Amy Klobuchar reportedly threw office supplies at employees during outbursts By Marisa Schultz

WASHINGTON – In the latest allegations of staff mistreatment against Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a new report says she tried to exact revenge on employees who sought new jobs by calling their bosses to have their offers rescinded.

Three former staffers and another source told Yahoo News about the alleged employment practice, which they saw as “vindictive, mystifying and counterproductive,” the site said, and an indication of how far she would go.

The new claim comes after other bad headlines for Klobuchar in the last week where former staffers reported hellish conditions working for the Minnesota senator who has portrayed herself as “Midwestern nice.”

“If you can’t treat the people closest to you with respect,” one former staffer told Yahoo News, “I don’t trust you to treat the American people with respect.”

Staffers said they were subject to outbursts over little matters and even office objects were thrown. Klobuchar would fixate on a minor mistake in an internal document, prompting late-night phone calls and all-caps emails. A seemingly inconsequential matter could turn into a cruel and humiliating “multi-day affair,” staffers said.

Palestinians: “Journalism” Hamas Style by Khaled Abu Toameh

For Hamas, “accuracy” means that a journalist working in the Gaza Strip will show Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the worst possible light — regardless of the facts.

Instead of honoring the young and dedicated journalist for her courage, Hamas has decided to punish her. Instead of interrogating and prosecuting the corrupt officials whose identities were mentioned in her reporting, investigative journalist Hajer Harb is the one who is now standing trial for telling the truth.

It now remains to be seen whether Western journalists and media outlets will voice any concern at all over the ongoing attempts by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas to silence and intimidate Palestinian journalists.

Hamas, as part of its crackdown on freedom of the media, has imposed yet another restriction on the work of journalists in the Gaza Strip. The Hamas measure has left many Palestinian journalists worried about their ability to report on what is happening in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Foreign journalists, for their part, have yet to respond to the latest assault on public freedoms.

What exactly did Hamas do to anger the Palestinian journalists? Earlier this week, the Hamas-controlled Government Press Office issued a directive in which it said that, as of April 1, journalists will not be permitted to conduct interviews or enter government institutions in the Gaza Strip unless they have obtained a “press card” issued by the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Information.

This new directive means that any journalist who does not receive a “press card” from Hamas will not be able to operate freely and independently in the Gaza Strip.

Turkey: Jihadist Literature Gets a Pass by Uzay Bulut

“It is really sorrowful to live in a country that silences, prosecutes, jails its authors and forces them to live in exile,” Hasan Cemal wrote in January.

It is worse than “sorrowful,” however, that writers in Turkey who promote jihad are given a pass.

The Turkish journalist Hasan Cemal recently bemoaned that a publishing house rejected his latest book, Sorrow, on the grounds that it would lead to the imprisonment of both the author and the publisher for expressing liberal views antithetical to the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. According to Cemal, the works of other well-known writers in Turkey — such as Oya Baydar, Nedim Gürsel, Aslı Erdoğan, Baskın Oran and Nurcan Baysal — have met a similar fate, for the same reason.

Not all authors and publishers in Turkey, however, live in such fear. For instance, the Turkish translation of the book Al-Wala’ Wal-Bara (“Loving and Hating for the Sake of Allah Alone”), written by al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, are freely published by Beyaz Minare and distributed by Benli.

Many other publishers and media outlets in Turkey that not only promote violent jihad, but also maintain ties to terrorist organizations, continue functioning. The staff of the magazine İslam Dünyası (“Islamic World”), for instance, was under indictment in 2012 for links to al Qaeda.

This Detroit Imam and Rep. Omar are Using the Same Anti-Semitic Stereotypes Daniel Greenfield

It’s not about Israel. That’s just an excuse.

If you want to really understand where Rep. Omar is coming from, enjoy a few minutes of anti-Semitic ravings from this Detroit Imam.

On January 27, 2019, an antisemitic lecture by Michigan-based Shi’ite Imam Bassem Al-Sheraa was uploaded to the YouTube channel of the Al-Zahraa Islamic Center, which is in Detroit.

That means stuff like this.

Following the [Babylonian] captivity, when Nebuchadnezzar exiled them and destroyed the Temple, the Jews said: ‘Money and women are our most powerful weapons.’…

“So they would amass gold and money, and they would spread usury. Usury constitutes a peculiar Jewish philosophy… Even in the modern world, global banks are based on the culture of usury, which is a Jewish concept.

As Rep. Omar would say, it’s all about the benjamins.

These are commonplace beliefs within the Muslim sphere. And also the leftist sphere.

“What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in the face of which no other god may exist… The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world.” Karl Marx

The Rushdie Fatwa, Thirty Years Later Who among us would dare to predict what the world would look like thirty years from now? Bruce Bawer

Thirty years ago today, the then ruler of Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini, sent a valentine to Salman Rushdie in the form of a fatwa.

Rushdie, born in 1947 in Bombay (now Mumbai), had attended Cambridge, settled in Britain, and become famous with his second novel, Midnight’s Children (1981). His fourth novel, The Satanic Verses (1988), featured a storyline about Muhammed and the Koran that was deemed blasphemous throughout the Muslim world, leading the novel to be banned in over a dozen countries. The fatwa condemned Rushdie, his publishers, and his editors to death, and called on “all valiant Muslims wherever they may be in the world to kill them without delay, so that no one will dare insult the sacred beliefs of Muslims henceforth.” Khomeini’s government announced that anyone who assassinated Rushdie would receive $6 million, if he survived, and instant martyrdom in Heaven, if he didn’t. The fact that Rushdie, an outspoken leftist, had joined many other cultural-elite types in supporting the overthrow of the Shah apparently didn’t impress Khomeini enough to keep him from ordering Rushdie’s murder.

At that time, the word fatwa was unfamiliar outside the Muslim world. Indeed, for most people in the West, the idea of the long arm of Islam reaching out from that primitive corner of the planet and into the civilized West was a relatively new idea – even though, in historical terms, it was a very old idea, dating back to Islam’s seventh-century founding. Even the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre was widely seen not as a strike against the Free World that was motivated by Islamic ideology but, rather, as an act of Palestinian Jew-hatred

The Dems Are Hilariously Bad Presidential Candidates By Kyle Smith

These past few weeks have been a tonic and a delight for any Republicans depressed by the midterms. So far the Democratic presidential slate is a clown car that has spat out a gaggle of mountebanks. The list includes a woman who previously and for many years claimed to be a “woman of color” but now has had to apologize after the world learned that “practically translucent” isn’t a color; T-Bone’s vegan buddy, who attacked meat eaters; a fake Latino who allowed himself to be trolled into going down to the border and railing against it; a “Senator Nice” who throws stuff at her terrorized staff and is rumored to make them shave her legs; and the She-Obama who just casually let slip that she wants to separate 150 million Americans from their private health insurance. Oh, and all of the above endorsed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s crazypants Green New Deal, a wishlist so bonkers even Nancy Pelosi mocked it.

Hey, Dems, when a ranting 140-year-old socialist Larry David lookalike is the least nutty person around, you’ve got problems. Maybe Joe Biden will save you. Or maybe not. Says a report this week: “The Democratic political community is more broadly and deeply pessimistic about Biden’s potential candidacy than is commonly known,” and many strategists think “it’s a bad, bad idea.”

Twenty Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Kirsten Gillibrand By Jim Geraghty

Defending Big Tobacco, keeping rifles under her bed, studying with Jeanine Pirro, and having Edie Falco play her grandmother.

1. Kirsten Gillibrand’s maternal grandmother was Polly Noonan, who became the longtime trusted aide of Erastus Corning II, Albany’s “mayor for life” from 1942 to 1983. Former New York governor Mario Cuomo once characterized their relationship this way: “Corning was the de facto leader. Polly was the leader.” Cuomo had Noonan organize events for his 1982 gubernatorial campaign and served as vice chairwoman of the Democratic State Committee during Cuomo’s three terms as governor. “Mayor Corning’s most influential confidante, Noonan handled patronage and political campaigns, handing out jobs that were the lifeblood of the old Democratic machine,” the Albany Times Union wrote in 2001. The Sopranos star Edie Falco played Noonan in last year’s off-Broadway play The True.

As Gillibrand put it in her 2014 autobiography, Off the Sidelines: Raise Your Voice, Change the World, “the mayor was simply part of our family.”

Leon Kushner- The World is Upside Down
I hope you noticed that I didn’t end the title of my post ‘Kill Him’ with an exclamation mark. I want to leave any emotions out of this discussion.

If you haven’t as yet guessed who I want to kill, why it’s the Arab terrorist, Arafat Irfaiya, who was recently arrested for having raped, mutilated and murdered a sweet, young, Israeli girl of 19 years of age. If you don’t live in Israel (I don’t), you might not have heard about this as it has yet to be reported by the mainstream media. So disgusting. But here in Canada when a young Muslim girl made up a story about her hijab being cut off by a man, the story went viral within hours, even our own PM cried about Islamophobia within an hour of the hoax.

Ori Ansbacher was Jewish as you might expect (however you could just as easily been wrong because many sweet young, Arabic girls are also raped, mutilated and murdered as a result of their legal practise of Honour Killing) in fact she was a religious Jew. Her father was a rabbi and I doubt that she ever intentionally killed an ant in her entire short life.

It’s funny that just as I’m writing this, I am getting emotional. I can see that this will be a battle for me. I must keep my emotions out of this.

I best get on with my point or I’ll lose it, lose you and lose the battle.

Guaidó adviser: Israel can help us remove Hezbollah, Iran

Exclusive to Israel Hayom: Senior Venezuelan opposition member says presence of Iran, Hezbollah and other terrorist elements in the country “is very concerning. … Israel can help us establish the necessary apparatuses to contend with this problem.”

A senior member of Venezuela’s opposition, which supports interim President Juan Guaidó, told Israel Hayom on Tuesday that the presence of Iran, Hezbollah and other Arab terrorist elements in the country “is very concerning” to the democratic opposition and will pose an “immense challenge” to the new government after the socialist regime of Nicolás Maduro is ousted.

“We are presently formulating policy pertaining to defending Venezuela’s internal security and are looking for help and advice,” the senior official said. “And Israel can help us establish the necessary apparatuses to contend with this problem when the political change in Venezuela realized.”

Venezuela’s socialist regime has close relations with Iran and has allowed Hezbollah to establish operational hubs in the country. Additionally, the Maduro regime maintains close ties with Hamas and the Palestinian Authority and sends them money – even as the people of Venezuela are themselves desperate for humanitarian aid due to an increasing scarcity of food and medicine.

Extremist elements in the Arab and Muslim worlds – Iran, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey – have declared their support for the tyrant Maduro in his current standoff with the popular uprising against his rule. Israel, meanwhile, is the only country outside of America to stand by Guaidó, whose exclusive interview with Israel Hayom on Tuesday reverberated across the globe.

Italy’s Far-Right Firebrand Takes Aim at Europe Matteo Salvini’s profile has skyrocketed on radical rhetoric and an everyman image, but his decisions reflect a more pragmatic politician By Giovanni Legorano

Far-right lnterior Minister Matteo Salvini strolled through a crowd of supporters in the main square of this southern Abruzzo town. Leaping on stage to campaign for regional elections, Mr. Salvini took aim at prosecutors who have charged him with kidnapping 177 African migrants last year after he refused to let them disembark from a rescue ship.

“They will have to put me on trial for the next 20 years, because I’ll go on blocking the migrants ships,” Mr. Salvini told the cheering crowd last week. “If they think they are scaring somebody, they chose the wrong person.”

In practice, though, Mr. Salvini is working to preserve his immunity against prosecution as a member of Italy’s Senate. His electioneering effort worked. On Sunday, a far-right candidate for governor backed by Mr. Salvini’s League party won the Abruzzo election.

Mr. Salvini is one of the fastest-rising politicians in a major European Union country. He has turned the League, a moribund regional movement in Italy’s north, into the nation’s most popular political force. His combative anti-immigration rhetoric and down-to-earth persona on social media have tapped anger at Italy’s aloof, ineffectual political establishment in swaths of Italian society.
A look at Mr. Salvini’s decisions in power suggests he is more of a pragmatist than his rhetoric implies.

Next, he says, he wants to take the EU by storm in this May’s European Parliament elections. He has become the central figure in efforts to build a pan-European alliance of nationalists and nativists, including politicians such as France’s Marine Le Pen and Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban. It’s unclear, though, whether Europe’s disparate far-right parties can unite, and what their aims would be.

Mr. Salvini, a bearded 45-year-old former journalist, has built his rise on the image of a revolutionary chief, or “the Captain,” as his devoted fans call him. In recent years he has promised to overthrow Rome’s rotten political class, to split Italy’s richer north from the rest of the country, and to take Italy out of the euro.