Deep State Husbands by Marilyn M Barnewall

Most of us are familiar with the Stepford Wives, but how many of us realize that the men involved in the so-called Deep State have wives that are anything but Stepford-type women?

Those of us who seek news outside of the mainstream know who Nellie Ohr is. Fox News spent the past week inundating us with information about her. The question is: Why did they wait so long to broadcast data published seven months ago? Fox News treated it like a news alert – called it that, in fact.

It’s almost as if everything is being carefully timed to achieve a very secret objective.

Do the words “statute of limitations” resonate as the reason behind Robert Mueller’s, the FBI’s, the DOJ’s and Congressional Committees’ unreasonable delays? If truth can be delayed long enough, no one goes to jail because the statute of limitations comes and goes so no one can be prosecuted.

When a crime (with a few exceptions – like murder) is perpetrated, the authorities have a limited amount of time to catch and prosecute the offender. If the statute of limitations says the authorities have three years to solve and prosecute the crime, the perp can confess the day after the three year limit passes and cannot be prosecuted for it. The crime is “dead.”

The Obama administration, the FBI and Department of Justice have handled many of their responsibilities to department policies and to our Constitution with reckless disregard. If they delay things beyond the statute of limitations they cannot be prosecuted. Thus they get to maintain their fictitious record of upholding the Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic, and all of the mafia-like characters who have caused this challenge to our Constitutional Republic — and they get to retire at taxpayer expense.


1. We know her husband is Bruce Ohr, fourth in command at the DOJ under Loretta Lynch at the time the phony Trump Dossier was created by Nellie Ohr and Christopher Steele for Fusion GPS.

2. We know that both Bruce and Nellie Ohr knew Steele before the Russia/Trump Dossier was plotted by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. We know Bruce Ohr was e-mailing Christopher Steele about it as early as January 2016.

3. Nellie worked at Fusion GPS. She (Dr. Ohr) is a recognized Russia expert and studied in the Soviet Union in 1989 before getting her PhD in 1990. She is said to be fluent in the Russian language and is an expert on cyber security (an unusual combination to say the least). Bruce Ohr is a Deep State husband. We know Nellie Ohr wrote the dossier for Fusion GPS and we know Bruce Ohr gave all of his wife’s writings about the Trump Russia delusion to the FBI.

4. According to a sworn statement by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, Dr. Ohr was hired to conduct opposition research on behalf of the Clinton campaign against presidential candidate Donald Trump.

5. Nellie’s Degrees include an A.B. from Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, major: Russian History and Literature; and an M.A. and a PhD in History at Stanford University.


Israeli scientists have discovered an enzyme to prevent spinal cord injuries.
An Israeli disabled children’s charity is recognized by the United Nations.
Israelis win top two prizes at European Debating Championships.
Whilst global coral reefs are dying, Eilat’s reef is growing.
Israelis have achieved ultra-low friction for boosting computer performance.
New direct flights from Israel to Washington DC and China.
Israelis win gold at athletics, acrobatics and ten-pin bowling for the blind.

Click here to see the 5th Aug newsletter on IsraelSeen, Janglo, and United With Israel, with extra features on Health and Technology. Also (TY Sandra) in German.

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New treatment for Leishmaniasis. I reported previously (see here) on Israel’s work to combat Leishmaniasis – a deadly parasitic disease common in the Middle East. Now Professor Shulamit Michaeli, at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University, is working to commercialize a compound that in 20 minutes kills two types of Leishmania parasites.

Reading memories in the brain. (TY UWI & TIP) Israeli scientists have discovered that both positive and negative memories are stored in genes within areas of the brain that can be retrieved even post-mortem. The findings could one day help treat patients with psychiatric disorders such as OCD, schizophrenia and trauma.

Enzyme can prevent spinal-cord damage. Tel Aviv University scientists have discovered an enzyme that controls blood glutamate levels and could help patients recover from spinal injuries if administered soon after an accident. Reducing the release of glutamate after a trauma enabled lesions at the injury site to regenerate.

First Israeli coral-based knee replacement. (TY MR) I reported previously (see here) about Israeli startup CartiHeal which invented the Agili-C knee implant that uses coral-derived material to repair damaged knee cartilage. Doctors at Jerusalem’s Hadassah hospital have just performed the first Israeli Agili-C surgery.

His ankle is now his knee. Jacob A’s lower leg was amputated after a work accident. But his foot was fine, so in Israel’s first “rotationplasty” operation, doctors at Haifa’s Rambam hospital turned it upside down and made the ankle joint into a knee joint. Once Jacob has a prosthetic fitted, he should be able to walk normally.

Turkey’s Neighborhood Bullies by Burak Bekdil

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s foreign ministry keeps bullying his country’s neighbors and the region, just like his friends, President Maduro of Venezuela and President al-Bashir of Sudan.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s motorcade arrived at his 1,100-room palace on an unusually rainy day in Ankara on July 9. His armored Mercedes was showered with red roses, thrown at the car by crowds cheering him hours before an extravagant inauguration ceremony. A 101-gun salute and an Ottoman military band greeted him along with 10,000 selected guests (this author was on the guest list but, in protest, preferred not to attend).Whereas pompous scenes from Erdoğan’s palace ceremony showed the glittering face of Turkey on July 9, events from the day before were saddening and unveiled “the other Turkey.” A passenger train derailed in the Thrace region west of Istanbul, killing 24 and injuring more than 300. On the same day, students from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara were arrested for carrying placards “insulting the president” at their graduation ceremony.

UK: Boris Johnson Sparks ‘Burka-Gate’ by Soeren Kern

“I believe that the public will see this for what it is — an internal Conservative party witch hunt instigated by Number Ten against Boris Johnson, who they see as a huge threat.” — Tory MP Andrew Bridgen.

“Taken to its logical conclusion, the anti-Johnson brigade’s stance would mean that nobody is allowed to offer their view on any matter in case it causes offence. Is that really the kind of country we want to live in? … We live in a country that used to believe passionately in free speech. As we all know, even when exercised with care and responsibility, free speech can and does offend some people. But timid politicians who take the easy option and prefer not to tell people what they really think about things like the burka are killing this vital right.” — Nigel Farage, former leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP).

“Boris Johnson should not apologise for telling the truth…. [female facial masking is] a nefarious component of a trendy gateway theology for religious extremism and militant Islam…. The burka and niqab are hideous tribal ninja-like garments that are pre-Islamic, non-Koranic and therefore un-Muslim. Although this deliberate identity-concealing contraption is banned at the Kaaba in Mecca it is permitted in Britain…” — Taj Hargey, imam at Oxford Islamic Congregation.

Former foreign secretary (and possible future prime minister) Boris Johnson sparked a political firestorm after making politically incorrect comments about the burka and the niqab, the face-covering garments worn by some Muslim women.

The ensuing debate over Islamophobia has revealed the extent to which political correctness is stifling free speech in Britain. It has also exposed deep fissures within the Conservative Party over its future direction and leadership.

Free Speech: The Right to Be a Moron By Thaddeus G. McCotter ****(Thomas Friedman)

For many, the most arduous aspect of supporting free speech is the principled requirement to defend disagreeable speech; moreover, the degree of difficulty in defending free speech increases in proportion to the detestable nature of the individual or entity uttering said offensive speech.

Yet we must. For to infringe upon the free speech rights of one, however loathsome, is to endanger the free speech rights of all. And, really, who doesn’t like to do a little bitching?

Therefore, let us examine a pundit-class kerfuffle to prove how it is possible and necessary to defend free speech, regardless of how unsavory we deem the speaker.

Recently in the New York Times, Thomas Friedman opined that the optimal way to defeat President Trump was for America

to see every [Trump] tweet, every rally, every word and every reaction so that they can ask themselves: “Is this who I want my kids to see as our president? Are these the people with whom I want to be aligned?” It’s too late to move Trump’s core base on these questions, but I would not give up on his passive supporters.

One of the entities Friedman would give up on is, of course, Fox News. Not surprisingly, one Fox News wag didn’t take this sitting down (though it is what he does all day on television).

Greg Gutfeld, the author of a glorified travel brochure, Lessons from the Land of Pork Scratchings: A Miserable Yank Finds Happiness in the UK (among other impenetrable tracts), disagreed with Friedman’s conclusion; and, alternately, argued such ubiquitous coverage had and would continue to help President Trump:

What a great idea. Because remember what happened the last time the media covered every tweet, every rally, every word in every reaction of Donald Trump? . . . They elected Donald Trump…So telling the media to focus on Trump’s behavior, you are in effect saying “hey, remember how we elected Trump in 2016? Let’s do it again.”

Not in the mood to be contradicted by an “active” Trump supporter, Friedman appeared on CNN and declared Gutfeld a “moron.”

Russian Collusion Investigation Has Orwellian Roots By Thomas Farnan

Paul Manafort may or may not have violated tax and banking laws in 2010. Given the twisted and arcane nature of those laws, who knows?

What we do know is that Manafort first was investigated for breaking those laws in that year by Robert Mueller’s FBI. A discretionary decision was made not to prosecute. It wasn’t a priority of the Obama Administration to indict consultants over how they reported income from foreign governments. If that were a priority, a lot of big shots in Washington would have gone down.

There is insufficient concern that what is broadly called “election tampering” really means efforts to influence voters by legitimate means. It was unnervingly Orwellian when Congress cudgeled Facebook’s founder for selling ads to the highest bidder without first assessing the worthiness of the content. Manafort’s real crime is not that he chose to book certain income as loans from offshore shell companies, because a lot of people do that.

No, Manafort’s crime is the same as Facebook’s: he failed to measure the orthodoxy of his political client’s message and, because of that, he now faces an inquisition.

In 2010, pro-Russia candidate Viktor Yanukovych was elected as president of Ukraine. Manafort provided extensive consulting services for Yanukovych’s campaign. Politico has called it “a political love connection.” Vladimir Putin was pleased. His strategic endgame has been to create a united Eurasia that is nationalistic, Christian, and steeped in local culture and history, that would compete with Europe for regional hegemony.

This was an early inkling of the zeitgeist that would later lead to Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. Manafort was one of its architects.

Notable & Quotable: Jordan Peterson ‘The ideas he promotes . . . are completely inconsistent by identity politics of any kind.’

Caitlin Flanagan writing at the Atlantic’s website, Aug. 9:

There are plenty of reasons for individual readers to dislike Jordan Peterson. . . . There are many legitimate reasons to disagree with him on a number of subjects, and many people of good will do. But there is no coherent reason for the left’s obliterating and irrational hatred of Jordan Peterson. What, then, accounts for it?

It is because the left, while it currently seems ascendant in our houses of culture and art, has in fact entered its decadent late phase, and it is deeply vulnerable. The left is afraid not of Peterson, but of the ideas he promotes, which are completely inconsistent with identity politics of any kind.

The Republican Running against Andrew Cuomo By Karl J. Salzmann Marc Molinaro an underdog? Or a sacrificial lamb?

Governor Andrew Cuomo has called him a “Trump mini-me” — “anti-woman, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ.”

Marc Molinaro, the Dutchess County executive and Republican candidate for governor of New York, takes this in stride. When I ask him about it, he shrugs and quotes Michelle Obama: “When they go low, we go high.”

Focusing on moral character and personal integrity seems important to Molinaro’s campaign, which is striving against considerable odds to win the governorship in a state that has not sent a Republican to the executive mansion since 2002. But if any Republican can achieve that goal, Molinaro says, he’s the man for the job. He was brought up on food stamps, he says, and had to grow up fast. When I suggest that such government support could have sent him in a Democratic direction, he replies that, on the contrary, it taught him the value of hard work and achievement, the refrains of the Republican playbook: that he needed to take the support he had been given and make something of it, and therefore of himself. Limited government, he says, can be helpful in overcoming poverty and societal hardship — but help is synergistic, and the individual then has to use what he was given to surmount the worst obstacles himself.

He considers himself a pragmatist, a middle-of-the-road Republican who can work with political rivals to, say, make sure the garbage gets picked up. He’s a social moderate — pro-gay-marriage (“I’ve evolved” since voting against it in 2011, he says — “like Barack Obama, like Hillary Clinton, like Andrew Cuomo”) and pro-choice, albeit with restrictions and not for late-term abortions (“there are certain lines I just can’t cross”). He adds that he can build the relationships necessary to work across the aisle, with Democrats including New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, and that he will listen to everyone who disagrees with him — from the left and from the right. He points to Cuomo’s June 2014 remarks that “extreme conservatives . . . have no place in New York” as proof that working across the aisle is something that the current governor simply cannot do.

Top Dem Contender for President Can’t Name a Single Accomplishment By Rick Moran

Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calf.) was asked by a radio host to name her top accomplishment since coming to the Senate and all she could come up with is that she sat on committees.

Harris has been prominently mentioned as a potential nominee for president from the Democratic Party.

Podcast host Aminatou Sow asked Harris, “We’re wondering, maybe, if you could talk about what at this point you consider your biggest win, or the thing that when you’re like ‘Wow, when I look back at those 18 months, this is the thing that I want top of the resume,'” Sow said.

Harris answered:

I’ll tell you. Umm. One of the things that I think, for me, is most important is the role that I serve on that various committees that I’m on — umm — which are oversight committees. Let’s be clear. Those committees exist to watch and question what is going on with our government, the United States government. So, I’m on Senate Intelligence, I’m on Homeland Security, I’m on Judiciary and the accomplishment then is for me is a function of what I think my role should be. Often, especially in the last 18 months, has been to try and get at the truth.

Wow. That’s some “top of the resume.”

From that same interview: “And so, the accomplishment is, and the goal is to always make sure that we are being, and the system is being, as transparent as possible, and that, frankly, that the American public has the answers and that we’re being told the truth,” she said. “And when that happens, I feel a sense of accomplishment and when it doesn’t happen, I feel a sense of frustration.”

In the News Business, All Stories Now Lead to Trump By Michael Walsh

Don’t get enough Trump-bashing in your daily political news feed? Miss him when he’s not in a sports story, an entertainment story, or a weather story? Have no fear: NBC News is here to assuage your longing:

Add this to the challenges facing California wildfire victims: Tariffs. The import tariffs imposed by President Donald Trump are adding thousands of dollars to the cost of building homes. That especially squeezes homeowners who seek to rebuild quickly after losing their houses to natural disasters, such as the wildfires scorching parts of California.

The Trump administration’s tariffs have raised the cost of imported lumber, drywall, nails and other key construction materials. One building association official said the tariffs could raise the price of a typical new home in California by up to $20,000, and it could be more for individual homes being custom-built on short order. That could be enough to keep some people with inadequate homeowners insurance from rebuilding or force them to consider a smaller house.

That darn Trump. Is there no limit to his malevolence?

Other factors also are making home construction more expensive, including a shortage of workers and increased demand that has pushed up the price of materials produced in the U.S. The difference with the tariff-related cost increase: It’s a direct result of a governmental policy change.

“This comes at a bad time if you’ve just had your neighborhood swept up in a firestorm,” said Jock O’Connell, an international trade adviser at Beacon Economics in California.

In a country of 340 million or so, how many have had their neighborhood swept up in a firestorm lately? But hey — Trump. Because, Trump.