Few things are more infuriating than to hear Western leaders lecture Israel about how it should behave – whether the issue is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or other matters – while they say little if anything about far more serious matters of regional stability or human rights around the world.After all, it’s Israel – and no other nation – that sustains the rocket fire that the terrorists of Hamas direct from Gaza, and it’s Israel that suffers the consequences of anti-Jewish incitement by the supposedly moderate Palestinian Authority from the West Bank. No Western leader should tell Israel how best to protect its people.
Having said that, rising anti-Semitism that’s often cloaked in the politer guise of anti-Zionism is a global fact of life, and so is growing hostility to Israel among leftist political parties across the West. Thus, the Jewish state, which seeks U.S. and other Western support when it’s under attack at the United Nations or elsewhere, should be at least somewhat sensitive to the global ramifications of its actions.