US Muslim Brotherhood Op Targets Ivanka Trump on FB: ‘Our Vengeance Is Forever’ Following call for President Trump’s execution, Nidal Sakr expands threat to Trump family. May 29, 2018 Joe Kaufman

Nidal Mohamed Sakr, Muslim Brotherhood operative and Chairman of the March for Justice, is very upset about the United States moving its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Many of his posts onto social media discuss the event in a negative light. However, one post in particular, which repeatedly makes mention of Ivanka Trump, contains an extremely violent message targeting Jews with death. What should not be lost in this is the fact that Ivanka, her husband and their children are all Jewish, and with the fact that Sakr has recently called for her father President Donald Trump’s execution, the post needs to be viewed as a threat.

Sakr’s life has revolved around the Brotherhood, al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun. According to him, his mother was part of the “first generation of Ikhwan,” carrying weapons and ammunition for the group. Around 1970, Sakr joined a Brotherhood terrorist cell in Jordan that was conducting paramilitary operations against Israel. He was recruited into the cell by Abdullah Azzam, the future mentor of Osama bin Laden and co-founder of al-Qaeda. Sakr has said that he personally knew bin Laden, stating, “Osama bin Laden, himself, was a student of Abdullah Azzam at King Abdul Aziz University. I know him personally. I know his brothers. I know his family.”

In January 2011, when the Arab Spring erupted in Egypt against then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Sakr and his wife, Sara Bokker, did not have to travel far to seek involvement. Since at least 2007, the two were located in Cairo – home to the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters – Sakr serving on the International Islamic Council for Dawah and Relief and Bokker employed at the Brotherhood-related Jana Dan International School. During the revolution, Sakr organized rallies for the Brotherhood and advised Brotherhood leadership.

After the July 2013 coup against the government of newly elected Egyptian President and Brotherhood leader, Mohamed Morsi, by then-head of Egypt’s military and current Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Brotherhood leaders and members were hunted down. On Twitter, Sakr commented that he “Was Fired At by Sisi n RABAA [Square in Cairo] for 12 Hours NON STOP…”

The Threat of Erdogan And what the U.S. must do about it. Joseph Puder

Turkey’s Dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan, assembled with great urgency Sunni-Muslim leaders from the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, as well as Iran’s Shiite President Hassan Rouhani. The assembled representatives of the 57 member-states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held this “emergency meeting” in Istanbul, Turkey, by virtue of Turkey’s holding the presidency of the OIC. The ostensible reason for the meeting was the Gaza “March of the Return,” and the U.S. embassy relocation to Jerusalem.

According to Al-Jazeera, the Qatari based network also funded by the Qatari regime, Erdogan called on Muslim leaders to “unite and confront Israel.” He mentioned “70 years of Israeli occupation,” wrongly charging that Israel, before 1967, “occupied” Palestinian lands. Apparently, in the dictator’s mind, the UN never voted for partition of Palestine in 1947. Erdogan, obfuscating the fact that the Arab community in Palestine rejected the UN partition plan, while the Jewish community in Palestine accepted it, fulminated against the Jewish state, distortimg history in his blind hatred. He conveniently disregarded the fact that the Arab armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and contingents from the Islamic world along with the Arabs of Palestine attacked and sought to annihilate the newborn Jewish state. Actually it was the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan that occupied the lands allotted to the Arab-Palestinians by the UN, which they (the Palestinians) rejected in November, 1947.

Erdogan shamelessly compared Israeli treatment of Palestinians to the Nazi treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. He spouted that, “The children of those who were subjected to all sorts of torture in concentration camps during WWII are now attacking Palestinians with methods that put the Nazis to shame.” Once again Erdogan twisted reality that could only make neo-Nazis in Germany feel redeemed. Jews in concentration camps could only wish to have had the opportunity to change places with the Palestinians. Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem and leader of the Arab-Muslim community in Palestine, was in fact Hitler’s ally and urged the Nazis to expedite the murder of the Jews.

Video: Geert Wilders’ Stands in Solidarity with Tommy Robinson “We will not accept this. Never.”

In the video below, Geert Wilders makes a statement in solidarity with Tommy Robinson in front of British Embassy in The Hague. Don’t miss it.

SYSTEMATIC, COORDINATED GENOCIDE Father Patrick Desbois details the chilling mechanical nature of the Nazi Einsatzgruppen. By Janet Levy

Father Patrick Desbois, a French Roman Catholic priest, has devoted the past 15 years to locating the mass grave sites of Jews who were murdered by the Einsatzgruppen, the Nazi mobile mass murderers. In his 2009 book, The Holocaust by Bullets: A Priest’s Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews, Desbois documented the shooting murders of 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews.

His second book, In Broad Daylight: The Secret Procedures Behind the Holocaust by Bullets uses interviews, wartime records and forensic methods to locate hidden, mass grave sites to provide yet another account of mass killings, this time of Jews in seven former Soviet bloc countries.

Desbois’s interest in the Holocaust began in childhood after he learned that his grandfather, a French soldier, had been deported to a Nazi prison camp during World War II. After studying Judaism, Jewish culture and antisemitism, he embarked on his quest to visit the Jewish execution sites in Ukraine and Belarus. Shortly thereafter, he founded Yahad-In Unum, an organization that collects information about the mass murder of Jews that took place from 1941 to 1944 in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Moldova and Romania.

Desbois and his organization have interviewed more than 5,700 witnesses and visited more than 2,700 extermination sites. With simplicity, he poignantly describes the timetable, coordination, mechanization and spectacle of the genocidal process committed in broad daylight. His accounts describe how these events occurred repetitively and systematically from village to village. As the Nazis arrived empty-handed, local resources became tools for killing and pillaging. Because every resident in the Soviet Union was required to register, the Germans had an easy time locating all the Jews.

Although many are familiar with the death camps where Nazis gassed millions of Polish and German Jews, fewer are aware of the extermination of Jews by firing squad in eastern Europe. While the deportation of Jews to concentration camps was handled discreetly, the “Holocaust by bullets” was conducted openly with full participation of local communities. The German killers moved from town to town, requisitioning what they needed from the local population, including labor, vehicles, food and other provisions. With clock-like precision and coordination, shooters, police, transporters, diggers, cooks and others worked together as part of a genocidal machine.

Why Democrats Depend Upon Antisemitic Votes By Karin McQuillan

The Anti-Defamation League’s map of antisemitic incidents is almost the same as the map of blue states. Liberal Massachusetts, Florida, Pennsylvania, and California are the worst, with up to 400 antisemitic hate crimes. West Virginia, supposedly full of deplorable people, comes in with just two incidents. Idaho, still smeared as a home to white militias, had only five, compared to liberal Connecticut’s 50.

Democrats rely on anti-Jewish voting blocks to win elections. Hispanic immigrants are 30-40 percent antisemitic, three or four times the national average. Blacks are twice the national average, 20-30 percent antisemitic. Our millions of new Muslim immigrants are doubly anti-Semitic, by religion and by the legacy of the Third Reich.

On college campuses, Jew-hatred is everywhere—in course lectures, public programs, hate incidents, and boycotts of Israel. We are not talking about ordinary political discourse. We are talking about claims that Jews are subhuman, rule the world, murder children, that Israel should be a pariah nation, and that Jews should be killed. Anti-Jewish programming is protected by college administrators and paid for with public funds. Millennials have absorbed antisemitic libels in large numbers.

Common antisemitism among the black community is now visible to outsiders, thanks to social media. “Black Woman Destroys White Privilege Myth” is a million-hit YouTube success. It starts out so sensibly. The creator, a small-town Texas Millennial, cheerfully admits black privilege got her into college without the required SAT scores. She forcefully disagrees there is such a thing as white privilege—with one exception:

If you go to work every single day for a 40-hour work week, you are not privileged. If you pay taxes, you are not privileged. You got a mortgage, you got a car payment, you’re not privileged. If you had to apply for your job, you’re not privileged. The real privileged people in our society are the movie makers, the politicians, etc. etc. And all of those people happen to be Jewish. Jewish people have privilege.

I suspect it sounds normal to the black Washington, D.C. council member who posted his own antisemitic Facebook video rant last month about a snowstorm.

The Leftist College Student Handbook By Robert Arvay

Welcome to Leftist College. As a student at our prestigious institution, you will be required to comply with all of our rules, written as well as unwritten.

Each of you has by now been issued a dictionary of permitted words. Words not found in the approved dictionary are forbidden.

Each year, the student dictionary has been revised so as to contain fewer words than the previous edition. These redacted revisions serve two purposes. One is to avoid newly fashionable trigger words that in prior years were considered acceptable but now are tools of verbal aggression by white racist bigot homophobe (lengthy list redacted) Neanderthals. Those words have been excised from the approved vocabulary.

The other purpose is to avoid words that students educated in public schools used to understand but no longer do. Warning: Not all the words in the approved dictionary are spelled according to white racist homophobic (lengthy list redacted) Neanderthal standards, so if you do not find a word right away, ask some students who were educated in public schools to find them for you.

If it happens that you are found guilty of violating any one of our voluminous, byzantine rules, you will be afforded the opportunity to be rehabilitated. The process consists of several steps.

First, you must recant whatever words or actions you committed that violated one or more of the rules.

Second, you must apologize. The apology must be sincere. It must be both written and spoken. Spoken words will be recorded on video and analyzed for any hint of insincerity, no matter how well disguised that insincerity is. Tears and wailing are helpful.

Britain moves from Orwell to Kafka, imprisoning Tommy Robinson and gagging media reports By Thomas Lifson

Is Britain lost to the ranks of free nations? The land that bequeathed the world the Magna Carta and the “mother of parliaments” is indulging in totalitarianism with its handling of Tommy Robinson, a famous political activist agitating about the threat of radical Islam and attempting to report on the trial of a Muslim “grooming gang” that allegedly preyed on young English girls, forcing them into prostitution. I wrote about the fragmentary reports of his arrest in Leeds two days ago for the alleged crimes of “breach of the peace and incitement.”

British writer George Orwell warned of the dangers of totalitarian thought control via the corruption of language and pervasive electronic spying in his novel 1984. Calling the act of reporting on a trial “breach of the peace and incitement” is as Orwellian as “War Is Peace,” “Freedom Is Slavery,” and “Ignorance Is Strength,” Orwell’s most famous examples of totalitarian brainwashing.

The British authorities (I’m looking at you, P.M. Theresa May) have now managed to import a policy from Czech writer Franz Kafka, famous for exposing the corruption totalitarians impose on those under their thumbs. In his book The Trial, the defendant is not allowed to know the charges against him. The Brits now have imposed a gag order on any reporting of the fate of Robinson, including his trial and prison sentence. Bruce Bawer of the Gatestone Institute captures the essence of Kafka-logic implicit in the gag order in his title, “UK: You’re Not Allowed to Talk about It. About What? Don’t Ask.” I recommend that you read his entire post to understand the fear of offending Muslims that has the government of the U.K. descending into a nightmare of totalitarianism, but here is a sample.

A Politically Incorrect Feminist By Eileen F. Toplansky

The word memoir comes from the French memoire, meaning “memory” and it is an apt description of Phyllis Chesler’s latest book titled A Politically Incorrect Feminist: Creating a Movement with Bitches, Lunatics, Dykes, Prodigies, Warriors, and Wonder Women. It takes Chesler’s readers into her world as she remembers, reminisces, and reflects on her myriad experiences.

As a Jewish immigrant daughter, Chesler saw firsthand the degrading conditions of women in the Muslim Middle East. As one of the leaders during the heady days of mid-20th century feminism she was enthralled by the potential for change, and finally as a scarred and experienced warrior, she recounts the stinging rebukes of people she once called close friends. It is the evolution of a person who revels in a good fight and who understands that courage can come in many different ways including calling out those she once greatly admired. It is also “dedicated to the men who helped,” to the “strong and fiery women” and to those who “served the cause of women’s freedom.”

The granddaughter of a woman who was “hacked to death by Cossacks,” Chesler’s book is an intimate portrait as she describes her evolution during the 1960s and 1970s when American women learned of feminists who had battled for women’s rights in the 18th and 19th century. The fight against sex slavery, wage slavery, and the absence of women’s legal, economic, educational, and political rights did not begin in the mid-20th century but few knew of the early feminist battles beginning as far back as the American Revolution with Abigail Adams.

Media Double Down After New York Times Gets Busted Peddling Fake News By Mollie Hemingway

There may have been a real White House briefing with real White House officials, but The New York Times couldn’t be trusted to accurately summarize what the White House official said. And it wasn’t on a minor point.

On the path to the June 12 summit with North Korea, journalists claimed President Donald Trump would not be willing to walk away from the negotiating table because he was too desperate for a win.

The Washington Post’s David Nakamura wrote that “critics fear that a president determined to declare victory where his predecessors failed will allow his desire for a legacy-making deal to override the substance of the negotiations.” On the same day, the Washington Post’s Paul Waldman mocked Trump’s desire for a win, which he said was turning Trump into a fool who was getting played.

Then President Trump did what media outlets said he’d never do. He walked away from the negotiating table due to North Korea’s behavior. The media outlets didn’t acknowledge their previous analytical missteps so much as come up with new lines of attack on Trump.

Mark Landler and David Sanger of The New York Times wrote an article arguing there were deep divisions between Trump and his advisors. To support the claim, the Times argued that Trump said a June 12 summit was still possible, while his top aides said it was “impossible”:

5 Most Inspiring Lines From President Trump’s Memorial Day Speech at Arlington Cemetery By Tyler O’Neil

On Monday, President Donald Trump gave brief remarks at Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate the American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who made the ultimate sacrifice. In a sign of true humility, he clapped perhaps more than he spoke, and his remarks extolled the fortitude and nobility of America’s fallen heroes.

Here are five of the most moving lines Trump delivered at Arlington on Memorial Day. The video follows below.
1. “A love more deep than most will ever know.”

Trump began his Memorial Day remarks extolling the love America’s fallen heroes showed for their country.

“Theirs was a love more deep and more pure than most will ever know,” he declared. “It was a love that willed them up mountains, through deserts, across oceans and into enemy camps, and unknown dangers. They marched into hell so that America could know the blessings of peace. They died so that freedom could live.”
2. “We cannot imagine…”

Trump directly addressed the families who lost loved ones in the service of American freedom.

“Most importantly we’re joined today by the families of American heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice,” the president said. “We cannot imagine the depth of emotion that this day brings each year: the grief renewed, the memories relived, those last beautiful moments together cherished and always remembered. And you also feel that incredible pride, a pride shared by one really and truly grateful nation.”

“To every parent who weeps for a child, to every child who mourns for a parent, and to every husband or wife whose heart has been torn in two, today we ask God to comfort your pain, to ease your sorrow, and to wipe away your tears,” Trump said. “This is a very special day, and today our whole country thanks you, embraces you, and pledges to you we will never forget our heroes.”
3. Hope Stubenhofer.

During his remarks, President Trump addressed Hope Stubenhofer, whose father — U.S. Army Captain Mark Stubenhofer — died while fighting in Iraq in December 2004, mere months after her birth.

“Although she never got the chance to meet her great father, she can feel his love wrapped around her every single day,” the president said. “And when Patty [Mark’s widow] puts her children to bed and kisses them goodnight, she can see Mark’s legacy beaming back at her through their bright and glowing eyes.”
4. Christian Jacobs.

President Trump then addressed 7-year-old Christian Jacobs, whose father — Marine Sergeant Christopher Jacobs — died in a training accident in 2011 when Christian was only 8 months old.

Trump movingly told the story of Christian visiting the White House in a Marine Corps uniform. “He wanted to look good, he told me, as a tribute to his father,” the president recalled.

“Christian, I want you to know that even though your father has left this world, he’s left it for the next, but he’s not gone. He’ll never be gone,” the president declared. “Your dad’s love, courage, and strength live in you, Christian. And as you grow bigger and stronger just like him, so too, does your father’s incredible legacy.”
5. Why we remember America’s heroes.

The president concluded his speech with another moving declaration. Of the fallen, he declared, “They fought and bled and died so that America would remain forever safe and strong and free. Each of the markers on that field, each of the names engraved in stone, teach us what it means to be loyal, and faithful and proud and brave and righteous and true.”

“That is why we always will remember, because here on this soil, on these grounds, beneath those fields, lies the true source of American greatness, of American glory, and of American freedom,” Trump said. “As long as we are blessed with patriots such as these, we shall remain forever one people, one family, and one nation under God.”

In the current time of tragic polarization, these Memorial Day remarks at Arlington National Cemetery are more important than ever. Watch Trump’s tribute to America’s fallen heroes below.