One of President Trump’s most controversial foreign-policy initiatives—withdrawing from President Obama’s nuclear-arms deal with Iran—is heating up again.
On Tuesday Denmark announced it had interrupted an Iranian plot to carry out assassinations of Iranian dissidents on Danish soil. This comes as the Trump Administration is planning to announce wider sanctions against Iran next week.
Recall Europe’s reaction after Mr. Trump withdrew the U.S. from the nuclear deal in May. The European Union not only denounced Mr. Trump’s decision but has vowed since to restore its economic relationship with Iran. Europe’s Iran policy is looking other-worldly.
In July, Germany foiled another Iranian plot to bomb dissidents in Paris. Press reports said then that Western intelligence services were concerned about the possibility of Iran stepping up terrorist attacks in Europe and the U.S.
Denmark wants the EU to impose new sanctions on Iran. Federica Mogherini, the EU’s pro-Iran foreign-policy chief, replied blandly that “we are following events.”
Even as Iranian hit squads are setting up shop across the Continent, the European Union is displaying a fundamental lack of seriousness about a country uninterested in distinctions between bombs, missiles and assassinations.