The global warming climateers have eased their way into the three major groups of American Christians – Catholics, non-evangelical Protestants, and even Evangelicals who were the most skeptical of the junk science, false research and doctored statistics of the “warmists.”

Here are statements from the Evangelicals..


Climate Change: An Evangelical Call to Action

As American evangelical Christian leaders, we recognize both our opportunity and our responsibility to offer a biblically based moral witness that can help shape public policy in the most powerful nation on earth, and therefore contribute to the well-being of the entire world.1 Whether we will enter the public square and offer our witness there is no longer an open question. We are in that square, and we will not withdraw.

And this summoning religious like faith: ”

“The Evangelical Climate Initiative is an organization of Christian leaders in America whose “love for God and neighbor…compels [them] to recognize that human-induced climate change is a serious Christian issue requiring action now.”

“The same love for God and neighbor that compels us to preach salvation through Jesus Christ, protect the unborn, preserve the family and the sanctity of marriage, and take the whole Gospel to a hurting world, also compels us to recognize that human-induced climate change is a serious Christian issue requiring action now.”
Very disappointing at a time when the faithful are under attack, mocked in popular TV shows, in the media, and in the movies…..rsk

Qatar and Turkey: Toxic Allies in the Gulf by Richard Miniter

“Iran’s continued support of the Hezbollah terrorist organization with both financial and political assistance, as well as weapons and tactical training, deserves close examination. Western diplomats and Lebanese analysts estimate that Iranian financial support for Hezbollah averages around $100 million each year, sometimes reaching amounts closer to a quarter of a billion dollars…. All of these activities pose a direct threat to U.S. security interests, contribute to the prolonging of conflicts across the Middle East, and pose threats to our key allies in the region.” — US Representative Ted Budd, member of the Financial Services Committee and its Terrorism and Illicit Finance Subcommittee.

Why not consider expanding the US deployment at Al-Dhafra airbase in the United Arab Emirates as a replacement for the airbases used by the US in Qatar and Turkey, if the UAE accept the idea?

If one nation is able to defy or undermine U.S. policy while still pocketing the benefits of America’s friendship, many others may follow Qatar’s example. Why should other Arab nations endure domestic criticism, for supporting America’s war on terror if they can subvert America but still enjoy America’s military protection and their access to the world’s largest market?

Pro-Syria Muslim Murders 2 Syrian Women in UK Daniel Greenfield

This isn’t a terrorism story. Just one of those things that British taxpayers are on the hook for.

POLICE have raided a home in the hunt for a shopkeeper who is on the run after allegedly stabbing his ex-lover and her mum to death in Solihull.

Raneem Oudeh, 22 and Khaola Saleem, 49, “screamed like animals” after being stabbed yards from their home in the early hours of this morning.

Police are hunting shop worker Janbaz Tarin 21, on suspicion of murdering the women, who are originally from Damascus, Syria, and believed to have moved to the UK around 14 years ago.

Their bloodied bodies were found on a grass verge on the quiet affluent housing estate by West Midlands Police at around 12.30am on Monday.

Wanted Tarin claims on his Facebook page to be a cashier and has posted several pictures of himself working behind the counter at a convenience store.

He has also posted messages of support his homeland including “Save Syria” and signed petitions in support of Palestine.

Save Syria indeed.

Tonight cops raided an address where Tarin’s family are believed to live around five miles away in the Sparkhill area of Birmingham.

I had just written about Sparkhill so it doesn’t surprise me in the least.

The Child Sex Abuse Crisis Leftists Don’t Want You to Know About Wrong victims. Wrong perpetrators. Wrong skin color. Wrong ideological facilitators. Danusha V. Goska

Karl Marx is the superstar lead in the blockbuster movie of anti-Western productions. Marxists focus their critique on economics. They insist that capitalism is both cruel and doomed by ineluctable historical forces. Marx has many supporting players, many totally unaware that they are extras in the anti-Western project. Many of these supporting players wear gauzy fabrics in pastel hues, shop at stores lulled by piped-in windchime music, and smell like patchouli. They believe themselves to be apolitical, peace-and-love flower children. They insist that their ideology, unlike that of the big, bad West, has never hurt anyone. In fact political convictions as impervious to fact, as destructive and as rigidly intolerant as that of any extremist undergird their flowing tie-dye.

One of the most powerful anti-Western myths runs like this. Rape, war, and environmental degradation are Western, Judeo-Christian monopolies. Before the Jews, those reliable villains of so many lurid and hate-fueled fabrications, humanity worshipped a nurturing mother goddess. Men and women were equal. It was the Jews and their disastrously influential offspring, the Christians, who introduced inequality, domestic violence, and competition. Western man, steeped in the Bible, was single-handedly responsible for the rape of the planet. Go to any New Age bookstore, read any Facebook post by someone who identifies as “spiritual-but-not-religious,” chat with anyone wearing an ankh, greeting you with “Namaste,” or self-identifying as a Wiccan, and you will encounter some version of this ideology.

Innocent Lives Matter How America can prevent murders like Mollie’s. Michael Cutler

On July 13, 2018, Mollie Tibbetts was murdered when she went jogging in her hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa. Her alleged killer, Cristhian Bahena Rivera, is an illegal alien from Mexico.

Many articles and commentaries have detailed this horrific crime.

But my goal today, in addressing the murder of Mollie Tibbetts, is to provide insight into the lessons that must be learned, from my perspective, as an experienced, 30-year veteran of the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service).

For starters, immigration anarchists on the left decry any mention of the fact that Rivera is an illegal alien because, they claim, that doing so is an attack on all “immigrants.”

But these immoral leftists could not care less about the real carnage created by systematic failures of the current immigration system. To them, the bodies of those who are killed by illegal aliens are simply “Speed Bumps” on their road to a borderless and defenseless United States.

Let’s be crystal clear: Rivera is many things. I could use all sorts of terms to describe him and his horrific, infuriating murder of a 20-year-old young woman he, allegedly, committed for no damned reason. However, one name that most certainly does not apply to him is “immigrant.”

Rivera is an illegal alien. Period!

3 Major Problems With NYT’s Story About How The FBI’s Trump Informant Was Outed By Mollie Hemingway
The story fails on multiple levels to make its central claim that congressional oversight regarding the use of human informants against the Trump campaign is hurting intelligence-gathering in Moscow.

The New York Times published an article last week that claimed “Kremlin Sources Go Quiet, Leaving C.I.A. in the Dark About Putin’s Plans for Midterms.” Reporters Julian E. Barnes and Matthew Rosenberg write that informants close to Russian President Vladimir Putin were talking to U.S. intelligence, but have recently clammed up.

The reporters give three possible reasons, after saying officials don’t think they were compromised or killed. They may have been spooked by more aggressive Russian counterintelligence. Information collection may have been dampened by the expulsion of American intelligence officials from Moscow — in response to American expulsion of Russian officers from the United States. But there’s another theory for what’s gone on, and let’s see if you buy it: Congressional oversight by Republicans is to blame.

Trump Cuts Palestinian Funding No more unconditional aid to corrupt, terrorism-enabling Palestinian leadership. Joseph Klein

The Trump administration will not continue subsidizing the so-called “moderate,” “non-violent” Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership clique in the vain hope that throwing more good money after bad will help bring about real peace or provide genuine help for the Palestinian people. This clique is made up of lying hypocrites, who fund and glorify terrorists while corruptly diverting aid money and donations to their own personal benefit.

Last Friday, a State Department official announced to reporters that it would redirect U.S. financial assistance of more than $200 million originally intended for the Palestinian Authority and projects in the West Bank and Gaza. This cut in bilateral aid is on top of the previously announced cut of nearly $300 million in U.S. financial support for the discredited UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) denounced the Trump administration’s latest funding cut decision. “The rights of the Palestinian people are not for sale,” PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi said in a statement. “There is no glory in constantly bullying and punishing a people under occupation” through what she characterized as “economic meanness.”

Parsing Mueller’s Lies: Why Julian Assange Makes the Perfect Foil By Michael Thau

In the second part of this report, we saw that correcting the flagrant misrepresentations and filling in the strategic gaps in Robert Mueller’s July 13 indictment yields a tale that revolves around four important dates in the annals of 2016 presidential election skullduggery: one in March and three over a four-day period in June of that year.

March 19: Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta is tricked into giving away the password to his main Gmail account. As a result, hostile actors gained possession of all of Podesta’s campaign emails; including one containing a file of Trump opposition research.

June 12: Julian Assange announces that his organization WikiLeaks gained possession of and will soon be releasing Clinton campaign emails.

June 14: The Washington Post discloses the now infamous Russian hack of the DNC’s servers, announcing in both the headline and lead sentence the odd detail that the Russians stole a file of Trump opposition research.

June 15: The mysterious Guccifer 2.0 emerges online just one day after the Post story, claiming to be the hacker described therein and releasing 230 pages of Trump opposition research as confirmation.

A Dossier Debunking His lawyer says the Steele claims about Michael Cohen are false.

Michael Cohen’s accusations have replaced Russian collusion as Washington’s reason-du-jour to impeach Donald Trump, which may explain why few are reporting that Mr. Cohen has cast further doubt on what was supposedly a key piece of collusion evidence.

Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, confirmed last week that Cohen has never been to Prague in the Czech Republic. This is one of the main claims in the Steele dossier that was commissioned by oppo-research firm Fusion GPS, paid for by the Clinton campaign and used by the FBI in its Trump investigation.

The dossier claims Mr. Cohen traveled to Prague in August or September of 2016 to discuss with Kremlin officials how to make “cash payments” to hackers of the Clinton campaign. Mr. Davis now says that the Prague trip and all other allegations about Mr. Cohen in the dossier are “false.”

‘The View’ Hated McCain… Before They Loved Him By Matt Margolis

Oh, what a difference a few years and Donald Trump make when it comes to how the media treats Senator John McCain.

A few months ago I wrote about how one day the left will be nostalgic for Donald Trump. I noted how the left’s perceptions of George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney have gone from “literally Hitler” to literally “okay.” With regards to John McCain, I noted how Madonna compared him to Hitler during a concert, how he was likened to Nazis in an episode of The Family Guy, and how Slate called him “worse than Bush.”

The media today now have pretty much only nice things to say about the late Sen. John McCain (who’s record of independence has aligned him with Obama and against the GOP on several issues, and even more importantly, against Trump), but this is in stark contrast to how they treated him when he was Barack Obama’s opponent in 2008.

It was a battle of a moderate war hero and a radical noob. McCain’s status as a war hero was somehow not as important as Obama’s community organizing and candidness about his smoking marijuana. McCain was just a crusty old white guy and Obama was the cool young black candidate, and if you didn’t like him, you were racist.