Sherrod Brown: “I will not run for president in 2020” Biden’s 2020 Plan is Almost Complete. Democrats Are Impatient.

Pelosi Says House Will Condemn All Hate as Anti-Semitism Debate Overshadows Congress By Sheryl Gay Stolberg

Democratic leaders are planning to put a far-reaching resolution condemning anti-Semitism and bigotry on the House floor for a vote on Thursday, hoping to put to rest the internal uproar that erupted after Representative Ilhan Omar insinuated that backers of Israel exhibit dual loyalty.

“I see everything as an opportunity,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Thursday morning. “This is an opportunity once again to declare as strongly as possible opposition to anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim statements,” and “white supremacist attitudes.”

The resolution, released hours after Ms. Pelosi spoke, states that “whether from the political right, center, or left, bigotry, discrimination, oppression, racism, and imputations of dual loyalty threaten American democracy and have no place in American political discourse.” It also evokes white supremacist attacks in Charlottesville, Va., Charleston, S.C., and Pittsburgh as well as numerous attacks on Muslims and mosques.

Democrats’ Troubling Silence on Omar’s Anti-Semitism By Charles Lipson –

When a member of Congress makes bigoted comments, political leaders have a moral duty to condemn them. A special obligation falls on those who lead the member’s party. They should speak out in blunt, clear language and say why the comments are unacceptable. They need to “name and shame,” and demand a forthright apology. No mealy-mouth press release saying “if anyone is offended …” If the violation is egregious or repeated, the punishment should be commensurate.

House Democrats now face that test after Rep. Ilhan Omar’s repeated slurs against Jews. So far, they have failed.

Omar represents a Minnesota district heavily populated by fellow Somali immigrants. It has been characterized by illiberal politics and political representatives who defend it. Omar’s predecessor in Congress was Keith Ellison, whose close ties to Louis Farrakhan raised similar questions of anti-Semitism. He, too, escaped condemnation from his party, probably because he made few statements as raw and offensive as Omar’s, and partly because he claimed to have severed ties to Farrakhan.

Dr. Happer will set them free By David Archibald

President Trump has finally appointed someone to cure the U.S.’s disease of global warming hysteria

It was easy enough to predict that Trump would appoint Dr. William Happer to set up a Presidential Committee on Climate Science.

Two years have passed and have been lost. The first years of the Trump administration were hobbled by poor Cabinet picks, a proportion of whom conspired against him and others who were just hopeless. Scott Pruitt at the EPA should have got on with Dr Happer’s appointment straight away but instead spent $3.5 million on his own security detail. In the meantime, the climate juggernaut rolled on, producing 1,500 pages of alarmist nonsense in an official government report.

You can tell how important Dr Happer is by the forces that have been marshaled against him. The three major lefty media organizations — CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times — all came out to say Dr. Happer’s efforts would be wasted. The Democrats are alarmed, calling Dr Happer’s proposed panel “dangerous.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren Accuses Jews of “Chilling” Public Discourse With False Accusations of Anti-Semitism Daniel Greenfield

Senator Elizabeth Warren has identified her base. Bigots. And she’s pandering to them.

“In a democracy, we can and should have an open, respectful debate about the Middle East that focuses on policy. Branding criticism of Israel as automatically anti-Semitic has a chilling effect on our public discourse and makes it harder to achieve a peaceful solution between Israelis and Palestinians,” Warren claimed. “Threats of violence — like those made against Rep. Omar — are never acceptable.”

Mondoweiss or the 2020 Dem field, is there even a difference anymore?

After an initial condemnation of “anti-Semitism and Islamophobia”, Senator Warren gets down to aggressively defending Rep. Omar, picking up the anti-Israel lobby’s claim that Jews falsely accuse them of anti-Semitism to chill public discourse, and somehow linking that with threats of violence against Rep. Omar.

To recap, Rep. Omar is the victim. Jews have falsely accused her of anti-Semitism and are implicitly linked to threats against her.

So far we’ve got three of the top 2020 Dem candidates competing with each other to defend Rep. Omar and accuse Jews of attacking her. I’m sure they won’t be the last.

Maajid Nawaz Pulls Race Card In Defense of ISIS Bride Shamina Begum Why exactly is a Muslim “reformer” conflating Islam with skin tone? Joshua Winston

An airsoft shooting range in England is using a picture of ISIS bride from London Shamima Begum for people to hone their shooting skills on, and Maajid Nawaz isn’t happy about it. “We must be better than our enemies,” Pope Maajid tells us, whilst railing against using a jihadist’s face for target practice, calling it “disgusting and inhumanly degrading behaviour.” Old habits die hard with Maajid, in my opinion — here he is defending a terrorist. Maajid quickly goes on to tell us, “It won’t be long before this face is replaced by just any brown or black face,” as if people at that shooting range are firing at Shamima Begum not because she is a jihadist, but because she is brown. “The Shamima Begum 2-tier citizenship debacle *is* connected to race,” Maajid insists. He is trying to get us to believe that race wars in the UK are already unfolding before his eyes.

The real war occurring in the UK today is against non-Muslim men and non-Muslim girls. These two groups of people are the biggest victims, if Maajid wants to start talking about war. Non-Muslim boys are being neglected in favour of Muslims. They are dropping out of school earlier, more are living in poverty, and they have the highest levels of illiteracy in the UK today (not to mention suicide rates), thanks to all of the enforced Cultural Marxism that is taking place, which sees non-Muslim men being excluded from certain jobs and a lot of apprenticeships and college and university places, generally on the basis of race. If Maajid wants to continue going down the race war route, then he should take a look at the white non-Muslim underage girls who are victims of brown (since Maajid is talking about skin tone, as if it had something to do with resentment against Shamima Begum) Pakistani Muslim men. There’s your race war right there, Maajid. Or perhaps he can cast an eye over Twitter this past week alone: multiple videos have surfaced of lone non-Muslim boys being battered unconscious by packs of Pakistani Muslim youths. And, as always, when a non-Muslim is battered or killed or robbed by a Pakistani Muslim, there’s rarely a “hate crime” label attached to it, as there is whenever anything, no matter how random, happens to a Muslim.

“A Visit to the Pinkas Synagogue and the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague” Sydney Williams

A series of emotions were exposed as this essay emerged from a blank piece of paper: thankfulness for being born where and when I was; concern as to whether we truly understand the meaning of service and sacrifice; and scorn for our current attitude of trivializing victimhood, which now include those who hear words they find hurtful. Sydney Williams

“Six million of our people live on in our hearts. We are their eyes that remember.We are their voice that cries out. The dreadful scenes flow from their dead eyes to our open ones. And those scenes will be remembered exactly as they happen. Shimon Peres (1923-2016) Former Prime Minister and President of Israel                                               

The American Transcendentalist Theodore Parker (1810-1860) was an abolitionist and reforming minister of the Unitarian Church. He is, perhaps, best remembered for a quote, since borrowed by others, most notably Martin Luther King and Barack Obama. The quote came from a sermon delivered in 1853, when the scourge of slavery still blemished the character of the American Republic. His words would have been wistful, even fatuous, to the more than three million Americans still then enslaved: “Look at the facts of the world. You see a continual and progressive triumph of the right. I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends toward justice.” Grand words – and perhaps true given enough time – but little solace for those who suffer the evil of man’s cruelty to man.

There are places we visit where we express gratitude for the sacrifices made by a few for the many: Arlington National Cemetery, the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing at the Somme, the American Cemetery at Normandy, the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor and the Florence American Cemetery, where 326 GIs from the 10th Mountain Division lie, including Juan Barrientos from my father’s squad whose grave I have visited. There are other memorials dedicated to the deliberate, pre-planned evil that man has inflicted on man, like the memorial to the victims of 9/11. These tend to be less grand, but more poignant, like Memorial Hall in Nanking, dedicated to the victims of the Japanese massacre in 1937, the memorial to the Holodomor victims in Ukraine, the Wall of Grief in Moscow that memorializes those killed in Stalin’s Gulags, the Choeung Ek Memorial in Cambodia to victims of the Khmer Rouge and the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Rwanda. Sadly, there are other examples of man’s inhumanity to man for which there are no memorials, such as the estimated thirty million Chinese who died during Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward.

In Europe, there are places of remembrance for the more than six million Jews killed during Hitler’s reign of terror. More than two dozen concentration camps in Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Holland and Austria are open to visitors. They sit as reminders of what man is capable. In Berlin, there is the spacious Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe and in Vienna a small memorial; but both seem inadequate to the horrors Nazis inflicted. But the one in Prague is different.

Palestinians: Arresting, Torturing Journalists by Khaled Abu Toameh

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, a body dominated by Fatah loyalists, condemned the arrest of Hazem Nasser and called for his immediate release. The syndicate pointed out that Nasser had been summoned for interrogation by the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces several times in the past few weeks despite the fact that he did not commit any crime.

In the world of the PA and Hamas, the only “good” journalists are those who report negatively about Israel. Independent journalists therefore find themselves forced to seek work in non-Palestinian media organizations, including some in Israel. Even then, these journalists, especially those who live under the PA and Hamas, engage in massive self-censorship.

What is hard to understand are the continued closed mouths of the international community and media towards this ongoing assault on the freedom of the media in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Had Nasser and Abu Arafeh been arrested by the Israeli authorities, their “plight” would have been splashed over headlines across the globe.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank is continuing its unremitting security crackdown on Palestinian journalists, particularly on those who are not affiliated with Mahmoud Abbas’s ruling Fatah faction. Scores of journalists have been arrested or summoned by the PA in the West Bank on a regular basis in the past few years. In the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, Palestinian journalists are facing a similar campaign of intimidation and harassment.

In the past few days, another two journalists, Hazem Nasser and Amer Abu Arafeh, were arrested by the PA security forces — and not for the first time. Nasser, who is from the city of Tulkarem, and Abu Arafeh, who is from Hebron, have, in fact, become “frequent visitors” of PA detention centers and interrogation rooms.

The incarceration of Nasser and Abu Arafeh brings to 16 the number of Palestinian journalists who have been arrested or summoned for interrogation by the PA security forces in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip just since the beginning of this year.

The Continued Resilience of Quiet America By Victor Davis Hanson

Fifty years ago, the United States was facing crises and unrest on multiple fronts. Some predicted that internal chaos and revolution would unravel the nation.

The 1969 Vietnam War protests on the UC Berkeley campus turned so violent that National Guard helicopters indiscriminately sprayed tear gas on student demonstrators. Later that year, hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets of major cities as part of the “Moratorium to the End the War in Vietnam.” In Washington, D.C., about a half-million protesters marched to the White House.

Native American demonstrators took over the former federal prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay and stayed there for 19 months, declaring it their own sovereign space.

In November 1969, the American public was exposed to grotesque photos of the My Lai Massacre, which had occurred the year before. The nation was stunned that American troops in Vietnam had shot innocent women and children. My Lai heated up the already hot national debate over whether the Vietnam War was either moral or winnable.

Meanwhile, the trial of the so-called Chicago Seven, involving the supposed organizers of the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, roiled the nation. The courtroom drama involving radical defendants such as Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, and Jerry Rubin descended into a national circus, as the battle between leftists and the establishment went from the streets to the courtroom.

It was also the year of the Woodstock music festival. More than 400,000 thrill-seekers showed up on a small farm in the Catskill Mountains in August 1969 to celebrate three days of “peace and music.” Footage of free love and free drugs at Woodstock shocked half the country but resonated with the other half, which viewed the festival as much-needed liberation for an uptight nation.

Must We Really Take Care Not To Offend Extremists?By Douglas Murray

Britain, in recent days, has had a rare distraction from its seemingly endless Brexit debate. The distraction, however, has not been an altogether welcome one. It involves the case of Shamima Begum, one of a number of girls who left their school in Bethnal Green in London in 2015 to go and join ISIS.

Back then, in 2015, the story of the Bethnal Green schoolgirls was headline news. Many British people were genuinely shocked that anyone—let alone young women at the start of their lives—would find ISIS’s promise of a Caliphate so alluring that they would leave the comforts of their friends, family, and country in the UK to go to join the group. There was much national debate about this. Various people, including some of the girls’ family members, blamed the British police and security services for not stopping the girls from leaving the UK. Ironically, the people who blamed the police—including the lawyer representing the girls’ families—were often precisely the same people as those who had spent previous years urging Muslims in Britain not to cooperate with the British police. How exactly the British police were either to blame, or to find any way to “win” in such a situation, was never explained. It was just one of many paradoxes thrown up in these circumstances.