. And that might have even been the right answer a generation ago.

These days the media isn’t biased. It’s tribal.

Bias leads us to make mistakes. But the media wasn’t making a mistake when it loudly broadcast false claims with plenty of red flags about Trump supporters wearing red hats. Just as the media wasn’t making a mistake when it spread fake news about attacks on Muslim women by Trump supporters after the election. This wasn’t an error due to prejudice, but an active effort to reinforce tribal prejudices.

The Covington Catholic story in particular was not newsworthy by any rational definition of the term. The media insisted on making it news because it perfectly encapsulated the tribal prejudices of its base of urban and suburban lefties by pitting anti-abortion kids in MAGA hats against saintly minorities.

There’s another example of tribal hatred masquerading as news in the news now.

Prime Time Sports, a small sports memorabilia store in a Colorado Springs mall, announced that it was going out of business. Malls are emptying out across the country and there was no reason why the closing of a mall shop selling Cubs t-shirts and Patriots mini-helmets should have ended up in hundreds of papers around the country. But the reason why its closing ended up in major papers and news networks, including CNN. says a great deal about the malicious nature of political tribalism on the Left.

The Three Amigas by Gerald A. Honigman

You know, the duplicitous, taqiyya (deliberate lying for the cause)-spouting rock stars, Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, Farakhan’s good gal pal, Rashida Tlaib, and members of their dhimmi cheer leading squad–like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. As a preliminary, you might want to first check out that “d-word” above

Years ago, there was a good comedy, The Three Amigos, starring Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Chevy Chase. Unlike the film, however, there’s no humor in what follows…

It’s become common, even popular–especially with younger generations having little historical perspective—for people to accept the one-sided vilification of Israel and Zionism (among other things, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people) often presented to them.

Truth turned on its head…

David is transformed into Goliath, Jews become the new Nazis, Hamas’ Gaza is the Jews’ Warsaw Ghetto, and Arabs (with almosttwo dozen states carved out of mostly non-Arab peoples’ lands) are now the allegedly new, “stateless” Jews.

Much of this can be traced to the higher indoctrination, not education, served on numerous “Progressive” campuses these days. Now, add to this many millions of dollars donated to support courses related to the Middle East (and even other seemingly non-related areas) by Arab oil potentates and international petro-connected businesses (ARAMCO, Bechtel Corporation, etc.) to fund scholars, programs, scholarships, travel, and so forth, and you can better understand why some subjects are not discussed and don’t appear on course reading lists, while others never seem to leave center stage.

Infantile disorder on the left By James Lewis

There are many ways to measure cultural decline, but the most important one might be emotional regression to infancy. This idea is old, but it has been studied carefully since Sigmund Freud saw it in Vienna. Freud himself came home one day and saw his house surrounded by Hitler thugs. He went at them with his heavy walking stick, and they scattered.

Freud was already in his sixties, but the family realized that Vienna was no longer safe. Freud and his daughter Anna moved to England, a land he had always loved. The Freud Museum today is not in Vienna, where he lived, but in London.

Since that time, social scientists have taken a serious look at emotional “regression,” as it’s called, because it shows grownups falling back into infantile rage and “splitting.” Mature coping includes problem-solving in the real world, and also rationalizing one’s emotions and working out personal issues through the arts and work. Nobody was ever killed by rationalization, or by the arts and music.

But regressive people live in a kind of nightmare, like infants in the Terrible Twos, switching between fits of rage and demanding love and worship. Normal parents start to wonder what they did wrong, but it’s not they; it’s the kid going through a phase.

Exposing Socialism By Eileen F. Toplansky

Sixty-two years ago, author and ex-communist Howard Fast wrote that he had “only one important task in front of [him] to define this thing, to explain it, to picture this unholy god in his own frightful nakedness; so that if there is another generation in [his] land that must face the agony of [his] generation, they will never see this avenue as a road to any future that man should face without loathing.” His 1957 book titled The Naked God: The Writer and the Communist Party was Fast’s coming “to grips with the “hollow, rigid, ‘political’ incantations of the movement’s cultural high priests.” It is a book that “explains, in terms of specific instances, the whys and wherefores of total commitment to a false ideal.”

This unholy god was communism, and it is with great alarm and fear that we must, yet again, teach Americans of the evil inherent in socialism which is always the first step to communism. With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hypnotizing impressionable and miseducated millennials we are headed toward a tattered future.

Howard Fast was devoted to communism but eventually realized that it needed to be exposed so that its tenets would wither and die. He wrote that “an idea must be bent over the anvil of truth to see if it can survive some strong blows.” As an important literary figure in the Communist Party, Howard Fast’s defection was a shock. He had spent thirteen years as a devotee to Communism until Nikita Khrushchev’s “secret report” finally revealed the “terror, the fear, the hollow pretenses, the bestiality, [and] the inhumanity that characterized the leadership.”

Khrushchev “exposed the mechanism of terror and the system of arbitrary rule that had dominated the country for thirty years. He deployed dozens of documents and a wealth of detail to reveal the brutal character of the terror. The document catalogued the assassinations, the lawless mass deportations of non-Russian peoples, and the methodical falsification of history written by Stalin himself.” Khrushchev revealed that “Stalin was a bloodthirsty criminal responsible for systematic physical and psychological terror.”

Coups Cover-ups and Context by Linda Goudsmit

After much media hype and online snippets the prime time CBS News interview of Andrew McCabe finally aired last night 2.17.19. It was a well-choreographed editorial hit-piece masquerading as journalism worthy of study by any legitimate journalism school if any still exist.

60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley interviewed McCabe for the show. Pelley handled McCabe with the deference, tenderness, and soulfulness of a dance partner, completely inappropriate for interviewing the disgraced former acting head of the FBI involved in an unprecedented coup attempt against President Donald J. Trump. CBS entertained America with their well-rehearsed dance sequence.

The stage is set for two. Pelley’s gentle voice leads McCabe as they tango around the political dance floor justifying motivations for removing the president. A dip here, a dramatic pause there.

McCabe, dressed in his best red white and blue dance costume takes the lead and reveals that he ordered an investigation into whether President Trump obstructed justice by firing FBI director James Comey. Dancing McCabe’s Tango Walks naturally curve to the left as he claims he initiated the probe to safeguard and document the ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election so they could “not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace.”

Pelley turns and moves his partner in a different direction. McCabe follows for a Reverse Slip Pivot and in a staggering admission that has gone viral on the Internet but being virtually ignored by the mainstream media, McCabe describes how the Justice Department considered enacting the 25th amendment to remove President Trump from office.

Britain’s online newspaper The Independent reported on the admission in its stunning 2.15.19 article titled, “Trump 25th amendment: Justice Department considered attempt to remove president after Comey firing, former FBI chief reveals.”

The Democrat Socialist Party of Dhimmis By Victor Sharpe

Let me first explain what a dhimmi is. It is an Arabic noun referring to a non-Muslim who becomes subject to Islamic servitude. Dhimmitude is the condition that dhimmis endure under such Islamic power and influence.

Back in 2006 I first wrote an article titled, Dhimmitude for Dummies, which was published in a conservative website. In it I attempted to warn about the terrible danger posed from stealth Islamic jihad infiltrating the Western world, threatening Judeo-Christian civilization and, in particular, menacing our very own United States of America.

Several years earlier, on that terrible day we know as 9/11, Islamic fanatics in the name of Allah destroyed the World Trade Center and struck the Pentagon using hi-jacked passenger planes as aerial bombs. They failed in their attempt to destroy the White House using yet another hi-jacked plane. All three aircraft were filled with doomed men, women and children.

This atrocity was a violent and vengeful act that was celebrated by millions of Muslims around the world. Who can forget the TV pictures of Palestinian Arabs handing out candies as they rejoiced while watching the iconic twin towers falling and thousands dying in agony.

The atrocious Islamic ‘success’ on 9/11 became a rallying war cry for untold millions of Muslims who saw in their fevered minds – and still do – an Islamic victory over a vanquished United States of America. For them it was a 21st century revenge by resurgent Islam over the so-called ‘infidels’ whose ancestors centuries earlier had beaten back the many previous Islamic invasions by Muslim hordes.

High Theory and Low Seriousness written by Gustav Jönsson

Sixty years ago today, just as Henderson the Rain King was going to print, Saul Bellow penned an article for the New York Times in which he warned against the perils of deep reading. Paying too close attention to hidden meanings and obscure symbols takes all the fun from reading, he wrote. The serious reader spends an inordinate amount of energy trying to find profound representations in the most trivial of details. “A travel folder signifies Death. Coal holes represent the Underworld. Soda crackers are the Host. Three bottles of beer are—it’s obvious.”

Moreover, deep reading is such an imprecise game that numerous dull and contradictory interpretations arise from the same passage. “Are you a Marxist? Then Herman Melville’s Pequod in Moby Dick can be a factory, Ahab the manager, the crew the working class. Is your point of view religious? The Pequod sailed on Christmas morning, a floating cathedral headed south. Do you follow Freud or Jung? Then your interpretations may be rich and multitudinous.” One man, Bellow wrote, had volunteered an explanation of Moby Dick as Ahab’s mad quest to overcome his Oedipus complex by slaying the whale—the metaphorical mother of the story.

Instead of this tedious attitude to literature, Bellow urged that people take after E. M. Forster’s lightness of heart. Forster had once remarked that he felt worried by the prospect of visiting Harvard since he had heard that there were many deep and serious readers of his books there. The prospect of their close analysis made him uneasy. In short, for Bellow and Forster, the average academic critic tried to understand literature and thus ruined the enjoyment of it.

The low seriousness that Bellow lamented has only increased since his complaint. Today, literary scholarship is home to some of the most impenetrable gobbledygook ever put on paper. The main culprit is easily identifiable: literary theory. Literary theory, a school of criticism with little hold outside the universities, has captured whole colleges and threatens to extinguish students’ love of reading. Imagine the dejection a student about to begin university, eager to read the best that has ever been written, feels when they are told to examine some heavy tome of unreadable theory. It drains all the fun from reading.