How to Re-Elect Trump You’re so deplorable you can’t eat in their restaurants.

Hillary Clinton lost the Presidency in 2016 for many reasons but one was surely because she called people who disagreed with her a “basket of deplorables.” Millions of Americans knew who she meant, and nearly 63 million voted for Donald J. Trump.

The political left is now repeating that mistake as its cultural and political vanguard sends a message of condescension, hostility and now ostracism to anyone who voted for Mr. Trump or has worked with or for him for the good of the country. Their relentless contempt might end up re-electing him.

On that score don’t underestimate how the refusal by a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, to serve White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will resonate politically. Ms. Sanders had taken a seat at the Red Hen with several others on Friday when owner Stephanie Wilkinson asked her to leave. Ms. Wilkinson told the press, which is turning her into Rosa Parks, that her restaurant “has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation.”

Except toward people who don’t share Ms. Wilkinson’s views. Rest assured every Trump supporter in America will be reminded of this episode from here to November. The message: Now you’re so deplorable they won’t serve you in their restaurants.

Meanwhile, hecklers ran Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen out of a Mexican restaurant in Washington, D.C. last week. Protesters are also harassing Ms. Nielsen at home, blaring audio of crying children detained at the border and shouting “no justice, no sleep.”

Senate Obstruction in Profile A respected Trump Justice nominee is held up for more than a year.

Key positions throughout the federal government remain vacant more than 500 days into Donald Trump’s Presidency. The President hasn’t put forward enough nominees, a mistake the media have focused on. Yet Senate Democrats—and the occasional Republican—have held up qualified nominees at a scale unprecedented in recent history.

No one understands this better than Brian Benczkowski, who was nominated more than a year ago to lead the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. Mr. Benczkowski is a highly qualified choice for Assistant Attorney General: He has held five leadership positions at Justice, including chief of staff to former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. Obama and Clinton appointees have praised his selection, yet Senate Democrats have treated Mr. Benczkowski as if he were Vladimir Putin’s personal attorney.

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats sent a letter to President Trump in May—11 months after receiving the nomination—regarding the nominee’s “Russian connections.” They urged the president to drop Mr. Benczkowski over his “representation of the Putin-allied Alfa Bank and his refusal to recuse himself from Russia-related matters.”

Russian Airstrikes Hit Southwest Syria, Breaking a Cease-Fire Deal About 6,000 civilians have already fled their homes near the front lines across Daraa and Quneitra, according to the U.N. By Raja Abdulrahim and Michael R. Gordon

The Syrian regime’s main military ally, Russia, carried out airstrikes Sunday in the country’s southwest, defying a cease-fire pact with the U.S. and Jordan, as forces aligned with President Bashar al-Assad pushed to capture one of the last opposition strongholds.

The Russian strikes, which have been accompanied by regime barrel bombs and mortar shells, are the latest signs of the high-stakes military maneuvers unfolding in a volatile corner of southwest Syria. Forces aligned with President Assad have threatened a ground offensive, dropping leaflets that demand the surrender of rebels in the area. At least five civilians have been killed in the bombardment, which also destroyed a hospital and emergency rescue center, according to antigovernment activists.

For weeks, the U.S. has warned the Syrian regime not to violate a cease-fire agreement brokered last year with Russia and Jordan that stretches across the Syrian provinces of Daraa and Quneitra.

But the U.S. appears intent on not getting dragged into a confrontation between the rebels and Mr. Assad’s Russian and Iranian-backed forces. On Saturday night, as Russian airstrikes were beginning, U.S.-allied rebels were told by the Americans not to expect a military intervention on their behalf, according to several rebel commanders.

The State Department expressed concern about the airstrikes and said it had been in touch with the Russian government and “parties on the ground.” CONTINUE AT SITE

Quitting UN Human Rights Council serves US interests Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

The UN Human Rights Council (HRC), on the one hand, and human rights, on the other hand, constitute a classic oxymoron, as underlined by the country-membership of the Council.

Moreover, since its establishment in 2006, and just like its predecessor, the UN Commission on Human Rights, the HRC has been dominated by non-democratic regimes, which have been hostile to the US.

For example, the anti-US, pro-Ayatollahs member-state Venezuela has robbed its opposition-led legislature of any effective power, jailing political opponents and prosecuting civilians in military courts. The Democratic Republic of Congo is ruled by a ruthless president who is holding on to power beyond the constitutionally mandated two-term limit, repressing, silencing and murdering opponents. Pakistan features a proliferation of military courts with death sentences for members of the opposition, unaccountability for human rights violations, the absence of a free press, no tolerance of religious minorities and women’s rights and is fertile ground for anti-US Islamic terrorism. In Afghanistan, neither the government nor the Taliban opposition adheres to human rights, which has resulted in a massive toll of murders and executions, many of them carried out by government-supported illegal gangs. Another member of the HRC, Burundi, which has been accused by the HRC, itself, of crimes against humanity and refuses to cooperate with the HRC investigation. Burundi is ruled by a president, whose term has been extended beyond constitutional limits, and whose security organs have followed a routine of kidnapping, torture, arbitrary arrests, executions and the “disappearance” of citizens. The repressive Cuban regime has sustained arbitrary arrests of opposition leaders, human rights leaders and free press activists.

Other member-states of the HRC – despite their non-democratic regimes and questionable-to-horrendous track records on human rights – are Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Ivory Coast, Angola, Iraq, Ethiopia, Ecuador, Tunisia, Qatar, China, etc.

David Singer: Jordan Balks at Replacing PLO in Negotiations with Israel on Trump Plan….See note please

Who can fault the kinglet? He has a spurious historical tie to Palestine, ruling over the “East Bank” of the Mandate. Uneasy lies his head, since the PLO remembers “Black September” when his plucky dad killed many hundreds and dislocated thousands be deporting them from Jordan…..rsk
President Trump’s long-awaited plan on ending the Arab-Israeli conflict will be further delayed following a flurry of diplomatic activity over the past week.

Critical to the success of Trump’s plan will involve replacing the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) as Israel’s negotiating partner over the last 25 years. The PLO has cut its own throat by making it very clear it will have nothing to do with anything Trump proposes.

Trump’s Senior Advisor Jared Kushner and Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt met in New York City on 15 June with United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. The White House reported they had a productive discussion about the efforts of the United States to promote peace in the Middle East and to meet humanitarian needs in Gaza.

This UN visit was followed by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flying to Amman for a public meeting with Jordan’s King Abdullah on June 18 – their first since 2014. Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, General Intelligence Department Director Maj. Gen. Adnan Jundi, Adviser to His Majesty and Director of the Office of His Majesty Manar Dabbas and Adviser to His Majesty for Economic Affairs Mohamad Al Ississ attended the meeting.

Dem Senator Accused of Abusing Underage Prostitutes Uses Fake Photo to Accuse Trump of Abusing “Innocent Children”

Truly, we’ve hit Peak Kidsploitation.

Senator Menendez (D – NJ) was accused of a variety of crimes, including cavorting with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.

Prosecutors used the defense claims to highlight previously undisclosed tidbits on Menendez’s pursuit of younger woman.

The lawyers say their investigation resulted from “speciäc, corroborated allegations that defendants Menendez and Melgen had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.”

Menendez’s camp said Monday that the Justice Department äling is a smear tactic designed to use the exchange of motions to dump dirt on the senator.

Menendez was found not guilty by a jury. The Dems stuck by him. And now he’s going full Kidsploitation.

Menendez railed that Trump must stop “tearing babies from their mother’s arms,” as he displayed a photo of a young child crying as her mother interacted with a border patrol agent.

“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the audio released yesterday by ProPublica is worth a million tears,” Menendez said. “How do you submit the cries of innocent children into the congressional record? I don’t know how you do that, but you can hear it.”

The photo he displayed featured the same child President Trump was seen towering over on the cover of liberal Time Magazine.

Michael Galak Let Women Carry Mace

Another woman is dead at the hands of an alleged rapist and, once again, those who should know better blame toxic masculinity and the way boys are raised. While this guff obscures the sins of a turn-’em-loose bench, it won’t dissuade a single criminal. Pepper spray and electro-shockers just might.

Masa Vucovic, Jill Meagher and now Eurydice Dixon – three young women who lost their lives in Melbourne. Their headline names are known better than many other, equally innocent victims killed or brutalised for the same reason: they were women. They were daughters, sisters, partners of loving men, each unfortunate to have met their killers in a park, on the fitness run, or simply while strolling home.All were killed by human garbage, bipedal filth whose lusts knew no bounds. Their lives were extinguished for reasons which, to any decent man, are abhorrent, disgusting and inspire only contempt for their attackers. The sooner and the longer they are consigned to prison and left there to rot the better.

I do not wish to be unkind to Victoria Police, but the legacy of former chief commissioners who turned the force into a blue-uniformed social work department — guard dogs re-trained as comfort dogs – lingers like a fog to hide and obscure what should be every law enforcement agency’s primary mission to protect life and property. When push-in robberies see sporting goods stores sell out of baseball bats while senior police convene multiculturally photogenic community summits and burble of outreach to disaffected youths, the public isn’t getting the protection it is entitled to expect and the police force duty-bound to provide.

Not that senior police are alone in refusing to grasp the nettle of their chartered responsibility, for others are equally keen to push preferred barrows. When Jill Meagher was raped and butchered, Melbourne’s Sydney Road was packed with a protesting crowd, most of whose members would have turned out in the belief that such crimes must be stopped and that, unlike her murderer and serial rapist Adrian Ernest Bayley, their perpetrators must not be set free by the courts. What they attended turned out to be something very different — a denunciation of “victim blaming”, which no one had done, and a demand that “men”, all men, be reformed, not just the tiny minority of testosterone-infused monsters who make late-night parks unsafe.



Cells go into a huddle before fighting infection. Weizmann scientists have discovered that cells in the immune system cluster together to decide tactics, before being sent out to battle infections. These “helper T-cells” resemble American football and basketball teams that frequently go into a huddle during their games.

Cats (no not Katz!) can help fight AIDS virus. Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute are learning more about the human AIDS virus from discoveries made researching the feline equivalent (FIV). They have uncovered a protein that is resistant to treatment. Breaking this resistance will help fight human AIDS.

More accurate radiotherapy. Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center is the first hospital in the Middle East to install the state-of-the-art Spine SRS software from Germany’s Brainlab. It allows doctors to give a single dose of higher level radiation to patients suffering from spine cancer without damaging nearby healthy tissue.

Tailored rehabilitation solutions. Innovators at Pele, a tech-innovation program at the Jerusalem-based ALYN Hospital, develop personalized solutions for children with special needs. For 8-year-old Arab boy Yusuf, who cannot bend his joints, it is a structure that allows him to feed himself.

Rambam trauma training. 22 participants from 16 nations attended the 19th “Developing and Organizing a Trauma System” and Mass Casualty Management Course at Haifa’s Rambam Health Care Campus. To date the center has trained more than 3,000 health care professionals and officials from 61 nations.

Your medical questions answered. Israel’s Medint Medical Intelligence collects and analyzes information from medical websites, social platforms, blogs, and forums to help patients with cancer and chronic illnesses make informed medical decisions. E.g. find doctors treating similar conditions, or relevant clinical trials.,7340,L-3740705,00.html

Neurosurgery saves two children. It was a busy week at Israel’s Schneider children’s hospital. First 10-year-old Ilai had emergency minimally invasive surgery to remove a large colloid cyst in his brain. Then doctors performed a 13-hour operation to remove a huge brain tumor from 13-year-old Maxim. Both are now home.

Ex-NYC Mayor and terror victim reunited. In 2002, 13-year-old Dvir Musai was blown up by a terrorist’s mine. At Jerusalem’s Hadassah hospital he was visited by then NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Now employed at Hadassah Herzstein Heritage Center, father-of-two, Dvir received another visit from Mr Giuliani.


Fake News: A Week On The Media’s Yellow Brick Road : Marilyn Barnewall

From Sarah Huckabee Sanders to All of Us:

“Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.”

The telephone number for the Red Hen Restaurant (and it is definitely red) is 540-464-4401. Their email address was but they have closed it down for now. It is located at 11 E. Washington St | Lexington, VA 24450. What the owner of the Red Hen, Stephanie Wilkinson, did to Sarah was so exemplary of typical liberal respect for divergent views and compassion… I may be going to DC. Maybe I’ll call from a pay phone and make a reservation.

They are doing their best to tear us apart. In many ways, they are succeeding. Mostly they appear to be losing more ground than they are gaining.

From the long ago day of the original plan to establish a socialist world government, the same tactic has worked and is used over and over again: Divide the population into racial, religious, economic, political, social, and income groups. Then divide those groups into more opposing groups by identifying division within the already divided.

They know that united we stand and divided we fall and they win. Many of the tactics they use to divide us are found in the news they create and sell to the very people who are their targets: Us. For example:

This Week’s “News”

“Wah, Wah,” the two-year old infant cried – according to Time Magazine, Joe Scarborough at MSNBC and 90 percent of the other pretend journalists who, in the great liberal tradition of accusing the other guy of what they are doing, called President Trump a Nazi, a child abuser, a child trafficker, and a variety of other utterly noxious insults and lies.

The child was portrayed to the public by the media as having been separated from its mother… a story designed to tear at the heart strings of women. It was totally fabricated; a lie.

Another story said an infant was ripped from the arms of its nursing mother (also a lie). It’s amazing Time didn’t put the picture of a large breast with a baby’s mouth open and seeking to suckle on its cover. Of course, Donald Trump would be laughing somewhere in the background.

Time Magazine can be reached at Rockefeller Center, New York, NY, 10020-1393 or Time Customer Service, P.O. Box 62120, Tampa, FL 33662-2120. For MSNBC contacts: Mr. John Nicol, Chief Executive Officer, MSNBC, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA, 98052.

Most thinking people are sick of the lies and that it is day-by-day lowering the size of the Democrats’ expected big, blue wave in November elections. I think even the non-thinking are sick of it , too. The mentally unstable? Not yet.

ISIS Supporter Who Murdered 8 New Yorkers Has Epic Islamist Meltdown in Court By Rick Moran

Last October, Sayfullo Saipov rented a truck and ran down dozens of New Yorkers on a bike path near the World Trade Center, killing eight and injuring 11 others.

Yesterday in court, Saipov interrupted the judge, who was in the process of setting his trial date, going off on a rant that defended ISIS and invoked Allah.

Associated Press:

Speaking through an interpreter for about 10 minutes, Saipov said the decisions of a U.S. court were unimportant to him. He said he cared about “Allah” and the holy war being waged by the Islamic State.

At the prompting of Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda Houle, Broderick interrupted Saipov to read him his rights, including that anything he said in court could be used against him.

“I understand you, but I’ m not worried about that at all,” Saipov said.

“So the Islamic State is not fighting for land, like some say, or like some say, for oil. They have one purpose, and they’re fighting to impose Sharia (Islamic law) on earth,” he said.

After Saipov spoke more, Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Beaty interrupted him to object that the judge was letting Saipov make the kind of statement publicly that special restrictions placed on him in prison would otherwise prevent, including discussing “terrorist propaganda.”

The judge said he believed Saipov was nearing the end of his remarks and let him finish before warning him that he was unlikely to let him speak out in court again in a similar manner. Saipov, though, would be given a chance to testify if his case proceeds to trial and, if convicted, could speak at sentencing.

Saipov thanked the judge for letting him speak but added at one point: “I don’t accept this as my judge.”

What is with this judge? Bending over backward to accommodate a terrorist as he spouts propaganda was totally unnecessary. He could have cut him off and removed him from the court if he wanted, especially since there was no earthly reason for him to speak in the first place.

Saipov’s attack on October 31 of last year was premeditated. He drove a rental truck a mile and half down a bike path, mowing down pedestrians and riders alike. Prosecutors won’t be ready to try him until next year.

Prosecutors had been seeking an April 2019 trial date. Houle said the families of the dead and the dozens who were injured deserve a “prompt and firm trial date.” CONTINUE AT SITE