Nidal Mohamed Sakr, Muslim Brotherhood operative and Chairman of the March for Justice, is very upset about the United States moving its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Many of his posts onto social media discuss the event in a negative light. However, one post in particular, which repeatedly makes mention of Ivanka Trump, contains an extremely violent message targeting Jews with death. What should not be lost in this is the fact that Ivanka, her husband and their children are all Jewish, and with the fact that Sakr has recently called for her father President Donald Trump’s execution, the post needs to be viewed as a threat.
Sakr’s life has revolved around the Brotherhood, al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun. According to him, his mother was part of the “first generation of Ikhwan,” carrying weapons and ammunition for the group. Around 1970, Sakr joined a Brotherhood terrorist cell in Jordan that was conducting paramilitary operations against Israel. He was recruited into the cell by Abdullah Azzam, the future mentor of Osama bin Laden and co-founder of al-Qaeda. Sakr has said that he personally knew bin Laden, stating, “Osama bin Laden, himself, was a student of Abdullah Azzam at King Abdul Aziz University. I know him personally. I know his brothers. I know his family.”
In January 2011, when the Arab Spring erupted in Egypt against then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Sakr and his wife, Sara Bokker, did not have to travel far to seek involvement. Since at least 2007, the two were located in Cairo – home to the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters – Sakr serving on the International Islamic Council for Dawah and Relief and Bokker employed at the Brotherhood-related Jana Dan International School. During the revolution, Sakr organized rallies for the Brotherhood and advised Brotherhood leadership.
After the July 2013 coup against the government of newly elected Egyptian President and Brotherhood leader, Mohamed Morsi, by then-head of Egypt’s military and current Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Brotherhood leaders and members were hunted down. On Twitter, Sakr commented that he “Was Fired At by Sisi n RABAA [Square in Cairo] for 12 Hours NON STOP…”