How the Biden Administration Helped Iran’s Mullahs Try to Fulfill Their Dream of Annihilating Israel by Majid Rafizadeh

Look, it’s not even just this $6 billion, which clearly is going to further enrich Iran. It’s closer to $60 billion. If you look at what the Biden administration has done to help this Islamic terrorist regime in Iran by [stopping enforcement of] sanctions, by lifting restrictions, by allowing Iranian oil to increase by 650% over the last year from 400,000 barrels of oil a day to 3 million barrels of oil a day – all of this has strengthened” the Iranian regime. — Former US Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, Fox News, October 9, 2023.

Iran provides roughly $100 million a year to Palestinian terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and $700 million a year to Hezbollah.

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, meanwhile, has already announced that his country will use the new $6 billion “wherever we need it.”

“Our strategy is to erase Israel from the global political map.” — Major General Hossein Salami, now commander-in-chief, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, MEMRI, February 4, 2019.

So far, the Biden administration, in a welcome about-face, has been superb about promising to help Israel defend itself. It is to be hoped that this policy will continue, in Ukraine as well.

Sadly, however, to the Biden administration, the glaringly central role of Iran, without which Hamas would be able to do nothing, remains nowhere in sight.The Biden administration, despite knowing that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the largest funder of the terror group Hamas, nevertheless decided to relax sanctions on Iranian oil exports.

Black Lives Matter. But Jewish Lives Don’t Diane Bederman

The attack by Hamas in Israel led to the greatest number of Jews murdered on one day since the Holocaust.  A 9/11 moment. Yet, we have groups like BLM standing with Hamas. Does BLM know that there are thousands of BLACK Jews in Israel? Black Jews, 14,300 of them, were air-lifted by the Israelis from Ethiopia when their lives were in danger. And how about former NBA star Amar’e Stoudemire, an Orthodox Jew?

BLM Chicago tweeted out a photo captioned “I stand with Palestine.” BLM Washington D.C. retweeted anti-Israel statements.

BLM Grassroots in Los Angeles wrote on Instagram, “Their resistance must not be condemned but understood as a desperate act of self-defense.” The post continues with, “as a radical Black organization” they “see clear parallels between Black and Palestinian people.” Some in BLM blamed Israel for the attacks. Hmmm. Hitler blamed the Jews for their extermination.

BLM founder Patrisse Cullors in 2015 called for the eradication of Israel.

Second Armenian Genocide is Underway Perpetrated by Turkey and Azerbaijan. by Uzay Bulut

On 24 April 1915, approximately 250 leading intellectuals of Constantinople’s Armenian community (including political leaders, journalists, and religious leaders) were arrested by Turkish officials. They were then slain. This event marked the beginning of the 1915 Armenian genocide.

By 1923, Turkish deportation and annihilation policies resulted in the deaths of approximately 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and children in jihad genocide during which Armenians and other Christians were targeted mainly for their religion.

108 years later, Azerbaijan and its ally Turkey have committed the same crime against the Armenians in the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

Since 2020, around 120,000 Armenians in their ancestral homeland of Artsakh located in the South Caucasus were subjected to an aggressive war, siege starvation, bombardment, crimes against humanity, and a military invasion committed by Azerbaijan. Social media is filled with videos and photos of Armenian men and women that Muslim Azerbaijani soldiers beheaded or mutilated.

Just like Ottoman Turkey did in 1915, the government of Azerbaijan arrested the Armenian leaders of Artsakh following its September 19-20 bombardment and invasion of Artsakh.

The detained include:

Davit Babayan – former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh

Arkady Ghukasyan – former president of Artsakh Republic

Arayik Harutyunyan – former president of Artsakh Republic

Davit Ishkhanyan – chairman of the National Assembly of Artsakh Republic

Davit Manukyan – former deputy commander of the Artsakh Armed Forces, general

Levon Mnatsakanyan – former commander of the Defense Forces, general

Bako Sahakyan – former president of Artsakh Republic

Ruben Vardanyan – former State Minister of Artsakh Republic.

Egypt Shuts Down its Border to Palestinian Refugees from Gaza While Hamas calls on Gazans to be ‘human shields’. by Christine Williams

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Israel and has pledged U.S. support as the Israeli military bombards Hamas-ruled Gaza with airstrikes, and is preparing for a possible ground invasion. Hamas jihadis have fired thousands of rockets into Israel, and continue to do so. Egypt has now committed to providing humanitarian aid, but it has shut down its border to Palestinian refugees from Gaza. Israel also currently refuses to allow goods to enter Gaza “until around 150 hostages taken captive by Hamas during a weekend attack are freed.” 2.3 million people are now blockaded between Israel and Egypt. The bottom line is that while Egypt is willing to serve as a mediator and even to advance the view that Israel return to pre-1967 borders, its president, Abdel Fatah El-Sisi, is committed to his own country’s security interests. Egypt fears what Gazans may bring into Egypt if it opens its borders.

As result of the high level of terrorist activity and threat among Palestinians over the decades, Egypt is shutting down the only other escape route from Gaza besides Israel—the Rafah crossing. According to Reuters:

Egypt has long restricted the flow of Gazans on to its territory, even during the fiercest conflicts. Cairo, a frequent mediator between Israel and the Palestinians, always insists the two sides resolve conflicts within their borders, saying this the only way Palestinians can secure their right to statehood.

Gaza is saturated with jihadists, and Palestinians are now facing the ruins of a war that was started by Hamas — the jihadist group that Palestinians themselves chose to rule Gaza — an area also dominated by Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

How Israel Will Attack Bibi will get his chance to finish the job. by Kenneth R. Timmerman

There is an old saying, that professional militaries tend to fight the last war.

But Israel has learned its lesson, in particular, the lessons of the failed 2006 war against Hezbollah. This time there will be no pinprick attacks. Israeli will go big and hard and heavy. This will be Fallujah on steroids.

I reported on the 2006 war along the border zone for Newsmax and NBC News. After nearly two weeks of air strikes in response to thousands of Hezbollah rockets smashing into Israeli towns and villages, then Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ordered elite IDF units to launch small probing cross-border strikes, in the hope of disrupting Hezbollah supply lines.

One of those units was Battalion 51 of the famed Golani brigade, which was ordered to take Bint Jbeil, a Hezbollah stronghold and the birthplace of fabled Hezbollah terror mastermind, Imad Fayez Mugniyeh.

The operation had been a total michal, or fawda, Israeli terms which have many unprintable equivalents in U.S. military slang. This is how I described the survivors in an forthcoming book, The Iran House:

The Golani troops carried enough food, water and ammo for a forty-eight-hour mission – and wound up staying five and a half days.

They humped fifteen kilometers in the dead of night to the outskirts of the village, then in the pre-dawn hours received the order to move into the town itself. And that’s where everything fell apart. They entered a narrow alleyway between houses when Hezbollah fighters appeared on all sides and opened fire. Eight soldiers were killed in less than a minute, and twenty-two more were wounded. Even more would have died, one of the survivors told me, if the deputy commander of their unit, Major Ro’i Klein, hadn’t spotted a grenade rolling toward them and jumped on it.

College Students Backtrack on Hamas, Rush to Hide Connections and Pro-Hamas Statements By Eric Lendrum

Less than a week after Israel was struck by a devastating mass invasion by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, American college students who initially voiced support for the terrorists have now been forced to recant their statements for fear of being canceled.

As Just The News reports, perhaps the biggest example thus far is the story of Ryna Workman, the president of NYU Law’s Student Bar Association. Workman, a black woman who identifies as “non-binary,” had applied for a job with the law firm Winston and Strawn; after she had initially been accepted, the firm then sent out a public statement revoking her job offer after she stated that Israel “bears full responsibility” for the terrorist attacks, which she described as “Palestinian resistance” and “necessary.”

Elsewhere, students at Harvard are now facing backlash after over 30 student groups signed onto a public letter denouncing Israel as an “apartheid regime,” calling the Jewish state “the only one to blame” for the violence. Three days after the attacks, the list of signatories was removed, although archived versions still exist which include the full list.

After the list’s publication, Harvard alumnus and hedge fund CEO Bill Ackman said that “a number of CEOs” had approached him to ask if Harvard would reveal the identities of the student groups, “so as to insure that none of us inadvertently hire any of their members.”

Members who defend “inconceivably despicable acts” against civilians should “not be able to hide behind a corporate shield,” Ackman added.

Biden Admin Struggles to Not Let Barbaric Hamas Attack Stop Them From Appeasing Iran His speech made no mention of Iran which funds and arms Hamas By Fred Fleitz

President Biden was justifiably praised for his remarks on October 7 and 10 pledging “rock solid” American support for Israel and strongly condemning the barbaric terrorist attack against Israel by Hamas, an Iranian terrorist proxy. Biden spoke passionately, calling the Hamas violence “pure unadulterated evil” and a “violation of every code of human morality.” Axios called Biden’s October 10 speech “perhaps the most powerful statement of support for Israel by a sitting U.S. president since Harry Truman recognized the Jewish state in 1948.”

But a crucial omission undermined the moral clarity of Biden’s speeches: there was no mention of Iran which funds and arms Hamas and reportedly was deeply involved in the planning and execution of the October 7 terrorist attack.

Making this worse, Biden officials have tried since last weekend to downplay reports of Iran’s involvement by claiming they haven’t seen any evidence of this. In response to bipartisan criticism of its approach, the Biden administration is now scrambling to address allegations that Iran was behind the attack without giving up its ongoing negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program that have provided Iran with significant sanctions relief and other concessions.

According to a bombshell Wall Street Journal report on October 8, Iranian officials helped plan the Hamas attack against Israel over several weeks and gave the green light to launch it during an October 2, 2023 meeting in Beirut. The Journal also reported that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps worked with Hamas since last August to prepare the air, land, and sea incursions of the attack. The Journal sourced this article to “senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group.”

In addition, the BBC reported on October 8 that a Hamas spokesman said Hamas had direct backing from Iran for the attack.

There are many reasons to believe that Iran was intimately involved in the Hamas attack. Aside from the funding and arms it provides to Hamas, the level of sophistication of the attack was well beyond anything Hamas has done before.

Everything You Need to Know About the Israeli Occupation (That Is, Everything the Left Won’t Tell You) By Robert Spencer

” The idea that Israel is occupying Palestinian land was furthered in the 1990s by the Oslo Accords, to which Israel unwisely acceded, and in which it agreed to work toward the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, which would only become a new base for more jihad attacks against a diminished Jewish state. But a Palestinian state, if it is ever created, would be the first-ever such entity in the history of the world. There is actually no Israeli occupation at all. The Squad, and the left in general, is either ignorant or malicious. Or, of course, both.”

There would be peace in the Middle East if Israel just ended its occupation, right?

That’s what the Squad wants you to think, anyway. The statements of the three primary members of this winsome leftist House coalition on the Hamas massacres in Israel had the distinct odor of canned talking points. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Make Mine A Double) issued a statement that said, “I condemn Hamas’ attack in the strongest possible terms.” That was a good start, but she then turned on a dime to blame it all on Israel: “No child and family should ever endure this kind of violence and fear, and this violence will not solve the ongoing oppression and occupation in the region.” Ongoing oppression and occupation, see? If Israel would just ease up on the poor Palestinians, Hamas jihadis would all open restaurants and shops, and peace would dawn upon the region.

Climate Expert Calls ‘Three Strikes’ Against Climate Alarmism By Catherine Salgado

Facts and data show “three strikes and climate alarmism should be out,” climate truth-teller Steve Milloy told PJ Media. “But it’s still at bat and swinging,” propped up by the “fake news media.”

Junk Science’s Milloy explained the three biggest truths undermining the mainstream narrative in exclusive comments to PJ Media. “We are 35 years into climate alarmism, and we’ve had no global warming since 2015 despite 450 billion tons of emissions; no type of natural disaster correlates with emissions or warming; and no apocalyptic climate prediction has ever come true,” Milloy stated.

It’s time to admit the fraud. “That’s three strikes and climate alarmism should be out. But it’s still at bat and swinging because the fake news media shares its leftist agenda and will not call it out,” Milloy added. After all, governments can use climate change as a convenient excuse for increasing their power and control.

Milloy’s comments followed the publication of a new report. The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental (E&E) Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, the International Climate Science Coalition, and Truth in Energy and Climate issued their “Climate Fact Check: September 2023 Edition.” Milloy posted the report at

The first myth the groups attacked was the media apocalypse prophesying on “global warming.” They looked at data to determine if September really did have record heat.

How Hamas Fooled the Experts Why so many misread the Palestinian terror group’s openly stated intentions and motives by Armin Rosen

For the past 20 years, the best minds in Washington and Jerusalem treated Hamas as a pragmatic political operator whose leaders were satisfied living in the same world as the rest of us. Their charter, first adopted in 1988, endorsed a set of bloodcurdling millenarian goals. But despite the open madness and world-making ambitions of their public pronouncements, Hamas remained a semi-legitimate player, treated as just one unremarkable thread in the Middle East’s rich tapestry of mildly threatening, gun-toting political dreamers. Even to the most hardened Israeli security officials they were a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot whose extreme rhetoric and regrettably unshakable habit of murdering Jewish civilians could be understood within the normative politics of “resistance movements.” Their behavior could therefore be modulated and controlled through a proper combination of sticks and carrots.

This view is untenable after this weekend, but I understand why it existed for so long. I once held versions of it myself. I visited the Gaza Strip on a two-day reporting trip in the winter of 2014, a couple of months after what was naively thought of as a major round of fighting between Israel and Hamas. I joined the ranks of journalists stupid enough to believe what we thought we’d seen there.

The Hamas statelet, though no poorer than places I’d been in Egypt and Jordan, and materially better off than Somalia or South Sudan, possessed its own special feeling of isolation that had the weight of an ambient despair. It was unnerving to turn on the radio and hear martial chanting about avenging Al-Aqsa, or to constantly look at billboards of Knesset member Yehuda Glick in a sniper crosshair. Members of the Strip’s Hamas-controlled police force used the empty lot down the street from my hotel on the Gaza City waterfront as a drilling ground.