2018 Midterms: All About Obama . By Michelle Malkin


Former President Selfie Stick is back in action, firing up Democrats before the midterms with his signature rallying cries:

I, I, I, I! Me, me, me! My, my, my!

According to a tally by The American Mirror’s Kyle Olson, Barack Obama’s campaign speech Monday for Nevada Senate Democratic candidate Jacky Rosen referred to himself 92 times in 38 minutes — or an average self-allusion every 24.7 seconds.

When he wasn’t “I”-ing, the former narcissist-in-chief was lying.

“Unlike some, I actually try to state facts,” Obama snarked passive-aggressively in a swipe at President Donald Trump. “I don’t believe in just making stuff up. I think you should actually say to people what’s true.”

Sit down, Mister “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.”

Thanks to you, my husband, children and I lost not one, not two, not three but four private individual market health plans killed directly by Obamacare. Reminder: When the health insurance cancellation notice tsunami hit in 2013, liberal Mother Jones magazine sneered that the phenomenon was “phony.” But after 4 million American families received cancellation letters at the end of 2013, Obama’s health care prevarication was finally deemed the “Lie of the Year” by left-leaning PolitiFact.

Newton’s Anti-Semitism Problem Radical teachers enlist local reporter to cover up anti-Semitism in Newton, MA schools. Ilya Feoktistov


Ilya Feoktistov is Executive Director of Americans for Peace and Tolerance.

Newton, Massachusetts, a large Boston suburb, has an anti-Semitism problem in its public schools. Some Newton high school teachers, trained by Saudi and Qatari-funded curriculum mills, teach about the history of the Middle East and the Arab-Israeli conflict in ways that the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights defines as anti-Semitic.

Influenced by anti-Semitic classroom portrayals of the Jewish state, some Newton students have bullied their Jewish classmates with Nazi comparisons; and swastikas have appeared at a couple of schools.

In response to the situation, local activists have been engaged in grassroots campaigns to remove the anti-Semitic elements in the Middle East curriculum. The campaign, initiated by APT, strongly supported by CAMERA, and recently joined by the group Education Without Indoctrination (EWI), has included an in-depth investigation of the curriculum by APT, a short APT documentary about the events, a scholarly report by CAMERA analyzing curricular materials, numerous published articles, as well as correspondence with the school committee, the school superintendent, and Newton’s mayor. More recently EWI initiated a lawsuit against the Newton School Committee over an illegal lack of transparency. National news stories have emerged about biased teaching in Newton schools.

Now, after seven years of grassroots campaigns, Boston’s establishment Jewish leaders, who were for a long time reluctant to address the problem, have finally acknowledged it. On October 9, at a public meeting hosted by the Israeli-American Congress (IAC), the Jewish Community Relations Council, the New England branch of the ADL, and the Committee on Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), all discussed the biased Middle East curriculum at Newton schools. All the groups, including the IAC, agreed that the curriculum and the teachers who use it are promoting anti-Israel lies to Newton students. The event further augmented the mounting negative publicity and pressure on the schools and teachers to act. Instead of addressing the problem, the very next day the educational establishment in the city struck back.


I saw this movie last night with a very enthusiastic audience. It is a tad too long and makes a rather extravagant claim that Trump destroyed Isis. Not so fast- Isis is killing and kidnapping throughout Africa and Asia and establishing camps in South America.

However, it presents a compelling case for Trump and his success in the economy, foreign policy, taxes and trade. The scenes of Trump’s antagonists on violent and destructive rampages are harrowing.

Directed by Bannon and produced by Dan Fleuette, Trump @War is a retelling of the most significant election campaign in modern U.S. history and a look forward to the high-stakes midterm election in November 2018, which will cement President Trump’s legacy.

You can view it on


ELECTIONS ARE COMING: WISCONSIN-Trump and Republican Women Leading Midterm Fight By Julie Kelly


When the campaigner-in-chief rallies another huge crowd in central Wisconsin tonight, he surely will ask Leah Vukmir to join him on stage. Vukmir, a 60-year-old Republican state senator, is running to unseat Democratic U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin; President Trump is traveling to the Badger State to give Vukmir’s candidacy a boost.

“His energy is inspiring,” Vukmir told me Monday morning during her five-hour drive to campaign stops in northern Wisconsin. “One reason I want to go to Washington is to help the president.” She defeated businessman and Marine veteran Kevin Nicholson in the state’s GOP primary in August.

The self-described “middle-class mom” is taking on Baldwin, a first-term Democrat, in what most political prognosticators consider to be an unlikely Republican pick-up in the Senate. A poll taken earlier this month showed Baldwin with a 10-point lead.

But Baldwin’s camp seems less confident than the pollsters: Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) stumped for Baldwin in the Democratic strongholds of Madison and Milwaukee over the weekend. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) appeared with his Senate colleague at a college rally on Monday, and former President Obama will stop in Wisconsin on Friday. With several other Democratic senate seats in play, it might be a telltale sign that Democrats are worried Baldwin could be in trouble amid surging Republican enthusiasm for the November 6 election.

Could it be the Kavanaugh effect? “The mood and intensity have definitely changed,” among Republicans, Vukmir said, in the aftermath of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process. “People saw what he went through. And Senator Baldwin decided 48 hours after Kavanaugh’s nomination was announced that she wouldn’t vote for him. She never met with him, either.”

It Doesn’t Matter If Iran is a Rational Actor By Brandon J. Weichert


The operating assumption from many on both sides of the political aisle has been that Iran is a rational actor. Former President Barack Obama clearly adhered to this notion and it explains his signature on that terrible Iran deal. What few will tell you, however, is that operating behind Obama’s theory on Iran was the assumption that if Tehran was allowed to develop nuclear arms—and if the United States stepped back from the Mideast, leaving only Israel, the Sunni Arab states, and Iran—these powers would balance each other, creating relative peace.

As with so many of Obama’s ideas, this assumption was entirely theoretical and painfully naïve. Fact is, had the Obama Administration’s deal with Iran been continued, the Saudis inevitably would have bought nukes from Pakistan. While the Saudis may have reasons to be an ostensible ally of the United States, Saudi Arabia is home to some of the most ardent Sunni Islamist groups in the world.

What’s more, the ruling Saudi royal family maintains power through brutal autocratic practices. If the Saudi people were left to their own devices, it is more than likely that they would depose the Saudi royal family and replace them with a Sunni Muslim regime that mirrored Iran’s Shiite Muslim regime. And, if that Islamist Saudi regime had nuclear weapons—even if they remained nominally aligned with the United States against a nuclear-armed Iran—such a situation would hardly be peaceful.

In such a scenario, a nuclear-armed Israel, nuclear-armed Saudi Arabia, and nuclear-armed Iran would square off against each other. It would be a tripolar balance of power. Yet, tripolar orders are rarely stable; no grouping of three powers is likely to be evenly balanced against each other. Because of the inevitable imbalance of power, conflict becomes all but certain. In such a Mideast tripolar scenario, that conflict would be nuclear. Once started, a regional nuclear war, surely would expand into a world war, sucking in other powers, such as the United States, Russia, and China.

Senator Hirono: Trump’s Opposition to the Caravan is Anti-Semitic The Democrats keep posing with Farrakhan, but can’t be bothered to learn what anti-Semitism means. Daniel Greenfield


I may be misinterpreting her.

But when you spew an incoherent word salad of random talking points, that’s inevitable.

There are a lot of crazy House members. But there’s usually less competition for craziest senator. These days it’s a cage match between Senator Cory Booker, who isn’t really crazy, just a bad actor, and Senator Mazie Hirono, who seems to only have a casual relationship with her brain.

You can speculate whether she means that Trump is anti-Semitic because opposing an illegal alien caravan of MS-13 gang members is anti-Semitic, or because nationalism is, or because speculating about middle eastern migrants is, or because she doesn’t know what anti-Semitic means.

My money is on the latter.

The Democrats keep posing with Farrakhan, but can’t be bothered to learn what anti-Semitism means.

The British #MeToo scandal which cannot be revealed


A leading businessman has been granted an injunction against The Telegraph to prevent this newspaper revealing alleged sexual harassment and racial abuse of staff.

The accusations against the businessman, who cannot be identified, would be sure to reignite the #MeToo movement against the mistreatment of women, minorities and others by powerful employers.

#MeToo became a worldwide social media campaign last year after revelations about Harvey Weinstein, the American movie mogul. Like Weinstein, the British businessman used controversial non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to silence and pay off his alleged victims with “substantial sums”.

NDAs have been commonly used in business to protect matters of commercial confidentiality but there are concerns they are now being abused to cover up wrongdoing and deter victims of potential crimes from going to police.

Theresa May has already indicated that she plans to restrict the use of NDAs to prevent abuse, but Parliament has yet to consider changes to the law and campaigners are urging the Prime Minister to act now.

On Tuesday night, Maria Miller, who chairs the Commons Women and Equality committee, said it was “shocking” that NDAs were still being used to gag victims and should not be used “where there are accusations of sexual misconduct and wider bullying”.

Zelda Perkins, Weinstein’s former aide who broke a non-disclosure agreement from the late 1990s to allege sexual harassment, said it was “ridiculous” that The Telegraph had been prevented from reporting the allegations. She said: “NDAs have become weaponised.

The ‘Saudi Affair’ in Istanbul Unveils Sunni vs Sunni Rivalry by Burak Bekdil


Turkey, pursuing its own Islamist agenda and trying to rival Saudi influence in the Sunni world, is just too happy to have discredited the Wahhabi royals.

Turkey’s message to the Western world was: See the difference between our peaceful Islamism and rogue-state Islamism? Stop discrediting us for our democratic deficit — also, presumably, for “only” imprisoning more than 100 journalists there.

It looked like a first-class spy thriller: A prominent writer enters the Saudi consulate in Istanbul but never leaves the building. Saudi officials said he left the building but could not offer footage from security cameras. When they did, the image was of a dark-haired body-double dressed in the writer’s clothes.

Turkish police and intelligence start leaking evidence of the man’s murder, drop by drop. The day before the Saudi journalist’s disappearance, two private Saudi jets had arrived in Istanbul, with 15 passengers aboard belonging to security agencies in Riyadh. Both jets left for Saudi Arabia shortly after the consulate incident. Unnamed Turkish officials fed (mostly foreign) media stories of how the man had been killed, how his body was dismembered and disposed of after the murder — all by the Saudi death squad. As the Saudi consul-general rushed to Riyadh, Turkish police searched the consulate. More unnamed Turkish officials tell the press that they found forensic evidence for the murder. Unsure if the Turkish police really have evidence, the House of Saud decides to admit that the man had been killed “in a brawl” at the consulate but Saudi officials claim to have no idea where his body was — not convincing anyone in the world’s more democratic parts.

Trump and Putin to Meet Next Month in Paris By Mairead McArdle


President Trump will meet with Russian president Vladimir Putin in Paris next month, officials from the White House and Moscow have confirmed.

National-security adviser John Bolton met with Putin on Tuesday in Moscow, where the Russian leader suggested a meeting with Trump would be useful in the wake of “unprovoked moves that are hard to call friendly.”

“We will make the precise arrangements on that, but it will happen in connection with the 100th anniversary, the celebration of the armistice that the French are hosting on November the 11th,” Bolton later told reporters.

The meeting will reportedly focus on the war in Syria, America’s desire for Russia to enforce international sanctions on Iran and North Korea, and Trump’s decision to pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a Reagan-era nuclear-arms deal.

“Russia has violated the agreement. They’ve been violating it for many years,” Trump said. ” I don’t know why President Obama didn’t negotiate or pull out. And we’re not going to let them violate a nuclear agreement and go out and do weapons and we’re not allowed to.”

Bolton gave official notice to Russia on Tuesday that the U.S. is withdrawing from the agreement.

Caravan Jihad? Jihadis among the migrant caravan is not as ridiculous as CNN would have you believe. Robert Spencer


CNN on Monday once again posed as the intrepid and impartial fact checker, correcting the falsehoods spread by our ridiculous and hateful President, with the headline: “Trump seizes on right-wing media reports to suggest migrant caravan has been infiltrated by ‘unknown Middle Easterners.’” And as usual, the President is in reality far closer to the mark than CNN ever is. CNN has once again proven itself to be, as Trump has so aptly and indelibly put it, very fake news.

CNN noted that “In a tweet, the President warned that ‘criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in’ the caravan of thousands of Central American migrants fleeing poverty and violence.” Note CNN’s thumb on the scale in its framing of the story: the hordes advancing toward the border are “Central American migrants fleeing poverty and violence,” not “A large cadre of military-age males being transported to the American border to flout immigration laws and create provocations designed to discredit Trump before the midterm elections.”

After that bit of legerdemain, CNN informs the Leftist marks who still take it seriously that Trump is, as expected, all wrong and going off half-cocked yet again: “The President did not support his claim with any evidence. Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, told reporters on Monday afternoon that Trump ‘absolutely’ had evidence to indicate there are Middle Easterners in the caravan. Sanders, however, did not provide specific information on the matter and it was still not clear what evidence Trump had to indicate the presence of such individuals in the caravan.”

The evidence is actually abundantly clear; CNN just doesn’t want you to know it exists. The Daily Caller reported Monday that Univision correspondent Francisco Santa Anna stated: “Yesterday when we were traveling through Guatemala, we noticed people from El Salvador and even people from Bangladesh. Can you imagine what they had to do to get here? They infiltrated themselves in this caravan and tried to cross with the crowd. That would have benefited them greatly.”