72% of LA Hate Crimes Hit Jews, Only 12% Muslims Daniel Greenfield


The media yammers compulsively about Islamophobia. And yet, in reality, the majority of religion-based hate crimes target Jews.

In Los Angeles, it’s 72%.

The latest report from the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations shows that 72 percent of hate crimes against religion in the county were against Jews in 2017.

Following Jews on the list were Muslims, Catholics and Protestants:

Muslims were at 12%. Catholics at 11%.

A recent brutal videotaped attack by a Muslim against an Orthodox Jew in New York, pictured above, should serve as an important reminder that Muslim anti-Semitism is a much more serious problem than any supposed Islamophobia.

And it’s a problem that no one is allowed to talk about.

Elizabeth Warren and the Progressive One-Drop Rule The leftist senator’s diversity con turns into career suicide. Bruce Thornton


The Massachusetts Senator who during her career has tried to pass as a “Native American,” a “Cherokee,” and a “woman of color” for careerist advantage, has been stoking the fires of her self-immolation ever since she released results of a DNA test to prove her claim. As the whole country knows, the tests show no such thing, since the DNA results make her between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American, a proportion less than the average American’s. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham waggishly announced he will test his DNA to show he’s more Indian than Warren.

Warren’s ongoing political suicide-by-gaffe is entertaining. Who doesn’t delight in the numerous, exquisitely multicultural Cherokee activists and organizations scolding Warren for exercising her paleface privilege to appropriate American Indian culture? Then there’s Warren’s bizarre, petulant, passive-aggressive, and clueless twitter rant that made Donald Trump’s tweets read like one of Shakespeare’s soliloquys. One imagines numerous DNC officials and consultants frantically making the cutthroat gesture as Warren’s tweets metastasized.

That’s all great political fun, but the whole episode shines a light on something more serious: the larger incoherence of identity politics, that illiberal reduction of citizens into groups defined by superficial physical characteristics, and by tendentious definitions of “culture” that reduce people to stereotypes. The danger of this political idea is that it undercuts the philosophical foundations of the Constitution in “inalienable” rights possessed by all individuals as part of their common humanity, no matter how varied their ethnicity, cultures, mores, and social habits–– the unum that binds multiple pluribus.

Warren is a particularly preposterous example of how identity politics often has little to do with the reality of human diversity. One marker of ethnic “culture” is recipes handed down from parents and grandparents. So naturally, Warren contributed five recipes to an American Indian cookbook called The Pow Wow Chow Cookbook, and signed herself as “Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee.” Notice the double verbal cultural appropriation, by the way, in the book’s title: “pow wow” stolen from the Narragansett Indians, “chow” from Chinese.

The Terror-Reinforcing Primary Meet the anti-Trump Democrats who are friendly to terrorists. Lloyd Billingsley


Since the 2016 election Democrats have centered their activism around opposition to President Trump. This furious enmity may have overshadowed some Democrats’ friendliness toward Islamic terrorists, and for the Democrat running in California’s 50th district it’s a family affair.

“Palestinian-Mexican” Ammar Campa-Najjar, also billed as “Latino Arab-American,” is the grandson of Yousef al-Najjar, a leader of Black September, the Palestinian terrorist group that abducted, tortured and murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

In 1973, Israeli commandos killed Yousef al-Najjar, and the king of Morocco adopted his son Yasser al-Najjar, who lived in Egypt until 1981 when he reportedly moved to the United States. How al-Najjar fils was able to enter the USA remains something of a mystery, but in the official account he married Abigail, a Mexican-American woman, and lived in San Diego, California.

The Democrat now contending with Republican Duncan Hunter, who faces campaign finance violations, claims his father Yasser al-Najjar returned to Gaza in the 1990s to help Yasser Arafat form a government and promote “peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.” Yasser al-Najjar served as a de-facto ambassador, defending the Palestinians against charges that they misused money from the government of Norway for anti-Jewish propaganda.

Yasser al-Najjar is regarded as a “legend” among Palestinians and in 2014 his father Yousef al-Najjar received the “Grand Star of Honor” medal from PA boss Mahmoud Abbas. The Black September terrorist also has Martyr Abu Yousef Al-Najjar Hospital, named after him in Gaza.

Honduras’s paid caravan ‘refugees’ exposed as frauds by Venezuela’s real refugees By Monica Showalter


To hear the left and its complicit press tell it, the great 4,000-strong caravan of Hondurans snaking through through Guatemala and Mexico on their way to the U.S. to claim asylum, are just desperate refugees, traveling in a group to ensure their safety. That was how the New York Times wrote it up.

Well, no.

Turns out they’re being paid, in money, standing in line for their paychecks. A video posted by Rep. Matt Gaetz and highlighted on DC Whispers shows the process:

Compared to Honduran wages, where the per capita income is around $2,200, it’s undoubtedly nice work if you can get it.

And it highlights that the caravan march is just a job like any other, Honduras’ lower middle class being hired for a publicity stunt by some moneybags with an interest in eroding rule of law at the U.S. border. Gaetz openly wondered if it was George Soros, who’s sponsored such things in the past. It explains the newish-looking clothes being worn by these so-called refugees. And it explain the festive look of the thing, what with the Honduran banners and battle flags flying. With a good paycheck and word getting around, you can see why the caravan has snowballed from first a thousand in the earliest reports, to 3,000, to now 4,000 at last count. It could easily go to numbers much higher what with all the paychecks going around for a hard day’s acting role, playing the role of desperate refugee and then illegal alien, just in time for U.S. midterms.

There’s just one bad fly in the ointment.

The Saudi Connection, by S. Trifkovic

In the aftermath of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, the question has been raised whether the U.S.-Saudi alliance can or should be saved. It is based on false premises: there is no such alliance. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is neither a friend nor an ally of America. It is an enemy of civilization, a malevolent aberration. A Saudi-free world would be a better, safer world.

Contrary voices, some of them probably encouraged by Saudi largesse, are swiftly merging into a chorus of “reason” and “pragmatism.” “The U.S. and its allies cannot simply disengage,” writes The Hill. “Like it or not, Saudi Arabia and its partners need one another.” “Saudi Arabia is simply too crusial to U.S. interests to allow the death of one man to affect the relationship,” according to MarketWatch.com. Significantly, it points out that “the Saudis’ new best friend” may throw them a lifeline: “As Iran has become the biggest threat to Israel, the Jewish state has made common cause with the Saudis. Former Saudi bashers such as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s confidant Dore Gold now meet with the kingdom’s officials.”

Indeed, the Saudi cause has been embraced with gusto by assorted neoconservative pundits who see the emerging Jerusalem-Riyadh axis as the permanent foundation of our policy in the Middle East. In Israel itself, the affair has caused alarm. “The Khashoggi Murder is a Disaster for Israel,” Daniel B. Shapiro warned in the Haaretz on October 17: “In Jerusalem and D.C., they’re mourning their whole strategic concept for the Mideast—not least, for countering Iran.” Diplomatic correspondent Herb Keinon argued in The Jerusalem Post that Saudi leaders were of pivotal importance in pushing the Trump administration to make its policy on Iran amenable to Israel’s interests: “Netanyahu led the rhetorical charge in Washington to get Trump to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal earlier this year, but the Saudis—and other Persian Gulf states—were equally involved behind closed doors lobbying heavily against it,” he wrote. If Saudi Arabia finds that its political capital is dwindling, Israel’s proxy lobby groups in Washington “may actually go to Capitol Hill, as they have done in the past, and discreetly lobby for the Saudis, something that could paradoxically bring the two countries even closer together,” Keinon concluded.

Our Revolution’s Logic Angelo Codevilla

In 2010, Angelo Codevilla reintroduced the notion of “the ruling class” back into American popular discourse. In 2017, he described contemporary American politics as a “cold civil war.” Now he applies the “logic of revolution” to our current political scene.https://americanmind.org/essays/our-revolutions-logic/

The primary objective of any people who find themselves in the throes of a revolution is to find ways of diverting its logic from its worst conclusions.

Prior to the 2016 election I explained (After The Republic) how America had already “stepped over the threshold of a revolution,” that it was “difficult to imagine how we might step back, and futile to speculate how it might end.” Regardless of who won the election, its sentiments’ growing “volume and intensity” would empower politicians on all sides sure to make us nostalgic for Donald Trump’s and Hilary Clinton’s moderation. Having begun, this revolution would follow its own logic.

What follows dissects that logic. It has unfolded faster than foreseen. Its sentiments’ spiraling volume and intensity have eliminated any possibility of “stepping back.”

The Democratic Party and the millions it represents having refused to accept 2016’s results; having used their positions of power in government and society to prevent the winners from exercising the powers earned by election; declaring in vehement words and violent deeds the illegitimacy, morbidity, even criminality, of persons and ideas contrary to themselves; bet that this “resistance” would so energize their constituencies, so depress their opponents,’ that subsequent elections would prove 2016 to have been an anomaly and further confirm their primacy in America. The 2018 Congressional elections are that strategy’s first major test.

Regardless of these elections’ outcome, however, this “resistance” has strengthened and accelerated the existing revolutionary spiral. We begin with a primer on such spirals, on the logic of mutual hate that drives them, and on their consequences; move to a general description of our evolution’s driving logic, describe the 2016 elections as the revolutionary spiral’s first turn and the “resistance” thereto as the second. Then we examine how the “resistance” affects the other side, and how this logic might drive our revolution’s subsequent turns.

The Cycle and Us

Corcyra’s revolution in 427 BC, the fifth year of the Peloponnesian War, is a paradigm of revolutionary logic. Thucydides tells us that the citizens’ divisions had been of the garden-variety economic kind. Its Assembly had taken an ordinary vote on an ordinary measure. But the vote’s losers, refusing to accept political defeat, brought criminal charges against their opponents’ leader. By thus criminalizing differences over public policy, by using political power to hurt their opponents, they gave the revolutionary spiral its first turn. The spiral might have stopped when the accused was acquitted. But, he, instead of letting bygones be bygones, convinced the assembly to fine those who had brought the charges. After all, they had to be taught not to do such things again. The assembly approved the fine. But the second use of political power to hurt opponents gave the revolutionary spiral its second turn. Had the original wrongdoers paid up, the problem might have ended right there. Instead, outraged, they gave it the third push, bursting into the Assembly and murdering him. That ended all private haven from political strife. Civil war spiraled into mutual destruction, until the city was well-nigh depopulated.

Smiling at Corruption Democrats try to save Bob Menendez months after his bipartisan admonishment. Kimberley Strassel


Democrats have failed all year to find a cogent midterm campaign theme, but one appears to be attaching to them all the same: Listen to what we say; ignore what we do.

Nowhere is this truer than in blue, blue New Jersey, where Sen. Bob Menendez is suddenly struggling. Businessman and Republican nominee Bob Hugin has spent months educating Garden State voters on Mr. Menendez’s adventures with a now-convicted criminal. The more the voters learn, the tighter the race becomes. Recent public polls have awarded Mr. Menendez a 6- or 7-point lead, though a new internal Hugin poll claims the gap is now less than 2.

Democrats are alarmed enough that the Senate Majority PAC this week decided to reroute a precious $3 million to bolster Mr. Menendez with television advertising. The decision is extraordinary, given the number of Senate seats Democrats are already struggling to defend, many in states President Trump carried. But it is even more extraordinary for the statement—campaign theme, if you will—Democrats are rolling out with this ad buy. Namely, don’t believe us.

This is the party that claims to be running against a Republican “culture of corruption.” Democrats have highlighted the conviction of Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and introduced anticorruption bills in Congress. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in August even provided her members a “toolkit” for talking about supposed GOP misdeeds. They present the Trump White House as some mix of the yakuza and a drug cartel.

Yet here Democrats are intervening on behalf of the one federal lawmaker to have been definitively judged by his peers as corrupt in recent years—to have abused his office, to have scorned ethics rules, to have brought “discredit” on the Senate. A bipartisan letter from the Senate Ethics Committee in April “severely admonished” Mr. Menendez, finding that for six years he had “knowingly and repeatedly accepted gifts of significant value” from his close friend and Democratic Party donor, Florida ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen. The gifts included luxury private-plane flights, soirees in Paris hotels, and free accommodation at a Dominican Republican villa—where Mr. Menendez stayed not once or twice but 19 times. CONTINUE AT SITE

Nazis old and new: Douglas Murray

So far as I know there was only one public statue erected in Europe after the war to commemorate a Nazi. And on a recent visit to Dublin I finally managed to visit it.

During the 1920s and ’30s while he was a senior figure in the IRA, Sean Russell cosied up to almost anyone he could in order to gather arms and allies for the war against the British. In the ’20s he headed to the Soviet Union and America looking for support. It took till the late ’30s for him to find his truest ally. Sure enough, in 1939 the IRA declared war against the British on the side of the Nazis. In the mind of people like Russell the ultimate defeat of the British would mean an Irish Republic without partition. I suppose they imagined they were thinking big at the time.

The IRA began its campaign of bombings in English cities just before the Luftwaffe took its turn. The IRA-Nazi pact did so well that in 1940 Russell went to Germany on behalf of the IRA Army Council to be trained by the Nazis’ intelligence service.

It was Russell’s personal tragedy to die on the German U-boat returning him to Ireland, meaning he never managed to put his new bomb-making skills to use. His statue was erected in Fairview Park, Dublin, after the war, and has remained there ever since.

It has suffered intermittent bouts of vandalism. An arm was removed quite early on by a group complaining that its posture suggested Russell was a communist rather than a fascist (presumably the vandal’s own preferred side). Then during the decade before this one the statue was decapitated by an anonymous group professing opposition to the mass murder of millions of Jews, homosexuals, Roma and others by Sean Russell’s friends.

This should have been the perfect excuse for the Irish authorities to end the embarrassment and permanently remove the statue. Amazingly, in 2009 they commissioned a fresh one, this time cast in bronze, so as to deter further vandalism.

U.S. Closes Jerusalem Consulate Serving Palestinians Israel cheers move, while Palestinian officials call it another blow to aspirations for an independent stateBy Felicia Schwartz


TEL AVIV—The Trump administration said it would merge its Jerusalem consulate responsible for relations with the Palestinians into its newly relocated U.S. Embassy there, another symbolic blow to American-Palestinian relations.

The consulate in Jerusalem has functioned essentially as an embassy to the Palestinians. It was separate from the operations of the U.S. Embassy, which stewarded relations with the Israelis from Tel Aviv until May, when President Trump moved it to Jerusalem to fulfill a campaign promise.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday said the consulate closure was aimed at efficiency and wasn’t a policy change. He said a newly created Palestinian Affairs unit will operate out of the old consulate building, conducting reporting, outreach and programming with Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem.

Michael Oren, Israel’s deputy minister for diplomacy and a former Israeli ambassador to the U.S., welcomed the move on Twitter, calling it a great day for Israel, Jerusalem and the U.S.

Senior Palestinian officials called it another blow to their aspirations for an independent state.

“The Trump administration is making clear that it is working together with the Israeli government to impose greater Israel rather than the two-state solution on the 1967 borders,” said Saeb Erekat, the Palestine Liberation Organization’s secretary-general. “The U.S. administration has fully endorsed the Israeli narrative, including on Jerusalem, refugees and settlements.”

Palestinian officials have cut off contact with the Trump administration since December, when Mr. Trump said he would move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Hungary Cuts Taxpayer Funding To Inane Gender Studies Departments There is an intra-academic war to control the academy, and the reason is simple: control of institutions like media and academia is essential for a social revolution. By Sumantra Maitra


“Gender studies challenge existing structures that are perceived as natural and enduring, and in doing so, they directly challenge the ideological commitments of the radical right,” thundered an obscure British teaching fellow named Megan Armstrong in an op-ed for openDemocracy.

Armstrong argues that Hungary’s lurch toward the right is essentially an attack on open inquiry at universities, as shown by the latest hardline move of “banning” gender studies classes from Hungarian universities. This, she argues, is an effort to “curtail academic freedom.”

Why? Because “gender studies, for all its rich interdisciplinarity, is critical. Students who undertake a gender studies course are trained to think critically, and to engage critically with the world around them.” You get the idea.

Gender studies is an interdisciplinary field that combines feminism, Marxism, race, and gender. It became vogue around the late 1980s and posits that sex isn’t biological, and gender, like everything else in life, is completely performative. In the words of social theorist Simone de Beauvoir, “one is not born a woman, but one becomes one.”

The field is heavily influenced by post-structural ideology and suggests that there’s no objective, scientific, or biological truth. Over time, with the rise of interdisciplinary journals that are often ideological echo chambers, this ideology has spread into other fields and subjects, with an overall sinister motive. Gender studies academics essentially act as Soviet commissars, and try to dictate debate in academia and policy, which has resulted in severe intra-academic conflict on transgenderism, workplace gender gaps, how sex differences function in the military, and policies on gender in general.
Is Hungary’s Bold Move Worth Emulating?