How Can We Honor the Soldiers of an Endless War? What does Memorial Day look like when the war never ends? Daniel Greenfield

What does Memorial Day mean in an age of endless war?

The era of wars that began and concluded neatly, with declarations, speeches, rules, objectives, deciding battles and signed peace accords, ended before the oldest active duty soldier serving today was born.

The men and women who fight and die, leaving their families never knowing if they will return, and in what form, serve not in wars, but endless police actions, peacekeeping missions, terrorist pursuits and nation building exercises with names that sound like obscure action movies, New Dawn, Inherent Resolve, Freedom’s Sentinel, that will never have a final ending, only another generic name.

Obama ended the Iraq War twice. It’s still ongoing. And likely will for all of human history.

We didn’t begin the Iraq War. Arguably Mohammed and the Sassanids did. Over 1,300 years later, the Persians and the rulers of Mecca and Medina are still fighting over Bahrain. When we left, it went on without us. And the Sunnis and Shiites, Mecca, Medina and Tehran, will go on fighting no matter what.

Civilized nations fight wars. And the places where we fight are not civilized, though they may have flags, anthems and constitutions. They’re murderous tribal wastelands torn by perpetual hatreds and feuds.

The Islamic resurgence has placed us in a state of permanent war. We may debate over which fronts that war should be fought on, but only the left can deny that the conflict itself is inescapable. We may fight it in Iraq or in New York, in Syria or in Sweden, the front lines may shift, but the war won’t go away.


To read the headlines, you would think that Britain was still fighting for her life: defending its shores from German U-boats, launching the RAF to repel the Luftwaffe, and London subjected to regular bombings by V-1, V-2 rockets and flocks of Messerschmitts and Dorniers. As far back as WWI, British newspapers were given what were called “D Notices” by the War Ministry about what news about the war effort could not be published to prevent the enemy from gleaning information about Britain’s plans and capabilities.

But it’s not the 1940s. It’s May, 2018. Britain has slid down the slippery slope to out-and-ought censorship, or to Sharia, the subjugation of Muslims and non-Muslims to Islamic law in which one can criticize Islam usually on pain of death. The current, outstanding instance in this case has been the arrest, sentencing, and jailing yesterday (May 25) of Tommy Robinson for doing nothing, but for “disturbing the peace,” by reporting the outcome of a trial of Muslim groomers outside the Leeds courthouse. There was no mob of Muslims near him threatening to attack him or shout him down; only the police. It was the police who were disturbing the peace by shutting Robinson up, preventing us from hearing what he had to say, and hauling him away in a van, to court to be charged and booked, and then to prison.

It’s as though the government believed that Robinson was about to reveal Britain’s plans to repel the Huns – or the Muslims – or rather, reveal Theresa May’s plans to admit more Muslims into the country. What little of his broadcast outside the courthouse we heard contained little or nothing about the verdict on the groomers. He did not have time except to say what was occurring in the courthouse, before he was surrounded by over half a dozen policemen and shut down. His silencing amounted to that old-fashioned D-Notice with restrictions imposed on the story of Robinson’s arrest. One can’t discuss what happened (at least not in Britain) without risking committing a “crime.”

He was sentenced to thirteen months, as of today.

Daryl McCann Trump: Not Business as Usual in Asia

Despite the best hopes of the liberal-minded West, the globalisation and modernisation of China have made its communist rulers less democratic at home and, on the international stage, more belligerent. Trump is prepared to accept this reality and acts accordingly.

In his seminal book Why I Am Not a Conservative (1960), F.A. Hayek contended that conservatism—at least the British and European version of conservative politics at that time—did not “offer an alternative to the direction in which we are moving”. While the British Tory party, for example, might “succeed by its resistance to current tendencies in slowing down undesirable developments”, it “could not prevent their continuance” since it failed to “indicate another direction”. The populist-nationalism of President Trump, I suggest, is emancipatory to its core, not the least reason being that he has clearly articulated and is now pursuing “another direction” in Asia.

The “current tendencies” and “undesirable developments” in America—and we could extrapolate to most Western nations—have to do with a dynamic and mutually fortifying relationship between politically-correct ideology and the development of a new power elite. Today’s ruling class, to borrow from James Burnham’s Managerial Revolution, is not the old-time family entrepreneur in league with a national parliament, but a managerial elite of “operating executives, superintendents, administrative engineers, supervisory technicians … administrators, commissioners, bureau heads, and so on”. This evolving ruling class, warned Burnham, would not necessarily be committed to economic freedom, personal liberty, parliamentary sovereignty and patriotism, their interests being monopolistic rather than market competitive, oligarchic rather than parliamentary, transnational rather than local, global rather than patriotic.

The America First creed is in obvious conflict with the globalist worldview. President Trump’s nationalist insurgency exists on a number of fronts, with each serving the same populist goal: to push back against the “insiders” or power elite who have hijacked the nation to serve their own agenda; an agenda which is at odds not only with the interests of the “outsiders” but also with the long-term viability of American self-determination. Take Trump’s tariff initiatives, for instance. His argument was not advanced simply on economic grounds but also in terms of national security. Tariff announcements on steel and aluminium imports have made Wall Street jittery, and yet President Trump expressed the obvious in one of his tweets: “When our country can’t make aluminum and steel … you almost don’t have a country. We need great steel makers.”

Did you know that President Trump stood on concrete in the hot sun and shook the hand of every single Naval Academy graduate? By Thomas Lifson

I am a fairly avid consumer of political news, and I watched the live coverage of President Trump’s address to the Naval Academy graduates at their commencement ceremony. (If you happened to miss the inspiring speech, Rick Moran’s coverage of it was excellent. But Rick and I, and probably you, did not hear about the fact that the President of the United States, a 71 year old man, stood in the Maryland sun and heat, wearing a suit jacket, and took the time to shake the hand and thank every single one of the 1,191 graduates. I learned of this via Glenn Reynolds and The Newly Press.

It was not exactly a secret, yet got little play in the media. You can see the entire process, speedy up, in this tweet:
Josh Caplan @joshdcaplan

Awesome video of Pres. Trump shaking hands of Naval Academy graduates for 90 minutes. Here’s every single one in under a minute.
dagny @dukeblu85

71 year old, stood straight backed in the sun on concrete and shook hands for 90 minutes. What an incredible tribute. Thank you President Trump. Meaningful. #MAGA

These new Naval Officers and Marines will remember the gesture for the rest of their lives. I don’t recall President Obama doing anything similar.

The Feminist Endgame By David Solway

Feminists will win once they’ve succeeded in banishing humor.Remember the wave of light bulb jokes popular some years ago? One in particular captured the essence of feminism:

How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?


Modern feminism is characterized by a toxic mix of prudishness, self-importance, paranoia, groundless hatred, and epidemic humorlessness. As a disease of sheer cray-cray offense-taking, culminating in hatred for half the human race, with a special emphasis on white males, feminism will not rest satisfied until men are taught to keep their knees together, their eyes down, and their mouths shut, eliminating confident alphas from the sexual equation or turning them into compliant betas.

Humor, or rather lack of same, is the key to understanding the feminist personality type and the species of derangement to which it is prone. A sense of humor, including a penchant for wit and satire, is a sign of developed intelligence. Being able to tell jokes and especially to get jokes, even at one’s expense, is a human quality whose absence betokens a closed and rigid sensibility.

Examples abound; I will consider a few of the most egregious.

In 2015, Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt, the discover of cyclin, was forced to resign from his position as honorary professor at University College London’s Faculty of Life Sciences and from the Royal Society for making a facetious and self-deprecating jest at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Seoul about relations between teachers and students. “It’s strange,” he said, “that such a chauvinist monster like me has been asked to speak to women scientists. Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them they cry.”


This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Gavin Boby of the Law and Freedom Foundation. Gavin discusses The Horrifying World ofMuslim Rape Gangs, unveiling the vicious terror inflicted on kafir girls – and the monstrous cover-up.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch The Glazov Gang’s special 3-part series with Gavin Boby in which he takes us Inside the World of Muslim Rape Gangs, where he reveals the Islamic theology that inspires them – and the shameless British cover-up that keeps the gangs and their Islamic motivation hidden from public view. (Part III is the edition from which the above clip is taken).

Media Blackout after Anti-Islamist Activist Jailed in England for Reporting on Muslim Rape Gang Trial By Megan Fox

Tommy Robinson, a British activist and journalist, has been arrested outside a Leeds courtroom for livestreaming information about a Muslim gang on trial for raping and grooming hundreds of victims, some as young as eleven. Robinson was taken immediately to prison.

The ongoing trial regards the heinous rape of children as reported by the UK Metro News: “Twenty-six men and two women appeared before a judge at Leeds Crown Court charged with offenses including rape, trafficking, sexual activity with a child, child neglect, child abduction, supplying drugs and making of indecent images of children.”

Hundreds of children were allegedly raped and the defendants are now awaiting a verdict in this case. Muslim rape gangs have been an ongoing problem all over England and the British government has been actively trying to hide the widespread crimes from the public by imposing draconian sanctions for reporting on these trials

Robinson has been arrested before for reporting on similar trials in the past and because he was on a 13-month remanded sentence when he was arrested on Friday, he was put directly in prison, where he is at risk of being attacked by Muslim inmates. Unlike in America, the British media are forbidden from reporting on certain trials, purportedly to avoid prejudicing the jury, but many believe it is to keep the truth from the public. Robinson disobeys the law because he believes, rightly so, that the people are being denied the right to know what is happening in their country. CONTINUE AT SITE

Germany will now train “refugees” to be truck drivers. What could possibly go wrong? By Michael Walsh

Ach, du lieber…

Due to an acute shortage of professional truck drivers the German trucking association has launched a new project to train asylum seekers for the job, Austria’s tabloid Wochenblick reports. The project, which is named “ The drive into your new future” intends to make it easier for asylum seekers to become truck drivers.

In this way, the German Red Cross (DRK) and the Logistics Organization (UVL) want to alleviate the shortage of truck drivers. The concept was developed together with the SVG Driving School North, reports newspaper DVZ. During the training the candidates have to pass through two exams. In addition to its general suitability, the DRK also wants to check the language skills and the status of residence. In addition, a separate “refugee representative” should look after the participants during the three-year training.

The initiative is extremely popular: “Within a few days, 90 interested parties from all over Schleswig-Holstein and even from Hamburg have reported that 50 more refugees have been placed on a waiting list,” says Ilka Hübner, the head of the Red Cross in Kiel. CONTINUE AT SITE

The Destiny of America By Calvin Coolidge-Memorial Day May 30, 2923

President Coolidge delivered this speech on Memorial Day, May 30, 2923, in Northhampton, Massachusetts.

Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country. In no other nation on earth does this principle have such complete application. It comes most naturally from the fundamental doctrine of our land that the people are supreme. Lincoln stated the substance of the whole matter in his famous phrase, “government of the people; by the people, and for the people.”

The authority of law here is not something which is imposed upon the people; it is the will of the people themselves. The decision of the court here is not something which is apart from the people; it is the judgment of the people themselves. The right of the ownership of property here is not something withheld from the people; it is the privilege of the people themselves. Their sovereignty is absolute and complete. A definition of the relationship between the institutions of our government and the American people entirely justifies the assertion that: “All things were made by them; and without them was not anything made that was made.” It is because the American government is the sole creation and possession of the people that they have always cherished it and defended it, and always will.

Why Patriotic Societies Come to Be
There are two fundamental motives which inspire human action. The first and most important, to which all else is subordinate, is that of righteousness. There is that in mankind, stronger than all else, which requires them to do right. When that requirement is satisfied, the next motive is that of gain. These are the moral motive and the material motive. While in some particular instance they might seem to be antagonistic, yet always, when broadly considered or applied to society as a whole, they are in harmony. American institutions meet the test of these two standards. They are founded on righteousness, they are productive of material prosperity. They compel the loyalty and support of the people because such action is right and because it is profitable.

President Ronald Reagan: Memorial Day Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia May 26, 1986


Today is the day we put aside to remember fallen heroes and to pray that no heroes will ever have to die for us again. It’s a day of thanks for the valor of others, a day to remember the splendor of America and those of her children who rest in this cemetery and others. It’s a day to be with the family and remember.

On Vietnam: “I know that many veterans of Vietnam will gather today, some of them perhaps by the wall. And they’re still helping each other on. They were quite a group, the boys of Vietnam—boys who fought a terrible and vicious war without enough support from home, boys who were dodging bullets while we debated the efficacy of the battle. It was often our poor who fought in that war; it was the unpampered boys of the working class who picked up the rifles and went on the march. They learned not to rely on us; they learned to rely on each other. And they were special in another way: They chose to be faithful. They chose to reject the fashionable skepticism of their time. They chose to believe and answer the call of duty. They had the wild, wild courage of youth. They seized certainty from the heart of an ambivalent age; they stood for something.”

On Joe Louis and Audie Murphy:

“Here in Arlington rests a sharecropper’s son who became a hero to a lonely people. Joe Louis came from nowhere, but he knew how to fight. And he galvanized a nation in the days after Pearl Harbor when he put on the uniform of his country and said, “I know we’ll win because we’re on God’s side.” Audie Murphy is here, Audie Murphy of the wild, wild courage. For what else would you call it when a man bounds to the top of a disabled tank, stops an enemy advance, saves lives, and rallies his men, and all of it single-handedly. When he radioed for artillery support and was asked how close the enemy was to his position, he said, “Wait a minute and I’ll let you speak to them.”