The Problem with the Left’s Attempts to Redefine Racism By Jonah Goldberg

The notion that racism is solely about institutionalized white power simply doesn’t compute for most Americans.

People are making this so complicated.

A couple of weeks ago, the New York Times editorial board hired a technology writer, Sarah Jeong. When it was revealed that she had tweeted barbs against white people, conservatives formed a Twitter mob to demand her dismissal. While a few on the right said — or claimed — that they were offended by the substance of her tweets, the overriding passion derived from an understandable outrage about liberal double standards.

The argument took a familiar form: “If a white or conservative person said something like this about any other group, her career would be over!”

Many liberals responded that conservatives just don’t get it. There is no such thing as anti-white racism because racism is all about power. Whites — or white men — have power and other groups don’t.

Perhaps because this theory defies lived experience, progressives offered a new defense: “We don’t really mean it when we attack the pale patriarchy.”

The Trial of the Blind Sheikh Ties in to a New Mexico Child-Abuse Case By Andrew C. McCarthy

Named in the prosecutor’s letter in 1995, Siraj Wahhaj lost his grandson earlier this month to the mayhem of a squalid compound run by fundamentalist Muslims.

In an awful story out of New Mexico last week, five adults were arrested on charges of abusing children, conduct that allegedly resulted in the death of one child. Apparently, the defendants are fundamentalist Muslims who were running the squalid compound as a parallel society and preparing for violent action against law enforcement, the education system, and other institutions. It is alleged that this included training at least some of the children.

The child who died, Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, was the disabled four-year-old son of the ringleader, a man named Siraj Wahhaj. The child, whose father allegedly abducted him from his estranged wife several months ago, appears to have died during an attempted exorcism — the defendants having allegedly deprived him of his medications and attributed his health problems to possession by demons. (A New Mexico state judge has rejected prosecutors’ request to detain them without bail. Sigh . . .)

When reporters googled the main defendant, they found that he is the son and namesake of Siraj Wahhaj, a well-known (some would say notorious) sharia-supremacist imam who runs a mosque in Brooklyn (Masjid al-Taqwa). That got my phone buzzing because the mosque featured in the terrorism case I prosecuted in the 1990s against Omar Abdel Rahman (the “Blind Sheikh”) and several other jihadists; Siraj Wahhaj the elder appeared as a character witness for some of the defendants.

The elder Wahhaj has for decades been an unapologetic extremist (America is “a garbage can . . . filthy and sick,” etc. etc.). Naturally, he was once invited to give the opening invocation at a session of Congress. (More sighing.) Although incendiary statements he has in fact made are occasionally reported, what is most often reported about him is something that is not true: viz., that the United States government, in a letter written by your humble correspondent some 23 years ago, accused him of being a co-conspirator in a terrorism plot that included the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

This urban legend never dies because the purpose of so-called co-conspirator lists is poorly understood. The misconception is that such lists, which are standard fare in big conspiracy cases, amount to public accusations of guilt. That misconception is reinforced by unidentified “former terrorism prosecutors,” who recently told the New York Times that my list was “later criticized for being overly broad.” To the contrary, these lists are a form of discovery for preparation of the defense at trial; they are meant to be inclusive because they preserve the prosecution’s discretion to offer important evidence and are not intended for public consumption.

Affirmative Action Backfires on French President Nidra Poller

The Benalla scandal

French president Emmanuel Macron and his supporters breathed a sigh of relief as the “Benalla scandal” that had dominated the news stream since mid-July took a dip into the August doldrums. Mass media switched to summertime mode —heatwaves, sandy beaches, and the occasional thunderstorm with flash floods. But Emmanuel Macron’s glowing façade has flipped, revealing the underside of his invincible rise to power on the wings of an ex nihilo creation, La République en Marche (LREM), and the promise of a bright new world.

Alexandre Benalla, a 26 year-old bodyguard and Socialist party apparatchik who had accompanied Macron during the presidential campaign, was brought into the heart of the presidential palace where he was apparently granted exceptional power and privilege. Benalla’s fall from grace was precipitated by an article in the newspaper of reference, Le Monde: The “policeman” filmed as he beat a defenseless man that was down is in fact Alexandre Benalla the bearded strongman who had become the president’s shadow. The video of “police brutality” on May Day at the trendy Place de la Contrescarpe, a short hop from the Pantheon, had been circulating on social media. A militant of Mélenchon’s France Insoumise party had captured the incident on the margins of a spectacularly violent “celebration” where a contingent of more than a thousand black blocs joined by far left radicals had wreaked havoc.

Yes, but the man that was roughed up was not a fire-breathing anarchist. The roughneck who manhandled him was not a policeman. The incident occurred on May 1st. And it took six weeks before his identity was revealed to the public… by the press.

According to reliable sources

The presidential staff discovered or was informed on May 1st that the “police” violence was committed by Benalla and his sidekick Vincent Crase, a security guard at LREM headquarters. The information circulated to and from cabinet ministers, high ranking officers, political appointees, chiefs, heads, directors, and all the way to the president who was in Australia on official business. As they would subsequently affirm, “appropriate” measures were taken immediately. But the embarrassing incident was kept under wraps. Once the story broke in Le Monde it unleashed a cascade of information on the puzzling way the case had been handled, and the even more puzzling role of Alexandre Benalla within the presidential staff (known as the palace cabinet, as distinguished from the ministerial cabinet).

Does Turkey Belong in the Future of NATO? by Nonie Darwish

Loving one’s native culture and feeling comfortable in it is normal. Western leaders have respected the rights of new immigrants to love the cultures from which they have come. But unfortunately, those same leaders are tearing apart their own cultures by turning love of one’s own country into an unforgivable sin, when it is expressed by native citizens of Western countries. This trend needs to end.

Unless the leadership of Europe decides to stop the transformation of the continent with the same determination expressed by some extremist leaders that appear to want to transform it, its future is all too clear.

Turkey’s President Erdogan has been steadily abrogating NATO commitments, such as, “uphold[ing] democracy, including tolerating diversity,” and that members “must be good neighbors and respect sovereignty outside their borders.”

US President Donald J. Trump tends to state what many in the world are saying but few are willing publicly to express:

“I think allowing millions and millions of people to come into Europe is very, very sad,” he recently said. Standing next to UK Prime Minister Teresa May, he stated his conviction that European immigration policies are changing the “fabric of Europe” and destroying European culture.

Qatar: France’s Generous Financer of Mosques by Giulio Meotti

The Great Mosque of Poitiers, for instance, sits in the vicinity of the site of the Battle of Tours, where Charles Martel, ruler of the Franks, stopped the advancing Muslim army of Abdul al-Rahman in the year 732.

“We have funds from abroad… it comes from the faithful of Saudi Arabia and Qatar,” says Ahmed Jamaleddine, treasurer of the Amal association, which is behind the construction of “the Great Mosque of Saint-Denis.” Saint-Denis also happens to be home to a famous Cathedral, the Basilica of Saint-Denis — which contains the royal necropolis where many of France’s kings are buried.

The Emir of Qatar appears to have a far greater grasp of French history than many French do.

Qatari activism in France should greatly worry those who care about the stability of European democracies. For years, Qatar has been the focus of many claims about its Islamic fundamentalism and its alleged support for the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, ISIS, elements of al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban and other Islamic extremists.

Qatar’s emir, Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, recently provided solid proof that France is a privileged field of projection for his country, which, for more than a year, has had a severe boycott imposed on it by its Gulf neighbors. A July meeting in Paris between the Emir of Qatar and French President Emmanuel Macron was the third held in just a few months. Contracts worth more than 12 billion euros have already been signed, making Qatar the third largest French customer in the Gulf after Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Qatar, however, casts its shadow not only over the French economy.

The Genocidal Elite, Part II: The Pains in South Africa By Mytheos Holt

Ask any social justice leftist about the tweets by the New York Times’ disgraceful new hire Sarah Jeong, and once you’ve got them off all the red herrings about Trump/white supremacy/fascism/incoherent screaming, you will get an answer along the lines of, “Come on, Jeong’s tweets are just the cathartic way that social justice warriors of color vent their frustrations with white supremacy. It’s not like whites are under any serious threat from this rhetoric. Just let them vent, and check your privilege, because if you have a problem with this rhetoric, you’re suffering from Toxic Whiteness ™.”

I noted this blasé style of apology for Jeong’s rhetoric in the first installment of this series, with Zack Beauchamp of Vox being the most honest example of it, though others have since joined the chorus. And I understand part of it: the defense that Jeong’s rhetoric is intentionally extreme for ironic purposes is one that can apply with equal force to 4chan trolls, after all.

The elite has shown no interest in mainstreaming 4chan’s hyperbolic rhetoric, however, and if they did, 4chan itself would be so horrified at the prospect of being considered respectable that the site’s users would find some other way to scandalize everyone.

In contrast, Jeong’s worldview, if not quite the extreme way she expresses it, has been accepted happily by large swathes of the elite, who seem intent on forcing the rest of us to accept it, too. This means that at minimum, it deserves a greater level of scrutiny.

“Ignorance is Strength” by Edward Cline

When I lived and worked in New York City I would encounter almost every variety of con -artist – from professional beggars who’d utter a plaintive “Please!” with out-stretched palms, to a man who wanted to sell me a rare coin, possibly gold, but obviously a gold-plated lead one.

And there was one who would rake in money by luring people in search of something for nothing and end the day on Fifth Avenue with wads of cash.

He was one of the most successful con-artists. He ran a sidewalk game called “Three Card Monte.” It was a one-man game, but often it required a shill who would appear to the onlookers as a player, who usually picked the winning card. This encouraged other players to bet which of the three cards the dealer laid face down was the queen or six of spades or whatever. The player would invariably point to the wrong card, unaware that the dealer was a cardsharp who could probably deal a whole deck of cards from a dozen Jokers. The random player never won the bet.

The Left and its minions operate in the same fashion.

Brendan O’Neill on Spiked remarked on the banning of Alex Jones from Facebook, YouTube, Google, Apple, and other internet sites:

Despite having millions of subscribers, despite there being a public interest in what he has to say, Jones has been cast out of the world of social media, which is essentially the public square of the 21st century, on the basis that what he says is wicked.

Advice for a Palestinian ‘Icon’ Ahed Tamimi, 17, and her peers shouldn’t be content as the next generation of cannon fodder. By Daniel J. Arbess

Israel released 17-year-old Ahed Tamimi last month after she spent eight months in prison for assaulting an Israeli soldier. She immediately met with Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, who lionized her as a “model of Palestinian resistance,” and others have since hailed her as an “Icon of Palestine.” Ten days before her release, Israel’s Knesset had enacted a law reaffirming that Israel is “the national home of the Jewish people” and that “the right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”

These two otherwise unrelated developments point to essential questions: Will the Palestinians finally accept Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people and help fashion Israel’s democracy to serve better all who live there? Maybe—if Ms. Tamimi’s generation is willing to help make it happen. But they, and well-meaning Palestinian sympathizers in Israel and abroad, will need to move on from the past, accept the present and work toward the future.

In her first postrelease interview, the young icon inauspiciously says that the Palestinians’ problem “was never with the Jews, it’s with Zionism.” This is the familiar mantra of rejecting Israel’s right to exist, yet expecting to enjoy its economic and political benefits as if it were an ordinary secular liberal democracy like Canada or Sweden—where demographics might one day make the Jewish vote a minority.

This narrative of rejection is Ms. Tamimi’s family legacy. Her father, Bassem Tamimi, describes himself as a follower of Gandhi, but in 2012 an Israeli military court convicted him of “sending people to throw stones.” Ahed’s cousin Ahlam Tamimi was behind the 2001 Sbarro Massacre, in which a suicide bomber murdered 15, including seven children and a pregnant woman. Another cousin, Rushdi Muhammed Sa’id Tamimi, murdered an Israeli man near Ramallah in 1993. Ahed herself professes nonviolence, despite being jailed for assault and still pledging that “the resistance will continue until the end of the occupation.”

Sweden is Burning Will Swedes finally wake up and deal with their immigration problem? Joseph Klein

Multiple Swedish localities were subjected to what appears to be coordinated arson attacks on Monday, as youths set fire to at least 100 cars in and around the city of Gothenburg, the city of Trollhättan further north, Falkenberg and in the capital city of Stockholm. Prime Minister Stefan Lofven described the attacks as “very organized, almost like a military operation.” He said he was “really getting mad” and that “society must react in a tough manner.” No kidding! This is nothing new. Five years ago, for example, Sweden experienced days of rioting, with cars and buildings set ablaze. In early 2016, “Swedish police had to run for safety after being surrounded by an angry mob of migrants,” Express reported, “when they went to rescue a 10-year-old boy, who had allegedly been raped and 22-year-old Alexandra Mezher was stabbed to death by a Somali boy aged 15.” Riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood of Stockholm in 2017, CNN reported, with vehicles set on fire. Also last year, a frustrated asylum-seeker embarked on a deadly rampage with a truck, killing or injuring several people.

There were 306 confirmed shooting incidents across Sweden last year, resulting in 41 deaths. These may seem like small numbers compared to the total number of shootings and homicides from gun violence in Chicago alone last year. However, it is not a small number for a Western European country. Indeed, Sweden is now reported to be the second most violent country in Europe. Its homicide rates are “significantly above the Western European average,” Politico reported. “Social unrest, with car torchings, attacks on first responders and even riots, is a recurring phenomenon.”

New Mexico Child-Terrorist Training Camp Leaders Go Free Democrat judge sends dangerous jihadists back into our midsts. Lloyd Billingsley

New Mexico state judge Sarah Backus on Monday released five Islamic radicals on a $20,000 “signature bond,” which requires no payment. The decision came as a shock, given what local law enforcement had discovered.

At a ramshackle compound near the Colorado state line, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, Lucas Morton, 40, Jany Leveille, 35, Hujrah Wahhaj, 38, and Subhanah Wahhaj, 35, trained 11 children to use firearms and attack schools. The compound had been under surveillance but police only launched a raid when one of the children texted that they were all in need of food and water.

Police found rifles, handguns and ammunition and a shooting range. In a tunnel leading outside the compound they found the remains of a boy later identified as Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj. According to his mother, he took medicine for seizures but the Islamic radicals thought he was possessed by evil spirits. Prosecutor John Lovelace told reporters that the child died during one of the rituals.