‘Diversity’ Looks a Lot Like Old-Fashioned Discrimination I was barred from top law firms as a Harvard student in the ’60s. Today Asians face similar prejudice. By Michael Blechman

At 76 I am old enough to have experienced the old-fashioned kind of discrimination. It happened in 1965, when I was in my second year at Harvard Law School. I was looking for a job as a summer associate, a rite of passage that generally leads to permanent employment. I remember feeling pretty confident, having ranked 40th out of 530 in my first-year grades.

I applied to the four law firms I considered the best—all “white shoe” firms in downtown New York. I arrived at each interview in my best suit, hair trimmed and shoes shined. The interviews went smoothly, but at no point did anyone offer me a job. By my last interview I figured I must be missing something, so I asked instead what his firm was looking for in an associate. I recall that he looked at me in silence for about 60 seconds, as though trying to figure out a polite way of explaining the situation. He told me that the most important thing for any lawyer was to be able to relate to the clients, and that of course it is always easiest for clients to relate to lawyers who are like themselves.

It had taken four wasted interviews, but I finally understood. I went from that last firm to my apartment and took out a telephone book. I knew of three so-called Jewish law firms in New York at that time, so I called the one that came first in the book, Kaye Scholer, and asked to speak to the hiring partner. Though it was 4:30 on a Friday afternoon, he asked if I could come over right away. An hour later I was interviewed, first by him, then by a preppy-looking partner with a bow tie, and finally by the firm’s administrative partner, who offered me a job. I accepted on the spot.

After working at Kaye Scholer that summer, I joined the firm as a regular associate in 1966, became a partner in 1975 and stayed there until I retired two years ago, when it merged into a larger firm. Thanks in part to a Fulbright year I had spent in Berlin, I developed a large practice representing German clients—people who were not at all like myself—the very thing the white-shoe firms had assumed I could never do.

After I began my job, I found out that many of the older partners had experiences similar to my own. Some had been hired by downtown firms but left when they realized they had no future there or when an anti-Semitic partner blackballed them for partnership. Firms like Kaye Scholer benefited enormously from the downtown firms’ bigotry.

Since my experience in 1965, all of the firms at which I had interviewed have overcome their prejudices and now hire and promote Jewish lawyers, as well as women, blacks, Hispanics and Asians. Kaye Scholer became similarly diverse.

Yet as the old kind of discrimination has died out, a new form has emerged—this time under the banner of “diversity.” It’s good to open opportunities to people who were previously excluded. But promoting “diversity” by discriminating against nonfavored categories of people seems quite a different thing.

Arizona Republicans Brace for a Storm Changing demographics and dismay with Trump give Democrats a chance for governor and Senate.By Allysia Finley


Anyone who’s lived in Arizona is familiar with the summer monsoons that sweep across the desert, bringing a tsunami of sand. The rain can come on suddenly but is usually presaged by hurricane-force gusts carrying dark, thick plumes. Some people say they can sense a storm coming by the electricity in the air.

For Republicans, this year’s midterm elections have that sort of ominous feel. Liberal intensity has been building across the country, fueled by revulsion at Donald Trump. Longtime GOP redoubts are suddenly up for grabs in special elections. Republicans this week appear to have eked out a victory in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District, which the GOP had won in 2016 by more than 35 points.

Arizona, the land of Barry Goldwater, has long leaned right. Between 1952 and 2016, Democrats carried the state in only one presidential election, in 1996. Today Republicans control the governorship, both chambers of the Legislature, both U.S. Senate seats and five of nine House seats. But demographic changes are pulling the electorate leftward, even as Mr. Trump is polarizing voters.

Hispanics make up nearly a third of the state’s population and more than 40% in the two biggest cities, Phoenix and Tucson. Mr. Trump carried Arizona by a mere 3.5 points in 2016, compared with Mitt Romney’s 9-point margin in 2012. Many Republicans and independents in the suburbs are repelled by the president’s abrasive personality and restrictionist immigration policies. Caught in the political maelstrom are Gov. Doug Ducey and Rep. Martha McSally.

Ms. McSally is running for the GOP nomination to succeed Sen. Jeff Flake. A second-term congresswoman from Tucson, she would seem to be a GOP dream candidate: a former Air Force fighter pilot who can return liberal fire. Her military background is a major asset in a state with 1,200 aerospace and defense companies. CONTINUE AT SITE

Yahoo News Interviews#WalkAway’s Brandon Straka (Not a Russian Bot) By Debra Heine


Yahoo News has done the unthinkable. Not only did its reporters take the time to interview #WalkAway Campaign founder Brandon Straka, they wrote a fair piece about him and his movement (which the panicked left calls a phony Russian bot operation).

Rather than attempt to discredit Straka, they gave him a fair hearing.

“You’ve got thousands of people who are walking away from the Democratic Party, saying this is the reason why,” Straka explains at the beginning of Yahoo’s “Unfiltered,” a news interview series.

He adds, “If the Democratic Party and the people on the left had a single functioning brain cell in their head,” they would check out the #WalkAway Facebook page and view “the video testimonials of people telling them exactly where the Democratic Party has gone wrong.”

Straka likened his project to a focus group for Democrats, saying, “This could actually be an incredibly useful tool for the Democratic Party.”

But he said he was doubtful that the left would take the opportunity. “Are they going to use it?” he asked. “No! They’re going to close their eyes and close their ears and say this isn’t happening, this isn’t happening.” He added, “Well, it is happening. It’s still happening, it’s going to continue to happen until you change your party.”

The WalkAway movement has caught fire across the country, spooking Democrats, who (projecting as usual) accused it of being an astroturf campaign.

Yahoo asked Straka about that.

Why Is the Mainstream Media Ignoring the New Mexico Compound/Islam Story? By Nicole Russell


News broke this week that a deranged man, Siraj Wahhaj, was arrested for training a group of starving children at a filthy New Mexico compound how to carry out school shootings. Still, despite the newsworthy aspects of the story, including a Muslim ringleader, children, and the potential for deadly school shootings, mainstream news outlets have covered it only briefly, if at all.

The story, which involved minors, has a particularly ideological angle that outlets seem uncomfortable lingering over for too long. Not only were Siraj Wahhaj and his adult companions “heavily armed,” but CBS reported, “Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe previously said adults at the compound were ‘considered extremist of the Muslim belief.’ He did not elaborate, saying it was part of the investigation.”

In addition, Wahhaj’s father, also Siraj Wahhaj, is the imam of the Masjid At-Taqwa mosque in Brooklyn, New York, which has attracted speakers over the years who have been described as radical. It was actually pleas for food for the imam from family members that led to authorities finding the compound.

A quick search of “CNN + Trump + Stormy Daniels” revealed almost 15 million hits. A search of “CNN + New Mexico kids + Siraj Wahhaj” revealed only 147,000 hits. Grant it, the Stormy Daniels story is absurd and needs to be covered and has been percolating longer, but the story of Siraj Wahhaj attempting to train 11 kids to execute 11 school shootings seems far more important than a juicy story about the president’s immoral choices.

Muslim extremists have been infiltrating the United States for years and while there has not been another attack like the one on September 11, 2001—thank God—it’s clear that jihadism is alive and well, even here. It’s a relief to see that authorities in New Mexico laid aside all notions of political correctness and instead, tracked down the children for their safety and the safety of others. But it’s disconcerting to see the mainstream media, who possess so much power to inform and sway public opinion, pass over the story so quickly. I would imagine they’re only doing so out of political correctness and fear they will be accused of “Islamophobia” (a true phenomenon). CONTINUE AT SITE

Democrats Have Become What They Say They Despise By Laura Hollis August

Earlier this week, Candace Owens, a young black conservative, was shouted out of a restaurant by a white crowd screaming obscenities and racial epithets at her and her dining companion, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk (who is white). The police had to be called, and the mob shouted obnoxious slurs at the officers as well. Owens tweeted: “To be clear: ANTIFA, an all-white fascist organization, just grew violent and attacked an all-black and Hispanic police force.

“Because I, a BLACK woman, was eating breakfast.

“Is this the civil rights era all over again?”

It is. And many Democrats are on the wrong side.

It would be easy to dismiss that statement as hyperbole if this were not the latest in a distressingly long line of examples of the left abandoning principles in pursuit of the bogeymen they themselves have created.

Also within the past week, The New York Times announced that it had hired tech writer Sarah Jeong to join its editorial board. Jeong has a long history of nasty and racist tweets directed against white people. She claimed that she was merely responding to trolls who had lobbed racial insults at her. But Jeong also tweeted insults against men in general, as well as police, and this went on for more than a year. Video has now emerged of Jeong spewing her ignorance and hatred during a speech at Harvard Law School.

The Times stands behind Jeong. Some applaud this as long-overdue courage in the face of torch-and-pitchfork crowds. Perhaps. But Jeong’s conduct isn’t merely bigoted; it is also immature and unprofessional and, in the case of her University of Virginia rape-hoax tweets, completely counterfactual. The Columbia School of Journalism issued a scathing report slamming Rolling Stone’s article about the alleged gang rape at UVA, and Rolling Stone lost one defamation case (and settled a second) as a result of it. This is who The Times hires, at a time when the press complains about diminishing credibility?

Sweden’s Government Funds Anti-Semitism by Nima Gholam Ali Pour


The municipality of Malmö uses taxpayers’ money to support “Group 194,” an organization that posts anti-Semitic images on its Facebook page — such as a defamatory cartoon portraying a Jew drinking blood and eating a child.

In Sweden, imported Middle Eastern anti-Semitism is funded by taxpayer money, so when scandals occur, they are often addressed by the same people who have participated in spreading its message.

No effective actions are currently being taken against the spread of anti-Semitism in Sweden.

Just as European anti-Semitism was defeated by rejecting and condemning the ideology after World War II and isolating its proponents, so must Sweden’s “new” anti-Semitism be defeated by isolating its advocates and marginalizing all organizations spreading its ideas. This means that all direct and indirect government funding of these organizations has to end. As long as this does not happen, Jews in Sweden will continue living in fear and insecurity.

As major Swedish cities such as Malmö have become known as places where Jews are threatened, anti-Semitism in Sweden has attracted international attention. Does Sweden, however, really deserve this bad reputation or is there some misunderstanding?

In December 2017, when US President Donald J. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, demonstrations broke out in Malmö. Protesters, often people with an Arab background, shouted, “We want our freedom back and we’re going to shoot the Jews”, and a chapel at the Jewish cemetery was attacked with firebombs. In Gothenburg, the city’s synagogue was also attacked with firebombs.

Will Jim Jordan Bring Trump-Style Attitude to Speakership? By Julie Kelly

During a campaign rally in suburban Columbus last Saturday, President Trump invited Rep. Jim Jordan to the stage. “How great is he?” Trump asked the crowd about the Ohio native. The packed school auditorium soon filled with chants, “Speaker of the House! Speaker of the House!”

Trump continued: “What a brave, tough cookie. I don’t want to wrestle him, he’s tough. I think he’s like 128 and one,” Trump said, referring to Jordan’s championship high school wrestling career. But the president—not a stickler for accuracy—was off by a bit. Jordan wrestling record was 150-1.

Jordan took the stage, got a bear hug from the president, and ticked off a long list of Trump’s achievements in office. “Think about this, in 18 months, regulations reduced, taxes lowered, Gorsuch on the court, the economy growing at a record rate, unemployment at its lowest rate in 20 years, Kavanaugh’s on deck on the court, we’re out of that crazy Iran deal, the embassy has gone to Jerusalem, and the hostages have been returned from North Korea.”

Will this mutual admiration society between the president and the congressman help boost Jordan’s chances to become the next speaker of the House?

In a letter to his Republican colleagues last month, Jordan announced he will run to replace outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan if Republicans maintain control of the House after the midterm elections. Jordan will face off against Ryan’s preferred successor, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), and possibly Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.).

The feisty six-term congressman from central Ohio won’t go down without a fight. (His district is adjacent to the district where Republican Troy Balderson narrowly won a special election on Tuesday.) Similar to the president, Jordan is not afraid to speak bluntly or to offend the self-righteous sensibilities of the ruling class. Not only is the 54-year-old father of four a former state wrestling champion and college coach, he goes bare-knuckles against some of the most powerful interests in Washington.

They Won’t Sink Zinke Environmentalists will find the interior secretary a harder target than Pruitt.By Kimberley A. Strassel


To serve in the Trump administration is to deserve hazard pay, and lately that’s especially true of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

The green-industrial complex claimed Scott Pruitt’s scalp last month, ginning up a storm of ethics allegations that forced his resignation as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Now it has shifted focus to Mr. Zinke. But it’s hitting walls. Mr. Zinke isn’t giving his detractors easy opportunities. He has aides who know and follow the rules, and backing in the White House and in Congress.

Not that the incoming is pleasant. Few movements are better funded and coordinated or more messianic than the environmental left. They despise a Trump team that is correcting decades of backward energy and environmental schemes and are working furiously to bring down the reformers. Unlike green groups of 20 years ago, which focused on policy, today’s effort is focused almost entirely on personal destruction.

Mr. Zinke’s antagonists include the usual big-dollar organizations, like the Natural Resources Defense Council, many of which are now staffed or run by former Obama officials; self-described watchdog groups like the Western Values Project, that are closely tied to major environmental and labor groups; and congressional allies such as Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona, who call daily for investigations. The coalition produces an assembly line of allegations, which the mainstream media dutifully pass along.
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Their problem is that they can’t find any real stink with Mr. Zinke. Mr. Pruitt was hit with an array of allegations, many nonsensical, but what tipped the scale against him were those in which he seemed to be using his position for gain or wasting taxpayer dollars. The critics have tried desperately to do the same to Mr. Zinke, with no luck.

One claim was that he secretly arranged a Puerto Rico contract for an energy firm from Whitefish, Mont., his hometown. The Interior Department’s Office of Inspector General tells me it never opened an investigation, and even Democrats have dropped it in embarrassment.

Mr. Zinke’s foes more recently claimed he has misused his office to promote a land development in Whitefish. But the story involves a foundation from which Mr. Zinke resigned upon becoming secretary, and a project that has been on the table for ages.

The groups have also tried to go after him on spending, including three chartered flights. But the inspector general found Mr. Zinke had followed “relevant law, policy, rules and regulations.” It also found all the trips were “reasonable,” save one—and Mr. Zinke’s staff wasn’t to blame since it received prior approval from ethics officials for every flight. Then there has been the attempt to claim he violated the Hatch Act by attending political events while out on official duties. The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (a permanent government body that monitors federal personnel issues) in May said Mr. Zinke had done everything legally. Every “scandal” is of this type; lots of smoke, but never any fire. CONTINUE AT SITE

The West’s Defeat – By Its Own Hand How Jihadist ideology is gaining power through the back door — and with our blessing. Anne Marie Waters


Last week I read a shocking statistic. It is not a surprising statistic, but a shocking one nonetheless. Figures now reveal that a staggering 40% of people under age five in Germany come from a migrant background. That is to say, almost half of young children in Germany are not ethnically German.

Some would argue that this doesn’t matter a great deal, people are people, and Germany will still be Germany. But even if we try to persuade ourselves that this is the case, deep down we all know it is not. Germany was German because of the German people. Now, in a couple of generations, it will be something else: the place formerly known as Germany. This will particularly be the case if, as I suspect is likely to be the case, many (if not most) of those under fives come from an Islamic background. That will change the face of Germany forever. Indeed it is already doing so.

In my book, Beyond Terror – Islam’s Slow Erosion of Western Democracy – I argue that it is immigration from Muslim societies that will defeat Western civilization. Terrorism will not. The West will not lose a military war against the Islamists, it only needs to lose the demographic war, and the culture war, and that has already been lost.

The UK, for example, has for decades seen massive immigration from the Muslim world, and this has changed the country beyond recognition. Female genital mutilation is now so widespread in the UK that specialist (taxpayer-funded) clinics have been established across the country to deal with the medical aftermath of this crime. There are eight such clinics in London alone, and a new one opened last year in Wales (attended by a Labour politician, who tweeted how pleased she was to have an FGM clinic in her area). While we build shiny new clini

Antifa, the Real Fascists The assault on Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens is just the beginning. Matthew Vadum


Foul-mouthed Antifa demonstrators went on a rampage August 6 as they assaulted two high-profile conservative activists at a downtown Philadelphia restaurant for being conservatives and supporters of President Trump.

The attack came the day after Antifa smashed the windows at a U.S. Marine Corps recruiting office in Berkeley, Calif., during a leftist counter-protest of a “No to Marxism” rally. Twenty people were arrested. “Besides the damage to the Marine Corps post, Berkeley police also said ‘an extremist element among a large group’ damaged 21 city vehicles, setting one on fire, and slashed their tires,” Fox News reported.

The incident in Pennsylvania’s biggest city also came after the leftist mayor of Portland, Ore., Ted Wheeler (D), allowed anarchy to break out in his city, instead of cracking down on Antifa troublemaking. For 38 days Wheeler, who is also police commissioner, allowed hundreds of his Antifa allies to unlawfully occupy public property at an Occupy ICE protest site that eventually became a biohazard. “I do not want the @PortlandPolice to be engaged or sucked into a conflict, particularly from a federal agency that I believe is on the wrong track,” he tweeted. “If [ICE is] looking for a bailout from this mayor, they are looking in the wrong place.”

The attack in Philadelphia and other recent violent actions by Antifa are yet another reminder that the totalitarianism-loving domestic terrorists of Antifa, who call themselves anti-fascist activists, are the real fascists in today’s America because, among other things, they use violent tactics pioneered by the real-live fascist storm-troopers of Weimar Germany, the Sturmabteilung (SA). These Antifa goons opposed the Nazis but eagerly copied their tactics, using their fists to shut down political opponents and break up meetings and rallies. Some Antifa today even dress like Nazis, wearing black and red, the anarchist colors which traditionally have also been used by Nazis.